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Tauer's Models 2.0

Ah that's my bad, you're right, it can't do that. A conundrum indeed. Maybe just go for the axe sounds to be more neutral.
Adding sounds to the animations themselves would be amazing but I don't know if there are appropriate hammer/sword sounds.
Yeah, that's the main hiccup: I don't think there's a way to get the variable sound effects built into the model. Like it wouldn't register that it's hitting flesh vs. metal vs. wood.

Another possibility would be to label all hammer attacks as "Attack One" animations and all sword attacks as "Attack Two" and use the different weapon sounds that way, but then you'd have to make some sort of specification on what Turalyon can hit with a hammer vs. with a sword, haha.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Hello, Tauer!

It's been some months and I've been curious if you have any updates for us?

I am especially excited for that Alleria model, as you know very well! :D

Hoping that everything's been alright with you in the meantime. ;)

Hey there SpasMaster!

It has indeed! Time flies.

Sorry for the lack of updates - I was really hoping to get these models finished when I worked on them back in March, but things got busy again as usual and I have to admit that I actually haven't worked on them at all these past couple of months. This semester has been particularly busy (I know I say this every time, but this time it's for real :grin:) as I've been finishing up my degree.

The good news is that I only have one exam left before I'm done for good! The even better news is that I already have a job waiting for me when I'm done, so as soon as I've started on that and things calm down a bit I should be able to continue working on these guys and hopefully get them released this summer.

I really hate it but I'm gonna have to ask you guys to be patient for a little while longer :sad:
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Hey there SpasMaster!

It has indeed! Time flies.

Sorry for the lack of updates - I was really hoping to get these models finished when I worked on them back in March, but things got busy again as usual and I have to admit that I actually haven't worked on them at all these past couple of months. This semester has been particularly busy (I know I say this every time, but this time it's for real :grin:) as I've been finishing up my degree.

The good news is that I only have one exam left before I'm done for good! The even better news is that I already have a job waiting for me when I'm done, so as soon as I've started on that and things calm down a bit I should be able to continue working on these guys and hopefully get them released this summer.

I really hate it but I'm gonna have to ask you guys to be patient for a little while longer :sad:
There's literally nothing to apologize for man. This is YOUR art, it should make you happy first and foremost, and the schedule should be entirely up to you. Awesome stuff with the job and finishing up your studies, good luck with that final exam. Go kick ass. :)


Hosted Project: SC
Level 23
Jan 29, 2010
Hey, Tauer!

Close to 1 year since I last dropped in and after being quite reluctant to write here, not wanting to bother you, I finally decided to do so.

I hope all is going well! Every now and then I drop by to see for any news regarding all of those wonderful teases you gave us a while back.

Curious to see where things are with you and if we could expect some surprises soon?

Peace! <3
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004

At long last they are finished (I hope):
Turalyon, Alleria, Danath, Kurdran and Sky'ree and Khadgar!

Sorry for the rather extreme delay (calling it that seems very generous) - I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since I've uploaded a model.

Please report any issues.

Close to 1 year since I last dropped in and after being quite reluctant to write here, not wanting to bother you, I finally decided to do so.
Please don't worry about bothering me - it's always a delight to see people commenting here with their support. Sorry for not answering - hopefully the release will make up for it a bit!
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Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
While I'm not the biggest fan of the tinier proportions you went for, they are still absolute beasts :) Lothar would be proud.
Thanks man, appreciate it! Out of curiosity, when you say tinier proportions, do you mean the overall scale of the models or the proportions of the individual body parts?

Glad you like them :)
Level 10
May 25, 2016
Hi! An outstanding release indeed. :thumbs_up:

There is this weird artifact happening with Khadgar models' hero glow from time to time (see screenshot). The same happened a few times on the portrait of the draenor version.

Could you please fix this?

UPD: it seems to be related to the draenor version only. Because when this one if off screen - the others seem fine.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Hi! An outstanding release indeed. :thumbs_up:

There is this weird artifact happening with Khadgar models' hero glow from time to time (see screenshot). The same happened a few times on the portrait of the draenor version.

