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The Autumn Court

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Genre: Fantasy
Time-period: European Renaissance
Gameplay Focus: Player/Player and Player/NPC Interraction - A Battle of Words
Appropriate Number of Players: Any

Active RP Thread


"These people are unfit for the court, Rokke! Dispose of them now and be done with it."
A bestial grin spread across Rokke's face. His long canines glinted in the dim light, causing Daneth to shift uneasily in his chair.
"You are too quick to make up your mind. This is one of the many reasons why I am better than you.
The court must recruit new blood. The last time a new judge joined our ranks was far too long ago, and we both know how Lithir feels about this."
Daneth wanted to object to Rokke's spiteful words, but swallowed his pride and nodded in reluctant agreement.
"But these people? They understand nothing!"
Although Daneth was not sure how it was possible, Rokke's grin grew even wider.
"Nobody does these days. This lasting peace, albeit blessed, is making the people complacent and weak. The world will no longer shape suitable candidates for us, so we must shape them ourselves.
They will learn, Daneth. They will learn."
"And if they do not learn, what then?"
Rokke's smile faded, a shadow falling across his sun-tanned face.
"Then they will die."
Daneth shuddered. Although he had always felt honored and privileged for being part of it, he had never gotten used to the ways of...

Got your attention, did I? Excellent.
Hello and welcome to The Autumn Court! This to-be roleplay is something which spawned out of a somewhat unusual request I got a while back to try and spice up the roleplaying section yet again.
Naturally I'd love to do that, but the thing is that setting up complex roleplays and keeping them running takes a lot of time and effort and it really sucks to see them come crashing down. So, after much thought I concluded that before I tried anything too ambitious I'd test the waters and see just what kind of roleplaying community still exists on the hive.
This roleplay, The Autumn Court, is one of the first parts of that test.
Let's see if we can actually get a group up and running, shall we?

So what's this going to be like? Allow me to explain;
The roleplay will take place in Silithiren,
"a mountainous continent full of snow-clad peaks and lush valleys. For hundreds of years it has seen prosperity, a war-less era of growth and good fortune brought about by generation after generation of benevolent and wise monarchs".
Unbeknownst to the general public however, Silithiren also houses something known as 'The Autumn Court'. This is where you come in.
Each player will take control of a newly initiated courtier, recently invited to join this organization. The story will begin just as the players have arrived at Year's End, the court's fortress.

But what is The Autumn Court?
...heh, let's not get ahead of ourselves, hm?

'The Autumn Court' will be a roleplay centered around player interaction, intrigue, politics, lies and secrets.
Information is the most valuable currency, and the roleplay will build heavily on the fact that the players know next to nothing about their situation.
You will have to weave your way through deception, betrayal, ancient horrors and courtroom drama, all while keeping your own goals and plots in mind.

Does that sound interesting to you in spite of all the vagueness? I sure hope so, 'cause this won't work if it doesn't.

Character Creation:
The player characters will all be built using this basic form:

Name: Pretty self-explanatory.

Race: Although Silithiren is primarily populated by humans, there are possibilities to play as it's two other native people;
-Herder: The herders are the original inhabitants of Silithiren, and although they no longer wander the mountains in nomadic tribes they still maintain their pack mentality and most of their ancient traditions.
They resemble humans in most aspects, but have highly increased hair growth as well as incredibly durable bones which protrude from their skin on the backs of their hands, knees, elbows, chests and foreheads like metal plating.
In addition to this they have small claws instead of fingernails, which are just as durable as their bones.
Although many modern herders leave their protruding bones untouched, herders traditionally adorn them with intricate carvings or marks designating their allegiance.
-Dwarf: Although their great mountain fortresses and cities have fallen one by one in the rest of the world the dwarves maintain their pressence in Silithiren.
These small and stout people live among humans and herders in peace, providing both with their great expertise within various kinds of architecture and general craftmanship.
Both humans and herders recognize that although they are in a clear minority the dwarves supply silithiren with something essential to the country's survival, and as thus they are held in high regard by most of the country's inhabitants.

Gender: Self-explanatory as all hell.

Age: Self-explanatory, although it should be noted that in this setting humans can live anywhere up to 400 years and that both dwarves and herders have similar lifespans.
Doesn't mean that your average person gets to live that long, though.

Personality: Once again rather self-explanatory. Give this field a bit of extra thought though, it's extra important in this particular kind of roleplay.

Backstory: Who is your character? What does he/she do for a living, what was his/her situation like before the sudden invitation to join the Autumn Court? What events in the past shaped him/her to be as he/she is today?

Abilities: Leave this field empty for now. You won't be using it during character creation, I'm just letting you know that it's there.

Secrets: Like the abilities field this will be left empty for now. It isn't for your character's personal secrets, though, no-no-no. But, like with abilities, we'll get to that in due time.

