• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Texturing Competition #10 POLL

Who made the best submission?

  • [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/832561-post350.html]Just_Spectating[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
I think you're all insane, but I've since given up on trying to tell you why.

Stop spamming...

Maybe you are insane Rising_Dusk, ha? Oh well, I have only 1 thing to say to you! 1 thing Btw, I know on what you're thinking, why are everyone insane......

...so, stop! Please don't fuck with me, I'm mad now...

Stop flaming...

Try to keep the thread friendly or else it'll end up getting closed.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
I like how the posts telling users to "stop spamming" are always filled with senseless spam. You're not noble by telling others to "stop spamming," as a matter of fact you're only making it worse. Good job. You're probably going to respond to this with more spam, too. (Hopefully now you don't)

All I said was that you're all insane and that I disagree with your opinions both about thematic interpretation and texture quality. I don't care enough to press it beyond that anymore, so whatever. Just chill and stop overreacting.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Hawkwing said:
One more off-topic post and this thread is going to be closed.
You're your own worst enemy, man. I wish you people would listen to me instead of automatically assuming hostility.
Masiah said:
Oh noez, can't decide between Friky's and Mr.Gob's. D:
They each have qualitative aspects about them that are good, though neither has phenomenal composition or contrast. In terms of technical prowess, they're about on par with eachother, so just go with whichever you think would be more useful to a map.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Everything besides Goblin's seems like it was a 'safe bet'.

Though, I don't think any of them look good in game from a top-down perspective. If there were a simple and clean design, I would vote for it.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Hell if it doesn't :p
Try skinning a rhino out of a Naga Myrmidon. Owait, it doesn't have legs D:
As for Dio's model, Void simply doesn't like how the skin looks on the model, which does in fact play a large part in the skinning process. You can have a sweet texture, but if the model itself looks bad, the end result can't be great. Sure it has a great unwrap, but the wrap just doesn't look good.
Now, whether you base your judgment on the wrap, unwrap, or a combination of both is completely up to you. Personally I go for the wrap (mostly, not entirely), since it's the end result that matters the most.
My judgment on Dio's: It was probably my second favorite, as it was a creative use of the theme, and for the most part, well done. I just liked Mr. Goblin's concept a lot better.

QFT and Awesomeness.
My top 3.
1. A.R.
2. FrIkY
3. Dionesiist

My vote goes to AR's skin for it's cartoonish, but in a very high quality style he uses in his skins. He never cease to amaze me.

FrIkY's skin comes second. I like this one very much too, but many of the details on the clothes aren't very sharp and will go lost when viewed ingame. But it's still his best skin so far.

Dio's skin comes very close third for it's creative idea, and it makes the model look awesome.

The other entries weren't bad (some were decent, some were good), but didn't appeal me enough to get in to my top 3.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Has anyone else noticed that Goblin's vote count seems to be 15 less than the listed count of users that have voted for him? I dare cry foul play.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Unless he multi-accounted or paid/bribed/whatever'd users to obtain those votes, then there's no strong logic the staff could have to deny them from him. Anyways, as I suspected, foul play.
well i don't have the power to show my rights :D and hawkwing already talked to me about this..

for shure i'm not the responsible of this stupid event.. so what we (me and hawkwing) think is that
1# new members voted for me... simply
2# Someone wanted me to be disqualifyed..

and in the too case.. well i'm pretty happy cause someone thought my work was good :D

just smile...
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Well, I narrowed it to 5 skins, and now all that is left is.... *drumroll please?*

Mr. Goblin's Fel Stalker!

... though I have to admit, the assassin is the closest we'll get to an artful nude in War3
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Aren't you a texturing moderator? Can't you just judge them yourself? Hell, you could let me judge them if you're really that in need of someone. I make it my business to objectively quantify pros and cons of a given piece of art. Whether or not you think I'm qualified for it is your call, though.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Double post for great justice. Hawkwing decided to have me judge textures since no one else wanted to or was able to. He didn't give me any of set criteria to use in my judging, so I used what I consider to be important attributes in texture art as the criteria. If you have any comments on my analysis, feel free to harass me via private message and we'll talk about it. I only counted 108 votes because Hawkwing removed 15 of Mr.Goblin's votes from the total count of 123.

