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a list of all creative ways to play warcraft 3 reforged campaign missions

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Level 4
Apr 27, 2020
hello everyone this will be my first and only official thread im going to make on hive to show you creative ways i play the campaign so i hope that people will see it and i really look forward to your opinions because i made hive account just for this

scourge of lordaeron human campaign: in the mission The culling, destroy all the buildings but dont kill any zombie and mal ganis will eventually stop moving and freeze in place. also buy some scroll of town portal in this mission to use for the one below.

in the mission dissention, use town portal scroll to bring everyone to the human base cutting down trees. i haven't found anything useful besides that. in this mission you can buy amulet of recall but it wont carry over to the next mission which is disappointing.

path of the damned undead campaigns: in the mission The siege of dalaran, you can skip first two mage and kill antonidas and win mission. this is by far easiest mission to do just stack health potion on arthas and death coil antonidas. in addition, to destroy the grey base located within the last aura area by antonidas, have a acolyte build a necropolis on the grass near fountain of health. the building will take damage as well but have kel thuzad or arthas use scroll of town portal to port to the building right after it is finished. then have the army destroy grey base bypassing most of the distance from the start of aura to the fountain.

under the burning sky mission have arthas stack up on health pot and town portal. also have goblin land mine in bag. run to either one of the 3 bases and place 6 mines at the castle to kill all peasant and castle to prevent rebuild. then use the rest 6 mines on another castle make sure to kill all peasant. or save all 12 mines on one base to destroy completely. also kill the gnolls on southeastern edge of map and build a necropolis there. unsummon all original buildings and shift base to the southeast corner of map. this way the base is protected because enemy cant get up there and focus units on kel zhuzad.

the invasion of kalimdor orc campaign: cry of the warsong mission use the peons to construct a series of burrows in a line to block off grom's base from the humans, dont build the great hall yet. the gold and lumber will not be enough to build all the burrows needed so use thrall's existing forces to kill the creeps for gold. and also use the raiders and grunts to attack the grey human base that grom is attacking to gain pillage before the base is destroyed. dont need to build burrow side by side because only peons can get through not larger fighting units. once the burrows are built, build great hall and grom will be on the move. his force will get stuck behind burrow but new troops will join him over time. let his forces accumulate until it is massive and then destroy a few burrow. he will send a flood of orcs to destroy blue human base blocking path to goblin lab. rebuild burrow after he return to base and repeat for another base until grom pacify all human this way. also in this mission you can buy zeppelin but dont bring to base. instead build catapults and drop them using zeppelin onto the ridge between grom base and the grey dwarf base. then attack grom base to make it hostile and watch catapults throw rocks all over grom base and grom cant do anything about it.

in hunter of shadows mission, open up a small pathway in the trees blocking grom from reaching the well of chaos just enough for a peon to get through. use catapults to kill the furbolgs near the trees. then have peon build a altar of storm there and kill grom. resurrect grom at the new altar and use him to destroy rest of furbolgs and other creeps. then build some barracks and train catapults. move them past the waygate and position them on the cliff above the blue night elf base. use them to throw rocks at the base consistently and do the same with the dark green base of cenarius. night elf will be unable to attack the catapults because larger units are blocked by the trees.

eternity's end night elf campaign: in the mission brothers in blood, there is a hidden waygate with one furbolg ursa warrior and two shamans. i consider this the most hidden secret in all the missions because malfurion will need to use the create treant ability at least four times to clear the way. the trees are located near the kobolds above the spectral bridge at the circle of power after malfurion split path with tyrande. this is the only time that a furbolg ursa warrior can be commanded.

twilight of the gods mission build a tree of life and move it to the elven gate at night elf base. buy a scroll of town portal and bring at least one wisp with the hero and click the land behind the gate within the proximity of the tree. this will teleport all units behind the gate effectively ensuring victory just have to wait out 45 minutes. however flying undead will come so have heroes and/or units ready to counter them but its only one wave. after that all waves of undead will get stuck before the gate. to make it fun use tyrande to moonfall all the stuck enemy and malfurion to tranquility heal. would be good to build some moonwell as well and watch out for anetheron's inferno. place some mines there would be good too. make sure at least one structure stands beyond gate and wait to win. to make it even more fun destroy thralls fortress before jaina's castle falls so two undead bases will send troops to night elf base. two other places for hiding are the small area blocked by trees near the furbolgs below the gold mine to the right and the small area of land cut off by waterfall to the east of the area blocked by trees. sneak a wisp over the trees by having treant eat wood until only a path for wisp to come through is there.

terror of the tides sentinel campaign: in the mission balancing the scale, it is possible to create a base at the gold mine blocked the the trees and guarded by turtles. have the heroes kill the turtles from behind the trees and then have a treant eat a small path over the trees big enough only for a wisp to go through. however because illidan and the nagas are able to swim they will not get through the trees but swim over the sea the get to the base. the town portal scroll from previous missions do not carry over to this mission and neither is the staff of teleportation that maiev gets from the mission Wrath of the betrayer. also in this mission the way to bypass the naga base past the ruins blocking malfurion's forces to maeiv is by going down to the circle of power at the ship. go right and kill all the stormreavers and use malfurion to clear the trees so that they can go past it right to maeiv.

in the mission the brothers stormrage it is possible to kill tyrande. enter cheat code whos your daddy and only illidan's naga will become invincible. have illidan pick up the inferno stone up the river to the left of green undead base next to illidan's. destroy most of the red undead bse and have naga workers cut down all trees on the side that borders tyrande. move illidan to the edge and deploy the infernal stone. use the infernal to kill tyrande in one hit but you will fail the mission.

