The Unwritten RP Rules

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
EDIT: As of October 7th 2014, this post has been cleaned up.
I, Dragonson, took a look at it, reacted with 'Oh my god, did I write that?', and then promptly decided that I ought to do anyone who still uses this thread a favor and make it less cringe-worthy.
As a result there has been several changes made here and there, courtesy of a slightly more mature version of Dragonson than the one who wrote it.
Some who had not seen the thread in its previous state might wonder why that was necessary, but that question can easily be answered; It was literally written by a 13-year-old boy.

Don't worry, I've made a copy of the original.


There is a fact that we all have to acknowledge: Until roleplaying dies out completely, which will probably happen sometime around when the world ceases to exist, there will be newcomers. Newcomers, troublesome as they may be, can be turned into excellent roleplayers if you are prepared to teach them. Most people will slowly learn on their own, but roleplaying and the community behind it is a terribly complex thing and learning the ropes can be a rugged path. In some cases people left without guidance may turn into E.U.F.*s, M.D.U.**s or P.I.V.***s, which is in nobody's best interests. So, in this thread i will try to write down what I consider the most important guidelines which a roleplayer should try and stick to. Hopefully this will be useful to DMs and players alike.

NOTE: When I add a suggested rule to the list I usually edit it a bit first.
So, even though it says "Credits to [Insert Suggestee's Name Here]" it doesn't necessarily mean everything stated in the rule is the suggestee's words.

1: Don't interrupt other players.
Although roleplay truly shines the most when it involves complex interaction between multiple characters, several of which most often being players, one should always be mindful not to just barge into interactions which your character isn't already a part of.
I have often seen people suddenly appearing in the middle of an intense argument or epic battle and being all like 'HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME I AM HERE NOW AS WELL'. Don't do this without good reason.
There's nothng wrong with suddenly appearing in the middle of an intense argument or epic battle and being all like 'I interject! You are wrong about this, and I can prove it!' or 'Get away from my brother, you villainous bastard! Have at thee!'.
Look at the situation and try your best to judge whether or not you have a reason to be part of what is going on, and if you don't have one then don't barge in. I know we all want to be part of the cool stuff when the cool stuff is going on, but sometimes we've just got to wait our turn.

2: An overpowered character isn't fun for anyone.
It's no fun to be part of the same roleplaying group as 'Von Power McPowerpants, the All-Powerful'. Most DMs will keep you from making a character which is too far over the top, but a good roleplayer should always try to create a balanced character with interesting strengths and weaknesses.
Roleplaying will be more fun for you as well as your fellow rolerplayers if you don't just lawnmow every challenge. The greatest fun in roleplaying isn't vanquishing endless amounts of foes without breaking a sweat. Sure, that can be fun too, but if you ask me there's much more enjoyment in getting into trouble and using your wicked cunning (and/or dice-rolling skills) to get out of it.

3: Think of your character as a real person.
Unless your charecter is god, or perhaps especially if your character is a god, it is important for a good roleplaying experiance that he/she/it has a believable personality.
There's no need for every character to have some sort of crippling phobia, but if everyone's a generic grizzled veteran with no fears of anything and who has no problems dealing with any kind of situation then your roleplay probably won't be one for the story books.

4: Don't hog the spotlight.
Forcibly trying to make your character the center of attention in a roleplay is the most surefire way to make everyone hate you.
Don't do this.

5: Knowledge is also power. See rule #2.
You should always make an effort to think about what information is actually available to your character when deciding on what to do. If you DM doesn't limit your character in what knowledge is available to you for you then you should do so yourself, as a character that knows everything is just as annoying to play with as a character that kills everything.
Even if your charecter is a master farseer or fortune teller, for the love of the raves which watch my windowsill do NOT have his default response to everything be 'Just as I foresaw!' or something along those lines. Seriously, this is surprisingly common.

6: Mind your language.
Be mindful of how your character would realistically speak. A medieval knight won't say things the same way a CYBORG SPACE KNIGHT FROM THE FUTURE person from modern times would.
Obviously it's hard to be completely realistic here, but it's worth it to give it your best shot.

7: Know your OOCs and ICs.
Always make sure that it is abundantly clear what is being said or done by your character and what is being said by YOU. A good way to distinguish between the two is to preface them with 'OOC' (Out Of Character) and 'IC' (In Character) tags.

8: God-Emoting and Power-emoting.
In roleplays where the DM does not fully moderate player action it is incredibly important not to take too much power into your own hands.
It is especially important that you don't randomly kill or heavily injure other player characters. Nobody wants to see their mighty warrior or cunning businessman disappear in the blink of an eye, and if the DM is worth his salt then you are most likely not going to get away with instagibbing anyone.
See also rule #2.
Credits to OMnaxos and Crazy Cow.

