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[Campaign] Tales of the Scarlet Crusade

What do you think of the campaign?

  • 1/5 worst thing ever!

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • 2/5 meh lame campaign.

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • 3/5 totally ok

    Votes: 14 10.6%
  • 4/5 this is pretty good

    Votes: 52 39.4%
  • 5/5 very well made

    Votes: 57 43.2%

  • Total voters
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I has been busy the last weeks. Had to put an alpha release of my own game up. After that I decided to read some fantasy books for inspiration about the quests, so I got my hands on the Eragon series which was about 2k pages (4 books) which took me a while to get through. I will finish the chapter 4 during this easter I am sure of that.
Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
Because i have read all 4 of them , i can honestly tell you you will not be disapointed.By the way in which book you are on?

Ps: its Book 1:Eragon 650 pages
Book 2:Eldest 780 pages
Book 3:Brinsigr 870 pages
book 4:Inheritance 1010 pages

Have a nice reading cause you will not miss a single word of theis amazing novels by Cristofer Paolini.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Artemis Fowl is also a great book, although that would probably serve as inspiration for my goblin map more than it would inspire your map.

But anyhow, Wheel of Time is pretty great.
Artemis Fowl is awexome; gotta get a hold of that newest one ("Atlantis" something).

Wheel of Time is, of course, even more awexome; I'm on 12 currently on my first read-through, and I'm loving every bit. Gogo Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I am back!

So, development has been going slow the past weeks mostly due me being a lazy.. whatever I am. It was my intention to plan story and/or brainstorm for inspiration and ideas until easter when I had one week of free time to finish chapter 4. However, I got surprised with a skiing trip to north Sweden, (I live in south Sweden) I didn't bring my computer obviously so I was unable to work up there and didn't have internet to inform everyone about it either. I guess I should have done that before I went there but I actually thought there would be some computer I could lend for a minute but no.

now to the future for the project.

with grades coming up as we close in on the summer I doubt I am able to make great progress on the map. The previous reason together with the fact that I am quite a multitasker when it comes to games, I play hearthstone, LoL, WoW (retail), WoW(private server for RPing) and then wc3 from time to time.

So with that said I will (more or less) put the project on hold until summer break, however since Heinvers worked hard on the terrain I feel guilty for leaving his work. So if anyone wish to continue with the map meanwhile that would be fine by me. If anyone would be interested in doing that you can just thrwo a PM over to either me or Heinvers as he should be working with that person afterall. To clearify, I wont leave the project or throw the "leadership" away if I may call it that I would lend it to someone else for a while. The person would ofc be credited for his/her work and hopefully being able to work with us even when I am ready for action again.

Hopefully you all understand and accept my reasons.


@story questions

It is a alternative story of a real warcraft events, main characters do exist in Warcraft lore etc.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Aighty, I have started to work on the campaign. However I wont work a lot on it until the 12th. But progress is still progress. I will make sure to upload new gameplay screenshots from one of the sub maps of chapter 3 in a few days. Chapter 4 is being worked on but I think I will have something ready in 1-2 weeks.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
deepstrasz said:
Names like Brigitte and Alexandros are a bit out of WarCraft in my opinion.
Fortunately, this campaign is, as far as I know anyway, completely based on actual Warcraft events. I assume you know the lore from the Warcraft III campaign has been constantly expanded by Blizzard Entertainment since the game's golden era ended, through other games, comics, novels and whatnot.
Both Brigitte and Alexandros are actual Warcraft-characters who have appeared in numerous stories in the Warcraft-world. Take a look at their Wowpedia-articles yourself: High General Brigitte Abbendis & Alexandros Mograine the Ashbringer :)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Fortunately, this campaign is, as far as I know anyway, completely based on actual Warcraft events. I assume you know the lore from the Warcraft III campaign has been constantly expanded by Blizzard Entertainment since the game's golden era ended, through other games, comics, novels and whatnot.
Both Brigitte and Alexandros are actual Warcraft-characters
Hey thanks for the info. I hadn't put myself on the search to check them out before. I knew something of the Ashbringer but not about that guy's name.
I'm more into the pre WoW and not after TFT lore.
I'm hoping the campaign will have the most enjoyable results.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Well I am sorry to hear that, if I am not mistaken the campaign will feature a few pre-wow events as well. (I am not really sure about the exact time it happend, that's why)

As I said before, I will not be able to work fully on the campaign until tomarrow. (12th) Since that's when my school ends. However I am making progress on chapter 4 and I expect it to be finished withing 1-2 weeks time and after that I will release a public version of the campaign.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Level 16
May 25, 2004
which time this campaign will realized?
I think it's best to assume this is going be be released:

I personally would not give a specific date. Maybe a predicted date like game companies "We plan to have it released before 12/31/2014". Then if its released before then, everyone is happy compared to it being late where they are disappointed. Set a clear date that would defiantly be reachable, and then add a month.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Release date.. well, not soon. I predict that I can finish chapter 5 this summer without a problem. (unless heinvers is too busy to make some terrain)

If it only was about triggers I could finish 6 and maybe 7 if I really tried, but terraining takes time too. I doubt I will be finished before christmas, no promises though.

demo version should be out in a week (max 1.5) though.
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