curse of the blood elves alliance campaign: in the secret mission The crossing, station one hero at the goblin merchant and quickly buy goblin land mines as they replenish stock. land mines are in stacks of six per inventory slot and the most land mines that can be acquired for the duration of the mission without any delay is 10 stacks of six mines each. keep these in the bag to use for all future blood elf missions. also in this mission it is possible to kill lord garithos and destroy his base. in the previous mission the dungeons of dalaran, level up kael but dont select a new ability. in the current mission kael will still have one ability choice available. type in the cheat code whoisjohngalt to unlock phoenix ultimate ability for kael. then type in cheat whosyourdaddy and have the phoenix fly over to garithos base and destroy everything including garithos. although his base is destroyed the waves will still come. destroying the walls on the edge of the gate by using a boulder tower to besiege it will reveal an opening but kael and vashj cannot get past it.

in the mission the search for illidan, have kael use goblin land mines to destroy night elf base to win game. preferably have kael have level three banish and banish himself while inside the enemy base. keep planting mines and banishing himself to ensure destruction.

in the mission gates of the abyss, the purple fel orc base to the north can be destroyed by land mines bought during secret mission as well. preferably have illidan get invisibility cast on him by a sorceress and go deep into enemy base and destroy fortress and peon first. repeat same steps and to reduce chance of death of illidan equip him with a town portal scroll to use once he is low on health. also buy anti magic potion to avoid stun from warlock for a while. use illidan's metamorphisis while planting to gain more health and buy time. in addition, it is possible to let illidan close all 4 portals without any protection. have a sorceress cast invisibility on him right after he starts to channel. because the invisibility only last two minute against the three minute channel time, have sorceress cast on illidan again at at least when two minutes left to channel or else will have to channel invisibility a third time if used at anything above two minutes. sorceress will be spotted and killed because all enemies are clustered around illidan. casting invisibility on one sorceress by another wont work because enemy can detect the spell. so use kael to banish a sorceress to get sorceress close enough to illidan to cast a second time. only reason enemy units cannot detect invisible illidan is because the number of enemies gathered around illidan is so large that the units that can see invisibility like succubis are out of range of illidan because they came through the portals later. repeat these steps for all four portals. however, at northwestern dimentional gate there will be infernals coming through first and will immolate illidan until he slowly dies. draw infernals away from illidan so further reinforcement without immolation will cluster around illidan or just kill infernals. invisibility must be cast on illidan at least twice per portal. also, build some structures to block akama's force from launching attack. as time goes by more of his forces will attempt to attack fel orcs but get stuck by structures. when he has a build up a huge assault force, destroy some of the structures to unleash a flood of draenei on the fel orcs and watch base get destroyed.

in the mission lord of outland, give akama land mines if they had not been used in previous missions and have akama set them off in the fel orc bases. there is enough mines to destroy both enemy champion, all orc bases, and the butcher. however, to kill magtheridon with mine, you have to preserve all mines to use on him only. it is also possible to destroy the forces guarding the demolishers without breaking the gate for optional objective effectively safeguarding demolishers from any attacks. don't try to attack the doom guard with one of the keys from behind the gate using demolishers because he will open the gate and destroy your units.

legacy of the damned scourge campaign: in the first mission King arthas, give all goblin land mines to arthas or sylvanas to set the stage for future use. also arthas could use a potion of lesser invisibility to sneak into the paladin base and set off land mines to destroy all three altars. the paladins will be shielded and can heal each other so it is preferable to attack them and waste their shield then use all land mines on them to ensure they all die at once even with heals.

in the second mission The flight from lordaeron, it is worth mentioning that there exists only one incidence where walls needed to be destroyed in order to obtain loot. this happens when arthas and meat wagons go up the ramp from the tomb of relics and on the other end of the ramp is the walls blocking arthas from getting the loot. without meat wagons it is not possible to destroy the walls. also, the meat wagons can be used to kill the dreadlord and the abomination bloodfeast guarding the exit simply by not destroying the gates and have the meat wagons attack at them from beyond the gate. the enemy cannot open the gate so eventually they will die from taking damage while your units take zero damage. it would be better have necromancer create skeletal mage to assist with the progress. just watch out for the infernal that the dreadlord calls down and destroy it before resuming meat wagon attack. using crypt fiend is ok too but make sure gate never falls and keep units some distance from gate.

in The dark lady mission, varimathras forces and the purple undead base can be manipulated into calling off their attacks. theres two ways to do this one is by mugthol the ogre and other is blackthorn the bandit. dont destroy the gate leading to blackthorn and dont destroy the rocks leading to mugthol. instead have a meat wagon either destroy one wall small enough for acolyte to get through but not larger units or clear the wooded area near the goldmine where blackthorn is and build a necropolis there. have syvanas and some banshees ready and use scroll of town portal to port her forces to blackthorn by clicking the area where blackthorn is but also within allowed range of necropolis. then possess him once there and build a base inside the sealed off town. if using the wall method, the undead forces of varimathras will still send troops to try and attack but will circle the town because they cant get through the opening. if done by portal method in which there is no opening at all then undead enemies will not send troop at all. do the same with the ogres by clearing trees in front of pile of rocks and build a necropolis. have sylvanas teleport past it and possess mugthol. once done the undead will not attack at all because the rocks are completely sealed off. it is also possible to kill blackthorn and mugthol without destroying gate or rock by charming the frost wyrm by the fountain and flying it over to kill them.

