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[Campaign] Tales of the Scarlet Crusade

What do you think of the campaign?

  • 1/5 worst thing ever!

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • 2/5 meh lame campaign.

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • 3/5 totally ok

    Votes: 14 10.6%
  • 4/5 this is pretty good

    Votes: 52 39.4%
  • 5/5 very well made

    Votes: 57 43.2%

  • Total voters
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011


During the assault on Blackrock Spire in the Second War, Highlord Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade claimed a mysterious dark crystal from a dead orc warlock. The crystal was the "living embodiment of shadow and originated from Draenor. Upon touching it, Mograine's hand became tainted, It transformed into a hand like undead that could not be healed.

Mograine kept the crystal a secret until the first whispers of the Scourge reached Lordaeron. He revealed it to the other leaders of the Scarlet Crusade, suggesting that they search for the crystal's polar opposite — a manifestation of the Light itself — to be used against the impending undead holocaust. Mograine's peers, appalled at the sight of this dark crystal, attempted to destroy it with a holy spell. Unexpectedly, the crystal absorbed the spell and became its antithesis, the very crystal of pure light that Mograine suggested moments before. It was decided that from this crystal a weapon would be forged that would smite the undead with such power that only a cloud of ash would remain in its wake — The Ashbringer.

From that day the undead had no chance against the Scarlet Crusade. Just a scratch of the Ashbringer would burn the undead foe to dust in an instant. However the glory of the Scarlet Crusade was not to remain for long. The might of the Ashbringer even made Kel'Thuzad notice him. One day Alexandros Mograine and his elder son Renault Mograine traveled to Stratholme where they were ambushed by legions of Undead. However Alexandros Mograine wasn't deafeated so easily, many thousand undead corpses were found around his fallen body. Renault however survived and took his father's place as Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade. But yet, the mighty Ashbringer was nowhere to be found...


Tales of the Scarlet Crusade is a campaign with the focus on storytelling and interesting gameplay.
It will not be standard melee map defeat everything that moves, instead it will require strategy/puzzle solving.
Inspiration taken partially from Runescape questing. Combat will be involved of course, just not melee map format.

It will be alternate lore, meaning it will not follow the cannon lore perfectly.
However, the characters will be unchanged. I wont alter personalities or goals.

  • Unique gameplay
    • Crafting System
    • Puzzles
  • playable terrain
  • Storydriven


Darion Mograine - The main character in the campaign, the second son of Highlord Mograine (Alexandros Mograine).

Renault Mogrine - The elder son of Highlord Mogrine (Alexandros Mograine). Darion's brother.

Brigitte Abbendis - A friend of Darion's, she is the only child of High General Abbendis.

High General Abbendis - Father of Briggite, he was one of the founders of the Scarlet Crusade.
He was the commander over Alexandros Mograine during the second war.

Sylvanas Wildrunner - Queen of the forsaken and one of the enemies of the Scarlet crusade.
Since the Scarlet Crusade stills sees them as undead minions of the Lich King.

Lillian Voss - ?????

Balnazzar - ?????

Kel'Thuzad - ?????

OUTDATED, will update later
Chapter 1 - Raiding the Valley [100% but will remake this chapter since its super short]
Chapter 2 - Attack on Brill [95%]
Chapter 3 - Not yet forgotten [95%]
Chapter 4 - In search for answers [80%]





































Special Thanks:
Forsaken - Thread Template
Heinvers - Made the Terrain
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Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
Looks promising, Scarlet Crusade campaign, great I always waited for a Scarlet Crusade campaign. (real campaign, not like Rise of the Scarlet Crusade)
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Sounds like a great idea for a campaign, and it looks like you and Heinvers have a lot done on the terrain already. But the problem with the terrain is that there are a lot of odd combinations of cartoon-style Warcraft models used with high quality/resolution environment models and textures. I suggest using higher quality unit skins and models to go with the environment, or tone down a bit on the high quality environment (especially in the screenshot where there are basic Warcraft cattails in front of a high resolution forest). And in the Gameplay section, you might want to change 'transfermation' to transferring.