In addition to these there are two special fields, which will not be displayed publically with your character sheet.
Oh-no, these two fields will be sent directly to me through private messages. No other player should see them, and informing anyone of what these two fields contain while Out-Of-Character will be viewed as cheating.

These two fields are;
In this field you need to tell me as much about your character's opinions on various political and ethical topics are. Your character's stance on taxes, going to war, the state of the monarchy, the country's division of power, poverty etc. Anything relevant you can think of goes here.


What kind of things would your character want to achieve?
Does your character want to keep the world as it is, or change it for what he/she thinks is the better? Does your character fight for some righteous cause or is he/she just seeking personal gain?
Do your character seek to elevate the lower social classes, or would he/she prefer for the social hierachy to stay just as it is?

These two fields are very important to gameplay, as they will constantly factor into the decisions you will want to make.
Every time the roleplay reaches the end of an event or small story arc all characters will be given rewards based on how well you have acted in accordance with your standpoints and whether or not you ahve furthered one of your goals.
What kind of rewards? Well, you might have guessed part of it already, but although I won't reveal much I can guarantee that they will be very interesting. *moustache curl*
Both standpoints and goals can change during play, but not without good reason. Choose wisely.

Lore Tidbits:
This section will contain any extra bits of lore which I have revealed to players that I either forgot about when writing the original introduction or simply did not intend to cover at the time.

Aging happens at regular (by our standards) speed up until anywhere between 20-50 years of age. At some point in this period, which varies greatly from person to person, visible aging grinds to a halt and moves incredibly slowly after that.
The signs of old age that we know begin to show up around 150-200 years, and very slowly become more and more apparent from there on out.
A bonus fact (although it should be noted that only incredibly well educated people in this setting know this) is that theoretically most humanoid bodies are capable of eternal life, but around the age of 400 (which is seldom reached) people begin suffering from something known as 'Age Rot'. It is a strange affliction which causes the mind to violently collapse on itself, driving those afflicted mad weeks of the first symptoms and rendering the brain a useless pile of mush within months.
A single cure is known, but it is incredibly expensive and only lasts for around fifty years before it must be administered again.
Some people theorize that Age Rot is the sole reason that people age beyond the height of their youth, and that it is part of the humanoid body from birth. There is no solid proof backing up this theory, however.

The monarchy of Silithiren is, to many, surprisingly simple. The ruling family is the revered 'Ulm' bloodline, and from them all Silithiren's monarchs originate.
It is a very large family, and it is not rare for there to be squabbles about who gets to inherit the throne. None of this ever reaches the general public however, and on the outside the system appears to be running perfectly.
Some might note, however, that there is an odd lack of officials aiding the monarch in governing the country. No treasurer, no chief of staff, no nothing. Just a couple of advisors. Officially the monarch takes care of almost everything.
Most of Silithiren's inhabitants find this to be very impressive.

Rules of Conduct:
After a bit of thought I figured that I ought to give this its own field and clarify some things properly before gamestart.
Due to the nature of 'The Autumn Court' a few special rules will apply to the game which would usually be irellevant to most other roleplays.
Specefically, the following things are against the game's rules and will be counted as cheating:

-Sharing any ingame information which is not publically available with another player while out-of-character.

-Having private discussions between characters without the DM (me) being aware of it and being able to read and review the whole conversation (In practice this will mean that any private ingame conversation will be done in private message groups, in which all players of the relevant characters as well as me will be added).

-Revealing your character's goal(s) or standpoints to another player out-of-character (doing so in-character is technically not against the rules, but most players will probablyfind this to be a bad idea).

Further rules may be added to this list later in time if I find it necessary, but these should suffice.

...and that's pretty much all which will be revealed for now.
Character submissions and signups are open, and the RP will start as soon as we've got a basic group on it's legs. Hopefully we can get enough people for that. ^^'

If you have any questions, which I'd be surprised if you don't, then feel free to ask.
I can't guarantee that I'll actually answer them, though.
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Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
Name: Drem Hazeol
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 32
Personality: Drem is meek and shy person but despite this, he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is a caring man who will do anything to help other people out. The man is also the type of person who will sit on the fence and not choose sides and instead try to create a union between the two.
Backstory: Because of his shyness, Drem was the subject of bullying at a young age. He was always picked on by the other kids and he would always run and hide from them, even those who try to befriend him. To cope with this, Drem would escape into the world of his imagination. He wrote stories about magic, love, the unknown, and many other forms but what he mostly wrote was about peaceful lands where everyone live together in total peace and harmony. Despite being ridiculed, it didn't shake his belief that people can become good, that people can, despite doing wrong in the past, would still see the error in their ways and change for the better.
Due to writing a lot, it paved the way for Drem to become a famous writer at an early age. He wrote books that gave a lot of people the feeling of wonder, curiosity, amazement, sadness, and the like.