The judging criteria goes as follows:
Contrast: */8
How well the art contrasts and brings multiple colors to the table. It's important for a texture to show a defining color scheme and for it to not blur together with too many similar colors.

Shading: */8
How well the art shades and uses highlights and line-art to craft both a sense of depth and a sense of shadow across the model's features.

Design: */8
It's important for good design decisions to be made in picking how to represent your texture once wrapped on the model. This includes choosing the correct detail level for appropriate areas of the texture.

Creativity: */8
Creativity is one of the aspects revered most in any manner of art. This criterion includes how clever you approached the theme and then how shrewed you were in your execution. Clever weapon texturing, clever alpha channel use, and overall anything clever will be factored into this.

In-Game Appearance: */18
Ultimately, your textures are for use in the in-game environment. For that, this critical criterion is worth the most points. This factors in how well your texture appears wrapped on the model from the in-game camera, ranging from how well the detail holds to how the portrait looks.
It's okay everyone, I'll be gentle, I swear. :)

Contrast: 4/8
Color choices are very pastel and bright, offering little in the way off contrast. Different colors were chosen, though, resulting in a texture that is at the very least diverse and colorful. The white on the cape and hood was a little too bright and blinding next to some of the other colors chosen.

Shading: 4/8
There is a lot of gritty line art that went into this texture. This results in an interesting shading pattern, though doesn't make for very realistic shading on the whole. Additionally, the boots, beard, and hood have little to no shading whatsoever. The shading on the kilt isn't terrible, but it doesn't properly represent how folds occur naturally, so it could use a little work.

Design: 4/8
A lot of detail was put into the belt area, even though this is an almost never-seen part of the model in-game. There should have been more attention paid to the portrait, since it's very visible.

Creativity: 1/8
It is very difficult for me to find many creative aspects to the texture. It is a caster model deigned to be an arcane texture and shows little in the way of clever design.

In-Game Appearance: 8/18
For all of the issues with the texture, at the very least it holds up and maintains shape in the in-game environment. Yes sir, you heard me, it isn't a blob of a single color, which means you at least approached this with the proper frame of mind. Texture had no team color, though.

(2/108)*50 + 21 = 21.92
Contrast: 1/8
It's blue and white all over, offering neither diverse colors nor a strongly contrasting color scheme. There's really not a lot that can be said here, this is an area you should work more on!

Shading: 4/8
The shading was pretty not-bad, actually. You went to a lot of effort to make sure that it at least felt three-dimensional, which turned out in your favor.

Design: 1/8
There is minimal detail in all of the most critical locations, including the head, backpack, and the unchanged weapon.

Creativity: 1/8
The weapon and skulls on the horns are unchanged from the original texture. Additionally, I can't really figure out what this was supposed to be, much less if you accomplished what you were out to achieve. You should work on a more coherent concept before going ahead and texturing!

In-Game Appearance: 0/18
No in-game shot was provided. This is a requirement for the contest, so you cannot earn any points in this area. Sorry.

(0/108)*50 + 7 = 7.00
Contrast: 6/8
The flesh tones mixed with the blue and silver work well together to create a good contrast in-game. There could probably have be a single brighter tone in the composition to really bring it together and max out the points here.

Shading: 3/8
Shading is fairly well-done across the board, although you used smudge to shade the folds on the cape and arm cloth. That's such an important part of the texture, it's a tragedy that you didn't freehand it. The underside of her face, particularly the chin area, could use a lot more shading to reflect how there is little to no light reaching the area. Also, the hair is very pixellated, so it results in that detracting a little from the whole.

Design: 7/8
Lots of detail was given to the tiara and adjacent areas, which is important for the portrait. The face could have used more detail, it lacks a lot of blush and some varying flesh tones, but otherwise is well-done. The texture on the whole gives good emphasis where it is necessary.

Creativity: 4/8
I respect one's right to use a reference picture, but by emulating every detail on the reference you really achieved nothing creative on your own. You did, however, work with the wrap to make it match the sorceress, which is meritorious.

In-Game Appearance: 15/18
It looks good in-game, it really does. If only you hadn't smudged the cape, which is such a significant part of the in-game view, it might look excellent. No team color, though, which is unfortunate.

