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The planet's future!

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Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
I've been wandering this my self
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?
and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?
You will suffer a time in confusion, or start making something that Advice someone to not littering?
Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?

I guess somebody would love to see his funeral if he even thought of acting like that against me.

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?

Unless I'll experience the end of the world myself, I'll share my knowledge about "what would I do".
Yet I can't even predict how is it going to look like, meteors, nuclear war, massive flood, tsunami, lots of natural disasters, wars, zombie invasion, virus, disease etc.
Many options... from My point of view it's kinda depressing that we are defenseless against all of those I mentioned.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?

I would tell them to 'pick it up' or suffer the severe consequences of torture.

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?

There would be absolutely nothing I could do to prevent it happening, nor could I change anyone's mind because everyone would think I'm crazy - so it would be another day at the office (if I had an office).
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
But i knew one organization that has faith in rebuilding this planet ecosystem (although i doubt it), it called tzu chi, they has very intelegent sientist that already has some product, like the recycle of plastic mineral bottle into a baby's sock, t-shirt, even sheets
Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
I don't really care about humanity, Earth is a planet like many other, it can easily surive without us.

By saying about beign careless against our fate I didn't mean that I burn plastic every day and I try to make as much polution as I can. No point of doing that.
I've been wandering this my self
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?
Ignore the person, not my problem.

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?
You will suffer a time in confusion, or start making something that Advice someone to not littering?

Ain't my business to save the world. Let's all go to hell together! Woohoo!
I don't really care about humanity, Earth is a planet like many other, it can easily surive without us.

By saying about beign careless against our fate I didn't mean that I burn plastic every day and I try to make as much polution as I can. No point of doing that.

If there's no humanity or intelligent species to make it's home on earth, then what point does it have surviving on? A little fault in logic when people go on about earth being better off without humans is that without humans, there is no conception of "better," you need that point of relevance to make any sense of point of it.

rsynt111 said:
I've been wandering this my self
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?
and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?
You will suffer a time in confusion, or start making something that Advice someone to not littering?

I'm not one to be a grammar nazi, but it's really hard to take you seriously when you so consistently misspell your sentences and mess up on grammar, it just removes the impact of the point you're actually trying to make.

As for littering, often I'll just pick it up if someone does that - odds are that if they'd do that in the first place, they don't care anyways so whatever self-righteous rant you give them isn't going to make an effect in their lives, they'll just do it again the instant you walk away, perhaps even more to spite you.

Regardless, while small littering becomes a problem over time a more dangerous environmental hazards exist from things such as irresponsible disposal of waste from factories and other things that visually become a problem much quicker - thing is, with enough support on your side it's easier to make a difference in these sorts of things as they don't rely on trying to reform many, many people at once and instead allow you to focus on a more select group - basically it's easier to fight a war against an enemy you can picture.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?
Litterning isn't an enviromental hazard as much as it is a cause for an effect of others picking up your filth for you.
Selfish? Very - Enviromental Hazard? Barely.

I'm not saying it isn't a contributing factor, only that it's negligible considering the circumstances.
There would be absolutely nothing I could do to prevent it happening, nor could I change anyone's mind because everyone would think I'm crazy - so it would be another day at the office (if I had an office).
If you could argue that littering is a potential hazard over time, you could argue that everyone speaking their mind could potentially cure the disease over time.
Although, on a cynical note, consider gravity - Chucking filth doesn't require physical work; Picking it up does.

You could also compare it to simple cellular biology, and active contra passive transport over the selectively-permeable cell membrane.
Duh, I'm a geek, sue me :p
But i knew one organization that has faith in rebuilding this planet ecosystem (although i doubt it), it called tzu chi, they has very intelegent sientist that already has some product, like the recycle of plastic mineral bottle into a baby's sock, t-shirt, even sheets
There are several organizations with similar ambitions. Changing humanity's perception in a flash is one of those near impossibilities that has to be done anyhow.
The thing is, humanity could care less for reforms when it compromises her rather superfluous lifestyle. Humanity really is a bitch in prada ;)
odds are that if they'd do that in the first place, they don't care anyways so whatever self-righteous rant you give them isn't going to make an effect in their lives, they'll just do it again the instant you walk away, perhaps even more to spite you.
Self-righteous rants are emotional discharges, I would even deem them a necessity for harmonious living.
Consider vomiting - whatever comes up comes out, we don't put our hands over our mouths.
If there's no humanity or intelligent species to make it's home on earth, then what point does it have surviving on? A little fault in logic when people go on about earth being better off without humans is that without humans, there is no conception of "better," you need that point of relevance to make any sense of point of it.
Valid and hence neglected - Ironic and hence normal.

