03:13, 11th Jan 2015
StoPCampinGn00b: Sylvie's review and my comment.
StoPCampinGn00b: Sylvie's review and my comment.
---------- | Maizon Presents | ---------- |
The Noble Paladins
Created by Maizon The Story: There was once two Paladins called Paulo and Manathar Paladins of the Silverhand they served Lordaeron for long but things change and get bad and they will face new challenges to survive. Features: *6Playable Maps along with 2 Interludes *RoC Playstyle campagin *Custom Face Model for Paulo Some else stuff about the Campaign: This campaign is my first campaign so it will probably lack some stuff. Screenshots: ![]() Change Log: *Fixed Some Terrian on Chapter One and Chapter Two *Fixed the Campaign Screen *Fixed some Triggers Credits:
Author's notes: This is my first campaign so it can lack terrian and other things also i made it as a RoC story |
Mmm...maybe I can help you. Vm me and ill help you with what you want
Tried first chapter and a bit of second. Looks good for a first campaign, honestly I expected worse. It would be good campaign if published 10 years ago, but today people expect more.
Sylvie's Short Review
Map: The Noble Paladins
Type: Campaign
Author: Maizon
Chapter 1:
Terrain is just too simple, and almost the entire map is empty, it ressemble me of Warcraft 2's terrains, you could add some doodads, put more enemies and resize the terrain, it's quite of big considering the content.
For the roleplay, it's too equal to RoC's human campaign (as you said), and that's not bad, but it feels like just playing RoC again. We can see some lack of triggers that need to be fixed. For example, at the Far Seer encounter, my Rifleman attacked him in the middle of the cinematic, causing an early battle into it.
Chapter 2:
Same thing about the terrain: it's empty, big for no reason, few enemies, and that human city just... don't look like a city, you just put a rock ground with walls around.
About the roleplay, I just hate the fact that Manathar is just standing in my base, but at least he's a good tank
And I must admit, you did a good job with the AI, except the fact that they just attack and run and train a lot of Acolytes...
But again, it's too equal to RoC. Try to put some custom content into it.
Chapter 3
Same thing about the terrain (again), and, with all the respect, Brill is ugly.
The roleplay is quite simple (and equal to RoC), just defend the city until reinforcements arive. So, there's nothing into it.
Chapter 4:
This terrain is good, a forest with some rocks, flowers, and off course, undeads
The doodads really fit the rest od the terrain, good work.
The imprisoned soldiers was a nice touch, really creative.
The cinematic here is also good, but in the beginnig it was kinda of bugged.
Chapter 5:
Well, the terrain is kinda of better, but it's still empty. the tiles that you used are... kinda of good.
For the roleplay, Blackrock Clan in Kalimdor? Well, this is a custom campaign, so you're forgiven
And I must say, it was too boring to destroy those Demolishers on that cliff.
Chapter 6:
This is actually good, the terrain is better, the enemies are worthy, the chieftain was a good mini-boss, and the landslide was very creative. I liked this chapter, good work.
In general:
Well, I think it's weird to have a Blood Elf campaign screen into a human campaign, you could change it to the Human campaign screen. And honnetly, I don't like of the constant reference to Arthas, Jaina and Uther in this, but that's just a personal opinion.
IN the whole campaign we could find only 4 or 5 itens, it's very few.
Also, I saw that in all of your maps we can see the terrain in the minimap, and just walk around with the mouse to see what you must to to win. I recommend you to uncheck the "Masked areas are partially visible" option (Scenario > Map options...) in every map. also, after finishing the maps, we just go back to the menu. There's a trigger that could help you in this:
Total Score: 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 ~ 6 = 3/5, vote for Need Fix.
Game - Set the next level to [NextCampLevel.w3x]
Game - Victory Player 2 (Blue) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
-this level is too small to be considered such
-units selected in the scene where the seer appears
-this feels like a RoC ripoff
-killing the seer will result in the cinematic scene where the Grunts won't be able to attack the two Paladins as they are invulnerable
-wasn't it at Stratholme where Arthas realized Mal'Ganis was the one behind Kel'thuzad?
-the Footman seemed pretty healthy; you could make him walk slower with some blood or effect on him
-the hero wasn't saved in a game cache, I think, since pressing "1" didn't get him selected
-hero selected during the Gold Mine scene
-a 200k Gold Mine!?
-the terrain needs work
-does Manathar even heal?
-he doesn't even attack, he only follow Paulo... he at last started doing something
-I almost can't believe it. This is a copy of the level of RoC where you have to wait for Jaina to bring the reinforcements; you didn't even see fit to make the eastern garrison be attacked
-the Chaplain is a Priest with a different model and some extra HP...
-their bases are vulnerable
-apart from being so short and having such meaningless information, where/how did they know of Mal'Ganis? They didn't even seem to realize he was a creature out of this world
-was it really necessary to start the movie with Arthas killing his father? The problem is TFT switched to the RoC executable because of that
-suddenly, Paulo has an Orb of Lightning
-this level does not have black mask
-undead are keeping people in cages instead of turning them to, well, undead
-so how did they build the bases so near each other without having any interference in the process?
-this is the worst level since the first one; at least chapter 1 had an excuse for being the first level
-an abrupt rupture of events; they just got to Kalimdor like that
-the red orc AI goes to gain experience on neutral hostile units; that's not quite the way of a campaign but never mind
-shouldn't the red orcs on Kalimdor be the ones under Thrall and not the Blackrock Clan; also, the Warsong Clan is near them and they're both allies
-the quest with establishing a base is finished upon meeting the orcs in their base...
-yet again a Gold Mine with an enourmous amount of resources... this time 400k
-if you gave the Pal' a Portugese name, this campaign could at least have been about conquistadores
-how did the orcs build towers up there if no ground unit can reach the hill?
-it just ended with the campaign menu? The campaign is not even finished?
1/5. Sorry, you should do better. It does not even at least match RoC.
You ahve three"also thanks to"....