Good luck on the campaign :thumbs_up: Looking forward to playing it. Any chance of a demo of the first map or so in the near future?
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I'll be watching this one closely for sure. Nice job here. Heinvers is a talented terrainer so I'm looking forward to that. I would suggest getting some screenshots from the game camera view. This will hide the differences of high quality and low quality models (to a certain extent) Good luck guys!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
thanks, I could do that. But both heinvers and I were very tired yesterday so he just sent me the pictures before we went to bed.

thank you. I have allways felt that there is missing a Scarlet Crusade campaign too.

glad that you like it so far. I want to polish the campaign more before I realease an demo version. You see I have basicly put 0 effort into balance and small touches like hints and pings.
I will let heinvers take that critism since I am not able to change it anyway :p

Thanks for your support dude. Yeah he have done an amazing job. I will see if I can get some ingame screenshots next time I decide to update them.

thanks a lot everyone!
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
This campaign looks promising combined with a great story. This is what makes up a great campaign and I salute you for that.

Anyway, you got something wrong with this statement in the story:

The just a scratch of the Ashbringer would burn the undead foes to dust in an instant

I think it would be much better if it's "Just a scratch of the Ashbringer would burn the undead to dust in an instant" or simply remove the "just" and it will also do.

The terrain looks really realistic also which is another point for you. Though the natural terrains lacks some environmental doodads most likely rocks (I did not notice any on your screenshots to be honest except for the rocks serving as blockers of some sort). It would be great if you are to place rocks together with the shrubs and grasses though you will have to place them wisely.

On the other hand, I am speechless on the indoor terrains. They are just simply amazing!

Good luck on this and I wish we would see this until the end and to its release. +reps for the work!
Suggestion: reduce the size of photos, too big lol
I know Forsaken but my desktop resolution is pretty large, format 16:9.
But the problem with the terrain is that there are a lot of odd combinations of cartoon-style Warcraft models used with high quality/resolution environment models and textures. I suggest using higher quality unit skins and models to go with the environment, or tone down a bit on the high quality environment (especially in the screenshot where there are basic Warcraft cattails in front of a high resolution forest).
I noticed that Tickles. If i had better replacements i would've put those, but i haven't found better ones! Soo as Chaosy said i will take the criticism for the terrain part. Thanks for your feedback.
EDIT: Note, the mixed terrains have already been replaced. Those outdated screenshots will be updated later!
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Looks like it's going to be a marvellous campaign!
And about the terrain, what can I say, it's just impressive BUT unluckily I have some remarks:-

Screenshot 1:-
The terrain seems flat and the fog is too dense
More hilly terrain and lessen the density of the fog

Screenshot 2:-
The forest could be filled with more doodads and needs more tile variation, some Leaves and more shurbs/custom plants might solve the problem

Screenshot 3:-
Can't see a lot from the damn tree blocking the sight of about half the screenshot. However, from what I see, the fog is once more too dense that the doodads at the back look really bad (they seem to be drawn with one colour). Also, the terrain seems too flat

Screenshot 4:-
Damn dense fog again. The pines look so bad like that! And I feel that there is fog at the back and no fog at the front. Are you sure you put the Z Start of the fog to a low number?

Screenshot 5:-
Looks really great but you might add another foresty tile to it (Leaves, Vines...)

Screenshot 6:-
The hill could be enhanced with more decorative doodads or maybe you might add few small trees

Screenshot 7:-
Flat terrain and requires more doodads

Screenshot 8:-
Looks good but I feel that something is missing, can't guess what it is :/ Maybe more doodads?

The rest of the screenshots are just impeccable so I have no remarks for them :) Good luck, this might become a very amazing campaign! :thumbs_up: :grin:


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
first of all thanks for taking your time to visit my project.
I am no terrainer so I wont argue about your terrain opinions. However I want to say 2 general things about you critism.