So here's my character. Will be sending the other two fields later.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Name: Teyia Rowman
(Pronounced 'tear' as in cry, not rip/tear)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 193 (I'm assuming this is equivalent to a late-middle aged adult; mid to late 30s?)*
Personality: Teyia is quite a calm and collected individual, with a hard-earned patience that she has built up and tempered over many years.
Quiet, well-spoken and slow to judge, she is soft and understanding and knows that one must work to succeed (knowing that no one’s going to hand her a good life to her on a silver platter).
With something of a motherly temperament, she has a weakness for all things young and “innocent” and can be equally overprotective and chastising.

Backstory: Teyia is the second child to a wealthy coastal** merchant. As the first and eldest daughter, she spent her childhood and early adolescence being groomed for Ladyship, ready to be married off to the first rich or powerful courter her that father approved of.
However, her mother died giving birth to her younger sister, Aria - their Father, unable to cope with the loss, buried himself in work and other-abroad affairs, leaving the management of the house and estate to his eldest, Armen, and the care of the young Aria (and a large number of following - unsolicited - children from multiple women) to Teyia.
In the years following Teyia adapted slowly to her matriarchal role, leaning on her brother for financial support - all thoughts and dreams of her own future now a thing of the past.
Over time they began to hear from their father less and less, until one day they simply heard no more. Armen took over all of his affairs and left the estate to Teyia, who then had to learn to juggle both the accounts and the children. In time, things worked out and the younger children grew up and left home, one by one, pursuing their own goals and dreams.
Despite being the eldest of the younger children, Aria was the last to go, and did so only with a forceful push and tears in her eyes.

So with even the youngest of her all her late father’s children now gone, the reality finally sunk in for Teyia.
The hundred years that had seemed nought but a blur all came crashing down at once.
She struggled to recognize the aging woman in the mirror, with the downcast and distant gaze, echoes of crows feet around her eyes and the very first hints of grey.
She felt so lost and alone. She’d given up her life to take on another, and now that one too, seemed to have come to an untimely end.

So it should be little surprise that she didn’t much convincing to walk away from what little she had left and accept the mysterious invitation to join the Autumn Court...

*I’m just sort of assuming everything is “relative”, so that for example, kids wouldn’t leave hom until maybe 80-100 or 100 years old? If people still mature at 20ish and then just age extremely slowly from there, please let me know and I’ll tweak a few things!
**Assuming there's a coast, haha!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Name: Drem Hazeol
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 32
Personality: Drem is meek and shy person but despite this, he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is a caring man who will do anything to help other people out. The man is also the type of person who will sit on the fence and not choose sides and instead try to create a union between the two.
Backstory: Because of his shyness, Drem was the subject of bullying at a young age. He was always picked on by the other kids and he would always run and hide from them, even those who try to befriend him. To cope with this, Drem would escape into the world of his imagination. He wrote stories about magic, love, the unknown, and many other forms but what he mostly wrote was about peaceful lands where everyone live together in total peace and harmony. Despite being ridiculed, it didn't shake his belief that people can become good, that people can, despite doing wrong in the past, would still see the error in their ways and change for the better.
Due to writing a lot, it paved the way for Drem to become a famous writer at an early age. He wrote books that gave a lot of people the feeling of wonder, curiosity, amazement, sadness, and the like.

So here's my character. Will be sending the other two fields later.

Still waitin' for those final two fields, but your character looks solid so far.
Very happy to see a writer in the group.

Name: Teyia Rowman
(Pronounced 'tear' as in cry, not rip/tear)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 193 (I'm assuming this is equivalent to a late-middle aged adult; mid to late 30s?)*
Personality: Teyia is quite a calm and collected individual, with a hard-earned patience that she has built up and tempered over many years.
Quiet, well-spoken and slow to judge, she is soft and understanding and knows that one must work to succeed (knowing that no one’s going to hand her a good life to her on a silver platter).
With something of a motherly temperament, she has a weakness for all things young and “innocent” and can be equally overprotective and chastising.

Backstory: Teyia is the second child to a wealthy coastal** merchant. As the first and eldest daughter, she spent her childhood and early adolescence being groomed for Ladyship, ready to be married off to the first rich or powerful courter her that father approved of.
However, her mother died giving birth to her younger sister, Aria - their Father, unable to cope with the loss, buried himself in work and other-abroad affairs, leaving the management of the house and estate to his eldest, Armen, and the care of the young Aria (and a large number of following - unsolicited - children from multiple women) to Teyia.
In the years following Teyia adapted slowly to her matriarchal role, leaning on her brother for financial support - all thoughts and dreams of her own future now a thing of the past.
Over time they began to hear from their father less and less, until one day they simply heard no more. Armen took over all of his affairs and left the estate to Teyia, who then had to learn to juggle both the accounts and the children. In time, things worked out and the younger children grew up and left home, one by one, pursuing their own goals and dreams.
Despite being the eldest of the younger children, Aria was the last to go, and did so only with a forceful push and tears in her eyes.

