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Top 10 Hardest Warcraft 3 Missions

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Top 10 Hardest Warcraft 3 Missions
"So this is a list of the most frustrating and the most hard/annoying Warcraft 3 Maps you're most definitely familiar with, note that this list is BASED ON HARD MODE ONLY, AND RULING OUT CHEATS/TRAINERS"

Number 10: Enemies at the Gate

- Expansion: Reign of Chaos
- Campaign: Night Elf
- Chapter: 1
- Why was it Hard?: You're supposed to kill a level 6 Paladin (With rank 2 Holy Light/Divine Shield and of course .. Resurrection) who is guarded by an assortment of Human/Orc guards in the center of his base, the only available units you have are Tyrande, Archer(s), Furbolg Warriorx4 which you get from completing an optional quest, and Archerx4 which can be rescued at the north west of your base, but even if you get these Archers and Furbolgs at maximum upkeep and you've cleared your way to the enemy's base it is still difficult to defeat that Paladin, he alone can take down a whole regiment of Archers alone by himself, not to mention his group-supporting abilities and the 700 HP Grunt(s) that guard him, if you lose your Furbolgs.. you should rest assured there's very little chance you can prevail this mission.

Number 9: March of the Scourge

- Expansion: Reign of Chaos
- Campaign: Human
- Chapter: 5
- Why was it Hard?: You're supposed to defend your base for 30 minutes against 2 Undead Bases that attack you from 3 different directions and to make things worse there's an optional quest that requires you to destroy an Undead Caravan attacking nearby villages.. if not destroyed it will attack your base once it's done with the villages; adding more pressure to you, Mortar Team(s) are useless since it's very suicidal trying to attack the Undead Bases assaulting you as they're well defended + their siege damage may also affect your units. Sorceress(s) are also useless as their abilities don't provide a strategic change in the battle.. so you're only down to Riflemen and Priests, at 25:00 the Undead Bases attack you simultaneously at full strength and if you cannot hold for that duration, you fail the whole mission

Number 8: The Culling

- Expansion: Reign of Chaos
- Campaign: Human
- Chapter: 6
- Why was it Hard?: You're supposed to compete against Mal'Ganis in killing 100 Villagers/Zombies whomsoever claims 100 kills first wins, on Hard Mode; Mal'Ganis's troops are upgraded and doubled so you need to prepare yourself a mighty force that is capable of defeating Mal'Ganis and his forces + the villagers that turn into Zombies, be assured that Mal'Ganis and his forces also re-spawn faster on hard mode and while you're busy trying to defeat him and claim 100 kills (It doesn't help that Mal'Ganis also has a Rank 3 Sleep which he likes to spam over and over on your troops), you also need to defend your primary base against the Undead that attack it from the South relentlessly.

Number 7: Twilight of the Gods

- Expansion: Reign of Chaos
- Campaign: Night Elf
- Chapter: 7
- Why was it Hard?: There's no way this list would occur without having Twilight of the Gods in it, the reason of it being very low on the list is due to it's abusable AI which can leave you unattacked for the duration of the 45 minutes, you also employ various defenses that can support you and barricade the gap between you and Archimonde's forces.

Number 6: Balancing the Scales

- Expansion: The Frozen Throne
- Campaign: Night Elf
- Chapter: 5
- Why was it Hard?: You're supposed to defend Maiev and her base against Illidan's forces which attack you on 2 fronts, in the meantime you've to lead Malfurion and Tyrande to reach Maiev by fighting their way through more Naga, sounds easy right? well guess what it isn't... Maiev's base lacks a Gold Mine even after Malfurion and Tyrande reach her (Which most definitely must have cost you some troops) you still need to assault a Naga Base that'll cost you even MORE RESOURCES assuming you've not spent them all defending your base to get a Gold Mine, Illidan's base is ridiculously defended by a level 10 Naga Sea Witch and Illidan himself.

