First Things, I wanna add 2 Systems to a Map, 1 of them isnt as important to add, it just for fun.
1. Pet System - 100% Want
a. Cosmetic Does 0 Damage Just Follows You
b. Only Have a Pet When Holding a Pet Item, But if no pet item in inv, no pet basically.
c. This i think is possible, it spawns pet when u obtain the item, and despawns it when u drop the item, but making it follow you always and have no clip and invul, so cant die or get stuck i dunno how, Basically Locust Ability, And Follow Always.
d. Also not sure how to sort it if u go into a building Garrisoning it, then coming out, it despawns pet then respawns it when u come back out.
I think I know how to possibly do this, but expert help don’t hurt in case I don’t and do it wrong
Got Pte System Somewhat Working, but doesnt remove the pet from game if they use a goldmine.
Got it to remove entering a transport, but nt a goldmine, and dont got it to spawn back when u leave a transport
2. Market System - Not Important just wanna know if it possible and if so how.
a. Type -Market opens Market with 2 Options Buy and Sell
b. Limit to each play can have 1 item in the market.
c. They can choose how much selling it for eg. 100 Market Points
d. Buy Opens a Dialog System, showing u which each 7 play has for sale, when u click u confirm buy and it auto transfers to you Hero.
e. Sell Opens a option 1 to six to choose what slot, then u can choose the price, then shows up in buy options, Removing from your inv.
f. Now be good if was pictures showing the item, like i seen some hero menus that do.
So is Market Possible if so How, and Pet System 100% want is that possible, and How.
Been away from coding a long time so i dont remember much.
1. Pet System - 100% Want
a. Cosmetic Does 0 Damage Just Follows You
b. Only Have a Pet When Holding a Pet Item, But if no pet item in inv, no pet basically.
c. This i think is possible, it spawns pet when u obtain the item, and despawns it when u drop the item, but making it follow you always and have no clip and invul, so cant die or get stuck i dunno how, Basically Locust Ability, And Follow Always.
d. Also not sure how to sort it if u go into a building Garrisoning it, then coming out, it despawns pet then respawns it when u come back out.
I think I know how to possibly do this, but expert help don’t hurt in case I don’t and do it wrong
Got Pte System Somewhat Working, but doesnt remove the pet from game if they use a goldmine.
Got it to remove entering a transport, but nt a goldmine, and dont got it to spawn back when u leave a transport
2. Market System - Not Important just wanna know if it possible and if so how.
a. Type -Market opens Market with 2 Options Buy and Sell
b. Limit to each play can have 1 item in the market.
c. They can choose how much selling it for eg. 100 Market Points
d. Buy Opens a Dialog System, showing u which each 7 play has for sale, when u click u confirm buy and it auto transfers to you Hero.
e. Sell Opens a option 1 to six to choose what slot, then u can choose the price, then shows up in buy options, Removing from your inv.
f. Now be good if was pictures showing the item, like i seen some hero menus that do.
So is Market Possible if so How, and Pet System 100% want is that possible, and How.
Been away from coding a long time so i dont remember much.
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