(34/108)*50 + 37 = 52.74
Contrast: 6/8
Uses strong darks to compete with strong light blues, resulting in a great contrast. The texture as a whole could have used more colors, though, but the coherence achieved with simple color diversity alone is commendable. Also, due to the extremity of the contrast, the result is almost blinding at parts.

Shading: 4/8
Shading could have used a lot of help in this case. The ice really isn't cracked enough, and almost doesn't look like ice. Additionally, a lot of shading could have been done on the chest and cape (even though you alpha'd a huge chunk of it out)

Design: 5/8
A lot of detail was given to the face, while less was given elsewhere as necessary. The weapon could have used a little more detail, as could the mantle, since they're so visible. You alpha'd out a big chunk of the cape, though, which is a hugely important part of the model. It's probably wise to only do that if you are doing something clever with it, which I didn't see here. It was difficult to make out a few of the details on the face as well.

Creativity: 4/8
It's a mage turned into an arcane mage. To boot, it's icy, which no matter how you slice it really doesn't match what the contest had hoped to produce. It was clever to turn the feathers on medivh's mantle into icicles, though, that's pretty neat.

In-Game Appearance: 12/18
It's extremely contrasted in-game, which is nice and all, but blows away Wc3's style. It doesn't really fit with the game and stands out a bit strong. The portrait was pretty good in-game, to be fair, though I think a lot of work could yet be put into it.

(4/108)*50 + 31 = 32.85
Contrast: 8/8
An extremely well-chosen contrasting color scheme was used here. The tanned metal and the slate blue work very well together and create a strong and impressive blend of colors. The use of purple on the body was just enough of a contrast to add that extra oomph without going over the top.

Shading: 8/8
One look at the cape and you're sold on shading. The accents and cracks are effectively shaded using strong black lines that aren't too dominating. Attention to light sources was given throughout the texture, including the underside of the head and the metallic chunks in her body, which appear to have true depth. The metal on the pauldrons is also shaded to accurately look like the metal it is supposed to.

Design: 6/8
The face is a tad bit cluttered with details as a result of the wraps and stretch-marks. This doesn't look bad, per se, but there's a lot going on and detracts from the overall picture. A lot of attention was given to other parts of the texture that show up in-game, most notably the cape.

Creativity: 7/8
I can't say it's the spitting image of arcane, but it sure as hell stole the cake with creative interpretations of such a theme. The creative use of metal shoved into her body was great, and the decision to make each leg as different as possible really added to the overall composition.

In-Game Appearance: 17/18
It just looks damned good. It has team color, and from the in-game camera steals the show in terms of matching the Blizzard style.

(12/108)*50 + 46 = 51.56
Contrast: 5/8
You've got this one down to a science, I'd say. Certainly not the best contrast job ever, though, what with numerous colors vying for a spot in the overall image. There wasn't a dominant color scheme, rather a competing mix, which detracts from the overall composition. Needed less turquoise and blue, which really is what made it look funky.

Shading: 8/8
A superb job was done here in terms of shading. Other than a few inconsequential nicks in the face that I'd say give a strange facial structure, I have absolutely no complaints.

Design: 8/8
Again, an excellent job in paying attention to details where necessary. It really looks good and fluid with the jewels on the cape and really tied together with the rest of the texture with the jewels on the pauldrons.

Creativity: 5/8
Mage into an arcane mage. I've said it before and I'll say it again, really no creativity went into the clever application of the theme. I have to admit, though, you took that arcane mage thing and did a great job at bringing jewels and different parts together seamlessly.

In-Game Appearance: 13/18
Lovely use of team color on the shoulders and a particularly fine job on making it look great in-game. The only minor issues is that a lot of the detail gets lost in the chest area and shoulders, since there's just a lot going on in those areas on this texture.

(26/108)*50 + 39 = 51.04
Contrast: 5/8
Yellow and purple contrast fairly well, although the entire rest of the texture lacks any other colors. The overall composition could use some color love, really.

Shading: 5/8
The shading was strong in some cases and weak in others, so on the whole a moderate job there. The pauldrons and wings could use the most work here, while the cape is pretty well done.