Number 5: King Arthas

- Expansion: The Frozen Throne
- Campaign: Undead
- Chapter: 1
- Why was it Hard?: You've limited resources which never increase, you've to prevent more than 20 Humans from escaping through any of the 3 checkpoints, these humans are also accompanied by powerful escorts so that means you mustn't leave your base, but you must do in order to destroy 9 villages which is the main objective of this mission, in addition to that .. whenever you attack a village; Level 6 Paladins also accompanied by elite guardsmen teleport in and attack you.. and to make things EVEN worse.. there's a massive well-guarded base seperating you from the rest of your allies; preventing you from supporting them with your exclusive units.

Number 4: A Dark Covenant

- Expansion: The Frozen Throne
- Campaign: Human
- Chapter: 2
- Why was it Hard?: You lose 4 bases at the start of the mission which are replaced by Undead Bases that assault you from these 4 fronts + an additional front from the main undead base you're required to destroy, you've no Gold Mine and need to reclaim one of the bases to have one, your blood elf units are weak in combat so you're reliant on the level 3 Lady Vashj and her Naga to assist you, even after you reclaim one of the bases .. the other ones send reinforcements to dispose of you, destroying the main undead base however is next to impossible as it's protected by a level 8 Dreadlord + an assortment of demons that have chaos damage, if you lose your Naga Royal Guardx2 then you're done for.

Number 3: Dreadlord's Fall

- Expansion: The Frozen Throne
- Campaign: Undead
- Chapter: 5
- Why was it Hard?: After you penetrate the city, you're given the choice.. either to destroy Lord Garithos's base or Detheroc's base 1st before night runs out in 10 minutes and they wake up then start assaulting you, that decision is best compared like choosing death by burning or by starvation .. in both cases you're dead!.. and that's the thing with this mission, though it's preferable you destroy Lord Garithos' base 1st due to the devastating abilities he has, you must focus on building/upgrading your units while carefully assaulting your enemy with your heroes at the same time.

Number 2: Under the Burning Sky

- Expansion: Reign of Chaos
- Campaign: Undead
- Chapter: 8
- Why was it Hard?: This is without any doubt, the most frustrating and hardest mission in the whole Reign of Chaos, you're supposed to defend Kel'Thuzad - a 975 HP Lich for 30 minutes against maximum-upgraded Humans that assault you on 3 fronts with everything they've got, the Goblin Land Mines that Arthas is so proud of possessing is actually useless.. since your enemies constantly bombard you with Gyrocopter(s) and Gryphon Rider(s) + They're so expensive to purchase, the Felhound(s) that the Burning Legion sends to aid you are good for nothing since very few of your enemies have mana, and you'll definetly prefer using Abomination(s) over them.

Number 1: The Dark Lady

- Expansion: The Frozen Throne
- Campaign: Undead
- Chapter: 3
- Why was it Hard?: This chapter is definitely the lamest joke and the most high blood pressure/rage-inducing strategy game mission I've witnessed so far.. whomsoever beats this mission on hard mode has earned my complete respect..

You start the mission as a level 4 Sylvanas whose only useful ability is Silence but only when used against Necromancer(s).. your only other units are Acolytes and Ghouls for harvesting, Banshee(s) and Obsidian Statue(s).. you're assaulted continuously by the Undead (Who have access to almost all units + Upgraded) on two fronts.. there's an undead base to the east, and Varimathras' base to the north east .. Varimathras also seems to like spamming sleep on your units when attacking causing you to distractingly wake them up so he doesn't overwhelm you, it is impossible to defeat Varimathras or the Undead base on your right, just by possessing their units since it'll deplete your resources very swiftly.

Some say the key to winning this mission is by possessing the Ogre/Bandit Leaders .. Mug'thol and Blackthorn, but in order to reach them you've to fight your way through their guards which you cannot take out easily thanks to the handicap you have, also if you dispatch a small force to take them out and try to possess their leaders, you're also leaving your base vulnerable to attack.

