I feel like this is way too much information (the last image could be good though). You need this thing to be digestible, and all those colour wheel with tiny text and pentagrams is not making it easy at all.
Even the images...
The idea is "scalable information". We would only present 1-2 images, but provide links to more & to all the extensive documentation on the subject. If someone wants to dive deeper into their chosen color(s), they can.
So you like the last one? Urgh, my least favorite... It's probably a decent fit for a game, though (which this is).
However, the middle one (with alpha/clear background) combines the "one sentence summary" bit that GhostThruster is so intent on (Goal & Method for each Color) with all-important Keywords that delineate the various relationships between the Colors (which, honestly, isn't all that important until we start to look at more-than-one Color).
Spellbound said:
I think Ghost's concise descriptors are good enough (they could be expanded a smidge)
Working on it...
Spellbound said:
but imo I think you're right about enforcing colour count to either 1, 2 or 3. That being said, what is the difference b/w a Shard and a Wedge?
Both are 3-Color combinations, but of course 5 colors can be broken into 3 in two different ways:
Shards are a central color & it's two Allied Colors (e.g. White, next to both Green & Blue; known as "Bant"), from the
Alara block. You look at the interaction of the primary color with it's two allies to decide what they will be like.
Wedges, on the other hand, are two Allied color & their shared Enemy color (e.g. Blue & Black, with Green as their shared Enemy; known as "Sultai"), from the
Tarkir block.
These are perhaps the most interesting, as the interplay between two Enemy colors is most fascinating to me, and that interplay is *doubled* in the Wedge. The 'primary' color is one of the Allied ones.
And the cool thing is, we can do variants of those for different challenges; say we do Wedges but instead of focusing on the Allied Color pair we focus on the Enemy Color (e.g. Red vs. Blue/White in what is known as "Jeskai"); the Enemy Color is the primary base of the faction, but inspired/modified by & seeking the goals of Allied Color pair.
For starters, doing just one Color isn't too bad an idea, though.