in the mission the return to northrend, buy a fleet of battleships and train a dozen crypt fiends. the ships cost no food so it can be unlimited. watch out for the flying couatls so it is preferabe to defeat a wave of couatls before launching attack. dont use frigate against couatl because they will get destroyed fast.have the battleships annihilate the naga base with crypt fiend support to web remaining couatls. then repair ships and destroy the blood elf base. frigates can be used against dragonhawk riders because they are weaker. sapphiron the frost wyrm can become extremely powerful when necromancer cast frenzy on it so use sapphiron to destroy weaker enemies but preferably not couatl because a wave of them might kill sapphiron. using goblin land mines carried over from last arthas mission is useful for the dragon guardians at the circle of power. the beasts will die instantly if some of the nine land mines are used.

dreadlord's fall mission can be won before both bases wake up. have land mines ready and use all of it on one base for instant destruction. then move on to the other base with existing troops to win.

a new power in lordaeron can be won by combining two bases to one side of map. there is a diamond of summoning inside the lordaeron marketplace near sylvana's base and an amulet of recall held by wendigos near garithos base. either one is fine but the diamond has unlimited use. there is a goblin merchant on each side of map but prefereably sylvanas side because the base blocking it is very weak. buy a staff of teleportation. and use it to get to garithos. then have garithos give sylvanas or varimathras the amulet of recall or have the forsaken heroes get the diamond first and use it to bring back acolytes. have acolytes haunt the upper gold mine near the dwarfs and station forsaken troops at fountain of health facing balnazzar base. this way garithos only worry about green base and four sides to defend two per base becomes predictable and only two sides to worry about. alternatively, after sylvanas or varimathras teleport to garithos, give him the staff and diamond or if he has amulet of recall. teleport garithos to forsaken base and summon some peasants there to build human base on the weak orange base near sylvanas by destroying it. again four sides get cut down to two for easier defense. alternatively, use the blocks off dwarves to your advantage. either build necropolis and/or town hall close to the rocks and teleport units to dwarves. if heroes have the kelen's dagger of escape equipped then they can blink inside the sealed off area and recall peasant and/or acolyte inside thus bypassing need to build and teleport. balnazzar's scourge forces will still attempt to attack the base sealed within the dwarf area as well as the other two undead bases but its futile. however the orange and green base have flying units and they can fly in to attack but any hero is enough to fend them off if there is a arcane vault or tomb of relic to buy potions. once again, land mines kept from last missions can be used anywhere like the demon gate in balnazzar's base or the flesh golem guarding the lordaeron marketplace near garithos.

in the next three missions, the goblin land mine is again useful against powerful enemies particularly the forgotten one in the mission The forgotten ones. on insane difficulty the mines wont be enough to destroy the final boss but on other modes it can. however, the forgotten one can still take significant damage to health if all mine are used.

in the last mission A symphony of frost and flame, use three or four shades to surround illidan while he is not moving the illidan's naga threat is gone. he will be unable to move but his nagas will still build bases on the four obelisks but without illidan to claim them then it is useless. again the land mines can be used on any enemy if it is still in the inventory slot.

the founding of durotar bonus campaign: in this campaign there are twenty six newly introduced items that never appeared anywhere in the campaigns before the bonus one. of these, there are twelve items from the first chapter, nine from chapter two, and five from chapter three that are either classified as unique, artifact, or grey but appears only in the bonus campaign. in chapter three The assault on theramore, kelen's dagger of escape makes it second appearance after appearing in A new power in lordaeron so it is not counted. in addition, there are three items that are purchasable from the marketplace and goblin merchant in theramore city and one in the voodoo lounge. one of the purchasable item in the goblin merchant is a unique consumable item granting statistics and is immediately consumed when bought. another unique consumable is a staff with five charges from act one.

this is pretty much all the methods i play the campaigns so far. if i forgot any i will add to this thread but hopefully i get some feedback everyone. thanks for reading and i want to thank the youtuber whose name ive forgotten that inspired me to play warcraft differently. most of these ideas are mine except the trapping illidan with shade strategy which i think is ingenious.
Last edited:
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
hello everyone this will be my first and only official thread im going to make on hive to show you creative ways i play the campaign so i hope that people will see it and i really look forward to your opinions because i made hive account just for this

scourge of lordaeron human campaign: in the mission The culling, destroy all the buildings but dont kill any zombie and mal ganis will eventually stop moving and freeze in place. also buy some scroll of town portal in this mission to use for the one below.

in the mission dissention, use town portal scroll to bring everyone to the human base cutting down trees. i haven't found anything useful besides that. in this mission you can buy amulet of recall but it wont carry over to the next mission which is disappointing.

path of the damned undead campaigns: in the mission The siege of dalaran, you can skip first two mage and kill antonidas and win mission. this is by far easiest mission to do just stack health potion on arthas and death coil antonidas. in addition, to destroy the grey base located within the last aura area by antonidas, have a acolyte build a necropolis on the grass near fountain of health. the building will take damage as well but have kel thuzad or arthas use scroll of town portal to port to the building right after it is finished. then have the army destroy grey base bypassing most of the distance from the start of aura to the fountain.

under the burning sky mission have arthas stack up on health pot and town portal. also have goblin land mine in bag. run to either one of the 3 bases and place 6 mines at the castle to kill all peasant and castle to prevent rebuild. then use the rest 6 mines on another castle make sure to kill all peasant. or save all 12 mines on one base to destroy completely. also kill the gnolls on southeastern edge of map and build a necropolis there. unsummon all original buildings and shift base to the southeast corner of map. this way the base is protected because enemy cant get up there and focus units on kel zhuzad.

