[General] Pet System

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Level 2
Feb 11, 2013
I want to make a pet system to my map.

- Pet system -

When Heros Attack the pet att
When Heros Move the pet follow
Pet Can have support skill

-> type -summon and have item to summon it

Pet can get level and evolution

-> Please help me with GUI :D

Maybe Why don't we start when we select hero and it select the pet too ? I just think about it 25/3
Map ~~ Version 0.1 Testing SUmmon Pet, Or just make a pet can carried item follow an drop item only ~~ 26/3


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Is this you want??

Well, I guess this can be worth a try :

Pet Auto-Attack
Events :
A Unit is Attacking
Condition :
Attacking Unit Equal to YourHero
Actions :
Order YourPet to attack Attacked Unit

Pet Summon :
Events :
Player X type -Summon as an exact match
Condition :
YourHero is alive equal to true
YourHero has item PetSummon
Actions :
(I don't know how do you want the summoning so I made two different actions)
-Pet in other place
Move YourPet instantly to Your Hero
-Create Pet
Create YourPet at Position of YourHero

To make pet capable of level up and use item you have to make pet based on Hero and add Inventory (Hero) to the pet
Level 2
Feb 11, 2013
so about auto follow ?

Please be more specific next time.
What do you mean the pet can have support skills?
I don't understand the "-summon and have item" part.

I want player to type -summon like make it more cool or sth i think so :D
Support skill is a skill that can support for hero
Evolution -> base on level it will evoluted to next unit :D:ogre_haosis:

not work ~~ please show me the trigger :D
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Level 2
Feb 11, 2013
First i just can make it follow ~~ in the time i summon it ~~ but next it doesn't att a monster T_T. Finally, I have partner get my ideas :D
Level 2
Feb 11, 2013
This is my idea but i just a newbie so please help me to do it :D hihi
Help me about the trigger first ! Because i just want to make a simple ~~
I want to make a pet system to my map.

- Pet system -

When Heros Attack the pet att
When Heros Move the pet follow
Pet Can have support skill

-> type -summon and have item to summon it

Pet can get level and evolution

-> Please help me with GUI :D
Pet can get level and evolution?
Pikachu Evolved into Psydack!!! give it a name?:ogre_hurrhurr:
Well for whatever the reason, I find it weird that you want the pet to gain levels since it will drain the summoner Experience Points, but since you want it so badly, how about creating the pets for each player and kill them on game start, then "revive hero at P" to make them all pop alive, evolved or overwize? (items shouls be transfered into a dummy unit untill the next cast, whenever the unit dies or the summoning end or the next cast is proc, this is a bit complecated)
Level 2
Feb 11, 2013
Pet can get level and evolution?
Pikachu Evolved into Psydack!!! give it a name?:ogre_hurrhurr:
Well for whatever the reason, I find it weird that you want the pet to gain levels since it will drain the summoner Experience Points, but since you want it so badly, how about creating the pets for each player and kill them on game start, then "revive hero at P" to make them all pop alive, evolved or overwize? (items shouls be transfered into a dummy unit untill the next cast, whenever the unit dies or the summoning end or the next cast is proc, this is a bit complecated)

Ok That's good idea :ogre_love: but how about a trigger :D:ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I find it weird that you want the pet to gain levels since it will drain the summoner Experience Points,

Can't you just use triggers to increase casting units xp rate by %50 when he summons and when the pet dies decrease it by %50.

Also don't use a stupid command just have the pet summonable via a skill or item slot. You could store various types of pet in a spell book.
Level 6
Oct 24, 2012
  • Wolf Create
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) types a chat message containing -summon as An exact match
    • Conditions
      • (Paladin 0000 <gen> has an item of type Summon Wolf) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Wolf for Neutral Passive at (Center of Summoning Area <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
      • Item - Remove (Item carried by Paladin 0000 <gen> of type Summon Wolf)
  • Wolf Follow
    • Events
      • Time - Every 0.20 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
      • (Paladin 0000 <gen> is alive) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Follow Paladin 0000 <gen>
  • Wolf Attack
    • Events
      • Unit - Paladin 0000 <gen> Is attacked
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off Wolf Follow <gen>
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Attack (Attacking unit)
      • Wait until (((Attacking unit) is dead) Equal to True), checking every 0.10 seconds
      • Trigger - Turn on Wolf Follow <gen>
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Sorry for the double post but Nev3rmi, here's a test map to show you.... how pet can evolve through triggers, you can copy paste it in your map if you want :)

Ok, the map shows the Paladin Rank 1 evolves into Rank 2 in Level 20. You can change the special effect of how the unit evolves to add some charm into it. BTW, dont mind the EXP Trigger!

BTW, so your Pet Attack and follow is done so here the evolving part.


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