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Things that scare you

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Here are some things that just flat-out make me sh*t my pants.

-Japanese horror movies
Did you watch Guinea Pig series? Yes, that. God damn it, the next movie should be a live action adaptation of Elfen Lied.

-Faceless things
I have a bad experience with Silent Hill... And nurses... and things with Pyramids on their heads...

And things that 100% make me wanna wash my brain when I see them are...
Let's make this clear:
I won't even bother explaining why. It's just that I have some kind of an unnatural fear of mermaids, from since I was a kid. They just... they just creep me out!:ogre_rage:
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Ok, so fears are (from my birth to today):
1. Some of my dreams (well... :p)
Story: I began at a young age to dream about Doomsday, judgement day and so forth on. Hell, I even dreamed about Pyramidhead, Ganondorf, Lisa Trevor, Alma Wade attacking me... And I wasn't scared.
2. nothing
3. nothing
Ok, the fears that have passed on:
1. A song that Mark'oh made / covered.
Story: When I was young, We had soo many albums n' shit (around 1999). And it was like 3 or 4 months since I moved to Serbia from Germany (where I was born). And I found an album of Mark'oh, entitled "The sparrows and the nightingales" (BTW didn't know how to read). I was curious, and so i put it in the music player, and began listening to the first song "The sparrows and the nightingales long ver.". Now, when he began singing, it suddenly caused me to fall asleep (Yea, it did, and the worst / weirdest is that From that day, I remembered the whole text of that song "... and God is on your side, dividing the sparrows from the nightingales..." (I know this is just a cover of wolfsheim's song)). So, when I woke up, father asked what happened, and I was just like... "...Eleminate this." And so father destroyed the cd with, what else, a tilt hammer. That's the story. (Hope this isn't against the rulez) And it let me with a trauma till the day I die. I can't listen to this song when he starts singing. The wolfsheim version's different, so i can listen to it.
F*ck this is just ridiculous what I'm writing about.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
Lets see....

1. Any bug with stingers (Wasps, Bees, Etc.)

2. Highly detailed dolls... i always think they are gonna come alive and get me!!! :p

3. When in the dark, something unknown touches you, could be the boogieman, or someone trying to scare you.

4. Scary sounds, could be demonic, eerie, zombie sounding, or vampirish...

5. Scary movies and games scare me

6. Walking through the ghetto by yourself, never pleasant, i dont care what you say...

well i guess thats it for now :p hehe
Level 12
Jan 30, 2009
My absolute #1: SPIDERS. My co-worker smashed a big one and threw it at me last week, I almost took off his head with the garbage can I threw at him. Not cool.


South Side of Chicago.......

My body breaking down on me (ALREADY BEGUN!)

The stupidity of Man.

Will Ferrel movies. (Where he's the main char. Zoolander is AWESOME.)

Living another day.

The dark thoughts in my head....

What I'm gonna do if I ever find the guy who killed my Uncle.

Driving on the Interstate in Florida. TOO MANY BLUE HAIRS!!

Oh, sorry, I got too serious there I think.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
1: Artificial humans. Mechanical dolls and robots that resemble humans closely enough, to fall into the so-called uncanny valley. Not only do they creep me out - they give me an unrational sadness, disillusioned, and stomach unrestfulness for several hours after looking at them for just a little while. Thing is, once I look properly at such a thing, my mind gives me 2 options: Leave or keep staring. Thus, if I'm trying to stay so to fight my wrong feeling, I will constantly stare at it by accident.

2: Combination of animals and either of two: Bodilly wrongness, or human traits such as speech or hindleg-walking. Examples: A dog that has lost its forelegs, jumping on its hindlegs instead; a realistic manipulated photo resembling a skinny man with bare torso and a cat's head. If you google cat, you might find it after disturbingly few clicks, but I won't try to find it because of my reaction. Also the symbolic animals in Antichrist. They're WRONG! Makes my spine chill thinking about them.

3: Synthetic voices that sound agonized or somehow angelic in this mysterious, unhuman way that I can't describe. Example: The choir in Mission to Mars combined with strange signal patterns in the scene where they record and analyze those signals.

I like fear as a form of entertainment, but it's good knowing when to stop, 'cause it can become too much for anyone I guess.
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Level 7
Apr 3, 2009
Zombies - When they bite you, you die and become one of them. Mindless.

Rabies - When they bite you, you also die and become one of them. Mindless again.

My ex - If I go into detail, I'll probably be dead by tomorrow.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
Wasps. I go "WAAAAAGH! IT'S A WASP!" unless I have a towel or something, then I kill the damn insect.

Street dogs. Yeah, I'm a cowardly whelp.

lol bet you wouldnt say that if u hit the wing of an airplane and the whole nest falls down and literally hundreds of wasps fly out of the nest and from the wing!!! (happened to me :p )


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Rob Schneider... *Shrug*

Level 12
Jan 30, 2009
Hey, man. What's scary is scary!

On a related note, another thing I'm scared of:

Angry German women. (No offense, trauma!)
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Well, let's see...

I'm freaking scared of spiders thanks to my mother ... you fear what you learn to fear, and she taught me that spiders are scary when I was young. Right. Teach that to a kid. Won't have any consequences later, really -.-
Other than that, I got a Trypanophobia, an omg-I-get-let-to-school-phobia (really... it's annoying o_O) and an isolophobia. That's all I can think of spontaniously.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
Why the fuck was there a wasp nest on the wing of an ariplane and where the hell were you that you would have a spare towel and be a towel length away from an airplane's wing?

Well the question why is that i really have no idea, but i guess they all found it cool to be living in it... and we were inspecting the aircraft, and one of my homeboys decides to pound the wing (we already knew that there was at least one wasp in it, but right when he hit it, hundreds fall out) and we had the towels to wipe some of the grease off the aircraft... what a day :p haha
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Lovecraft fiction. Really, after reading his stuff I can't sleep without lights on. It's embarrassing.

It's called horror fiction for a reason, and Lovecraft was the era's very best. Although those I've read didn't scare me, I've only read Dagon and Nyarlathotep. No need to be embarrassed.
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Lol, when I find a spider at home, I put it into a small box or container or whatever and release it outside. No killing.

On behalf of spiders everywhere, thank you.

Well, let's see...

I'm freaking scared of spiders thanks to my mother ... you fear what you learn to fear, and she taught me that spiders are scary when I was young. Right. Teach that to a kid. Won't have any consequences later, really -.-
Other than that, I got a Trypanophobia, an omg-I-get-let-to-school-phobia (really... it's annoying o_O) and an isolophobia. That's all I can think of spontaniously.

I can take care of both you and your mother's arachnophobia. I'll see you in a few days. Keep an eye or two on the ceiling. Don't swat any flys in your house either, that's how you'll compensate me for my time (I get hungry...).

Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
Zombies, Aliens, Spiders, Headcrabs(Falls into Zombies I guess :p), being alone and darkness(abit). Also, sounds I don't recognize or just sounds in the middle of the night in general. Especially when they sound so close like they're in my house.

Dude. I have a metal roof and we have squirrels crawling all over it. I looked outside my window once and all i saw was something furry out of my window. I hid under my pillow XD.

1. Strange noises in the dark outside my window on the metal roof.

2. Making Chuck Norris mad.

3. Horse/deer flies. (yeah i hate them)

4. Anything Green. (dont ask and i see that all the threads are written in green)

5. Being like my brother (hes gonna die a bachelor XD)

6. The Morpheus Road Series (I read it in my moms bed with a light on how childish right? Ready it yourself its called The Morpheus Road: The Light
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