the invasion of kalimdor orc campaign: cry of the warsong mission use the peons to construct a series of burrows in a line to block off grom's base from the humans, dont build the great hall yet. the gold and lumber will not be enough to build all the burrows needed so use thrall's existing forces to kill the creeps for gold. and also use the raiders and grunts to attack the grey human base that grom is attacking to gain pillage before the base is destroyed. dont need to build burrow side by side because only peons can get through not larger fighting units. once the burrows are built, build great hall and grom will be on the move. his force will get stuck behind burrow but new troops will join him over time. let his forces accumulate until it is massive and then destroy a few burrow. he will send a flood of orcs to destroy blue human base blocking path to goblin lab. rebuild burrow after he return to base and repeat for another base until grom pacify all human this way. also in this mission you can buy zeppelin but dont bring to base. instead build catapults and drop them using zeppelin onto the ridge between grom base and the grey dwarf base. then attack grom base to make it hostile and watch catapults throw rocks all over grom base and grom cant do anything about it.

in hunter of shadows mission, open up a small pathway in the trees blocking grom from reaching the well of chaos just enough for a peon to get through. use catapults to kill the furbolgs near the trees. then have peon build a altar of storm there and kill grom. resurrect grom at the new altar and use him to destroy rest of furbolgs and other creeps. then build some barracks and train catapults. move them past the waygate and position them on the cliff above the blue night elf base. use them to throw rocks at the base consistently and do the same with the dark green base of cenarius. night elf will be unable to attack the catapults because larger units are blocked by the trees.

eternity's end night elf campaign: in the mission brothers in blood, there is a hidden waygate with one furbolg ursa warrior and two shamans. i consider this the most hidden secret in all the missions because malfurion will need to use the create treant ability at least four times to clear the way. the trees are located near the kobolds above the spectral bridge at the circle of power after malfurion split path with tyrande. this is the only time that a furbolg ursa warrior can be commanded.

twilight of the gods mission build a tree of life and move it to the elven gate at night elf base. buy a scroll of town portal and bring at least one wisp with the hero and click the land behind the gate within the proximity of the tree. this will teleport all units behind the gate effectively ensuring victory just have to wait out 45 minutes. however flying undead will come so have heroes and/or units ready to counter them but its only one wave. after that all waves of undead will get stuck before the gate. to make it fun use tyrande to moonfall all the stuck enemy and malfurion to tranquility heal. would be good to build some moonwell as well and watch out for anetheron's inferno. place some mines there would be good too. make sure at least one structure stands beyond gate and wait to win. to make it even more fun destroy thralls fortress before jaina's castle falls so two undead bases will send troops to night elf base. two other places for hiding are the small area blocked by trees near the furbolgs below the gold mine to the right and the small area of land cut off by waterfall to the east of the area blocked by trees. sneak a wisp over the trees by having treant eat wood until only a path for wisp to come through is there.

terror of the tides sentinel campaign: in the mission balancing the scale, it is possible to create a base at the gold mine blocked the the trees and guarded by turtles. have the heroes kill the turtles from behind the trees and then have a treant eat a small path over the trees big enough only for a wisp to go through. however because illidan and the nagas are able to swim they will not get through the trees but swim over the sea the get to the base. the town portal scroll from previous missions do not carry over to this mission and neither is the staff of teleportation that maiev gets from the mission Wrath of the betrayer. also in this mission the way to bypass the naga base past the ruins blocking malfurion's forces to maeiv is by going down to the circle of power at the ship. go right and kill all the stormreavers and use malfurion to clear the trees so that they can go past it right to maeiv.

in the mission the brothers stormrage it is possible to kill tyrande. enter cheat code whos your daddy and only illidan's naga will become invincible. have illidan pick up the inferno stone up the river to the left of green undead base next to illidan's. destroy most of the red undead bse and have naga workers cut down all trees on the side that borders tyrande. move illidan to the edge and deploy the infernal stone. use the infernal to kill tyrande in one hit but you will fail the mission.

curse of the blood elves alliance campaign: in the secret mission The crossing, station one hero at the goblin merchant and quickly buy goblin land mines as they replenish stock. land mines are in stacks of six per inventory slot and the most land mines that can be acquired for the duration of the mission without any delay is 10 stacks of six mines each. keep these in the bag to use for all future blood elf missions. also in this mission it is possible to kill lord garithos and destroy his base. in the previous mission the dungeons of dalaran, level up kael but dont select a new ability. in the current mission kael will still have one ability choice available. type in the cheat code whoisjohngalt to unlock phoenix ultimate ability for kael. then type in cheat whosyourdaddy and have the phoenix fly over to garithos base and destroy everything including garithos. although his base is destroyed the waves will still come. destroying the walls on the edge of the gate by using a boulder tower to besiege it will reveal an opening but kael and vashj cannot get past it.

in the mission the search for illidan, have kael use goblin land mines to destroy night elf base to win game. preferably have kael have level three banish and banish himself while inside the enemy base. keep planting mines and banishing himself to ensure destruction.