Now to fucking shake the uneasy feeling you get from being overly serious in an Off-Topic thread.
Have a smile :D

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Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
If there's no humanity or intelligent species to make it's home on earth, then what point does it have surviving on? A little fault in logic when people go on about earth being better off without humans is that without humans, there is no conception of "better," you need that point of relevance to make any sense of point of it.

The only point is exploitation of resources on the planet. They were obviously made for some living forms that would settle it.
Yet I think human race is somekind of negative insect, like a mosquito, it's sucking blood trying to be as loud as possible and honestly, does nothing interesting. You bring the meaning of life right now, your point of view can be different from other people but I accept that, and I know what you mean.
But I think I won't change my opinion soon, im living my own life until something big happens, I won't be suprised because it's based on luck and fate.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Well, some guy throw a rubish. If he would throw it away in some tidy nice place, Id yell on that guy until his ears would fall of. If that would bwe some littered place, I wouldn't care. It's a dump already and it's not my duty to clean it, you know.

And I'm pretty pragmatic about the detruction of Earth.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
It is OK to not believe such things like end of world fully, I myself am starting to think things aren't as dramatic as they are described for ever natural space or earth event because on many occassions so far it hasn't happened and if it does, well it would be guesses like guessing once from hundreds of times. But at the same time, people are underestimating possibilities just as much that is also wrong. Just like you shouldn't believe fully, dont underestimate it too much either!

What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?

Unless some bio disease or radioactive, I would throw it away where it belongs, garbage container etc.

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?

Cheer for the end of all the evil of humanity that is also going down (terrorism, mafia, crime).
Try to save myself and others by going high in the mountains (instructions of some people who are into end of the world). Thing is, I am far from water anyway, I don't think high lands is safe from earthquakes and our close mountain is a sleeping long extinguished volcano, so.. at least I would try.
Level 6
May 5, 2008
Th earth won't die this fast, the only one dieing would be humanity.
=>Don't say we have to save the planet, cause the planet will live on when we are dead u have to say save humynity, but humans do not care for other humans they do not know

i'm was wondering, in my country, people do not do what they speak, they only 'nato' people
Nato is: no action, talk only
They talk big about cleanies, but
  • do nothing
at all
I wander, how is yours people?

It is said Germans are the No1 in Waste Seperration and Enviroment Protection, I do think many really do this - I do not.
Level 3
May 22, 2011
The OP's grammar is so bad I have trouble understanding what he says.

Anyway, I pick up litter when I see it and am not in a hurry.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Well, seriously, rubish definetly wouldn't destroy Earth or Humanity.
Sure it would increase the amount of deseases spreading and stuff, but for a real apocalypse you would need much more popultion than rubish on the floor can produce.
''it's only one little rubbish, it will not make any difference''
If that thinked by 100.000.000 people, imagine, how much did the rubbish Gathered?
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
If those people throw away at least one little rubbish, a mount of litter would created, and, afaik, litter can spread a methane gas, something smiliar to o2, but with bad smell, if we inhale too much of that, our blood will transport methane, than o2
And we will died because of oxygen lack
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Heck no, not all rubish is the same thing. Plus, hehe, it's not like methane gas just appears.. it exists all time, and it's mostly is emmited by, you know, toorting food, corpses and such. So thorwing away cans or packages doesn't cause metane problems, while nobody would throw away food, unless it's spoiled, and spoiling food has ntohing to do with littering.
Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
I think it's pretty understandable that humanity could get exterminated by other civilizations/get pwnd by some natural events or finally by selfowning itself. Yet im pretty sure that most people go for philosophy "live fast die young" and they don't really care about the future of humanity/planet. It's always like that, we(as human race) don't agree on most stuff with each other so it is (most likely) going to an end...