9: Divine Showdowns = Serious Buisness.
When two extremely powerful forces collide, it will not be something like "X Punches Y, Y dies. Everyone is happy."
There's going to be consequences, and chances are a lot of people won't like 'em.
This is primarily a note to DMs, but it's worth it for players to keep this in mind as well.
Credits to SoLMaster.

10: Make Every Post Count
When you post, make sure that your post has material for the other players to build on.
Maybe a post saying
The demon replied.

Is technically enough, but if you can add more to it your fellow RP'ers will have more to build their RP on.
For example:
A sinister smile flashed over the demon's face.
He nodded, and said with a dark voice
"It happens at dawn, as you suggested.
All of them will be there, so be prepared."

Now, your fellow RP'ers will have alot of diffirent things to respond to.
Their charecters can react to the smile, the tone of the demon's voice or his choice of words.
More fun for everyone. :)
Credits to Fussiler1

11: Respect your DM.
When aboard a ship, the captain's word is law. The same goes for DMs and their roleplays.
If you don't like what that entails then get off the ship. You may think a DM is doing a terrible job (which may be true), but if that's the case then you probably shouldn't be playing with him.
As long as you're playing his roleplay you are bound by his rules, and if you can't respect that then the roleplay will slowly begin to fall apart or you will be forcibly removed (the second option is far more likely).
Credits to Phoonix

That should be the jist of it. Go forth and roleplay well!

*Excruciatingly Uninteresting Fellow **Me Don't Understand ***Perplexingly Infuriating Vaunter
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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
i feel like theres more to add but so far its great this will help for my rp thank u =]
Level 6
Aug 12, 2008
Good rules,the one for the everything know guy is called meta-gamer.

Anyway I would like to apply one more;

God-Emoting and Power-emoting;
Guys that power emote or god emote are those who write things such as "{insert random name here}kills/decacipates/impales {random guy here}".These will not only make people angry because their rp character died but also your reputation as a rper will be decreased
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Some may know this rule.
Power vs power:
When two mega level power fight, there's no minimal damage. That means that God Vs Devil will have worlds destroyed, armys wipe out and insane people. If this happens then people will be cheated because no mega level damage.
Also Known as the realistic rule.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Some may know this rule.
Power vs power:
When two mega level power fight, there's no minimal damage. That means that God Vs Devil will have worlds destroyed, armys wipe out and insane people. If this happens then people will be cheated because no mega level damage.
Also Known as the realistic rule.

Good one. Gotta edit the text abit, but it IS one that should be added to the list.

Good rules,the one for the everything know guy is called meta-gamer.

Anyway I would like to apply one more;

God-Emoting and Power-emoting;
Guys that power emote or god emote are those who write things such as "{insert random name here}kills/decacipates/impales {random guy here}".These will not only make people angry because their rp character died but also your reputation as a rper will be decreased

Defenetely going on the list.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Very nice!
See if you can get it 'stickied' now.

Um also...
I see a lot of noobs come in, make their own class and race, just because they don;t like the presets. Can you write a rule for "Use what is given to you."?
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Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Uh... so basically you're saying, "Use pre-sets, not your imagination." Which defeats the purpose of roleplaying in the first place.

The only way I could understand using pre-sets and having a form of restriction on using made up classes and what not, is on a very strict and well guided roleplay, where making up your own class would probably end up making some form of imbalance inside the game.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
No saken =) The point with Unwritten RP Rules, is that they are a couple of rules that most people will find irritating if you break. So it is mainly to give new RPer's a tip about what NOT to do. Theese are not presets for a rp that limit your imagination, they are simply some guidelines that are made to help the reader merge in with the older RPer's. Also, if you read them through, and then think about it, then a person breaking theese rules will be a person not many people wants to play with. And that is something i say out of experiance, since i were once the most noobish rper you could ever imagine.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
I have met many RPers who come in and declare:
I want a new race and class so I may pwn you all.
That guy is always a @#$@.
These aren't STRICT RULES. Notice how they are UNWRITTEN. You don't gotta follow em. But they will help you join a RP. If you make your own, this may help also in managing.
Maybe if a noob goes astray, just point a link here.
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
You guys are sort of taking me out of context now... I'm not commenting on the "Unwritten RP Rules" as being strict, I'm commenting on...

Um also...
I see a lot of noobs come in, make their own class and race, just because they don;t like the presets. Can you write a rule for "Use what is given to you."?