Design: 4/8
More detail could have been given to the areas of the texture seen most in-game. The portrait is a big one, I could see a lot more being done with the helmet and visible chest. Additionally, very little detail is in the cape and wings, which are very large and imposing in the model.

Creativity: 5/8
It's an interesting take on arcane, for sure. It would've been more awesome had you been more clever in application of the theme to the cape. That whole thing is alphable and there is a lot of cool stuff you could have done there. Additionally, the wings and overall concept could have used some more excitement.

In-Game Appearance: 13/18
It looks fairly good in-game, though it certainly could be better were it given proper detail here and there. I'll cut you some slack, though, the portrait on the warden is fairly abominable and impersonal, so there's not a lot that can be done there. Still, though, it really doesn't fit into Blizzard's style very well.

(7/108)*50 + 32 = 35.24
Contrast: 4/8
Bright green and extreme black do contrast well, but there really aren't any other colors except for the areas you didn't modify. It could really use some more colors, something brighter and silver would have done good. Or heck, anything brighter could've done wonders.

Shading: 3/8
Shading isn't too bad, though it's very hard to distinguish parts of the texture due to the lack of shading across the board. It could certainly use for some more definition through shading, that's for sure. Make this a priority for your future work!

Design: 4/8
A lot of parts of the texture weren't modified at all, including the signposts, the shoulder pads, and the mask. These play a large part in the texture, and it's unfortunate that they were left behind. Additionally, there is equal detail everywhere and it isn't sufficient for the face. There needs to be something strong aesthetically for the face, and in this texture there just isn't anything. That should be worked on!

Creativity: 4/8
Well, it's an oddball caster take on the theme, which is cool and all but I think more creative decisions could have been made. There's a lot of obligatory runes on him that don't really contribute to the composition, I think you could have come up with something more diverse in design so that it really caught users' eyes.

In-Game Appearance: 9/18
He looks too swamplike in-game, as if once imported he loses all semblence of style and coherence. He sort of blobs together since he's just black and green, resulting in a big problem. You need to design and build your textures for the in-game, that is ultimately the environment they will get used in!

(6/108)*50 + 24 = 26.78
Contrast: 3/8
I am really sad that he's this bright purple and then has no other strong color. Neutrals are okay and all, but he really needs something else to contrast with the purple. The texture can only get better if you pick a strong other color and mix it in.

Shading: 7/8
You did a very good job on shading, to be honest. I really appreciate how well this part is done, though I think a few parts might be overdone. The back legs could use some work as well.

Design: 5/8
Lots of detail where it's needed, less elsewhere. The face in particular has a very imposing design, which is great. Choosing a few more points on the texture to emphasize would have helped, though; the shoulder joints and tail come to mind.

Creativity: 7/8
Really cool take on the whole arcane thing, with the energy stalker. I particularly like the stalks and the spikes, as I'm sure everyone in the contest did!

In-Game Appearance: 0/18
There was no in-game screenshot in the submission post, which is a requirement of the contest. Therefore, you cannot earn any points in this section. Sorry.

(20/108)*50 + 22 = 31.26
Contrast: 4/8
Well, it's... Purple! That's well and good, but you do have some good contrasting colors in there with the blue on the shield and pink on the dress. The problem is that you weren't consistent with it at all and were kind of random in the colors over the whole piece. That inconsistency detracts from the overall composition.

Shading: 6/8
Your shading was pretty good, though I imagine it would've played a much larger role had the purples been lighter and more distinguishable. Black versus purple is a tough call in most cases, though on the whole you did a good job shading.

Design: 4/8
Inconsistency in the design is a big killer here. I mean, the ice mace, the blue shield, the swirlies here and there, and then the sharp edges everywhere else. It really had a good design, but it just ended up a bit choppy. There was adequate detail put into the face, though I think the revenant just has a mediocre portrait anyways. Still, I think it could've used to be more visible and imposing, it's almost impossible to make out in-game.

Creativity: 5/8
Revenant of purpleness is pretty awesome, not gonna lie. The truth, though, is that while a creative model to choose, it also served as a nice medium for you to get some wavy energy curves in there. It's those swirls on the loin cloth are really strong aesthetic points, you should have had them more uniform around the whole texture. It really would've done it wonders.