After you possess the leaders, their whole troops become under your control, assuming you didn't kill them to reach their leader... but even after you take control of them, they're still weak creeps.. they can't use upgrades, die very fast, and have bad field advantage over the Undead that regenerate in Blight.

You don't control any siege weapons in this game, and somehow you're supposed to destroy Varimathras' base with all this handicap..


"Well..that was the end of my list..SHARE YOURS in the comment section.."

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

5. Blackrock & Roll, Too!
It's really frustrating to fight so many orc bases at one, and you always have to worry about being attack by one orc base, while you're attacking another.
4. Twilight of the Gods
Hard to defend for 45 minutes, while having useless allies, that are unable to defend themselves.
3. A New Power in Lordaeron
Many enemies, powerful demons to kill, and two bases to manage.
2. Under the Burning Sky
Attack from all sides by much more powerful enemy. All that to defend that weakling Kel'Thuzad...
1. Balancing the Scales
Maybe not the hardest one, but very frustrating. Constant attacks by Illidan's Naga, while not even starting out with a proper base.

To be honest, I didn't find "The Dark Lady" chapter all that hard. Just build up defenses and try to stay alive until you possess the creep leaders. After that, it's easy to overwhelm the Dreadlord's base.
EDIT: Also, always possess his Abominations.
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Level 53
Dec 29, 2014
5. Blackrock & Roll, Too!
It's really frustrating to fight so many orc bases at one, and you always have to worry about being attack by one orc base, while you're attacking another.
4. Twilight of the Gods
Hard to defend for 45 minutes, while having useless allies, that are unable to defend themselves.
3. A New Power in Lordaeron
Many enemies, powerful demons to kill, and two bases to manage.
2. Under the Burning Sky
Attack from all sides by much more powerful enemy. All that to defend that weakling Kel'Thuzad...
1. Balancing the Scales
Maybe not the hardest one, but very frustrating. Constant attacks by Illidan's Naga, while not even starting out with a proper base.

To be honest, I didn't find "The Dark Lady" chapter all that hard. Just build up defenses and try to stay alive until you possess the creep leaders. After that, it's easy to overwhelm the Dreadlord's base.
For me all the missions you mentioned were difficult, only the "Blackrock & Roll, Too". For me, it was the easy one. The hardest was, for sure(for me), "Balancing the Scales".

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
he alone can take down a whole regiment of Archers alone by himself, not to mention his group-supporting abilities and the 700 HP Grunt(s) that guard him
Oh dear, sounds like someone forgot that Tyrande and Archers are ranged while Paladin and Grunts are melee. Unless specific AI enhancements were used on the Paladin it should be a simple matter of kiting them while your ranged stuff dish out pain.

Mortar Team(s) are useless since it's very suicidal trying to attack the Undead Bases assaulting you as they're well defended + their siege damage may also affect your units. Sorceress(s) are also useless as their abilities don't provide a strategic change in the battle.. so you're only down to Riflemen and Priests, at 25:00 the Undead Bases attack you simultaneously at full strength and if you cannot hold for that duration, you fail the whole mission
Mortar teams deal siege damage yet themselves are not fortified which makes them pretty effective against the Meat Wagons (which are siege I believe, or was it heavy?). Additionally if microed they can deal good damage to Undead ranged stuff, if they have any that is. Also you have human towers which may or may not have fortified armor in RoC.

You're supposed to compete against Mal'Ganis in killing 100 Villagers/Zombies whomsoever claims 100 kills first wins, on Hard Mode; Mal'Ganis's troops are upgraded and doubled so you need to prepare yourself a mighty force that is capable of defeating Mal'Ganis and his forces + the villagers that turn into Zombies
Been a long time since I played it but I thought he soloed the civs and used the army to constantly attack you rather than the army to help him civ. By this stage using Divine Shield Level 3 is probably a good idea as it has pretty high up time during which you can bash away without any concern of damage.