Well I think I wrote loads of bs right now but well... it's pretty hard thing to discuss, we don't know what will happen and what will/won't destroy us.
Level 6
May 11, 2010
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?

Well if I was friends with the person i'd probably tell them off, especially when they drop it on the ground and there's a bin only a few feet away (Yes, I have a friend who does this, pisses me off)

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?

I'd spend the rest of my time with the people (including my dogs, yes they're people!) who matter most to me and try to make them as happy as possible.(that's considering they don't know that it's coming)
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Yet I can't even predict how is it going to look like, meteors, nuclear war, massive flood, tsunami, lots of natural disasters, wars, zombie invasion, virus, disease etc.
Many options... from My point of view it's kinda depressing that we are defenseless against all of those I mentioned.
Not exactly defenseless against most of those things, and the chance of natural disasters actually coming anywhere close to wiping us out is astronomically low.

Really, the biggest threat to humanity right now is something that comes very fast and pretty much wipes us all out before we have time to adapt to it. It's entirely possible that even a giant meteor flying towards the Earth could be averted, but say something like a gamma ray burst directed to Earth would annihilate us. There probably aren't going to be any gamma ray bursts for at least the next few million years. :|
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
If someone litters in front of me, I'll pass it on to a neighbor if it's in my yard or step over it if it's not. I'll not sacrifice my time in the hopes that our race may have a chance of exisiting long term here.

The world won't be destroyed by anything we do. We haven't the weapons base to do so. It would merely shrug us off and not even notice we're gone...

Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Not exactly defenseless against most of those things, and the chance of natural disasters actually coming anywhere close to wiping us out is astronomically low.

Really, the biggest threat to humanity right now is something that comes very fast and pretty much wipes us all out before we have time to adapt to it. It's entirely possible that even a giant meteor flying towards the Earth could be averted, but say something like a gamma ray burst directed to Earth would annihilate us. There probably aren't going to be any gamma ray bursts for at least the next few million years. :|

Hmm maybe even if Yellowstone erupted (I still wanna go there and I was close but couldnt), or some other of larger scale happened I think some of us - continent, peninusla, more continents would still survive... So yes.

Even if nasa were hiding info about such object, i think it would be seen in the sky like the Comet 17P in 2007. From my observations there is nothing unusual so imho the incoming object is less likely.

Some are saying some high level govs officials are preparing for some catastrophy but idk what to think... Atm everything seems so normal that sometimes I do feel some things r overreacted even if I have a little more degree to believe.
Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
I would prepare to cataclysm if I had the funding as well. Does it matter whether or not we know it's coming yet?

Anyway, I put very little fear in the concept of us destroying the Earth and even less in something outside our control, like an asteroid or something (I mean come on, what are we gonna do?). I view the Earth as for the most part disposable, it's really only a matter of time before we can figure out terraforming and at that point it really doesn't matter as we can begin to move on to other (better) planets (I for one have dibs on Saturn). And I have serious doubts about us even having the ability to irrevocably cause damage.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Of course. I mean, we might screw it up so much it would be (even bigger) pain to live on it, but we can entirely destroy it (Well not an entire planet, just the entire surface) only by detonating an entire arsenal. And ever heard of "Nuclear peace"? It's when all nations realise that if one of them releases a nuke to another, others will have to take an action, and it might lead to nuclear apocalypse, killing everyone. So that's why nobody uses nukes nowdays.