1. the fog used in the screenshots are just the default one, this is not a terrain showcase where the fog is modified to suit the picture. This applies to all screenshots.
2. I think it comes down to terrain style. More dooads is nice looking but it will also ruin pathing and make the map less "clean". I like the "open world-ish terrain" personally and think its bad with too many dooads. But thats just my opinion.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Screenshot 8:-
Looks good but I feel that something is missing, can't guess what it is :/ Maybe more doodads?

I'd say adding some rocks on the cliffs could give it a more natural jagged look. But overall I agree with Chaosy that less is more. You don't want things too messy where you can't even walk around. A good grass model helps though because they don't need to have any pathing and they can add some filler to empty places.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Terrain looks amazing!

I am a terrain-er myself and love to play anything as long as it looks impressive as so many map makers don;t bother making decent terrains even though it's really important.

Looking farward to playing on those beautiful terrains.
Level 5
Dec 20, 2012
The terrains look awesome! And the story very promising, though I found some mistakes in the writing:

During the assault on Blackrock Spire in the Second War, Highlord Alexandros Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade claimed a mysterious dark crystal from a dead orc warlock. The crystal was the "living embodiment of shadow", and originated from Draenor. Upon touching it, Mograine's hand became tainted, it transformed into an undead like hand that could not be healed.

Mograine kept the crystal a secret until the first whispers of the Scourge reached Lordaeron. He revealed it to the other leaders of the Scarlet Crusade, suggesting that they search for the crystal's polar opposite — a manifestation of the Light itself — to be used against the impending undead holocaust. Mograine's peers, appalled at the sight of this dark crystal, attempted to destroy it with a holy spell. Unexpectedly, the crystal absorbed the spell and became its antithesis, the very crystal of pure light that Mograine suggested moments before. It was decided that from this crystal a weapon would be forged that would smite the undead with such power that only a cloud of ash would remain in its wake — The Ashbringer.

From that day the undead had no chance against the Scarlet Crusade. Just a scratch of the Ashbringer would burn the undead foe to dust in an instant. However the glory of the Scarlet Crusade was not to remain for long. The might of the Ashbringer even made Kel'Thuzad notice it. One day, Alexandros Mograine and his elder son Renault traveled to Stratholme where they were ambushed by legions of Undead. However Alexandros Mograine was not deafeated so easily, many thousand undead corpses were found around his fallen body/corpse/. Renault however survived and took his father's place as Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade. But yet, the mighty Ashbringer was nowhere to be found...

I took the liberty of modifying your text. What I wrote is in red. Maybe you should expand the plot in the future, write about the conflict that takes place in the in-game story.

Congrats on the project and Good Luck! I'll be looking forward to it!
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Thank you sir. I'll do that but now we need another chapter done. Chaosy will post new screenshots once it'll be finished.


For a suggestion, you might want to use this grass for it looks great and all. You could just recolor it to 150,255,150 but it still overall depends on you on what kind of tinting are you to do though this tinting is quite suggested for forests.
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
WOOPS. Big mistake there I will remove the "just".

and thanks for your feedback, I highly value it.

nice you make this i also wanted a scarlet crusade campaign but do you have plans for the alternative lore because it didnt showed up how to clean the ashbringer or where is Alexsandros Morgrains third son . but you are still at the beginning of a great campaign i guess, hmm i noticed many good campaigns are started like "Rise of bloodelfs enchanted" or "glory to the scourge" and other stuff ^^ iam glad that this site exist :`) PS : good luck


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
thanks dude.
However I am not sure what you mean. As far as I know he got no third son I am almost sure I didnt mention any in the lore either. And what do you mean with "how to clean the ashbringer". The ashbringers "holyness"/"cleanness" depends of its wielders soul, so the only way to change from unholy to holy or the other way around is to change wielder.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
What a great view and greatly done terrain. Simply amazing but just to suggest, I do think it would be better if you could place some more doodads instead of grasses, trees and rocks. It gets too repetitve.

