Hey, if you've been wondering where my terraining side has been lately,
then I'll have you know that it's been consistently working on a very delicate
terrain. For the last month I've been working on this one on and off, and it's
certainly the most overwhelming terrain I've ever undertaken.
With a doodad count of roughly somewhere just above 6000.
This terrain is a dedication to my all-time favourite author, Scott Lynch,
and his book series "The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence". This particular
piece is based off of a location in the first book, called "The Shifting Market"
- Hence, the name.
"The Shifting Market was a lake of relatively placid water at the very heart
of Camorr, perhaps half a mile in circumference, protected from the rushing
flow of the Angevine and the surrounding canals by a series of stone
breakwaters. The only real current in the market was human-made, as
hundreds upon hundreds of floating merchants slowly and warily followed
one another counter-clockwise in their boats, jostling for prized positions
against the flat-topped breakwaters, crowded with buyers and sightseers
on foot." - The Lies of Locke Lamora, Scott Lynch
Obviously I couldn't make it as grand as it is described, and obviously I
chose my setting to be early morning, or late evening, whatever your
choice, so that I could get away with it not being too "crowded."
I hope you like it.
then I'll have you know that it's been consistently working on a very delicate
terrain. For the last month I've been working on this one on and off, and it's
certainly the most overwhelming terrain I've ever undertaken.
With a doodad count of roughly somewhere just above 6000.
This terrain is a dedication to my all-time favourite author, Scott Lynch,
and his book series "The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence". This particular
piece is based off of a location in the first book, called "The Shifting Market"
- Hence, the name.
"The Shifting Market was a lake of relatively placid water at the very heart
of Camorr, perhaps half a mile in circumference, protected from the rushing
flow of the Angevine and the surrounding canals by a series of stone
breakwaters. The only real current in the market was human-made, as
hundreds upon hundreds of floating merchants slowly and warily followed
one another counter-clockwise in their boats, jostling for prized positions
against the flat-topped breakwaters, crowded with buyers and sightseers
on foot." - The Lies of Locke Lamora, Scott Lynch
Obviously I couldn't make it as grand as it is described, and obviously I
chose my setting to be early morning, or late evening, whatever your
choice, so that I could get away with it not being too "crowded."
I hope you like it.