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Taking suggestions for new abilities

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I'd like to fuel a discussion about new ability additions for future updates.
I also want to share what I have planned for 1.2B so far.

Feel free to contribute more skills for the classes in this thread.

But, however, keep two things in mind please:
1) Make sure your idea does contribute to, not violate the game balancing.
2) Even if an idea is good, I can't promise I will implement it, as there might be technical limitations or simply because I feel the ability is not appropriate

When you contribute ideas, please make sure to evaluate the purpose of your skill. Think about what the general class role is. Also, remember that there are general concepts in the class designs, like mana management, aggro management, etc. that need to be consistent for the game to be challenging and fun.
Examples: if every class gets a threat reduction skill, then why would we need buffs that reduce threat?
If every class gets a way to replenish mana, nobody would need a bard/druid anymore, etc..

These are the abilities that are planned for the 1.2B release.
I marked those that might be replaced with something else with (*), as I feel they would probably break the game and too hard to balance.
I also marked those that I don't like that much (because they are boring or have certain flaws) and will probably also be replaced with (**).

- Shield-Throw (Throws the shield, hits multiple enemies before returning to the caster; deals holy damage, based on SP, average cooldown, average mana cost)
- (**) Overpower (Instant melee attack, deals physical damage based on STR, low cooldown, no mana cost)

- (*) Intimidating Howl (Intimidates enemies, causing them to run in fear for 5 seconds)
- (**) Counter-Attack (Can only be used with a shield equipped; next physical damage is negated and triggers an instant counter attack [In case the target is within melee range])

- (**) Seal of Protection (Increases armor of the target by 20%; duration = cooldown)
- Group Heal (Heals all friendly units within range, high cast time, no cooldown)

- (**) Shattering Strike (Deals AoE magic damage on the target and nearby units, mana cost)
- Provoke (AoE taunt effect, only temporary threat)

- Ice Nova (caster-centered AoE dealing spelldamage and slowing enemies around)
- (**) Implosion (single target spell, dealing half physical, half magic damage, average cooldown)

- (*) Reanimate (Reanimates a dead enemy unit as an undead, to serve as a permanent pet, reducing the possible number of skeletons under control by 1. The reanimated unit keeps all spells, but will have its max health and mana adjusted to pet levels. And of course it doesn't work on bosses or units with unique abilities.)
- Dark Funnel (Channeling single-target attack, dealing shadow damage, no cooldown)

- Summon Falcon (Summons a permanent falcon minion following the caster; the falcon will basicly work as a procc attack on the hunter's normal attacks; the falcon itself can not be targeted and is invulnerable)
- Frost Arrow (Single target attack, slows enemy, low cooldown)

- (**) Thunderstorm (Random lightning strikes in target area, based on SP)
- Life Infusion (Like ressurection of clerics, lower casting time, but higher mana cost)

- (**) Poisonous Gas (Throws a bottle at the target area, which creates a cloud of poisonous gas, dealing poison damage to all enemies inside)
- Explosive Trap (A trap that deals fire damage and stuns enemies for a short duration, can not be used in combat)

- (**) Hymn of Heroes (All friendly units in range will receive +20% max health. Duration = cooldown)
- Hymn of Freedom (All friendly units in range will become immune to stun and interupt effects for 10 seconds, 60 seconds cooldown)
Level 3
Dec 22, 2010
- Spirit Link (Transfer 30% of the damage done to another ally (applied as "true damage"))

This can add some use to having dryad or another healer. This ability can make it easier to take a huge burst damage from a boss if you lack a well geared tank but on the other hand force you to always have to heal at least two targets.

- Fairy dust (Area of effect, adds 15% miss chance on the target(s); short duration, average cooldown, average mana cost, does not work on bosses)

Some damage reduction can make it easier to deal with boss minions.
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Hosted Project GR
Level 14
May 1, 2013
Mortal Strike: When enemy is under 25% of his max health Berserker has 35% chance to kill him instantly, else do 2 x attack power ( 100% crit chance ) (Use on bosses: no chance to insta kill, just crit)

Useable only once on one target, also this is active spell, not passive.
Level 1
May 9, 2010
Reaper's Touch: Destroyed some HP of the Necromancer (or reduce the HP of the necromancer for a certain time) to attack the next enemy with 100% crit chance (or next crit strike does 50% more damage) [or for a certain time the crit chance increases a lot].

no cooldown and can stack but it´s destroyed more and more HP

And maybe an expansion to Dark Funnel: (or a new ability)
Less HP -> more damage
As examble: If the target has 70%-100% HP, Dark Funnel is more than useless.
If the target has 70%-30% HP, Dark Funnel does "normal" damage
but if the target has less than 30% (or lower), Dark Funnel is very usefull to deal damage
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Level 5
Dec 27, 2011

Hiya Zwieb. As i was looking at the skills of the tank classes and such, i noticed that there was a lack in a true tank spec for a crusader and a berserker.