Could you please fix this?
View attachment 406444

Huh, that looks weird. Thanks for reporting! Could you possibly post the map you're using here, so I can reproduce it?
Level 10
May 25, 2016
Huh, that looks weird. Thanks for reporting! Could you possibly post the map you're using here, so I can reproduce it?
Seems it is my fault. Your original model does not have the problem.
It arised when I renamed attack animations using MdlVis. Wanted to force him to use only staff attacks without configuring different attacks on the hero (cause is works strange).

In case you are still curious why this weirdo happens, here is a map with a broken model in it. Otherwise, sorry for bothering you:grin:


  • 123.w3m
    424.2 KB · Views: 9
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Seems it is my fault. Your original model does not have the problem.
It arised when I renamed attack animations using MdlVis. Wanted to force him to use only staff attacks without configuring different attacks on the hero (cause is works strange).

In case you are still curious why this weirdo happens, here is a map with a broken model in it. Otherwise, sorry for bothering you:grin:
That's interesting - don't know why renaming the sequences would cause any kind of errors. Did you try doing the same thing with Retera Model Studio instead?

EDIT: Also, if you want to force him to only use staff attacks it should be as simple as adding "two" to Art - Required Animation Names in the World Editor. That works for me.
Level 10
May 25, 2016
That's interesting - don't know why renaming the sequences would cause any kind of errors. Did you try doing the same thing with Retera Model Studio instead?
Not yet, I don't have Retera's Studio. Time to finally download it.

Tried the way from the link below to rename. Worked fine. Model's OK. Whatever it was, it's in MdlVis.

Also noticed something while testing. Perhaps its just me, but doesn't Draenor Khadgar look more on his sword than on his target when attacking? Green line is who he attacks. Blue one - where he looks.

EDIT: Many thanks for hint with required animations. It worked well
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Level 53
Dec 29, 2014
Awesome job, man! I love how you added to all of the heroes their dose of unique feel in the spell animations. They are all special in their own way, but the Khadgar's animations are really something different and unique!
I'd love to see a footman model from the opening cinematic from you(and a more simpler model of him for the unit version :D).
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Amazing models

I hope we can see new Kilrogg model someday
Kilrogg is next on my list :D
Normally I'd make a joke about ponies but instead I'll just say this: Kudos, amazing collection!
Skeletor pony jokes never get old though! Thanks mate :)
Awesome job, man! I love how you added to all of the heroes their dose of unique feel in the spell animations. They are all special in their own way, but the Khadgar's animations are really something different and unique!
I'd love to see a footman model from the opening cinematic from you(and a more simpler model of him for the unit version :D).
Thanks man! I'm glad you like them – the animations took a buttload of work to get finished, especially Khadgar :hohum:
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
My hero <3
I think you got that backwards, your level of quality is something I can only dream of reaching one day ❤️
Glad to see you're still around, man!
Already made a note to check this thread before the end of the decade. :)

Not sure whether to laugh or cry at this - it's so fucking accurate :xxd:
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Hey Tauer, since you finished almost all of the Sons of Lothar, will you make Uther too, to be done with the WC2 human heroes, or he is out of the plans?
Also, maybe one day will you make some mounted versions too? :B
I might make a young Uther based on the Turalyon model at some point, but he's pretty far down on the list at the moment. Kilrogg is the priority at the moment, and after that probably Kargath.

Regarding mounted versions, maybe? Not in the plans at the moment, but never say never :p
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Dentarg is also on the backlog! I actually threw together a base model for him based on my Cho'gall a few years ago:
View attachment 406783
I will probably work on his skin concurrently with Kargath after Kilrogg is finished, since Kargath only needs animations.

Loosely based on/inspired by this concept art I came across:
View attachment 406784
That looks awexome except for that stupid dinky little axe, lol. Man what was the concept artist thinking? xD