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That awkward World Editor moment when...

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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
We had the awkward moments of Hive and DotA, time for the World Editor to step in!

That awkward World Editor moment when you create a seemingly perfect trigger which is extremely complicated but then you discover that it doesn't work as you want.

That awkward World Editor moment when you create a very long trigger and only when you finish it you realise you could've simplified it using loops or other shorter and quicker alternatives.

That awkward World Editor moment when the power cuts and you didn't save your work (assuming you're not using a laptop of course!)

That awkward World Editor moment when you spend three hours on a trigger that refuses to work and you realise the problem was extremely simple and could've been solved in a few seconds.

Your turn.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
That awkward moment when you're about to save, you just want to add that specific unit to your trigger and you use the "select specific unit" and the world editor crashes.

That awkward moment when your editor allows your units to be placed in deep water and walk in it. (I still don't know how this happened to the editor.)

That awkward moment when you edit a hero and add him to object data, save the object data, import it into the AI editor and the AI editor refuses to see the abilties of the hero so you can't save the AI so you have to rename the hero until the AI editor decides that it wants to show the hero abilities.

That awkward moment when you use both campaign data and object data in your map and a building decides to become a unit costing food when it's told in both the object editor and the campaign editor that it is in fact a building giving food.

Slight offtopic: Having worked a lot with Hammer Editor and the world editor, I've become a bit paranoid and I tend to hit CTRL + S in almost every program I work in, all the time.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Here are few pictures from year 2006 when I was creating my first map:

Very quick translation from very bad Finnish:


Sampsa (Aeroblyctos) codes, talks in msn, downloads some stuff with DC++ and Emule. Also he cleans computer at the same time with CCleaner, listens music and has browser activated.


While he's working, he goes to look variables, he sees "caster" variable and wonders what the hell it is.


Sampsa thinks it's not needed. He deletes it.


Fuck and so on! The delete list goes over 9000. Now everything is ruined.


Then he remembers that there's that "undo" button and everything is fine. Mapping continues for the next 10 years and so on.

(that map is here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/land-legends-110787/?prev=status%3Dr%26u%3DAeroblyctos but it was rejected when the big version change came to wc3, was it 1.22 or something and the map got broken)


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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
I actually wanted to make this thread first :p (It's a very good idea)
That awkward World Editor moment when you use the Noise terrain effect on the Maximum terrain height and the Editor Crashes.

That awkward World Editor moment when you import a custom model texture and it changes to "Other" over 5981 times :p

That awkward World Editor moment when you miss a Pathing blocker and then Upload the Map.

That awkward World Editor moment you mistakenly use "Num Lock" and then Type anything and You watch the Effects.

That awkward World Editor moment when you want to use "Ctrl+Shift+C" but you miss the "Shift", so you lock the Camera.

That awkward World Editor moment when making a cinematic your camera goes through doodads :(

That awkward World Editor moment when you have a typo error in your unit name, and you press "OK".

That awkward World Editor moment remove a Variable/Unit specified 1000 times in Triggers :eek: (Check Aeroblyctos's album)

That awkward World Editor moment when you use a vJASS spell with 5/5 rating and it gives you ~1200 compile errors and you forget it. after a year you discover that you needed JNGP for that.

That awkward World Editor moment when you want to select a doodad and it simply doesn't. You check all "Ignore model clicks" and stuff but it doesn't work. 3 minutes later, you find out your Palette was Units.

That awkward World Editor moment you Open a map with vanilla WE including 800 vJASS triggers and then after 5 hours of work, you save the map and get 5670 Compile errors.

That awkward World Editor moment you forget to add a "|" for colorizing names.

That awkward World Editor moment when your spell description doesn't fit in the description in-game.

That awkward World Editor moment when you don't remember what a Variable was for.

That awkward World Editor moment when you make a very complicated trigger and it has a small issue. when you try to find it, you get confused in your own triggers.

That awkward World Editor moment when you forget to remove a Unit group special effect attachment every 0.03 seconds.

That awkward World Editor moment when you create an eternal loop in triggers.

That awkward World Editor moment when you can't find where a Compile error is.

That awkward World Editor moment when you forget to save and restart your computer for example for a windows update.

That awkward World Editor moment when you upload a corrupt model.
I guess that's enough :p
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Moar moar :ogre_hurrhurr:

That awkward World Editor moment when you open an old map of yours that you had buried, check the triggers and don't understand anything about them.

That awkward World Editor moment when you use the doodad palette, select a particular high-poly imported doodad, set the size to 5, hover your mouse over the terrain and get extreme lag that you are stuck

That awkward World Editor moment when you are using custom scripts, make insignificant spelling mistakes and get like 1000 errors everywhere when you save.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
That awkward World Editor moment when you open an old map of yours that you had buried, and wonder why the hell you stopped working on it.



That awkward World Editor moment when you use Integer Arrays for arrays and You Expect it to Work MUI.

That awkward World Editor moment when You upload a Spell and test it but it doesn't work. You Check the Whole core trigger and after 4 hours you ask for Help in WEHZ and the Spell Thread. Next, after 10 minutes you find out the Spell ID was set to a BonusMod Ability.

That awkward World Editor moment when you Import a Very important model for your map story and then you realize it exceeded 8mb map limit.

That awkward World Editor moment when you forget to Back a Map up and simply just Optimize it. (Damn, hurts as hard as fuck)

That awkward World Editor moment when you Forget to Use a Leak Destruction "After" the use and you use it Before it.

That awkward World Editor moment when you Mistakenly use the Lower tool on a terrain and drown the whole Terrain.

That awkward World Editor moment when you use a Model and Don't use it.

That awkward World Editor moment when you don't register an Event for a Trigger.

That awkward World Editor moment when you use the Wrong Variable.