Example, the monk has steel body. Which increases his tanking capabilites considerably. So the idea here is that would it be possible to implement a tank stance for the crusader and berserker? Which hopefully promotes strength based crusaders and shielding berserkers.
SolidFort: Increases armor by X*strength and parry chance by X*agility. Can only be activated with a shield equipped.

And the point of this would be that you increase your tankability but are sacrificing dmg through loss of INT. So keeping aggro would be harder and thus promote the leadership talent or even the tactics talent. And for Berserkers, they would just have to go a shield to get these bonuses. More tweaking needs to be done.

For Monks to have aoe so that they can be viable...
Elemental Blast: Deals Spellpower * X to enemies in front of the caster. Deals random element dmg each time. Moderate cd, with high mana cost.
Seeming how provoke will be a good skill to group up mobs with.

The Druid lacks in an aoe heal. So...
Gaia's Restoration: Heals the target for spellpower*X and bounces up to 3 additional players. Each subsequent heal is weaker by X%. High CD. Moderate Mana cost.
And i dont know if you were going to implement an aoe dmg ability for the druid but thunderstorm doesnt seem so bad.

Back to The Berserker, the other reason why one handed is not that popular is because they majorly lack in aoe. So for more tanking/holding aggro purposes, would you add an aoe ability?
Here's an idea,
HackandSlash: The berserker uses his weapon and shield to hit enemies in front of him multiple times. Dealing AP*X plus Str*1.5. Can only be used when SolidFort is Active.
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Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
I'm just gonna put out one skill per class.

Bless: Bless the target increasing their intelligence by 15% for 45 seconds. Same cooldown/mana cost as Symbol of fury.

Serenity: The Monk finds serenity for 7 seconds. While in this state, every time the monk takes damage, the attacker receives magical damage equal to the monks spellpower.

Blinding Faith: A burst of light that blinds all enemies in a small aoe (maybe the size of crucify's first hit?) reducing their chance of landing attacks, and reducing spell haste of enemies by 15% for 10 seconds. 15 Second cooldown 5 Mana cost.

Bodyguard: Consume the entirety of an allies threat for 6 seconds, however the ally regains all lost threat after the effect is over. (can only be used with a shield) Somewhat long cooldown.

Snipe: A shot with anatomical percision dealing (attackpowerX2). If a critical hit is landed with this ability, the targets armor is decreased by 20% for 15 seconds.

Decay: Magically rot the target dealing (spellpowerX6) poison damage over 12 seconds. 12 second cooldown.

Black Ritual: Heals pets health by 10% and mana by 5% per seconds. Consumes 3 mana per second. 60 second cooldown.

Explosion: Erupt a small area in flames dealing (spellpowerX2) damage in a small aoe. Instant cast, same mana cost/cooldown as magic missiles. (maybe have a talent that interrupts spellcasting in area for added fun)

Song of Glory: Increases attackpower by (levelX.2) and armor by (levelX.15).

Knife-Throw: Throw a knife dealing (attackpowerX1.5) and another (attackpowerX2) over the next 15 seconds. 30 second cooldown. or something....

I know so many are soooo original just basic ideas, I wrote this in like 15 minutes so its whatever just giving some ideas.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
I just don't get why only berserkers are being encouraged to take on a role of a different class. They don't get any cool dps skills, only useless tanking abilities.
Berserkers got plenty of damage abilities already. You can only have 9 abilities in your spellbook anyway, so I don't see a problem having the focus on a different role for a change. It's not like you are forced to use those spells.

Most ideas so far a pretty basic.