So with even the youngest of her all her late father’s children now gone, the reality finally sunk in for Teyia.
The hundred years that had seemed nought but a blur all came crashing down at once.
She struggled to recognize the aging woman in the mirror, with the downcast and distant gaze, echoes of crows feet around her eyes and the very first hints of grey.
She felt so lost and alone. She’d given up her life to take on another, and now that one too, seemed to have come to an untimely end.

So it should be little surprise that she didn’t much convincing to walk away from what little she had left and accept the mysterious invitation to join the Autumn Court...

*I’m just sort of assuming everything is “relative”, so that for example, kids wouldn’t leave hom until maybe 80-100 or 100 years old? If people still mature at 20ish and then just age extremely slowly from there, please let me know and I’ll tweak a few things!
**Assuming there's a coast, haha!

Holy shit Grey, I did not expect to see you here. Glad to have you man.

Okay, so about the asterisks;
Yes, there is a coastline. Silithiren is completely surrounded by water, although the coastline is primarily made up of very tall cliffs dropping directly into rocky waters.
Due to this the country has only a few, three to be precise, but very large port towns which are built into and carved out of the cliffs.

As for the aging, well... I shoulda' given a better explanation of it, and I shoulda' known that as it's a topic I've discussed with a lot of the people who give me feedback on my writing.
So, here's how it works:
Aging happens at regular (by our standards) speed up until anywhere between 20-50 years of age. At some point in this period, which varies greatly from person to person, visible aging grinds to a halt and moves incredibly slowly after that.
The signs of old age that we know begin to show up around 150-200 years, and very slowly become more and more apparent from there on out.
A bonus fact (although it should be noted that only incredibly well educated people in this setting know this) is that theoretically most humanoid bodies are capable of eternal life, but around the age of 400 (which is seldom reached) people begin suffering from something known as 'Age Rot'. It is a strange affliction which causes the mind to violently collapse on itself, driving those afflicted mad weeks of the first symptoms and rendering the brain a useless pile of mush within months.
A single cure is known, but it is incredibly expensive and only lasts for around fifty years before it must be administered again.
Some people theorize that Age Rot is the sole reason that people age beyond the height of their youth, and that it is part of the humanoid body from birth. There is no solid proof backing up this theory, however.

But yeah, apart from those two asterisks your character's looking like a great addition to the to-be group. If you have any further questions then please ask away. ^^
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Hehe, touche... ^^
But glad to be here!

Thanks for explaining that... "The signs of old age that we know begin to show up around 150-200 years" - would suggest that I'm actually OK and don't really need to change much, I think (you didn't notice anything untoward did you?).
But interesting and good to know that early maturity is still the same... Can I however assume that because people live longer, they are in less of a hurry to do certain things?
For example, maybe people *GENERALLY* don't rush off, get married and have kids in their mid-twenties? Maybe some people do, but is it more normal to wait till 100 or so?

I'll probably have loads more questions too, but the only *other* one that is bugging is the monarchy/government - how exactly is that structured, if you wouldn't expanding on that a little?

Lovely idea behind the RP by the way, it should make a nice change of pace from the usual combat-heavy stuff we've a history of doing :)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hehe, touche... ^^
But glad to be here!

Thanks for explaining that... "The signs of old age that we know begin to show up around 150-200 years" - would suggest that I'm actually OK and don't really need to change much, I think (you didn't notice anything untoward did you?).
But interesting and good to know that early maturity is still the same... Can I however assume that because people live longer, they are in less of a hurry to do certain things?
For example, maybe people *GENERALLY* don't rush off, get married and have kids in their mid-twenties? Maybe some people do, but is it more normal to wait till 100 or so?

I'll probably have loads more questions too, but the only *other* one that is bugging is the monarchy/government - how exactly is that structured, if you wouldn't expanding on that a little?

Lovely idea behind the RP by the way, it should make a nice change of pace from the usual combat-heavy stuff we've a history of doing :)

No there's generally nothing wrong with the story, but I thought there might perhaps be some edits you'd want to make once you were properly informed.

As for how early people do stuff, there's a very important factor here; necessity. Sure, the sons and daughters of a rich merchant or a nobleman might have the privilege of taking it slow, but the farmer's soon has to carry his weight and the miller's daughter has to earn her keep.
Even with the possibility of a long life death still breathes down the necks of all who live, and in the times of kings, queens and peasants few can afford to remain idle.
But, since Teyia and the other characters are among those few then there is still technically no problem with them staying at home for a literal century if they are content with it. Personally I'd figure a lot of them wouldn't be, but it's entirely possible.