Undead that regenerate in Blight
Very slowly... During a battle it makes little difference. It only means that if you are very slow to finish off units they will reheal.
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Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Mortar teams deal siege damage yet themselves are not fortified which makes them pretty effective against the Meat Wagons (which are siege I believe, or was it heavy?).

Meat Wagons have heavy armor.

Also, I think Guard Tower had heavy armor in RoC, which took increased damage from piercing attacks at the time.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Think choosing 10 missions is too much. Honestly RoC campaign even on Hard isn't problematic, I find TFT to be more challenging.

5. Broken Isles.
Only because of the damned Couatl attacks and the only thing you can use are archers, towers and ships that are vulnerable to pierce attack. If AI had intelligence to send more than 6 mission would be impossible.

4.The Crossing (Bonus)
I never was good at TDs.

3.Under the Burning Sky
Siege tanks are annoying and they always go with Copters so I can't use goblin mines against them. Usually I just spam like insane towers, crypt lords and meatwagons.

2.Twilight of the Gods
If I play fairly that is. And not just buy only mercenaries and use liberal amount of goblin mines.

1.Symphony of the Frost and Flame.
You against Blood Elves and several Naga bases and three level 10 heroes and its a race. How do you people see this mission easier than ones you listed I have no idea.

Regarding March of the Scourge, you say you used riflemen and priests and called mortar teams and sorceress useless? And no mention of footmen to hold the line. I would use mortar teams to snipe enemy necromancers and Sorceresses in RoC actually had upgradeable attack and still had slow so they weren't useless.

For Culling mission it was best to avoid Mal'Ganis because each time you defeat him he sends larger army to kill villagers. Just avoid him, use small task forces and force attack civilians before they become zombies.

The Dark Lady hard? That is one of my favorite missions. Don't kill the bandits and ogres guarding their bosses and just send 3-4 banshees straight to them and then you get new armies. There are also other super creeps on the map like Murlock, Troll and Gnoll leaders. Also when you capture two main creep bosses you can train new mercenaries in camps.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Meat Wagons have heavy armor.

Also, I think Guard Tower had heavy armor in RoC, which took increased damage from piercing attacks at the time.
They changed the armor types around so much over the years I forget what they were originally.

Think choosing 10 missions is too much. Honestly RoC campaign even on Hard isn't problematic, I find TFT to be more challenging.
It all depends how well you micro-manage and what version you played. Many of them break badly due to all the patches and can only really be experienced properly with near original release versions. Hence why there are so many campaign "enhanced" maps out there.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
8 years ago when I was 10 I got stuck on the last Orc mission where you want to cleanse Grommash. I tried for weeks, then my dad explained that you had to use the item in order to win.

Didn't understand English (fine, I could count to 10 and say "my name is x") back then so I had some problems completing stuff that wasn't "kill everything that moves"
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Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
8 years ago when I was 10 I got stuck on the last Orc mission where you want to cleanse Grommash. I tried for weeks, then my dad explained that you had to use the item in order to win.

Didn't understand English (fine, I could count to 10 and say "my name is x") back then so I had some problems completing stuff that wasn't "kill everything that moves"

I am glad not to be alone.I remember when you kill grom he instantly revives and I was going mad.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Number 10: Enemies at the Gate
Are you saying this is the hardest or "The Darky Lady" is? This mission isn't so hard at all.
The Paladin takes a while to wear down especially because the patch modified Divine Shield to have like 10 second cooldown after fading, which is pretty annoying. You'll be glad to know that it didn't retroactively modify Defend, which only discounted like 30% or so of Piercing damage, whilst in current melee stats it makes Footmen practically invulnerable to ranged damage and still has a chance of reflecting back the attack!

