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Titan's Guardian

Edit: so apparently war3 is derp enough to disallow the model just 'walking' on the ocean floor? o_O so i had to do duplicate anims and tweak a few things. But now this stone naga is fully amphibious :p enjoy

So.. this is a model animated by.. How many people? o_O
we have Thrikodius, we have Raph the Great, we have Hayate.. and I think UgoUgo also had something to do with it, but i am not quite sure.. It's old enough for me to forget

Originally this was my 'Naga Brute' model, which could be found on.. I think it's called Trishroom now? oO But i had so much trouble with its bones, particles, and anims, that i decided to re-tweak as much as i can and finally get it to a state where he actually feels like a complete hero. Unfortunately, that meant i needed to remove the swim anims, but it wasn't that much of a problem, as i found a perfect skin to match; Titan Serpent by Daenar7

So i present; Titan's Guardian. a Naga that has been granted stone form by whichever Titan-related entity that was left behind after they left Azeroth

Enjoy :p

Credit would be good since so many of us worked on this one :p

P.S. don't bother me if anims are not that good, it's old :p

old, model, of, naga, brute, reworked, and, renamed, to, titans, guardian, :p he, is, pretty, rocky

Titan's Guardian (Model)

10:25, 11th Jul 2015 MiniMage: Nagas could always use a boss, approved.
Level 7
Dec 13, 2013
Aww dang. No swim animations means I probably cant use it for my map >.<

Personal uses aside though, this is a wonderful model and a great addition to the naga race.
I personally think the animations look just fine and are new and refreshing. Awesome work to all of you!
if you'd like, I could begin the progress of re adding new swim animations, no idea how long that'd take, I personally thought they were very nice, would of been easier for me to re work them then build new ones, the fact you deleted them to save space is considerably upsetting.

a neat model though I like its new colors.
if you'd like, I could begin the progress of re adding new swim animations, no idea how long that'd take, I personally thought they were very nice, would of been easier for me to re work them then build new ones, the fact you deleted them to save space is considerably upsetting.

a neat model though I like its new colors.

Wonderful but it must have swim animations.

Rocks sink, the swim anims are not needed if the model is doing well enough already
no pickyness needed, Kam
Rocks sink, the swim anims are not needed if the model is doing well enough already
no pickyness needed, Kam

Sure, rocks sink, because they can't propel themselves. Doesn't mean no heavy creatures can swim.

Just because the model is amazing 5/5 material doesn't mean that it can't still be improved. Have you forgotten that this site is for providing resources for people to use in their maps, not just for people to look at and rate? Swimming is extremely important for a naga model. Since this can't swim, it can't go along with other naga units which do swim. It would have to run all the way around the body of water (if that's even possible on the map it's used in) while its army swims across. If there isn't a land path around, it wouldn't even be able to cross to keep up with its army. Essentially, it's limited to maps that aren't built for use of naga. If someone wanted to make a map that was designed for naga's swimming functionality, they'd have to leave this incredible model out of it.

Sure, you can leave swim anims out and still get 5/5's. I still gave this a 5/5 myself. But that doesn't mean it isn't worth making the effort to drastically improve the usefulness of this model. It should be used in tons of naga maps, not sitting on the forums gathering 5/5's and dust. What matters more to you, that your resource is useful to people, or just having it good enough to get ratings and rep?

You've just uploaded it and even in the first page there are already a few requests for swimming animations. You can clearly see how badly they're needed.
Sure, rocks sink, because they can't propel themselves. Doesn't mean no heavy creatures can swim.

Just because the model is amazing 5/5 material doesn't mean that it can't still be improved. Have you forgotten that this site is for providing resources for people to use in their maps, not just for people to look at and rate? Swimming is extremely important for a naga model. Since this can't swim, it can't go along with other naga units which do swim. It would have to run all the way around the body of water (if that's even possible on the map it's used in) while its army swims across. If there isn't a land path around, it wouldn't even be able to cross to keep up with its army. Essentially, it's limited to maps that aren't built for use of naga. If someone wanted to make a map that was designed for naga's swimming functionality, they'd have to leave this incredible model out of it.

Sure, you can leave swim anims out and still get 5/5's. I still gave this a 5/5 myself. But that doesn't mean it isn't worth making the effort to drastically improve the usefulness of this model. It should be used in tons of naga maps, not sitting on the forums gathering 5/5's and dust. What matters more to you, that your resource is useful to people, or just having it good enough to get ratings and rep?

You've just uploaded it and even in the first page there are already a few requests for swimming animations. You can clearly see how badly they're needed.

Ehh animate this will be like, something... I dunno, whatever... Not sure if transfering anim work on this, if not, i will suffer lol

He can do as he likes. I am somewhat biased because I have a Naga race and swim animations are a must. It's a highly detailed model regardless.

You know guys.. you can always set the unit to amphibious, and simply have it just 'slither' on through the depths.. unless the war3 engine is 'that derpy' to disallow that

I'll honestly not bother with this guy anymore..




Ooh ooh, Add some flying/floating animations to make it god like!