in the mission gates of the abyss, the purple fel orc base to the north can be destroyed by land mines bought during secret mission as well. preferably have illidan get invisibility cast on him by a sorceress and go deep into enemy base and destroy fortress and peon first. repeat same steps and to reduce chance of death of illidan equip him with a town portal scroll to use once he is low on health. also buy anti magic potion to avoid stun from warlock for a while. use illidan's metamorphisis while planting to gain more health and buy time. in addition, it is possible to let illidan close all 4 portals without any protection. have a sorceress cast invisibility on him right after he starts to channel. because the invisibility only last two minute against the three minute channel time, have sorceress cast on illidan again at at least when two minutes left to channel or else will have to channel invisibility a third time if used at anything above two minutes. sorceress will be spotted and killed because all enemies are clustered around illidan. casting invisibility on one sorceress by another wont work because enemy can detect the spell. so use kael to banish a sorceress to get sorceress close enough to illidan to cast a second time. only reason enemy units cannot detect invisible illidan is because the number of enemies gathered around illidan is so large that the units that can see invisibility like succubis are out of range of illidan because they came through the portals later. repeat these steps for all four portals. however, at northwestern dimentional gate there will be infernals coming through first and will immolate illidan until he slowly dies. draw infernals away from illidan so further reinforcement without immolation will cluster around illidan or just kill infernals. invisibility must be cast on illidan at least twice per portal. also, build some structures to block akama's force from launching attack. as time goes by more of his forces will attempt to attack fel orcs but get stuck by structures. when he has a build up a huge assault force, destroy some of the structures to unleash a flood of draenei on the fel orcs and watch base get destroyed.

in the mission lord of outland, give akama land mines if they had not been used in previous missions and have akama set them off in the fel orc bases. there is enough mines to destroy both enemy champion, all orc bases, and the butcher. however, to kill magtheridon with mine, you have to preserve all mines to use on him only. it is also possible to destroy the forces guarding the demolishers without breaking the gate for optional objective effectively safeguarding demolishers from any attacks. don't try to attack the doom guard with one of the keys from behind the gate using demolishers because he will open the gate and destroy your units.

legacy of the damned scourge campaign: in the first mission King arthas, give all goblin land mines to arthas or sylvanas to set the stage for future use. also arthas could use a potion of lesser invisibility to sneak into the paladin base and set off land mines to destroy all three altars. the paladins will be shielded and can heal each other so it is preferable to attack them and waste their shield then use all land mines on them to ensure they all die at once even with heals.

in the second mission The flight from lordaeron, it is worth mentioning that there exists only one incidence where walls needed to be destroyed in order to obtain loot. this happens when arthas and meat wagons go up the ramp from the tomb of relics and on the other end of the ramp is the walls blocking arthas from getting the loot. without meat wagons it is not possible to destroy the walls. also, the meat wagons can be used to kill the dreadlord and the abomination bloodfeast guarding the exit simply by not destroying the gates and have the meat wagons attack at them from beyond the gate. the enemy cannot open the gate so eventually they will die from taking damage while your units take zero damage. it would be better have necromancer create skeletal mage to assist with the progress. just watch out for the infernal that the dreadlord calls down and destroy it before resuming meat wagon attack. using crypt fiend is ok too but make sure gate never falls and keep units some distance from gate.

in The dark lady mission, varimathras forces and the purple undead base can be manipulated into calling off their attacks. theres two ways to do this one is by mugthol the ogre and other is blackthorn the bandit. dont destroy the gate leading to blackthorn and dont destroy the rocks leading to mugthol. instead have a meat wagon either destroy one wall small enough for acolyte to get through but not larger units or clear the wooded area near the goldmine where blackthorn is and build a necropolis there. have syvanas and some banshees ready and use scroll of town portal to port her forces to blackthorn by clicking the area where blackthorn is but also within allowed range of necropolis. then possess him once there and build a base inside the sealed off town. if using the wall method, the undead forces of varimathras will still send troops to try and attack but will circle the town because they cant get through the opening. if done by portal method in which there is no opening at all then undead enemies will not send troop at all. do the same with the ogres by clearing trees in front of pile of rocks and build a necropolis. have sylvanas teleport past it and possess mugthol. once done the undead will not attack at all because the rocks are completely sealed off. it is also possible to kill blackthorn and mugthol without destroying gate or rock by charming the frost wyrm by the fountain and flying it over to kill them.

in the mission the return to northrend, buy a fleet of battleships and train a dozen crypt fiends. the ships cost no food so it can be unlimited. watch out for the flying couatls so it is preferabe to defeat a wave of couatls before launching attack. dont use frigate against couatl because they will get destroyed fast.have the battleships annihilate the naga base with crypt fiend support to web remaining couatls. then repair ships and destroy the blood elf base. frigates can be used against dragonhawk riders because they are weaker. sapphiron the frost wyrm can become extremely powerful when necromancer cast frenzy on it so use sapphiron to destroy weaker enemies but preferably not couatl because a wave of them might kill sapphiron. using goblin land mines carried over from last arthas mission is useful for the dragon guardians at the circle of power. the beasts will die instantly if some of the nine land mines are used.

dreadlord's fall mission can be won before both bases wake up. have land mines ready and use all of it on one base for instant destruction. then move on to the other base with existing troops to win.