Regardless, even with just the furbolgs it should be pretty easy. If you still have trouble, you have endless resources to create as many Ancients of War and Trees of Life as you want. Whenever I played this mission in Hard difficulty I'd create a few of them to tank for me. Remember they can also eat trees in order to regenerate faster.

the reason of it being very low on the list is due to it's abusable AI which can leave you unattacked for the duration of the 45 minutes
I've never heard of this bug.

Mortar Team(s) are useless since it's very suicidal trying to attack the Undead Bases assaulting you as they're well defended
They're not so much for attacking, in nowadays melee they're pretty effective against casters, but unfortunately they're not so effective in RoC because the damage types and armors work differently: necromancers had Light armor which didn't receive extra damage from siege weaponry.

My list:
6. In no particular order, "Broken Isles" (couatls, as mentioned by Veljkom), "Blackrock & Roll, Too!" (red dragons, orc warlocks with stunning firebolt, goblin sappers, and simultaneous attacks if the AI isn't fended off in a timely manner).

5. Under the Burning Sky: This one ended up not being so hard the last time I tried, but sometimes the humans will target Kel'Thuzad.

4. King Arthas: On intensity, this is probably the 2th in the list after a "Symphony of Frost and Flame" played seriously. 3 bases to manage isn't easy, but the trick lies in leaving a few ghouls between your forces and the escape area and they'll chew through the refugees easily. With Sylvanas I just kept possessing the big bad ass spearmen and they chew through everything.

3. March of the Scourge: Not sure if this goes third or second, but this mission was always hard for me. Then again, I never tried training a bunch of mortars or sorceresses, I've always used only footmen and riflemen, maybe I'll try that if I ever play the game again.

2. Twilight of the Gods: I don't know about you, but in Hard difficulty I never managed to keep the human base alive to the end of the game. Last time I played through this I actually ended up in the night elf base.

1. Symphony of Frost and Flame: I think I've only tried playing this seriously and without cheating once, but this mission is definitely the hardest in the game. You'll have to use practically every unit at your disposal because the goddamn Frost Wyrms had Piercing damage back then instead of Magical, which makes those Myrmidons and Royal Guards just so hard to kill.

Necromancers can avail you in sieging already built bases, but when challenging Illidan the royal guards just tear through skeletons with Crushing Wave. The items you inherit from previous missions also make the difference.

The toughest part about this is the pressure to maintain the obelisks under your control and safeguard all your bases at the same time. Even if your defense is strong the Dragon Turtles just chew through buildings, and even if the attack force doesn't bring some of them in, you'll have to occasionally deal with Lady Vashj laming with her Tornado =(​
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
6."Broken Isles"
I am glad someone agrees with me regarding Broken Isles, the hard factor there comes not from lack of skills but from simple unfairness of countering Wind Rider equivalent unit while handicapped by lack of proper night elf AA powers and water limiting archer movements.
As for "Blackrock & Roll, Too!", I guess I was simply lucky or just rushed as fast as I can (usually Ogre Mage base first). I want to take also this mission as example why casters (or any unit) should not have stun abilities. To this day I see Orc Warlock as worst example of caster yet he is quite often used in custom fel orc races. No need to comment about Red Dragon powers really, at least next time we meet them used in campaign we have naga.

5. Under the Burning Sky

Well for me it usually involves a liberal use of towers, meat wagons and crypt fiends. It isn't hard but there is something annoying in timed missions.

4. A New Power in Lordaeron

The paladins with their infernal "Divine Shields" and Resurrection are still a pain though. Yet somehow I always find Arthas base to be most problematic because he lacks ranged unit and abominations are just too fat. Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas for me are easy to manage.

3. March of the Scourge

I would say even with armor/damage not being efficient with mortar teams I think it still pays off to have such high damage and long range to snipe necromancers, maybe even faster to destroy the meat wagon convoy (can't remember if it is actually a good idea). Slow isn't life changing in this mission sadly.