That awkward World Editor moment when you use blank Texture on Warcraft UI.

That awkward World Editor moment when you use the Wrong "Event Response" due to a fast Finger Scroll.

That awkward World Editor moment when you Destroy a special effect without a death animation.





^That awkward WE moment when you continue to work on an ancient map you had buried wondering why you every stopped and remember after hours of working why you did.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
My awkward moment in World Editor is when the first time I copied a trigger to my map and it doesn't work because some variables are missing. I manually create the variables myself, then I had read something that you could put check on the automatically create unknown variables in the preferences. Oh what a waste of time :ogre_icwydt:




That awkward WE moment when you realized after working many days on a map complaining about the WE lag that there are ways to nearly completly remove it
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
That awkward World Editor moment when you have two triggers, one of them must be deleted, the other is super precious, you delete the precious one, save, close the WE and the next time you open it you realise the disaster you've done.

That awkward World Editor moment when you just click OK for a tooltip and immediately find grammar mistakes in it.

That awkward World Editor moment when there are so many heavy triggers and object data that even the simplest actions like creating a new unit would take an eternity.

That awkward World Editor moment when you just created a spell and test the map but actually forgot to add this spell to a unit/hero.

That awkward World Editor moment when you forget to remove the Melee Initialization trigger when it is unneeded for simple test maps.
Ya, just had to rant a bit somewhere.

Thanks for making me click the wrong quote button. I downloaded that mod, it looks like it could be fun.

That awkward World Editor moment when you "work" on a map for hours, and that work consisted of you staring at the screen trying to decide what work you're going to do.

(This has happened to me many times in the past, but I avoid this now by always finding something to work on while I think, even if it's a simple task; so that my time isn't being wasted before I decide what to do later.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
That awkward World Editor moment when you delete a buggy trigger and when you're no more able to restore it you guessed the solution to fix the bug.

That awkward World Editor moment when you test a trigger but forget to add the event.

That awkward World Editor moment when you have an instant of amnesia and you don't know what hell you are doing.

That awkward World Editor moment when you get lost in your own triggers and object data.
That awkward editor moment when you have a doodad model with no bounds calculated and can not select it anymore without drawing a selection circle and this selection circle would actually always select a different doodad nearby.

That awkward editor moment when the main method you use to select these buried doodads is by deleting the doodad blocking it, then drawing the selection circle, and then press CTRL+Z to undo the deletion.

That awkward editor moment when you accidentally scrolled through the script window again after saving your map, causing the '*' to reappear next to the filename, forcing your inner OCD to save again despite not having made any actual changes.

That awkward editor moment when you finally saved & optimized your map and uploaded it to Hiveworkshop, but forgot to change the version number on the loading screen.

That awkward editor moment when you import a model with lots of particles and it looks nothing like in Magos.

That awkward editor moment when you miss an "endif" statement and Jasshelper just shows you a generic error that does not point to the function that actually misses the statement. Happy hunting!

That awkward editor moment when you notice you have been working with an outdated map version for almost a week and now have to merge all your work from another version.

That awkward editor moment when you forget disabling your debug trigger on the official map update.

That awesome editor moment when nobody noticed it...
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
That awkward editor moment when you accidentally scrolled through the script window again after saving your map, causing the '*' to reappear next to the filename, forcing your inner OCD to save again despite not having made any actual changes.

That awkward editor moment when you finally saved & optimized your map and uploaded it to Hiveworkshop, but forgot to change the version number on the loading screen.

That awkward editor moment when you miss an "endif" statement and Jasshelper just shows you a generic error that does not point to the function that actually misses the statement. Happy hunting!

That awkward editor moment when you forget disabling your debug trigger on the official map update.

That awesome editor moment when nobody noticed it...

- As far as I know, saving is required even though you didn't made changes. I also hated that.

- Yes, or the version number in the Upkeep panel if you used it as the version display

- Especially when you made a LOT of changes without saving, you won't know where it is..let the hunt begin.

- That is why it is a good practice to nest debug triggers in DEBUG_MODE.

- Maybe your debug enable keyword was something like "Zwiebelchen is awesome" or something, hence nobody noticed it ;)
- That is why it is a good practice to nest debug triggers in DEBUG_MODE.
Unfortunately, I hate debug mode because all kinds of imported systems start spamming useless shit by then. XD

- Maybe your debug enable keyword was something like "Zwiebelchen is awesome" or something, hence nobody noticed it ;)
Level 25
May 11, 2007
That akward moment when you import a model, go to the graphic settings of the editor to set them to low so the model loads.

And then the editor crashes.
And your map was not saved for the last 10 minutes.
Level 16
Sep 29, 2008
that awkward World Editor moment when you try to move two little regions in paralell but they are under a huge region...

that awkward World Editor moment when you choose to change some trigger unit position, but you cannot use ctrl+X due the possible reference miss

that awkward World Editor moment when you click on "View entire map" and your map have lots of doodads/units...

that awkward World Editor moment when you type 'n07c' instead of 'n07C' in your units catalog and try to explain yourself why the map misses an unit...

that awkward World Editor moment when you put some own units for debug and forget to remove them when you release official update.
Level 13
Jun 20, 2014
That awkward world editor moment when u read your old triggers and realized how it sucks.

That awkward world editor moment when u set missle speed to 0 and everything lags.

That awkward world editor moment when u wait for the unit to knockback and realize you are using time elapsed event instead of periodic event.

That awkward world editor moment when the power cuts while you are saving your map and when u try to open it the editor refuses.

That awkward world editor moment when u are using GUI and you decided to rename your spell and end up changing the affix of all your variables and forgot about changing the affix in the custom scripts.

That awkward world editor moment when u set the buff duration of an ability to 0.
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