a new power in lordaeron can be won by combining two bases to one side of map. there is a diamond of summoning inside the lordaeron marketplace near sylvana's base and an amulet of recall held by wendigos near garithos base. either one is fine but the diamond has unlimited use. there is a goblin merchant on each side of map but prefereably sylvanas side because the base blocking it is very weak. buy a staff of teleportation. and use it to get to garithos. then have garithos give sylvanas or varimathras the amulet of recall or have the forsaken heroes get the diamond first and use it to bring back acolytes. have acolytes haunt the upper gold mine near the dwarfs and station forsaken troops at fountain of health facing balnazzar base. this way garithos only worry about green base and four sides to defend two per base becomes predictable and only two sides to worry about. alternatively, after sylvanas or varimathras teleport to garithos, give him the staff and diamond or if he has amulet of recall. teleport garithos to forsaken base and summon some peasants there to build human base on the weak orange base near sylvanas by destroying it. again four sides get cut down to two for easier defense. alternatively, use the blocks off dwarves to your advantage. either build necropolis and/or town hall close to the rocks and teleport units to dwarves. if heroes have the kelen's dagger of escape equipped then they can blink inside the sealed off area and recall peasant and/or acolyte inside thus bypassing need to build and teleport. balnazzar's scourge forces will still attempt to attack the base sealed within the dwarf area as well as the other two undead bases but its futile. however the orange and green base have flying units and they can fly in to attack but any hero is enough to fend them off if there is a arcane vault or tomb of relic to buy potions. once again, land mines kept from last missions can be used anywhere like the demon gate in balnazzar's base or the flesh golem guarding the lordaeron marketplace near garithos.

in the next three missions, the goblin land mine is again useful against powerful enemies particularly the forgotten one in the mission The forgotten ones. on insane difficulty the mines wont be enough to destroy the final boss but on other modes it can. however, the forgotten one can still take significant damage to health if all mine are used.

in the last mission A symphony of frost and flame, use three or four shades to surround illidan while he is not moving the illidan's naga threat is gone. he will be unable to move but his nagas will still build bases on the four obelisks but without illidan to claim them then it is useless. again the land mines can be used on any enemy if it is still in the inventory slot.

the founding of durotar bonus campaign: in this campaign there are twenty six newly introduced items that never appeared anywhere in the campaigns before the bonus one. of these, there are twelve items from the first chapter, nine from chapter two, and five from chapter three that are either classified as unique, artifact, or grey but appears only in the bonus campaign. in chapter three The assault on theramore, kelen's dagger of escape makes it second appearance after appearing in A new power in lordaeron so it is not counted. in addition, there are three items that are purchasable from the marketplace and goblin merchant in theramore city and one in the voodoo lounge. one of the purchasable item in the goblin merchant is a unique consumable item granting statistics and is immediately consumed when bought. another unique consumable is a staff with five charges from act one.

this is pretty much all the methods i play the campaigns so far. if i forgot any i will add to this thread but hopefully i get some feedback everyone. thanks for reading and i want to thank the youtuber whose name ive forgotten that inspired me to play warcraft differently. most of these ideas are mine except the trapping illidan with shade strategy which i think is ingenious.
hi there,
wow wow wow
nice details
Level 16
May 2, 2011
the invasion of kalimdor orc campaign: cry of the warsong mission use the peons to construct a series of burrows in a line to block off grom's base from the humans
you can block grom with your units. build GH and mass army beore he can even launch his first attack.

also another way to do this chapter is to let thrall pull HU forces to attack grom base instead of your base.
in the mission the brothers stormrage
you can also use the steal Maiev's shadow orb from furion and give it to illidan. just put it down from the cliff and illidan can take it. if you take it, it comes in the next chapters of blood elf campaign.
n the mission lord of outland,
in this mission you can control infernals with spell breakers. infernals are summon by death towers before you destroy generator. leave one generator working (top left or top right). keep bringing illidan and 2 wolves to trigger the cast. pull the inernals and control them.

when you have 12 infernals attack mag.
keep doing that until you win.

you need to drop infernal HP to control it.
dreadlord's fall mission can be won before both bases wake up. have land mines ready and use all of it on one base for instant destruction. then move on to the other base with existing troops to win.
this can also be won by charming mortar teams.

a new power in lordaeron
just blink in middle o balnazzar base and call 24 steam tanks lol
the goblin merchant is a unique consumable item granting statistics
this is also availabe in chapter one. I just grind panda agility for max attack speed and critical strike lol

my 1111th post :D
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Level 4
Apr 27, 2020
you can block grom with your units. build GH and mass army beore he can even launch his first attack.

also another way to do this chapter is to let thrall pull HU forces to attack grom base instead of your base.

you can also use the steal Maiev's shadow orb from furion and give it to illidan. just put it down from the cliff and illidan can take it. if you take it, it comes in the next chapters of blood elf campaign.

in this mission you can control infernals with spell breakers. infernals are summon by death towers before you destroy generator. leave one generator working (top left or top right). keep bringing illidan and 2 wolves to trigger the cast. pull the inernals and control them.

when you have 12 infernals attack mag.
keep doing that until you win.

you need to drop infernal HP to control it.

this can also be won by charming mortar teams.

just blink in middle o balnazzar base and call 24 steam tanks lol

this is also availabe in chapter one. I just grind panda agility for max attack speed and critical strike lol
i am impressed. Didnt know that the spell breakers could control infernals i usually just destroy the generators. And also i wasnt aware that illidan can carry over items from one campaign to the next. Im going to play around with the inventory thing more thanks to you
Level 16
May 2, 2011
i am impressed. Didnt know that the spell breakers could control infernals i usually just destroy the generators. And also i wasnt aware that illidan can carry over items from one campaign to the next. Im going to play around with the inventory thing more thanks to you

they usually cant but blizzard removed spell immunity from infernals in this chapter. I noticed this when Vashj could cast frost arrows on them. usually frost arrows cannot target spell immune, so I figured out.

