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]==The New World==[ 4.0e

The newest version of TNW by Kitabatake and Aeroblyctos.

The newest version includes:

  • New Skill: 'Smoke Out'
    • Assassins can now make units abandon the targeted building
  • New Skill: 'Mini Bang'
    • Boomguys can now plant small explosive barrels
  • New Building: Camouflage Tent
    • Camouflage Tents are invisible on the minimap
  • New Building: Camouflage Bunker
    • Camouflage Bunkers are invisible on the minimap
  • New Trading system
    • Lumber price based on supply and demand
    • The more players buy wood, the higher the price and vice versa
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Hint Panel completely renovated
    • Turn it on by saying -Hint on
And to those who haven't yet played any of the TNW games:

In this game, each player will start off with a transport ship, king, a few workers, some starting money and many uninhabited islands.

Players will conquer an island, establish a base, build an army, a navy and some defences. And of course start waging war against each other.
It is possible to forge alliances, but in the end, only one player can win. So don't trust your allies, since they will eventually become your enemies. In newer versions, host chooses how many players can win if allied together.

And some features that people might not always notice:

1) You can put units INSIDE buildings (just order the unit to move to building). This is a very good way to protect and hide your king.

2) Towers work ONLY when there are units inside them. Yes, towers don't cost any food and they don't shoot by themselves. You must put a unit inside the tower to make it operational (any unit that can enter the tower can use the tower).

Please comment and if you find any bugs, just PM Kitabatake or Aeroblyctos or just post the bug here and we will fix it.

== UPDATE 4.0d - Map is now UNPROTECTED and open for anyone to edit! ==

the new world, tnw, real, time, strategy, RTS, altered, melee, ship, naval, combat

]==The New World==[ 4.0e (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...




Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review

[+] Author & map name
[+] Map description
[+] THW rules & regulation
[+] Map in English language
[+] No Error/Crash/Fatal error
[+] Quality are acceptable
[+] Not stolen/hack/de-protect map

Status : Approve
Condition : Very Good
Review : 2

Note : Another fine sources created by kitabatake & aeroblyctos, this map truely living up to it's standard. Develop by 1 of the finest mapper we have at THW site.

Although I did not fully test this sources till the end of the game, I did not found any malfunction system along the inspection and it have previously tested by 1 of our mod/admin.

I really do recommend this resources, for those who are their fans. This is definetely a map that you should not miss.


The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else. Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 9
Oct 23, 2006
This map is quite well designed with cool features such as using houses to increase your income, which is used to repersent population, harvesting wood with your workers, and upgrading buildings to advance your culture. You have to use research in order to advance your armaments and what you can use depends on what you have researched. The sea battles seem to be a little lopsided in favor of juggernaughts when I played.

I give "The New World" a 8 out of 10.
Level 1
Feb 16, 2008
Map is too slow paced. People only fight with ships, too. You'll see action in the game 90 minutes after it started. If you're interested in waiting that long for action, you'll like this map.
The speed of the game is a matter of opinion and playing style.

War doesn't occur if nobody starts it. If you want early combat then train some raiders and off you go with your transport ship. Maybe you'll end up gaining some nice pillage profit in the process.

The pace of the game is really up to the players. If everyone decides to peacefully develop their base it is just logical that there will be little action. If you want more action then attack, raid, pillage.
Version 3.1

Update: Version 3.1
  • You can now test the game in single player (in case you want to practice and take a look at the units, buildings and upgrades before you play against other players)
  • Now Player 1 can choose the game settings in the beginning.
    Game Settings

    • Maximum number of winners (1-6)
      For example if you choose 3, then the 3 last players alive will win the game.
      Note: if the last 3 players are not allied, then the game will continue.
    • Turn Sea Monster on/off
      If set to "ON" then a sea monster will spawn at the center of the map after an hour. It is hard to kill, but if you manage to kill it, you will be rewarded well :)
  • Town Halls, Keeps, Castles and Large Castles can shoot enemies (if there is someone inside the building)
    All those buildings are able to shoot multiple units at a time, thus preventing players from being rushed to death too easily. Also the guard tower can now shoot multiple targets.
  • Also many minor fixes all around

