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The C Market Fanclub! ( SOTHM and TLP )

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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Anyway if you want to know more about the Sect of the Holy Mother or it's history you can find the official map of Kaliim here, and the official thread of the Sect of the Holy Mother and the Lone Panther here. You can also find some of the screen shots I took from the cinematic here. Note that some of these terrains(such as the 6th one at the time of this post) are taken from the cinematic I am working on, so fell free to speculate what they could mean ^^

In the official thread you can find some explanations of certain things that happened in the Lone Panther or in the Sect of the Holy Mother but I'm afraid most of it is buried in posts of critique or just plain "Good Job" posts.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Since a lot of you have sent me questions about various things in the world of Kaliim I have decided that, in order to keep this group active, answer 1 question ever day or two(The list is rather long so there will be material, but if you have any questions about why something happened in some part or if you are interested about someone's history, or the history of some town, or anything at all related to the Sect of the Holy Mother or the Lone Panther or Kaliim, then send me a pm with the question).

#1 Today's Question - In the Sect of the Holy Mother 3 - The House of Dawn, Nikola has a dream about a memory from his childhood. In that dream he and Milan are witnessing the apparent destruction of the some cult thanks to Zoran Pavlovic, Milan's dad. Is the cult in question actually the Sect of the Holy Mother and if so how come the cult is reborn later when Nikola is in East Bizol?

Answer - Yes, the cult in question is the Sect of the Holy Mother. Thanks to Zoran the cult's outpost near Acitosh(Milan and Nikola's birth place) was destroyed, but at that time the cult had already been scattered across Belia thanks to Venaliter Carius(Presented in part 8). Zoran's success merely slowed down the cult's progress by no more then 5%. All of the sect's outposts were little danger to the people and so nobody cared for them, except a few people such as Zoran who from the start knew they were a big thing.

Since there are a bunch of questions I will try to answer them chronologically(meaning that I will answer the questions related to the earlier parts first and later the questions related to the new parts). Also, I will mostly answer questions related to the lore and rarely some technical questions.
Level 8
Jul 2, 2008
CMarket are you have plan to make the third cinematic? and When chapter 2 release?
I can't wait!!!!!
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
#2 Today's Question - What is a corprass? It was apparently "hired" by the cult to spy on Nikola as we can see he hears it in part 4, gets knocked out by it in part 5, gets pushed into Black Riverside in part 6 and the corprass kills Richard in part 8. Is it just a random creature such as those Plagued Hounds and Zombies from Black Riverside or is it a rare/unique one, such as Pyramid Head?

Answer - The Corprass is a skilled, fast and agile creature who lacks any magical powers apart from the fast health regeneration. If it were to be damaged in combat it could simply escape and wait a day or two and come back in full strength. The reason why we don't hear or see the creature in the 2nd half of part 6 or part 7 is because it was ambushed by Pyramid Head and severely wounded. The corprass is not a unique monster but it isn't common either. It is a rare monster.

As for chapter 2, I'm sorry for the wait but, as deathunter said it isn't even half done :(

Regarding the third cinematic series, I doubt I will make it. Even though I would like to it will take me another 4-5 months to finish this cinematic series and by that time warcraft might become too stale. If it has the same activity as now I might make the third installment, but I don't know.
Level 16
Apr 2, 2008
There not to far from fort Zambabllion or what ever is the fort like aq ghost town now or is it nothing left just old peices of wood with no one to be there?
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
You mean the small town behind the walls of Zambilion?

P.S. If anybody is interested you can take a look of some screen shots here. Added a new picture and now there are 2 terrains from the Lone Panther 2. Fell free to speculate amongst yourselves where the plot is heading.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
#3 Today's Question - Who is Borigard Smith? Apparently he is a famous trader from who Nikola and William get a stomper in the seventh part of the Sect of the Holy Mother. What's his story?

Answer - Borigard Smith came from a fisherman family from As'Latur. When he was young he decided to combine his natural talent for persuasion and his keen fisherman skills and so he became a fish trader. One thing lead to another and soon enough Borigard Smith became a well known and skilled trader. He most commonly trades between the cities of As'Latur, Red Stone and the Imperial City although he has been known to trade with other counties and even other countries such as Arabel. These days Borigard cares little about trading fish(unless they are rare). He mostly trades rare and expensive goods such as exotic herbs and animal leather.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
It isn't...well, at least, it didn't used to be. Because of the cult most of these creatures were created and when the cult was destroyed the creatures didn't die in the process, at least not the one in the Kaliim realm. And yes, there are other minor evil forces that summon these creatures such as Demonologists and Necromancers.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
How many questions are there? I think you should number your Today's Question & Answer if there are more than 10.

And I see Borigard Smith has quite detailed story for a character who was seen in one small scene. Will he appear in Lone Panther? He was famous as a trader so I guess will be at least mentioned.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
#4 Today's Question - Who are Grizli the Runesmith and his companion Jack the purple frog? We only know that Grizli lives on Rataolo mountain and that he is the one who supplied the saviors(3 of them anyway) with weapons and supplied Nikola with flash powder in the 3rd part of the Sect of the Holy Mother. What's his story and is Jack just a figment of his imagination or is he for real?