as for illidan items, I thought that was obvious because illidan got pretty much full slotted with very strong items (claws +15 and +5 crown stats etc). otherwise what would be the point of those items? you carry the whole hero with you. if you won last chapter with metamorphisis, at the beginning of gate of the abyss mission, illidan is metamorphed black creature LOL (but then it will expire and you have to use the ultimate again :p)
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Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
in the last mission A symphony of frost and flame, use three or four shades to surround illidan while he is not moving the illidan's naga threat is gone. he will be unable to move but his nagas will still build bases on the four obelisks but without illidan to claim them then it is useless. again the land mines can be used on any enemy if it is still in the inventory slot.
you can also use burrow ability with 5 crypt fiends or 5 carrion beetles to surround the circle after taking it's control so illidan will stuck there with his troops so you can play more comfortable.
that will make the mission more easier and you won't worry about time anymore, after all it's the final chapter
we shall make it cool:wgrin:
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
they usually cant but blizzard removed spell immunity from infernals in this chapter. I noticed this when Vashj could cast frost arrows on them. usually frost arrows cannot target spell immune, so I figured out.
Depends on the spell's targets if it includes magic immune or not.
But there's a bug if for instance the spell does damage, that damage will not be dealt.
Level 16
May 2, 2011
you can also use burrow ability with 5 crypt fiends or 5 carrion beetles to surround the circle after taking it's control so illidan will stuck there with his troops so you can play more comfortable.
I was under the impression that burrowed fiends and beetles do not block pathing and can be walked through.

@Erin my last way to do last mission symphony of frost and flames: summon 5 beetles at start from initial naga base. go and get neutrals from 3 Circle powers. you can do this before illidan capture 1. you need to level up unholy aura at lvl 3 before death coil and that will help move faster. do not get any circle of power. go back asap and defend against elf and naga first assaults. then go and kill illidan while he is channeling some obelisk. then immediately strike blood elves with your initial forces crypts+wagon. you can pretty much kill their whole base only by this force. by this time you should have most upgrades already. after that you are all set to win the chapter by brute force. I would get Vashj base too just for fun.

though not sure if these last tips are considered creative :p

Depends on the spell's targets if it includes magic immune or not.
But there's a bug if for instance the spell does damage, that damage will not be dealt.
I dont think there is such option in the object editor. regardless, control magic isnt the only spell affecting infernals in that chapter. banish and other spell can be used too iirc
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
Just tested now on a dummy map and they don't block pathing when burrowed for both enemies, allies and friendly units.
i was actually referring to the classic version of the game not reforged
it was a bug most likely and they've removed it by the updates
and if you are asking for the v of game it was 1.27
Level 4
Apr 27, 2020
they usually cant but blizzard removed spell immunity from infernals in this chapter. I noticed this when Vashj could cast frost arrows on them. usually frost arrows cannot target spell immune, so I figured out.

as for illidan items, I thought that was obvious because illidan got pretty much full slotted with very strong items (claws +15 and +5 crown stats etc). otherwise what would be the point of those items? you carry the whole hero with you. if you won last chapter with metamorphisis, at the beginning of gate of the abyss mission, illidan is metamorphed black creature LOL (but then it will expire and you have to use the ultimate again :p)
ok now i know why illidan didnt have the items in his inventory during the blood elf mission where he channels. its because i used the cheat motherland human 8 and skipped to the end of the campaign so i didnt have to replay the missions one by one. in this case illidan only had the orb when i went straight for the demon gate mission. as for the last mission symphony of flame and sorrow i found an easier way to destroy all enemy bases. simply have a meat wagon pick up 6 dragon turtle corpses and then use arthas to reanimate them and go straight for the naga temple of tides since they are invulnerable they cant get hit. then have a couple frost wyrm or gargoyle ready to kill the rest of the naga murgul slaves or blood elf peasants and repeat the same step. this way you could destroy the illidan base across the river as well. theres two spawning grounds near illidans base that churn out dragon turtles so even if lady vashj forces are defeated you could still use that. 6 naga royal guard corpse are good as well because they have chaos damage but they only spawn at the obelisk bases under illidans control.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
i found an easier way to destroy all enemy bases. simply have a meat wagon pick up 6 dragon turtle corpses and then use arthas to reanimate them and go straight for the naga temple of tides since they are invulnerable they cant get hit. then have a couple frost wyrm or gargoyle ready to kill the rest of the naga murgul slaves or blood elf peasants and repeat the same step. this way you could destroy the illidan base across the river as well.
Level 4
Apr 30, 2020
Darn, my 1.27 editor won't load anymore :\
no problem, dear
at least I realized that it doesn't work on the modern versions of the game as I tried it on v1.31.1 and it didn't work
so i believe it only works on v1.27 and below. still a big deal :D
Level 4
Apr 27, 2020
in the undead mission the fall of silvermoon, use banshee to possess a high elf worker and build elf barrack. train a few adept sorceress and a bunch of dragon hawks. have sorceress cast invisibility on them and fly them to the 4 guardians at sunwell and destroy them so that the entire silvermoon elf base is bypassed.

