The Last Crusade : A Scarlet Crusade Campaign

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Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
The Last Crusade : A Scarlet Crusade Campaign [SKIN PREVIEWS]



Background Information


The Last Crusade is a campaign being made by me based on the Scarlet Crusade. The campaign starts before the fall of the Scarlet Enclave to the Scourge. The Campaign will consist of atleast 3 missions.

Mission 1 - The Defence of Hearthglen
Mission 2 - TBA
Mission #? - The Battle for New Avalon (possible AoS type level)

The campaign focuses on the Scarlet Crusades struggle against the scourge, you play as either a newly promoted Protector or Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade.

Inquisitor - Mage/Healer
Protector - Paladin/Warrior

The campaign is being made to show the Scarlet Crusade's fall and how they became the Scarlet Onslaught after fleeing to Northrend. Locations from the original Warcraft III campaigns will be featured (Hearthglen mentioned). All of the characters other than the player are taken out of Warcraft lore.


- Custom skins for Scarlet Crusaders
- Scarlet Crusaders!
- Maximum Level 20
- Custom skills
- Unlockable secrets!
- Multiple mission campaign.
- AoS Finale! (Not confirmed)


If anybody is willing to give any help with terraining, triggering or contributing to the storyline and planning of missions I would be grateful.



This screenshot is an old version of the first map, screenshots of the new terrain will be up soon

Screenshot from Mission 1 - The Defence of Hearthglen

The terraining of Hearthglen is influenced by Hearthglen in WoW, this screenshot shows the front entrance.


Terraining - 30%
Storyline - 66%
Skinning - 75%
Triggering - 5%
Custom Data - 50%
Custom Artwork - ?%

Overall - ~37%

First map will be available as a beta for anybody willing to help test and give constructive criticism
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Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
I'm pretty interested in how you will handle the lore, i'm looking forward to this.

PS: A small gift.

Thanks for the banner, looks much better.

I'm trying to keep as much to the lore as I can but there isn't really any information of what events lead up to Acherus appearing over the Scarlet Enclave but i'm just making that up and making it fit with the lore. But all NPC's are names of Scarlet Crusader Leaders and the ranks are all proper ranks.

I should have the first map done within the next two weeks depending on how much time I spend doing it so you can take a look if you want.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006

I know I didn't make it but i'll take a guess :p.

Custom Font, added a gradient/gradient map onto it then added effects onto it :).. drop shadow, bevel and emboss and something else? It does look awesome though
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
Ahh, wasn't sure if there was an inner glow or not :p.

Made some more progress with the campaign, got the Hero selection stuff done and made a new skin.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
I'll try to do a preview of all of the skins i've made. I've used cloudwolf's scarlet crusader skin as the skin for all the basic crusaders but then i'm doing skins for all the other classes.

Heres the Scarlet Chaplain;


I only started skinning 2 days ago and this is only my third one so it isn't all that great, i just re-textured his chest with a tabard and recolourized the rest of his body.
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Level 5
Apr 8, 2006

Re-Terraining for Map #1 almost finished. Key locations created, when the first map is finished it will be available to anybody who is interested in giving feedback so PM me if you want to. I'm away for a week now so won't be around.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
Well, i'm back from France now so i can continue work and i've got another 2 weeks of holiday left to waste.

But in terms of mission length, the terraining is what's taking me the longest as all the maps will feature a wide variety of terrain and doodads with buildings you can enter. It's taken me maybe 4 hours to terrain the first map alone and i'm doing other stuff during the days so i'm trying to make the maps last as long as I can. The first mission is a defence mission + side quests so it will last a decent amount of time.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006

Finally, after a few weeks i've almost finished the first map. It lasts roughly 25-30 minutes, depending on how quickly you find your way to the starting points...

If anybody wants to test it out pm me or post here. The second map will be based in the city of Stratholme, but i'm not giving anything away about what happens.
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Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
Here's some screenshots from one of my playtests of the first map. The map is ready, but it still has some minor glitches and bugs that I'm fixing, as well as balancing issues.

I've had a couple of people ask to playtest the first map but a few more would be good so that I can get some good feedback.

Anyway, screenshots are attached.


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Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
Well i've practically finished modifying the first map from the testing so i'll be sending them out soon but i've been working on the second map. Havn't made much progress though as i've been out the past few days, however i'll get some preview screenshots out soon!
Level 2
Aug 1, 2009
I was a big fan of the Scarlet Crusade during WoW, I can help you with the lore.

A new member of the Scarlet Crusade starts as Initiates positioned in Tirisfal Glades, there, they had problems against the Undeads of the Forsaken. Later the lore unfolds to the Scarlet Monastery, but the forces that attack the Monastery are the Hordeand Alliance, so i think you shouldn't focuson the Monastery for you cmapaign.

Later, you See Scarlet fighting against the Scourge in Western Plaguelands. There would be agood place for another mission. After the WPL events, thelorethrows you to EPL, there, technically you first go to Stratholme as a Scarlet Crusader to fight the scourge, after that, theysend a Runner toTyr's Hand to ask for help. Tyr's hand was never attacked bythe Scourge forces, even tho New Avalon was attacked by the Lich King's Death Knights (note that this happened even after the first Scourge invasion and the Naxxramas events).

So, here is a suggestion: Since you start as an initiate, the campaign should follow this order: Tirisfal Glades,Western Plaguelands, Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands (Tyr's Hand and newAvalon).

If you want to continue, Asmall group of Crusaders rename themselves toScarler Onslaugh and go toNorthrend in their Crimson Dawn campaign to purge thescourge, I believe they land in Dragonblight.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
Sorry for the complete lack of updates.

Work on the project stopped as I had too much work and other things that were distracting me from doing any work on the campaign. However I am planning to start working on it again this weekend and to complete the second map.

Thanks for the patience.
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
thebadboy, i'll send you the first map in a few days if i can.

and vengeance, yeah it is :). I stopped working on it but I've started again, im not working on it a large amount but i atleast want to get the second map finished and hopefully the third.
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