All I'm saying is that there could be a better way to explain this, from what a reader could get from this, is that the "Older roleplayers" as your putting it, are wanting newer players to only do pre-set things, and not push the envelope and be allowed to create things that may suite them better, it's sort of stifiling to one's imagination... and if you say, well, these new roleplayers will just make something imbalanced, or god-like, well then you're also assuming they won't follow the rule of no god moding, and no making imbalanced characters/heros and stuff.

Also, something that was never mentioned,

Building In Others' Area
One should never start building in an area that is already occupied by another, it just causes confusion, anger, and often (due to the person) can result in drastic events, such as someone getting mad enough to spam the game with units/heros, or even crashing the game if the second party member does not move out or away. Also, one should ask to build close to or near someone, for instance... if someone is building in one spot, but the forest area to the north of them is unoccupied, yet still some-what close to the first person, the second person may ask the first to see if they will be building up there as well, for the first person might be making a big kingdom or city, where the second person would be taking space that was intended for other uses by the first person.
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
4: Centering.
Do NOT try to center the rp on your charecter. The RP will AUTOMATICLY center on one of the charecters, and do NOT try to change that. Appearing everywhere something nice is happening is just... bad (im still having problems with that one myself) and i do NOT reccomend it.

Though I'm often guilty of having many roleplays become centered around my character, I do it in a way where people get so caught up in my storyline's they often ditch their own for my own imaginative stories. Though I agree, one shouldn't always center all their focus on their own character, or try and make everyone else roleplay using only their storyline, it is a real downer when others can't have a say or have no input to the roleplay at all because someone is an attention whore.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Well, I have at the moment only RP'd with my brother, but there should definitly be a rule against controlling other RP'ers characters, something along the lines of:

11: Stay Off Other's Characters
If you and another RP'ers characters are interacting in any way, (which happens very frequently) don't assume control of the other's character for ANY REASON. If your ninja-elf tosses a dagger at his warrior, you don't know what he wants to do, so don't add "and Warrior ducks to the side and charges Ninja-Elf." You don't know what the other person wants to do; he could snach the dart out of the air or even want to take the blow. Controlling other's characters can, and will, lead to harsh words and someone getting upset, so just avoid it.

I havn't RP'd at all here, so I have no idea if this is a problem or not, but just having it there might be a good idea.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
There should also be a rule about paying attention to the storyline/timeline of the rp when making a character.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Nice. I am happy to see someone actually made something of this sorts. Good job Dragonson perhaps this will be useful to someone.

With Care,
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
I have an example. :p Skipping time.
In a scifi (space) RP, SolMaster decided to invade my systems (everyone kept intruding >:c) and instantly claimed the system. I had no time to counter in any way. So, I ahd to force him to accept 1 planet conquered, as that would very likely happen, being unable to counter quickly enough to a fleet in orbit. So, the next few battles were interesting, including him trying to blow up my sun in that system, and me sacrificing a ship (which failed, but saved the sun) and, overall, I won, due to my carefully developed tech and usage of said tech.

Moral of the story: Don't skip to the ends of battles. It is very frustrating, and makes the loser/opponent very angry, even if you lost. And, despite how things turn out, one can simply think outside the box of normal usage of devices and assets to gain the advantage in batle. Simply wiping out eachother's forces except for the leaders and their personal guards is not fair. Especially when you are boarde\ing their ship. They have control of their ship, and you are running the gauntlet. So, they will have the advantage. Don't just cut to your own desired end of the battle. If you want to skip, talk it out with them until you come to an agreement.

There should also be a rule about paying attention to the storyline/timeline of the rp when making a character.


Edit: Ah. Another crusial example. Resources and building time. Again witht he scifi RP example :/

Resources are important. If your don't have the resources, you can't buil as much, or as quickly, and will have to set off to get more. Stockpiling resources is a very good idea (space Rps are like that. Vast mining fleets, and new ways for resource collection.) Fuel is a resource that will need to be gathered as well.

Building time: It does not take 5 posts to build a massive station or a new ship. Most likely, a ship, like a cruiser, could take 15 posts (excluding other peoples' posts) while a vast, new juggernaught could take a lot more. But, a 10 year project (rp timeline) could result in a month or two of constant construction, in which case you will have to move on to other things and come back to it for checking its progress so other people don't think it just magically appeared.