2. Twilight of the Gods

My question is do you really want to keep humans alive? I always tend to lose them eventually and then stay in orc base where it is much faster to reinforce units and goblin mines (except when Lich is leading the attack).

1. Symphony of Frost and Flame

Problem is that all 3 forces come with very good anti building abilities so you can just dig in and you have to repel each attack yourself. And also blood elves require different tactic to be taken down as they are very efficient at countering all magic and air units while on the other hand we have naga who can't be countered by brute force alone. This mission shows the full broken aspect of every single Naga unit.

I must admit I don't see how nercomancers help in this mission regarding siege. I used crypt and wagons myself. Crypt Fiends are answer to all problems, at least before they had damage nerfed.

I agree with VeljkoM and Rui's choices. Broken isles was definitely one of the most annoying on hard mode, but I found that having several towers and one or two wisps on auto-repair took care of them. :) I usually would have to build a tower after each attack.

Some other honorable mentions--I remember having difficulty with the one where you have to kill Illidan's sorceresses before the time limit. I tried several yolo runs, but it never worked out.

King Arthas is probably the most annoying one in my book. I found it hard to complete--especially when I'd go off to attack and then a group would just sneak in to escape at the most inopportune time. :p

But man, now I want to play the campaigns again. :D

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Yet another timed mission, it is Blizzards favorite way to make mission challenging.
Welcome to the StarCraft II campaign in many ways. If it is not re-spawning High Templars from an infinite resource Protoss trying to stop you beating the Zerg to a statue it is the sun obliterating stuff at 100 miles a minute. Heart of the Swarm cranked it up to 11 with instant loss timed hybrid and instant loss void death laser. Timed stuff is such a hassle and a way to force fair progress when the AI is given a flat out advantage at the start (if they rushed you, you lose).



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Just replayed "Symphony of Frost and Flame", a lot of frost wyrms and abominations with the initial crypt fiends managed to do it, but I had powerful items from the previous levels, such as the Crown of Kings +5.

In the end, it's the AI being dumb that makes me achieve victory. Kael and Vashj may attack bases, but if they succeed they just go back and send a larger force the next time. Because I didn't have to go back, I got the time to destroy Illidan's northern base. He then started constructing on the southern one (closest to our initial base that Vashj had just finally managed to clean after 50 minutes), I just rushed Arthas to the circle. Illidan started channeling on the northern one as well, but I finished first =P

The largest difficulty with this mission is the going back and forth to be honest. Just when you're about to head for the last of Illidan's outposts to claim the fourth obelisk, either Vashj or Kael decide to attack. I always decided to take the safe course and protect my base, because if Illidan made it to an obelisk first I'd be playing at a huge disadvantage without an expansion.

Has anyone noticed that Illidan's forces do not upgrade damage and armor? Casters make it to master training, but it isn't global. There's actual several blue players with different tech percentages.

About the Illidan's summoning mission, it isn't hard if you train a lot of chimaeras. The primary difficulty I've found when fighting naga forces are the sirens casting frost armor and cyclone in the back with myrmidons' sturdy tanking.

As undead, you can deal with this more or less efficiently by getting destroyers, but night elf dryads aren't as great: on one hand, it's a 50 mana dispel with a 200 mana pool against siren's 40 mana spell and 400 mana pool. Then, dryads are quickly sniped by snap dragons and couatls.

Chimaeras are neither affected by frost armor nor cyclone and in TFT 1.07 they actually have magic damage, in contrast with frost wyrms' piercing attack. This allows you to quickly dispatch myrmidons. Have a few mountain giants for potent tanking, some archers for anti-air (you don't need a lot, Maiev, the paladin and Malfurion should be enough) and finally a druid of the claw to cast Roar. 15 or 20 minutes should be more than enough to build up your forces, release the paladin and creep around for items.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Just replayed "Symphony of Frost and Flame", a lot of frost wyrms and abominations with the initial crypt fiends managed to do it, but I had powerful items from the previous levels, such as the Crown of Kings +5.