For example, try placing some structures near the house there that is being shown on the terrain like lantern, big post signs, wells and such...
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
The story seems interesting, honestly just by reading that got me hyped in wanting to play it.

Changing the gameplay in each chapter is unique and unheard of, or at least I haven't actually seen a game that does that considering that you want to accomplish what I am thinking of. It should be somewhat challenging to pull something decent of so I am keeping some skepticism while maintaining my expectations of something great to come.

There's not much I can say about game mechanics and such since my work field is terraining and modeling.

Mainly here to judge the terrain so here it goes. I consider the terrain to be decent for a playable map. Heinvers is doing a good job, started good and clean like new terrains should, there is nothing messy about it. I can see his style, from what I've observed the terrains seem large like a open world which is his strong point as far as I noticed. I don't have much to judge since it's still in development but I am going to say exactly what the others pointed out, add more details to it at the moment it seems to simple. I also am noticing that they are lacking, some color, give it something that is screaming to your brain it wants more eye candy; crystals, some glowing lanterns, anything that stands out a little. You can use this Camping as a reference, It's detailed plenty. You can also use better models since it's a campaign and presumably it's not multiplayer you can go all wild with it! Some better lighting can also help out, see if you can use that to your advantage aldough wc3 light always works in your disadvantage. Wish I'd teach you the art of Global Illumination with shadows. You can also use models from my maps Tob's Maps, unfortunately only the last 5 work from the bottom. Also I am wondering why nobody is using my trees, think they might look good in the campaign! That's about all I can say, I want to see some sexy eye candy that goes well with a good story, good luck on the development!
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
thanks dude.
However I am not sure what you mean. As far as I know he got no third son I am almost sure I didnt mention any in the lore either. And what do you mean with "how to clean the ashbringer". The ashbringers "holyness"/"cleanness" depends of its wielders soul, so the only way to change from unholy to holy or the other way around is to change wielder.

yeah i know like Tirion Fordring, but blizz was planing something with the third son but it didnt showed up for example the event if you go the scarlet monsetary (headquarter in trisfal ) with the corrupted ashbringer and then you go where Fairbanks is dead then he get purged by the ashbringer and he start to tell the story of the blade you wear . so at the end the player ask how to clean the blade? he told you that the act of Ranault on hes father was to "evil" or somthin so that the blade cannot be cleansed BUT hes third lost son... can destroy that one to make a new holly one . you ask where he is . Find him.... find him in outland...


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I know but Fairbanks clearly says "his other son" so a third son is currently impossible. And Darion did in a odd way restore the ashbringer just as Fairbanks said.
But its truly unknown if Darion really was in outland. But he must have been. Fairbanks were likely aware of Darion so he knew 2 sons existed. If he knewthere is unknown child in outland he would not have said "his other son".

oh and thanks for the feedback toby.
Just to clearify, I doubt I will be able to change the gameplay completely in each chapter. But I will add a unique gameplay style somewhere in each chapter atleast. (even tho some chapters might be completely unique, just not every single one)
hopefully heinvers can make something useful out of your feedback :)
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
I know but Fairbanks clearly says "his other son" so a third son is currently impossible. And Darion did in a odd way restore the ashbringer just as Fairbanks said.
But its truly unknown if Darion really was in outland. But he must have been. Fairbanks were likely aware of Darion so he knew 2 sons existed. If he knewthere is unknown child in outland he would not have said "his other son".

oh and thanks for the feedback toby.
Just to clearify, I doubt I will be able to change the gameplay completely in each chapter. But I will add a unique gameplay style somewhere in each chapter atleast. (even tho some chapters might be completely unique, just not every single one)
hopefully heinvers can make something useful out of your feedback :)

aha ok :) good good anyway it was cool to talk to someone who researche the story , so can better communicate with you nice! :thumbs_up: and good luck with you campaign
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