In-Game Appearance: 13/18
It's too bad you placed ice revenants that are tinted super blue for your in-game shot, but that's okay! When I tried it, in-game it retained a good portion of its detail, but was way too purple and almost melded into the blob. If you had done a few more of those light-pink swirls around the lower dress, it would've held up much better in-game.

(12/108)*50 + 32 = 37.56
Sheesh, that was a lot of typing. Anyways.. The winners are as follows:
  • 1st Place (52.74) - FrIkY, Arcane Sorceress
  • 2nd Place (51.56) - Dionesiist, Scorched Sorceress
  • 3rd Place (51.04) - AnemicRoyalty, Arcane Prince
Sorry, if you didn't label your texture, I made up some cool name for it. :p
Anyways, voillah, congrats and all that jazz. Yay, completed contest.
ah ...lol 18 point for the no ingame screenshot >< lol..... and i for shure your a good judge but you have to know that the back leg have the same texture of the front leg.. its just not the same shape why it's so ugly >< :D

and for the rest .. well i have nothing to say...<3

will i get my votes back D:
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Mr.Goblin said:
and i for shure your a good judge but you have to know that the back leg have the same texture of the front leg.. its just not the same shape why it's so ugly >< :D
Yeap, I did notice that. But I also mentioned that the front leg could've used some love too. They could have both used something in the upper joint area to really tie those parts to the rest of the texture. It's tough to justify all that purple color and then... Blank neutrals. It just doesn't flow, you follow?

Also, I don't know what happened to your votes, Hawkwing never gave them back or something. He told me to go ahead, though, so I am unsure what to say.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Sure, I'll do a run-through real fast and see how his 15 votes changes the places. It may actually flip first and second and third, since they were so close and they get scaled down a bit. (Meaning judging will matter more than voting) Let's see what happens... (I'll update this post with the results)




















As I suspected, including the 15 votes for Mr.Goblin flips the first and second place due to the rescaling of the votes and the resulting increased value of the judgings. It really depends on the staff's take on the validity of those 15 votes as to what happens with them. I don't know enough about the situation to claim one way or another. If those votes are obtained illegally, they should be removed -- If not, they shouldn't.
Last edited:
Level 34
May 1, 2008
Contrast: 6/8
The flesh tones mixed with the blue and silver work well together to create a good contrast in-game. There could probably have be a single brighter tone in the composition to really bring it together and max out the points here.

Shading: 3/8
Shading is fairly well-done across the board, although you used smudge to shade the folds on the cape and arm cloth. That's such an important part of the texture, it's a tragedy that you didn't freehand it. The underside of her face, particularly the chin area, could use a lot more shading to reflect how there is little to no light reaching the area. Also, the hair is very pixellated, so it results in that detracting a little from the whole.

Design: 7/8
Lots of detail was given to the tiara and adjacent areas, which is important for the portrait. The face could have used more detail, it lacks a lot of blush and some varying flesh tones, but otherwise is well-done. The texture on the whole gives good emphasis where it is necessary.

Creativity: 4/8
I respect one's right to use a reference picture, but by emulating every detail on the reference you really achieved nothing creative on your own. You did, however, work with the wrap to make it match the sorceress, which is meritorious.

In-Game Appearance: 15/18
It looks good in-game, it really does. If only you hadn't smudged the cape, which is such a significant part of the in-game view, it might look excellent. No team color, though, which is unfortunate.

(34/108)*50 + 37 = 52.74

I think there's been some mistake... it should be 35, not 34... as I see from the poll :/

I swear I didn't made any another accounts or hired someone to vote for me! Please don't think I would do something like it, that's bad... I would never do it! Someone give me -100rep if I did it!!

Hmm, but it seems like that vote changes the situation... again...
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
The votes were correct at 123 when I tallied them, therefore someone has voted since my judging and so the contest was already closed and their vote does not count. Sorry, but it's either out of 123 or out of 108, depending what Hawkwing decides, since he seems most knowledgeable of the situation.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Apparently he was suspected of somehow fraudulently obtaining a percent of his votes, so Hawkwing removed them and then later noted that --
Hawkwing said:
He may be getting those votes back. We have reasons for why we removed them and we wish to keep them between us (the moderators) and him (Mr.Goblin).
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