The monarchy of Silithiren is, to many, surprisingly simple. The ruling family is the revered 'Ulm' bloodline, and from them all Silithiren's monarchs originate.
It is a very large family, and it is not rare for there to be squabbles about who gets to inherit the throne. None of this ever reaches the general public however, and on the outside the system appears to be running perfectly.
Some might note, however, that there is an odd lack of officials aiding the monarch in governing the country. No treasurer, no chief of staff, no nothing. Just a couple of advisors. Officially the monarch takes care of almost everything.
Most of Silithiren's inhabitants find this to be very impressive.

And thank you. ^^
I fear that it might be hard to find a group though, and I'd prefer for at least four players although it could technically work with just one.
Level 9
Mar 5, 2010
Updated, please let me know if any part of this is wrong or outside the rules :ogre_hurrhurr:

Name: Bare-ak-atak (common name: Barry)

Race: Herder

Gender: Male

Age: 202

Personality: Benevolent and jolly, very good natured, often compared to the demeanor of a drunken dwarf, An almost father like figure, trying to care for those he loves, and protective against those who would hurt his "family". Very good spirited and firm in his beliefs.

Backstory: Barry was born into the "somewhat" modern time and culture, from a young age he never understood his parents weird traditions and culture, as they kept to the old ways, refusing to adapt to modern day society. However Barry adapted quite well, his best friend in grade school gave him the name Barry because she said his real name was, "Too hard to say."

Barry went through "school" as a tailor's apprentice, the tailor he was taught by accepted many apprentices at once, so people just called it a school, ashamed of his heritage, he would shave his hair and wear many layers to try to hide his protruding bones, without much luck. Whenever he got home his father would scold him for "Trying to be something he was not". Years went by and Barry moved away, trying his hardest to fit in with the humans and dwarves. Until one day, when he had received a message that his Mother was dying. While Barry didn't like the old traditions, he still loved his family. When he arrived home to see his Mother, she had already passed, his Father was disappointed and ashamed in Barry, "You were my only son Bare-ak-atak, you were supposed to be our legacy, yet you refused our ways."

Barry felt awful, he stayed with his father, and promised to learn the old ways as much as he could. He began practices in his mother's place, and after a while, his father began to smile. All he ever wanted was for Barry to accept his legacy, and he had thrown it away, out of fear of being different.

A few years later, Barry's father passed, as old folks do. Barry mourned for a while, until he received the strength to keep going. Barry returned to his normal life, trying his best to incorporate the old traditions into his daily life, he had his best friend from tailoring school, Elizabeth, help him carve his bones, to decorate, and honor his people, his father and mother.

Elizabeth, she had always been there, a beautiful human woman, who never thought he was weird or different, just that his name was hard to say. She and him had been together for a long time, and perhaps even in love, they didn't care that others found the awkward little couple weird. Others would point, gasp and snicker. But, that would make her hug him tighter. Elizabeth is his strength, Elizabeth keeps him going.


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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I'd like to assure you I would love to join, though my character may take some time to create, I will edit this post with the proper format when he completed, however if you get enough people before I finish feel free to start without me as I fear, I have become quite busy...

Ah, don't worry about it. I reckon it'll be a while before we start, and even if you can't join us for the initial shenanigans I've set this thing up to make it easy for new players to join in.

At any rate I'm always happy to welcome enthusiastic players, so please make yourself at home in the thread.

Geeze zzoneman, make a new post to inform us of your edit next time. :p I didn't realize that you'd posted your character until just now.

Anyways, I've read it through and I really like the idea. There's only one thing which I found to be really out of place, and it shouldn't be that hard to correct:
Not that far into the backstory you mention that your character went to 'grade school'. This seems a bit unlikely seeing as we're dealing with a world based (very) roughly in the european renaissance, at which time such things as public schools and education for the masses were still nothing but the dreams of great scholars. Childhood for the commonfolk generally consisted of a few years of play, then immediately off to learn a craft or find some other way to earn their keep.

While there technically are a few great places of study in this world (The revered 'Platform Institute' and 'Cathegara' to name the more prominent ones) none of them are even remotely close to Silithiren. So unless your character's parents are rather wealthy, chances are he was never given the kind of education we know today.

Apart from this honestly rather minor detail, though, the only thing missing is the final two fields which you need to send to me. Once I've got those I can tell you whether or not your character is approved.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Did I get final approval?
Also, are there any special (non-generic) rules that are going to be in place, or is it going to be fairly freeform?

Aye, you did (Although I guess I didn't actually say that in the thread, woops).

We're currently waitin' for zonehardy to finalize his character, which at this point is pretty much just a question of editing out a few words, and once he's down with that we could technically get things started.