Will you do any AI?
Unfortunately not because it would require too much work
Level 1
Jun 9, 2008
This is a good game Kitabatake.
I like very much!!
Make some more of this maps or a new version :thumbs_up:
Level 8
Jun 1, 2008
i really enjoyed this map but i found (as i crushed my enemies with ships) that there isn't really a good defense against warships attacking your coast or if there was i may have missed it. But anyway i found it too easy coz every1 else decided to build up land forces so i wiped them out instantly. So may i suggest better sea defenses xD but other than that it was great if i could give rep i would 9.25/10
Level 8
May 25, 2008
Hey kitabatake, the sea monster dat u mention it would spawn in the middle right? could u name it tethyr? its a name of sea monster which appears in theramore isle from world of warcraft. i would suggest dat way cuz it looks cool to me :).plus this looks a bit like anno 1602 cuz dey have to start off with a ship and need to settle off and fight each other in the end.. btw good thinking kitabatake...

its only 1 thing bad which is no AI but still better for newbies cuz the AI would be total master in game to them

The map has been updated to 4.0c!

The newest version includes:

  • New Skill: 'Smoke Out'
    • Assassins can now make units abandon the targeted building
  • New Skill: 'Mini Bang'
    • Boomguys can now plant small explosive barrels
  • New Building: Camouflage Tent
    • Camouflage Tents are invisible on the minimap
  • New Building: Camouflage Bunker
    • Camouflage Bunkers are invisible on the minimap
  • New Trading system
    • Lumber price based on supply and demand
    • The more players buy wood, the higher the price and vice versa
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Hint Panel completely renovated
    • Turn it on by saying -Hint on
Level 7
Apr 16, 2008
Map is too slow paced. People only fight with ships, too. You'll see action in the game 90 minutes after it started. If you're interested in waiting that long for action, you'll like this map.
"yes to the first and yes to the second but so only as we keep to the shallows", maybe you should follow jack sparrows wisdom?like, make the Kracken which he is o'so scared of?and make it have an sorta ai that will attack any ships in the vicinity?(unkillable and instant kill but long cooldown to attack?lol)
Level 5
Oct 28, 2008
I think this is great! When i tested it with single player, saw the terrain and heard the beautifull music i knew that this was something really extra. And it also was. Your terrain have inspired me in my mapmaking.

10/10 Keep up the good work dudes :razz:



Level 4
Feb 27, 2009

:thumbs_up:Multiple Tech Trees.
:thumbs_up:Multiple ways to combat.
:thumbs_up:Tower attack by citizen is unique, and sensible.
:thumbs_up:Few, if any, bugs
:thumbs_up:No lag, and Loading time is reasonable

:thumbs_down:Long ranged ships have a slight advantage of Defense
:thumbs_down:The number of players can win is slightly dumb

:fp:Upgrades required in one tech tree are already covered as a requirement in some other tech tree
:fp:Island only terrain can be annoying to those who like some continental feeling
:fp:Trees die, which can pose problems late game
:fp:Buildings are NOT well explained, but its neutral since we can find out for ourselves...

FINAL SCORE: 4/5 (Recommended)
Level 3
Jun 30, 2005
very good map but tower need to be stronger. same goes with ground units.. cos naval just kick ass too much... i really like the terrain
Level 1
Dec 6, 2008
a little sugestion.. try putting the destroy building button on the bottom right hand corner, i keep accidentally destroying my buildings.. haha

I'm currently having my first weekend holiday from the army and I decided to upload the unprotected version of this map before heading back to the barracks.

The map is now open source for anyone to edit and improve!

Can be saved by codes?
No codes but you can use the default save/load function of wc3
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
This map initially looks very nice however their isnt any screen shots so i cant decide to play it or not. Benefit of the doubt isnt given in any circumstances anymore, sorry!

PS. This was me asking for some screen shots in the description please.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
This map entertained me a lot over the last years. I would still host and play it. The yet simple but charming scenery makes it easy to get a feeling for building up a islandish empire (Anno is similar).
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