Might as well throw in travel time. :/ You can't teleport without a very good excuse. Technology doesn't work that way. But magic is an acceptable excuse. Whether you are traveling from one system to another, or across the ocean, make sure the travel time is acceptable for the method of travel. If its a mighty dragon flying across the ocean, it'll take a while. But if it's a highly advanced spaceship or fighter craft, it will get there sooner.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Can't believe I only now read this. I realise that I broke #10 in the Official (unname) Scifi RP. XD However, it worked so well that I created sides. So now not everyone is an ally to eachother. Being buddy-buddy is boring in an RP. My problem with RPs is that people take too much liberty in creating their races that they forget to have it all make sense. For example, Vacuum guns. What exactly does that do? Apparently, that's a gun that shoots blackholes, which somehow only goes for the enemy. I think some of the things I put down should be in this list.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hmm... i dpn't have that much time in the weekends to update this, but i'l try.
I took a look at your PM sacrid, and i sent you a answer.
We could have a rule that says that your RP has to make sense IN RP CONTEXT!
I want it to be very clear that i want NO RULES saying anything about RP having to make sense on the account of physiscs.
(I realised that i am very tuchy about that subject... Sorry for agressiveness. :/)

The rule about reading up on the RP is a good one.
It should be added, really. But i must say that Hive RP moves faster than RP on any other side.
Level 4
Feb 26, 2010
That's sometimes a rare sight. *sigh*

Anyhoo, what rps are you doing Jamgun? :) You new to the RP section?

Firstly, i hope you wont kill me if i say this, but i play on a private server that takes Roleplay in serious, and doesnt poweremote and stuff.

Secondly, im new to the RP section and to the Hive(And warIII triggers), but thats not a big deal, ill do what im best at. :wink:

Anywho, Nice guid. Keep up the good work.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Allright... i added the list.
On this list is currently ONLY the RP's that i am a part of,
since i cannot describe a RP that i am not a part of well 'nough to add it here.
If you have a RP you'd like on the list, post a link, name and description.
The RP has to be active.

Also, thanks for the tip Var :)
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
So be descriptive and as creative with your post as you can be. You have to give your fellow roleplayers something to feed off of when they're roleplaying with you. You should be expecting to be ignored or get a totally different reply than what you were expecting if you said a one line reply, or anything short of a paragraph.
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
I wanna add as well some important rules;

People must wait at least 3 minutes after posting. There may be some people who are slow in posting actions and so please respect them.

You must be logical regarding;
how much it takes for a person to arrive at a specific place.
For example, you can't deliver a message to an ally who is very far away from you in one post.

I suggest the use of a system for instance;
Short Distance;1 post
Medium Distance;2-3 posts
Long Distance;4-5 posts.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
I wanna add as well some important rules;

People must wait at least 3 minutes after posting. There may be some people who are slow in posting actions and so please respect them.

You must be logical regarding;
how much it takes for a person to arrive at a specific place.
For example, you can't deliver a message to an ally who is very far away from you in one post.

I suggest the use of a system for instance;
Short Distance;1 post
Medium Distance;2-3 posts
Long Distance;4-5 posts.

Think I already stated it. I dunno.

However, it all depends on what 'short' is, and the mode of transportation. A short delivery could be 2 posts, and usually is between 1-3. however, medium-length trips are usually more difficult. Long-distance messages or trips could take around 5-10, and are usually very strenuous as the details seemingly repeats.

Example of legally cheating the system: In the Futuristic Unnamed Roleplaying Thread, my race, the Chozo (ko*zo) have a means of trans-system travel and communication dubbed Subspace. Through subspace, they can travel between systems in a matter of minutes, and messages can be broadcast live without delays on either side. However, for the otherwise long trips to a destination through a chain of systems, the Chozo devised Subspace Gates, allowing them 1-way artificial nodes to the target. This enables them a very, very easy way to bypass blockades and other defenses, and reach their destination within minutes. The downside however, being a 1-way gate, is that they must spend the 20-30 post journey out of hostile space, and back to Chozo space. (the number of systems in this example is about 12 betwee the borders of Chozo space, and the core enemy homeworld. The invading fleet would have to fight their way through multiple blockades as they travel the system to the next node. Running the blockade, they reach the next system on their checkpoint gauntlet. This is where the 20-30 posts, depending on blockades, occurs.) As you can see, there can be epic length trips, able to be dubbed long trips. :D They otherwise could be called epic-sized trips or guantlets in my case. :p
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Giving people time to post their reply before posting again can be a good idea.
But the whole X Posts = X Time thing isn't something i think we can/should make a rule about here.
I want these rules to be as basic as possible, so that they can be used in many occasions, and systems like that vary from RP to RP.
It would be abit like making a rule about which OOC and IC system to use.
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