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Trolling - Your Thoughts

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Level 3
Dec 29, 2010
Trolling is fun, but sometimes it does cross the line. When people start actually hounding you and harassing you, then its a breach of peace. You don't know who the troll is. It could be a hacker-serial-killer who is trying to find you. I understand why they arrested the kid, (if he indeed did say something like 'go kill yourself'). Things like that have ACTUALLY caused kids enough distress to kill themselves...so should things like THAT be tolerated, no.

I'm all for the rights of free speech, (I was kicked off a college radio station for speaking too much of my mind...so it is very near and dear to my persona), but I don't think that a directive statement to an individual that is meant to drop their self-esteem enough to kill themselves should count as free speech.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Trolling is all fun and games until someone hacks your facebook account, fills it with gay porn, destroys all your relationships and fucks up your life.

Then again, that's beyond trolling IMO.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Trolling isn't about hacking and filling facebook pages with gay porn. Trolling is about saying something that starts a huge debate, drives a thread totally off-topic or annoys someone really bad. Trolling comes from the English verb "to troll" which is a fishing method.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I believe trolling is part of Internet culture and we should fully support it.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Look at your post. Now back to mine. Now back at your post, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine.
But if you stopped trolling and started thinking it could /look/ like it's mine.
Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through the thread, finding posts your post could look like.
What's in your hand, now back to me, this is a highly effective counter-troll. Look again, my post is now diamonds!

Anything is possible when you're using your brain and not your ass.
I'm on a horse.

Haven't seen that piece of text in quite a while.
Always, always mention the source.
How the...
What the...
Who the..

It's called holding the camera sideways

I believe trolling is part of Internet culture and we should fully support it.

Normally when someone's being a dick to you, you don't support them in the process.
The thing is, trolls don't care if you support them or not so that really doesn't mean anything. Of course there is no *poof* trolls are gone thing to do so really the only thing to do is to suck it up and accept the fact that you've been trolled, and more productively, learn some counter trolling techniques (option 4 is a pretty effective one).
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
It's called holding the camera sideways

Normally when someone's being a dick to you, you don't support them in the process.
The thing is, trolls don't care if you support them or not so that really doesn't mean anything. Of course there is no *poof* trolls are gone thing to do so really the only thing to do is to suck it up and accept the fact that you've been trolled, and more productively, learn some counter trolling techniques (option 4 is a pretty effective one).

Somethings in that picture say otherwise.
Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
So, I was looking through local news and some kid who sarcastically trolled his friend on facebook was arrested. This kid lived 4 states away and hadnt seen the guy in 2 years.

I don't believe that there are words to express how lame that is.

People need to get some thicker skin or get off the damn internet.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
it depends on the degree of trolling maybe...

but I think it should only be punishable if the one who is trolled wants to get the troll punished...

True that, stupid that he got punished by the law by someone completely unrelated to the incident calling the police.

However, we do have to invite circumstance. Was the trolled person actually suicidal? If so, it's probably not the best idea to tell him to kill himself. But as these people knew each other in rl, I'm going to hazard a guess that either he wasn't suicidal at all and understood the humour, or perhaps sometime in those two years he did become suicidal and his trolling friend either did not realise or just did not require his services any longer.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
That's the thing, I wasn't using it in legal contexts.

So, while on the internet telling someone to kill themselves would be flaming, it would be harassment in legal matters. In my opinion, if the guy said that, yes, he should be punished, but as stated before, only if the person being harassed wanted him punished. After all, friends do 'harass' each other and because they are such, they can take it in good humour and therefore get a laugh out of it.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
Trolls exist for one of these reasons:

a) they do nothing but surf the web / play games / use forums and lack any skill or social life, therefor they bring others down to feel better.


b) there is something bringing them down in reality and as such they feel protected by the virtual web and take out their depression, anger - whatever it may be - on online communities / chat boards / etc in hopes of having a reaction (thus they receive attention).

It's a common practice of us humans; bring others down to make ourselves feel better (perhaps its an illusion after all).

I *explicit* hate trolls. (but I do love trolls! @ icon)

Oh yea, and people always have some point to make or are trying to make and this heavily encourages trolling.
Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
Am I the only one that finds it stupid you guys use the words "troll" and "flame" in serious/legal matters? Seriously people, use the proper words like bully, harass, threaten etc, this isnt Dota.

At what point does rubbing someone's nose in their own stupidity on an internet forum become a crime?
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
So, I was looking through local news and some kid who sarcastically trolled his friend on facebook was arrested. This kid lived 4 states away and hadnt seen the guy in 2 years. What are your thoughts on this? I really think people need to toughen up, cause the first time I read this I almost died of laughter, cause isn't this stuff shielded by free speech? Ridiculous somebody would get arrested for saying something such as "Your life sucks, go kill yourself" or something of the sort. Its just words. Was wonderni your opinion on internet trolling these days

In lieu of a well formed response on my thoughts of trolling,
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Hmm, I've been thinking a little (Yeah, I was surprised too), and I think I've found an improvement for teh Old Spice thing.

How about this:

Look at your post. Now back to mine. Now back at your post, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine.
But if you stopped trolling and started thinking it could look like it's mine.
Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a page with the post your post could look like.
What's in your hand? Back to me, it's that thing in your pants you really love. Look again, your private is now circumcised!

Anything is possible when you're using your brain and not your ass.
I'm on a thread.

There's too many good things to say, I can't decide.
Last edited:

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Well trolls can be funny, when they do it the right way, but sadly many of them just ruin the concept.

I agree with this.

Trolling should be turned away from the "being a douche" and focused more on the "comedian" aspects, mainly so trolls can be a source of comedy instead of flame wars.
Trolling should be turned away from the "being a douche" and focused more on the "comedian" aspects, mainly so trolls can be a source of comedy instead of flame wars.

It's kinda hard to change a whole group of people who really don't care about others opinions on them. If they weren't being annoying in general, this wouldn't even be a big deal - normally a troll is trolling for their own amusement anyways, not that of those around them.

Exactly, there is a whole forum dedicated to the comedian trolls.

Well also note the tons of illegal content on said website which shall not be named, and the fact that the trolling is going on in what is essentially a community of trolling in said forum.
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