in the last mission Under the burning sky of the undead campaign path of the damned, wait until the blue human base researches adept sorceress and possess one either using a banshee or the scepter of mastery on the upper right corner of map. then train troops that attack land and air units and place them on the ledge at lower left corner of map. alternatively, clear the trees there and build a necropolis high up. also buy a zeppelin as well. every time enemy units come near kel thuzad use the sorceress to cast invisibility on him. invisibility only lasts two minutes so do this constantly. the enemy will instead go for sorceress so load sorceress onto zeppelin and bring it to the ledge for safety. the three human bases will send troops to get the buildings or units. either unsummon your original buildings at gold mine or let enemy destroy it. enemy land units will try to attack your troops to no avail. only gryphon will attack so build anti air units or upgrade to spirit tower and hall of dead or black citadel. the grey dwarf base have gyrocopters that can detect kel thuzad even under invisibility so avoid placing troops and building at lower right ledge where the gnolls are. instead draw all enemy troops to lower left to avoid kel thuzad being seen by gyrocopters passing through. at the last two minutes all units will rush toward kel thuzad so cast invisibility again and prevent gyrocopter from getting near him and mission won. in this mission enemy units will always go for your troops first before kel thuzad but if they happen to pass him they will attack so make sure they dont pass him. it is worth noting that the scepter of mastery can take control of siege engines as well but has only 3 charges. if you choose not to place any units on the ledge then all three bases will chase your remaining units down across the map if you manage have your troops stay alive. you would have to do this for at least ten or twenty minutes moving your units around the map to evade death.

in the mission The oracle in the orc campaign the invasion of kalimdor, dont let cairne or his troops step on the trap that kills the quillboars guarding the enchanted gemstone. instead open the gate and fight the quillboar so that one of them drop a necklace of spell immunity which grant hero immune to spell damage.

during the second mission daughters of the moon of night elf campaign eternity's end, have tyrande go to the fountain of health at upper right corner of map. then use the ballista to cut down trees to the south of the fountain therefore bypassing the entire undead base. dont move tyrande through the path yet but have ballista either attack undead base from shandris base which the undead wont be able to attack back because theres a gate blocking them or destroy the gate and attack undead. if you attack the undead there will be a large battle between the night elves and undead resulting in both sides destroying each other.

in the second mission The broken isles of the sentinels campaign terror of the tides, dont destroy the ruined gate seperating illidan's naga myrmidons from your forces. train some glaive throwers and have them attack the nagas from behind the gate. this way the nagas will eventually be killed.

in the last blood elf mission lord of outland in campaign cursing of the blood elves the abomination called the butcher and magtheridon can both be killed without using any melee troops. as for the butcher, free the demolishers and move them to the gate blocking the butcher area from the rest of map. have illidan save the infernal stone he found during the last sentinel mission the brothers stormrage on the river leading up to the granite golem. use the stone to cast the infernal beyond the gate and lure the butcher toward the gate. then have the 4 demolishers carefully bombard the butcher while its stuck trying to reach the demolishers at the gate and make sure gate doesnt fall. soon the butcher will be killed by the demolishers. the infernal stone is also useful if illidan or kael has it in their inventory at start of map. have illidan or kael run to the bridge that connects the two sides of map and use the infernal on the other side to activate the square on vashj's side so that lady vashj doesnt have to fight through orc base to step on it. althernatively, use kael's flame strike to destroy trees blocking the fountain of mana and then have illidan swim across the channel to reach vashj's side and the activation square as well. if vashj has the infernal stone then vice versa but the only way to get across to kael's side would be through the stone because the trees blocking the fountain need to be taken down by flame strike but you arent using kael. to kill magtheridon, only destroy the mistress of torment and move demolishers to the edge of the area closest to magetheridon. most of his forces will be out of range except the infernal juggernaut. magtheridon's area will be covered by black fog so the use the attack ground command of demolishers to trigger the juggernaut. watch out for the infernals it calls down and destroy it quickly. once the juggernaut is hit the entire group of enemies will come closer to the demolishers trying to hit it. at this point keep using demolishers to bombard the juggernaut to eliminate the infernal threat. then focus on magtheridon. watch out for the infernals magtheridon calls down as well. it will take a while to defeat matheridon with 4 demolishers. try to keep all 4 alive or else the less demolisher there is to deal damage the more health magtheridon regenerates. if the fog of war is too difficult, have a hero go to the generator next to the base near the master of pain and use the infernal stone to cast an infernal onto the last generator inside magtheridon's area. move infernal toward magtheridon to reveal the fog allowing demolishers to hit targets accurately for sometime before infernal gets destroyed or its timer runs out. another spot to attack magtheridon is from the mistress area next to the barrels and crates below magtheridon. use infernal to lure the pit lord's forces down to the area and use demolishers to defeat them. keep the infernal alive in order to keep luring magtheridon in case he gets out of range of the demolishers.

in the mission return to northrend of scourge campaign legacy of the damned, possess an adept sorceress with a banshee and use it to cast invisibility on your troops so that you can move them safely past the naga base guarding the entrance as well as the spiders along the way. preferably cast it on sapphiron and let it destroy the dragonkins and the blue drakes guarding circle of power.

in the mission a symphony of frost and flame, possess a few adept sorceress while holding one obelisk. because sorceress cannot cast invisibility on themselves, use them to cast it on each other in turn and on arthas. move invisible arthas to an enemy obelisk and have an invisible sorcress with him too. once he step on the circle of power he will break invisibility but use the sorceress to cast it on him immediately so this way he remains invisible while channeling. the sorceress will break her spell and she will get killed but theres more sorceress. do this a few times so that arthas gets to each obelisk and control all four in a matter of minutes. preferably do this right after illidan dies so that he does not have time to retake any one. this way there's no need to fight through all the naga bases guarding the obelisks and ensure a fast win.
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Level 4
Apr 27, 2020
by the way, theres a whole nother way to play warcraft 3 campaigns if you type in the cheat strengthandhonor which lets you keep playing after losing main mission. for example, you can kill neutral units like medivh in the orc mission The oracle by having thrall and cairne collect the two artifacts to create the bridge then kill one of the heroes and you fail mission but you can still play. have your unit cross the bridge and use ranged ability to kill medivh without triggering any cutscene.
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