In the end, it's the AI being dumb that makes me achieve victory. Kael and Vashj may attack bases, but if they succeed they just go back and send a larger force the next time. Because I didn't have to go back, I got the time to destroy Illidan's northern base. He then started constructing on the southern one (closest to our initial base that Vashj had just finally managed to clean after 50 minutes), I just rushed Arthas to the circle. Illidan started channeling on the northern one as well, but I finished first =P

The largest difficulty with this mission is the going back and forth to be honest. Just when you're about to head for the last of Illidan's outposts to claim the fourth obelisk, either Vashj or Kael decide to attack. I always decided to take the safe course and protect my base, because if Illidan made it to an obelisk first I'd be playing at a huge disadvantage without an expansion.

Has anyone noticed that Illidan's forces do not upgrade damage and armor? Casters make it to master training, but it isn't global. There's actual several blue players with different tech percentages.

About the Illidan's summoning mission, it isn't hard if you train a lot of chimaeras. The primary difficulty I've found when fighting naga forces are the sirens casting frost armor and cyclone in the back with myrmidons' sturdy tanking.

As undead, you can deal with this more or less efficiently by getting destroyers, but night elf dryads aren't as great: on one hand, it's a 50 mana dispel with a 200 mana pool against siren's 40 mana spell and 400 mana pool. Then, dryads are quickly sniped by snap dragons and couatls.

Chimaeras are neither affected by frost armor nor cyclone and in TFT 1.07 they actually have magic damage, in contrast with frost wyrms' piercing attack. This allows you to quickly dispatch myrmidons. Have a few mountain giants for potent tanking, some archers for anti-air (you don't need a lot, Maiev, the paladin and Malfurion should be enough) and finally a druid of the claw to cast Roar. 15 or 20 minutes should be more than enough to build up your forces, release the paladin and creep around for items.

Total agree, Except for the AI being Dumb...
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
No, Ai is definitely dumb or else mission would be impossible since it is you against more than 3 players and most are using broken OP faction. Though the behavior Rui described seems more stupid than usual for AI, maybe patches broke it. I am definitely sure melee AI is broken (human one at least).
Level 36
Sep 18, 2007
I hate timed missions. That mission when Illidan and summoners annoys me greatly because it is timed, you need to act quickly but enemy has lot of defenses and units. Yeah, I got to release paladin for better support.

Also, in Wc3, last night elf mission when you need to defend world tree, and especially last Undead Mission in Frozen Throne with those obelisks are hardest to me.
Level 1
Sep 27, 2016
The hardest mission of all is the last one of frozen throne symphony of frost and flame
It's like a race and they begin half way and u are slowed by 2 bases
It's just impossible
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Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
I was 12 when I played the original campaign, so any mission with a base that couldn't be won via turtling + teching + sending max food army at the opponent was difficult for me.

I friggin' loved turtling. 2-3 lines of watch towers surrounding my base. Was great fun.
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Level 1
Jan 16, 2017
The Dark Lady is the Hardest for you? LoL. I completed it on Hard and it was tough, but the hardest in war3? When I possessed the ogre lord and the bandit lord I had 8 full controls/dozens of units. I just attacked streight up with all 8 controls (I possessed a lot of abominations also when the enemy attacked) and he was done - I leveled his base in 2 minutes it was awsome :) ... the other undead attacked me during but I didn't return at all after I decided to go All in on the main city. The key is to not kill any bandits or ogre lords - you just move until you reach the lord. They attack you but it is bearable, just make sure your banshees have full mana and remain alive during the masochistic walk :D ... I mean, 8 dozens of units, try it ;) P.S - Make sure you have a large line of towers along your city and take the mine on the lower left early.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2014
The Dark Lady's a bitch (in every meaning), but I found a trick that can make my life a bit easier. On the King Arthas level, you can find Little Timmy hidden in the woods and he apparently opened a black market as he sells Ice Shards. So, instead of filling Sylvanas' inventory with low level thrash, I recommend buying at least 4 Ice Shards. It comes very handy to take out the base on the east, so you'll get the gold mine and Varimathras' forces will only attack from one way. You can hold them off on the bridge if you want to.