There are, however, a few people who have shown interest in the RP which I've been waiting for to make an appearance. Algaremm said e'd give it a look a while back and I know wolffman is workin' on a character.
But hey, this RP is set up so that new people joining in is going to be super simple so if we start without them it won't be that big of an issue.

Looks like Assassin's Creed, I might be join this is I have time

I have no real idea where you draw that likeness from, but sure! ^^
Level 10
Mar 7, 2014
Well, I've been thinking long and hard, and I finally came up with a good story after discussing a long while with Dragonson, so here goes..


Magnus Blacklight

Name : Magnus Blacklight
Race : Dwarf
Gender : Male
Age : 122
Personality : Magnus is Lawfully Neutral in alignment. He is always first to think and then to act. He always has a wide array of logic present before him to guide his pious thinking.He has no problem with surviving on stale bread and bad water, but he prefers eating exquisite meals and eats heartily. He will go forth to help someone, but will think of the consequences which affect him beforehand. He is very much like a Paragon in nature, always reminding himself of any misdeeds committed towards him or people close to him and in most cases pardoning those deeds.

Backstory : Magnus, his story doesn't start with his life, but the moment his true life began... Before that, he was a child abandoned on the side of the street, waiting hours upon hours, unfed and sickly, until a Priest of Wydros, named Orien took him in as his own, and raised him as a priest.
Many decades went away, and he grew up, with no knowledge of his true parents, but only that Orien was his mentor, his friend, his guide, his father..
The Order of Wydros broke away in the city, as people fled from the Dwarven Fortress which was collapsing. Orien, with Magnus, were left for dead in the ruins of the fort, and seeing his father die from writhing pain was too much for Magnus. He prayed day and night to Wydros for cure, but nothing saved him from death.
Magnus, now broken tried to leave the destroyed fortress, when suddenly, a giant pillar came crashing onto him.. Magnus shut his eyes and held his breath.

Startled, he opened his eyes again, he saw a bright flash of light in front of him, and a silhouette of a Dwarf standing, and then disappearing. He stood up to see that the Pillar shattered the ground around him, but left him unscathed. He noticed a small pebble tucked into his palm, with the glowing runes, saying "Svencsar".
He then realized a few things,one, that unlike Wydros, there was a diety which heard him, and saved him from death, and secondly, that Magnus had to rise to a higher calling, the calling of Svencsar.
He left the fortress, and scoured the nearby lands for any survivors, trying to help them learn of Svencsar.
Many years passed by, as Magnus grew into a pious man, who had built a Dwarven hamlet named "Velardunn" and made it his homestead in Silithiren, and a site of Svencsar's worship. He had gathered a decent number of people to worship the diety. Now, he wishes to live up to the calling..

Abilities :
Secrets :

P.S, Svencsar - Pronounced - Su-ven-zar
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I've discussed Magnus Blacklight with Wolffman over PMs, and along with Drem Hazeol and Teyia Rowman he is now approved.

K time to semi-rewrite my character. No more stupid secrets and random crossovers. This is for real.

Name: Ayanal

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 158

Personality: Anayal is a nice guy and want to help everyone achieve their goals. He believe that opting for a middle ground would best serve the interest of the court as a whole. He also believes that a stable court is key to a prosperous kingdom. "Give the greedy the money they want, the power-hungry the power they want and the ones who want the country to thrive the thriving country they want. Extravagrant nobles and wealthy citizens can co-exist" would be something he would say.

Backstory: Anayal is a diplomat from a far-away country who sought peace between everyone. He was sent on a mission to bring peace and prosperity to all peoples on this earth. He want to restore the Dwarven civilization, bring the Herders together and give them a land to call their own to replace the land they lost, and bring the Humans of Silithiren to new heights. Whether you are a greedy banker or a poor beggar, you would have a place in Anayal's utopia. While some scorn Anayal for his seemingly impossible dream, Anayal has done a really great job on giving not just the people of the places he visited their prosperity they so desire, but the bandits and thieves the wealth they coveted for so long.


Well, it's definitely better than your first draft. Still, there are some issues with this and I fear that they might force you to make some drastic changes to your original vision for your character.

We'll discuss this over PM though, so expect a more detailed explanation of what I mean as a response to the second PM you sent me.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hm. Alright, I've read the PM and it looks like your character's a-okay.
I'm going to cut out the bits referring to the Autumn Court, but apart from that your character is approved.

Arilia is ready to go, and you may begin play in the RP thread as soon as you like.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The href attribute is wrong, maybe you're looking at the wrong link? It doesn't work for me on my laptop or my computer. Two different OSs and two different browsers ^^

At any rate, I'll apologize again for yet another delay in posting, but I have FINALLY posted now for reals :)
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
I don't know if I will really have the time to participate or if it is too late anyway but I wanted to try and make a character regardless.