Answer - It is not sure who or what Grizli was before he moved away to the mountains of Rataolo. Some say he was one of the best blacksmiths in the land and that he worked in service to Venaliter Carius. When he found out that he was actually helping the Holy Mother he gone mad and moved away to an isolate place. Another theory suggests that he is one of the last Bermakalts, an ancient guild of men and women who are masters in their craft, weather it's blacksmithing, alchemy, enchanting. The guild used to be very popular at the start of the last Era, but since there are few skilled people these days the guild is falling a part. If this is the case it is not known why Grizli abandoned the guild and went into isolation but some theories suggest that through his teachings he found out something terrible that will occur in the future and gone mad.

As for Jack, it is not known weather he exists or not. Grizli started mentioning Jack when he moved to Rataolo and nobody was able to prove that he exists, but nobody has proven that he doesn't exist. It is most likely that Grizli lost part of his sanity, but it is also possible that he enchanted a normal frog and transformed it into Jack.

Ok, I just found out that permalinking the posts in groups has no effect so if you want to see the first 3 answered questions scroll back a few pages.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
I really hope it's enchanted normal frog. That would be cool. And knowing that there are many different type of monsters a giant frog is nothing special.

If Grizli the Runesmith is one of the last Bermakalts how come he is master of bought blacksmith and enchanting? Or he was master of everything possible (accept for shooting as seen in part 8)

If he was helping Holy Mother why he wasn't chased after he left them? And one of the cults should own enchanted weapons that he made before or at least recognize Nicola's blade as Grizli's work.

And did he really forged all 4 weapons in one night or maybe he had them already done? Making 4 weapons and than enchant them in that short time sounds impossible even for the greatest master.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
By the theory that he was working for Venaliter Carius, he wasn't working for the Holy Mother, he was working for Venaliter Carius who was working for the Holy Mother. He had no connection to the Holy Mother directly and neither did she to him.

Grizli is a master blacksmith and enchanter, nothing more is known about his professions.

It is possible that he already knew the coming of the saviors and therefore worked on the weapons for months or possible even years before the saviors actually received them, but this remains a mystery.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
DarkIron I doubt it, but you must realize that every good story has some mysteries for not knowing is more magical then knowing. Besides, if you pay real good attention to the plot you might find the answer by yourself.

#5 Today's Question - Who are captain Jerrimo and Lieutenant Ben Smayor and what is their connection?

Answer - Captain Jerrimo is one of the High Councilors of Red Stone. He is in charge of Red Stone's army. Lieutenant Ben Smayor is a lieutenant of Ashfield and a skilled warrior. When the fourth civil war started in Red Stone, Ashfield was involved in operations to take command of Red Stone county, which lead West Red Stone to war against East Red Stone and Ashfield. That is where Jerrimo and Smayor met and since then their friendship grew more and more.

If you want to see the first 4 answered questions scroll back a few pages.

P.S. My new avatar is so cool, is it not? ^^
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
There is something I don't like in your answer about Grizli. It's not enough certain and makes me come up with even more question.
Now it makes almost obvious that weapons were made before they come and Grizli asked them wait to make shore if they really were saviors. Or he just forgot where he pot those weapons so he needed time to find them.
And now I'm starting to think that Grizli didn't made all 4 weapons. Sword that Nicola used was more likely made by someone even more skilled that Grizli (probably someone who thought Grizli everything he knows) because other weapons didn't changed outer look so much as it was done to Nicola and Nicola was only one that could withstand the Serpant. What do you think?

About your Answer #5.
I could miss something in the story but how did civil war ended and what consequences it made?
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
That sounds funny :)
I mean living in isolated place for many years if your task all this time was to kill someone. Very lazy demigod xD

And Serpant can't be killed if there is any cultist alive. Too much trouble for gods, they usually leave that kind of work to humans.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
No, Grizli is not a demigod and the rest I leave to your imagination.

#6 Today's Question - Who is Lord Amras and what was his story?

Answer - Lord Amras was what we call a nationalist and he was one of the supporters of the fourth civil war. Because of his "love" for his people he was chosen as a High Councilor by popular vote. Later he was approached by Adramelech's agents because Adramelech saw him as the weakest link in Red Stone's High Council. Even though Amras agreed to serve the Holy Mother Adramelech killed him because he saw that Amras was serving the Holy Mother because of his fear of death and not because it was the "right" thing to do.

If you want to see the first 5 answered questions scroll back a few pages.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Is Serpemt demigod? I know he was in lower position than Holy Mother. Karolina called him one of the champions like 4 saviors who were normal humans but Serpent doesn't seem to be human at all.
Can you answer this question next?
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
#7 Today's Question - What exactly is/was the Serpent and what were the champions that Karolina talks about in the Sect of the Holy Mother 8 - The Last Savior?

Answer - The Serpent is in fact a demigod. At the time of the creation of the universe the Old Gods set their so called Champions to monitor the world. Among these were the four saviors and the Serpent. They existed as energy rather then matter guiding people and giving advice through various ways, but never directly interfering. These champions could be compared to our Saints. Most of the time their allegiance is neutral, trying to keep a balance between the good and the bad.

If you want to see the first 6 answered questions scroll back a few pages.
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