Also, I found using Sylvanas' Charm ability on creeps more efficient than possessing them. Sylvanas is tough enough to speedrun to the leader, while a banshee gets killed easily + costs you money. Banshee possession only worth it when multiple enemies need to be taken control, such as a wave of abominations.
Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
A Symphony of Frost and Flame


Illidans strike force counters is built to COUNTER you whatever you have.

King Arthas


Unrelenting waves unless you already know

Use Kelthuzad to death and decay kill all paladin altars asap
Make Sylvanas possess as many captains as possible = your strongest attack force

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Here's my list. Made a top 5 instead, because there aren't 10 hard missions. Some missions were outright tedious to play, namely all orc RoC missions. They should definitely introduce a higher difficulty level with Reforged.

5. NE RoC Awakening Malfurion
You need to thrust through the orc base under a strict time limit. Luckily there's a fountain of health so as long as you keep sending damaged units there you'll accumulate a critical mass in no time.
4. NE RoC Last MissionThis mission is a daunting one. However, the AI is blatantly exploitable to the point where you can stall it indefinitely.
3. UD 1st TFT MissionWhat makes this mission hard is that your units aggro onto the combat units and not the unarmed refugees casually striding to exit.
2. UD Last TFT MissionIllidan's army hardly scratched my 100/100 army. Burrowing Fiends, coiling Abos and Wyrms and having Wagons afar kept folk intact. There were plenty setbacks due to the naga and elves charging into my bases though.
1. NE Last TFT MissionAlthough you can gear up, frost armor and ulti Illidan while cycloning just enough DPS off so Mask of Death does its job, Malfurion's base got leveled more than once in the midst of microing.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
5. Yes, this is one of my favorite missions because I need to micro & macro efficiently. With a Blademaster running around causing havoc, and NE units being more fragile than in TFT, I often need around three attempts in order to succeed. But it's quite fun. =P

4. Not sure what you mean by exploitable. Does it suffer from the same bug as I mentioned in "A Symphony of Frost and Flame", where attack forces retreat after they've destroyed an isolated base or building?

3. I found an easy solution for this, back in the day. On all three paths, I divide my forces in two groups. One stays in front and does the fighting, a second one is composed of about four or five ghouls to dispatch stragglers that get through. Since refugees have low hit points (and medium armor type if I recall correctly), this works well. You can then adapt this for Sylvanas, using a couple of the powerful units she can possess, and for Kel'Thuzad, having at least ten necromancers instead.
To win this mission, I like using Kel'Thuzad's necromancers to raise massive amounts of skeletons, and send them towards the enemy bases. It takes a couple of waves, but, little by little, the bases begin to fall. Sylvanas's portion is easy, and only Arthas's is more tedious.

1. This mission I don't find too hard. Aside from the fact that the AI does tend to like having meat wagons target night elf buildings and unarmored units.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

4. Not sure what you mean by exploitable. Does it suffer from the same bug as I mentioned in "A Symphony of Frost and Flame", where attack forces retreat after they've destroyed an isolated base or building?
As long as the AI hasn't issued the current wave to attack, you can pull the aggro with air. And when it does issue the attack, half of the units are on move command if I intercept it midway.

1. This mission I don't find too hard. Aside from the fact that the AI does tend to like having meat wagons target night elf buildings and unarmored units.
Well, the fact that I played without in-game sound might've been a factor for me, lol. I just occasionally noticed in the midst of controlling Illidan that Malfurion's getting/got swept.
Level 2
Sep 10, 2021
The hardest mission *s for me are timed missions i suck at doing something in a snap of my fingers
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