Name: Eveline Goriot
Half Human \ Half Herder
Fake smile always lies on her face and she knows that others like to hear sweet words. The only person of importance to her is she and very few people that managed to earn sympathetic feelings and even less genuine care. She tries to be calm and wise beyond her age but she is still a rather young inexperienced person and can burst in anger, especially regarding those who are more power than she is, such as people noble birth and to extent dwarves. In private she is relaxed and enjoys not being forced to wear the mask of constant smiles and favors those lone moments when she can be herself. Still young and remains to be seen will she mellow down with age or become cynical.
Eveline is a single child of merchant Johan Goriot and to know her we must first learn something about her father. Johan earned his riches through questionable conducts in the foreign lands before deciding to settle in more peaceful Silithiren. During his travels he fell in love with herder girl but the union did not last for long. She gave birth to little Eveline but did not live to see her daughter grow up and instead Johan alone took care of his daughter. Eveline was raised as human and in time she grew to dislike her non human side and she developed a taste for more luxurious life her father provided her with. But money didn't last for long as Silithiren did not have wars which Johan knew how to exploit and so he had fallen in to debts. Eveline at first did not understand through what her father was going through but when she found out the lengths he was going through to make her happy she realized that one simply can not have riches and do nothing. To help out her father Eveline had to seek employment as a servant girl in a lesser noble house. Years passed and things didn't seem to change but the Eveline did learn valuable experience of plotting and intrigue and she believed in time she would find a way to bring her father back on his feet and have the riches and power she deserved. Till one day came invitation to something called "Autumn Court"...
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011
Is it too late to join? And is there any info I need to know (cause I'm too lazy to read all that text).

Name: Skojam Wheelwalker
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 59
Personality: Skojam is a combination of many things. He lives a hedonistic lifestyle, with a bottle of wine always at the reach of his hand, and a lamb ready to be cooked in his vicinity. Armed with wit sharper than any sword ever forged, he considers laughter one of the best cures.
Moreover, he is also an educated man and can be calm and level-headed if need be.
Backstory: Born in a relatively affluent family, Skojam has enjoyed his life so far. He hails from an ancient family of Silithiren. His ancestor's were lords of a medium-sized town whose profit came from fishing. However, one year, a harsh winter combined with an outbreak of a disease made them quickly lose their status. Cashing in everything they could, they fled to a prosperous region, however the disease made the head of the family die, which caused a feud between his children. Skojam's branch was left with nothing, forcing them to travel the lands and barely surviving, until Skojam's grandfather became a smith in a small town. His talent as a smith and the fact that he used Skojam's father as free work force made him a widely known man. Skojam's father on the other hand, with little to no funding from Skojam's grandfather, was able to become a successful physician, working in a city relatively close to the capital. Skojam was raised in that town, taught to be loyal to his family, to the monarchy and to himself. He then studied to become a physician, however he, being himself, also enjoyed the arts. With an affinity to sing and write down his thoughts he dabbled with poetry. After becoming a physician, he settled in the capital city of Silithiren where he works as a physician while also writing literary works.

Also, in case joining is still an option, may I inquire about the legal status of some medical research? Like, can my character cut open people to study the human body etc. And are there any organized religions in Silithiren?
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'm at a bit of a loss as to how proceed from your last post, it felt a bit closing: No witnesses, no items - are we allowed to go back to our rooms and/or throw a wobbly? ^^
Teyia's already decided that talking to the sister and brother is pointless (whether she's right or wrong is another matter entirely of course!).
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Edit: I realized that what I said in this post wasn't exactly what I meant to communicate. And thus, edits were made.

Heh, that's understandable. As a DM I usually expect ( and would reccomend ) that my players get together and discuss their course of action, which in the case of this particular RP has to be done in-character. Rather than ask me what is and is not possible, although I understand that you do it since I've sort of just rolled with it until now, I'd reccomend that you explore your options through ingame means.
Circumstances change, and as of right now you have a member of the autumn court standing in front of you in the flesh. Now is an opportune time to ask questions.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Don't worry, I'm looking for an opportune time to bring you and Velj into the game. As I mentioned in the PMs I was planning to ham-fistedly jam you into the game yesterday, but I REALLY would prefer for the introduction to be a bit smoother.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Just out of curiosity will new characters be brought to the court when they are introduced or will it be said that they were whole time present just hadn't voiced their opinions yet. Maybe I am getting wrong impression but I have feeling that there are more judges in the mist besides Magnus, Drem, Teyia, Arila, Syhr and Rhyme.

As for current state of affairs I would like to ask current active players to explore their surroundings. Yes roleplay with each other but also try to see also who sits next to you and figure out your surroundings.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Edit: I realized that what I said in this post wasn't exactly what I meant to communicate. And thus, edits were made.