And, seriously, rubish won't destroy our planet. Or make it completely uninhabitable.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Erm, that's not rubbish. That's industry and infrastructure (cars and such), which is not same as littering and causes much more pollution.
I think those are freons or whatever that damage ozon layer, and nowdays they replaced freons (That are used in various sprays and refirdgerator cooling systems) with other chemicals that don't damage the ozone layer.
Well, global warming as I already said is realted to industry and cars that release carbon dioxide. Rubish doesn't release as much carbon dioxide as factories do. And wasn't there the thing revealed that all the global warming stuff is made up?
Plus research also shown that Earth's temperature kept increasing and decreasing periodically with no human influence.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
The methane gas (umm, sorry about the co2) is comes from rubbish, did you know, that in indonesia, they has a garbage dump that produce methane gas without noticed by the goverment, i wonder, is there any solution to this?
I know that in the western countries (i'm from eastern) there is alread a thecnology to prevent that, but in indonesia, there was no hope, i just wonder, if our map making could reach the heart of all gamer (wc3 only) to change this?
Like we making a reforestation game, or something like that
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Methane gas is dangerous only in smaller spaces, while outside it's not that dangerous. It's harmless in small concentrations.
You know, methane gas doesn't spread from just rubbish, it also appears when some things burn, you fart methane, it's also used in different industries... it's actually much safer than CO2.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Idk but some conspiracies to me sound like actual conspiracies, especially when the debunkers fail big time at proving why smth is a conspiracy and when there's more evidence about it than there is not. If some of what some have been killed after speaking is true, then the future would be disposing of 7/8 of the population, to make some place as Earth's population is growing and growing.. Well I cant fully believe that there is weather control devices also causing earthquakes as some say (Japan is proven to be seismic region but what about the number of tornadoes in USA recently, again some say normal to me the frequencies of such is increased compared to previous years).

So if that's the case - end by pollution, global warming, nuclear bombs, meteor? No. A disease or plague of some kind and ppl won't even know about it. Just like how much they tell us when radiation reaches continents like they 'told us in timely manner' when Chernobyl's radiation spread. I dont wanna speak about it because ppl have to make big research and will start making connection and why something can be true. Thrown in like that, I know it sounds like BS
Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
The hole will repair itself eventually. Besides it's not as if Ozone is some horribly rare thing that's impossible to make and put up there if necessary. And Global Warming isn't that big of a deal. It's technically Climate Change now because it's already been figured out it was just a big money making hyperbole. Besides, it's not as if natural things (like the sun) don't damage the layer all the time.
Level 10
Apr 25, 2009
I've been wandering this my self
What will you do if someone drop a litter infront of you?
and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?
You will suffer a time in confusion, or start making something that Advice someone to not littering?
If someone dropped litter infront of me, I wouldn't care.

Global Warming can be a sign that we're heading into an Ice Age. It can also be totally fake. I honestly don't care, knowing I won't live long enough to see the result.

and what will you do, if you knew that the planet really will be destroyed?
The planet WILL be destroyed. When that big ball of gas runs out of fuel, we're screwed. If a comet, meteor, or moon hits earth, it goes boom yet again. Or if some mentally deranged human has control of a few nuclear missiles, we're also screwed. I doubt humanity will thrive past 200 years. Earth isn't made to support 7 billion large organisms - genetic engineering will be pushed to the test, our real hope is looking towards space itself, another host planet.

Ultimately, in our current state, humanity is useless. We are destroying ourselves, by 'using up natural resources'. Earth will eventually end, and as everything has a start, everything comes to a end. The Universe itself will either eventually expand too much and rip, or enclose itself and 'crunch'. Fighting over petty land rights, borders, money, entertainment, religion, etc, is useless. The only way to truly ensure the survival of our race is finding multiple host planets, as they are innumerable. The only problem is getting there.
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There's a pretty easily identified marker for the 'end of the world'. Just watch, as technology advances past a certain point, the idea of an economy will be more of a burden than a necessity. Depending on our choices as a race, we could screw ourselves over right then and there.

It all comes down to greed. If it persists, we'll just be speeding up the process. On the other hand, if theres some big change, or all those greedy assholes, the ones that perpetuate the problem are lynched, history should remember, "Oh shit, them bitches got hanged, let's not do what they did".

Of course, it's all hypothetical at this point, with a large number of possibilities, that I've roughly summed up here. As far as enormous spacerocks are concerned, the meteor or comet would have to have the size and/or momentum to overpower Jupiter's gravitational pull, or plow right through it, as that planet manages to offset the courses of many, many pieces of sizeable space debris.
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