Heh, that's understandable. As a DM I usually expect ( and would reccomend ) that my players get together and discuss their course of action, which in the case of this particular RP has to be done in-character. Rather than ask me what is and is not possible, although I understand that you do it since I've sort of just rolled with it until now, I'd reccomend that you explore your options through ingame means.
Circumstances change, and as of right now you have a member of the autumn court standing in front of you in the flesh. Now is an opportune time to ask questions.

The big difficulty for me is that I'm trying to roleplay (obviously :grin:), and Teyia isn't a *particuarly* charismatic or forward-speaking character. She's not stupid either though, so would understand that simply getting up and starting to snoop around is not a good idea. I don't mean to whine (I chose the character!), I just want to make it clear that I am active, and if my posts are short or infrequent that^ is the reason why!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
No problem. ^^ I've come to appreciate slow moving roleplays, although this speed would have driven me absolutely insane a few years ago. :p

EDIT: So, uh, while I was writing on the new DM post in the live thread I realized something which I kinda' ought to mention but which I always forget;
This world has no sun and no moon. There's just daylight where we have sunlight, and starlight where we have moonlight.
Yeah, I know this is kind of major, but since it's completely normal to the world's inhabitants and only weird to us I always kind of forget about it. I'll try to let you guys know whenever something like this pops up, as I know there'll be more.
Also, sorry for the DM post taking so long. I'll leave a quick explanation along with it once I've finished.
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011
Well then, since I'm in the rp now, here's my finished character info.

Name: Skojam Wheelwalker
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 59
Personality: Skojam is a combination of many things. He lives a hedonistic lifestyle, with a bottle of wine always at the reach of his hand, and a lamb ready to be cooked in his vicinity. Armed with wit sharper than any sword ever forged, he considers laughter one of the best cures.
Moreover, he is also an educated man and can be calm and level-headed if need be.
Backstory: Born in a relatively affluent family, Skojam has enjoyed his life so far. He hails from an ancient family of Silithiren. His ancestor's were lords of a medium-sized town whose profit came from fishing. However, one year, a harsh winter combined with an outbreak of a disease made them quickly lose their status. Cashing in everything they could, they fled to a prosperous region, however the disease made the head of the family die, which caused a feud between his children. Skojam's branch was left with nothing, forcing them to travel the lands and barely surviving, until Skojam's grandfather became a smith in a small town. His talent as a smith and the fact that he used Skojam's father as free work force made him a widely known man. Skojam's father on the other hand, with little to no funding from Skojam's grandfather, was able to become a successful physician, working in a city relatively close to the capital. Skojam was raised in that town, taught to be loyal to his family, to the monarchy and to himself. He then studied to become a physician, however he, being himself, also enjoyed the arts. With an affinity to sing and write down his thoughts he dabbled with poetry. After becoming a physician, he settled in the capital city of Silithiren where he works as a physician while also writing literary works. Although not engaging in politics of any kind, his charisma allows him to use his numerous contacts as ways to gain information about the current status in the kingdom, which he primarily uses in his works, often criticizing some flaws of the society.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, it pretty much goes like this:
I kicked frettory from the roleplay, he freaked out and did some stuff which was dealt with by the site's mods before I was able to witness it, he was given an infraction and had his most recent posts removed, he then did something else which I did not witness which resulted in him being banned and the all posts in the OOC thread relating to the fact that he was kicked removed, he then made another account by the name of Dragonson2 which he used to spam the live RP thread, the RP subforumforum, my profile page and my inbox which has resulted in him now being IP banned.

I think that about covers it. As you can see a lot of stuff happened while I was away and which was dealt with before I as much as had a chance to see it, so this might not be entirely accurate.

Since it was removed by the mods I won't repost the extended explanation for why I kicked him here, since they might have reasons beyond just mass-wiping the part of the thread related to him being kicked, but if you want to read it then I'll send it to you via PM. I believe I made a copy of it, so it shouldn't be problematic.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Oh, I'ma stay here as long as I still have an active web connection. :p If people ever feel like posting, just go ahead and do so. It seems there's been a rather crippling drop in interest, but I don't see any reason to pull the curtains and cut the RP's life short just yet.

So yeah, nothing's happening right now, but if anyone posts then I'll be here to keep the story going even if it just ends up bein' me and one other guy.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Heh. Well, I take the liberty of placing all my roleplays in a setting I write on in my spare time, so I can write full-fledged storylines for them and salvage the good bits into my main writings if things go to hell. So yeah, the story's there and waiting to be pursued if anyone feels like doing it.

If not, then I guess you might be able to find some answers if I ever get anything published. :p Although if it does happen it won't be in the forseeable future, I reckon.
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