I like the idea of spirit link. I can see this being implemented sooner or later for druids - as the concept for druids is basicly instant cast heals with cooldown, healing pet and single-target heals only, it serves as a great complemental ability that makes up for the lack of AoE heals.
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Here are my suggestions for each class(End game spells)

Crusader: Holy Might
Spell description: Smite the enemy with holy might. Dealing ( attack power + int ) x 3 damage also surviving enemies will be further silenced for 3 seconds. UN-DEAD UNITS TAKE 2X SPELL EFFECT. Suggest long cool-down.

Monk: Blazing Palm
Spell description: Inflict burning damage to an enemy. Dealing 5 attack power over 5 seconds. Also reducing the target's attack speed, movement and spell haste by 25%.
Suggest med cool-down

Bishop: Seal of fate
Spell description: Cast a buff on you or your allies. Increasing spell haste by 50% for 10 seconds.
Suggest very long cool-down due to the somewhat over powered effect of the spell.

Berserker: Ancient spear
Spell description: Throw a spear at the enemy. Dealing 3x attack power as initial damage to the enemy. The spear "sticks" on to your enemy for a further 5 seconds, reducing their armor by level x 0.2. Also if the enemy is moving while under this effect, it bleeds for attack power x 2 over 10 seconds. **Bleeding only happens once and will begin as soon as the enemy begins to move.
Suggest average cool-down

Hunter: Power shot
Spell description: Fires a single powerful shot that pieces through all enemies in a line. Dealing 4x attack damage. The target that came into contact with is knock backed.
Suggest short cool-down

Druid: Entangling roots.
Spell description: Stops movement and deals damage to the target over time.
Deal 5 x spell power over 5 seconds and trapping the target for the same duration. **Entangled target is still able to cast spells**
Suggest average cool-down

Necromancer: Undead fetish
Spell description: Curse a single enemy with a deadly curse. The curse last 15 seconds, all of your minions will attack the cursed enemy with unstoppable frenzy, dealing 40% extra damage to the cursed target. Minion's spells will have 10% chance to mini stun/disrupt channeling. Last 7 seconds on bosses.
Suggest long cool-down

Sorcerer: Elemental fury
Spell description: Embrace the gift of elements. If casting the same exact spell within 6 seconds, the second cast will deal 30% more damage. **Extra suggestion: If you are manage to "crit" on the second cast, you gain a buff.While under this buff, you will be able to cast the same spell a third time without casting time.

Bard: Song of fortune
Spell description: Bless an allies with fortune.Cast a buff on an ally/yourself Increasing critical rate by 8%, critical multiplier by 60%. Also if you/your ally kills an enemy while under this buff, it will gain increase loot drop rate.
Suggest long cool-down

Assassin: Phantom strike
Spell description: Ultimate killing tactic. Dealing 5 x attack power damage to a single enemy. Backstabbing damage is doubled (10 x attack power), also enemy will be stunned for 3 seconds.
Suggest long cool-down

Note*some of the spells may sound overpowered but its all in the end game.
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Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I won't group them by class. (Passives)

Unyielding - 100-health% chance to parry/block X damage.
Anti-gank - Unit gets X armor for every enemy unit that has attacked it in 3 seconds. Should be useful for AoE tanks.
Enrage - Critical chance increases by X for every 1% of health missing.
Deflect - X% of non-AoE magic damage taken is instead done to nearby enemies. Credit for kills goes to the unit with this passive.
Absorb - x% of any magic damage taken is converted into mana
Lich - Upon taking fatal damage, consumes mana to restore health(inefficiently)
Consume - Upon killing a unit, all/some of its mana is stolen + X added.
Renewed Vigor - Upon being healed, gives X damage/attack rate per Y health healed for Z seconds. Stacks.
Level 4
May 7, 2013

infinity (active)
covers shield with holy blessing, creates a magical barrier that will last until it absorb 100 magical damage, generates slight aoe threat on cast.

shield must be equipped.

low cooldown, no mana cost.
note : the barrier last until battle ends and stackable.

wrath of the sacred [toggle on / off]
removing their heavy shield, putting all strength on their weapon,
crusaders holds 1h weapon using both hands with these following stats:

STR increase: +200% (double str)
evasion decrease : -20% (-20% from current evasion)
all resistance decrease : -20% (-20% from current Allr)
armor decrease : -45 (-45 from current armor)
HP decrease : -300 (-300 from max hp)

1h weapon must be equipped, shield must be unequipped, doesnt apply to 2h weapon.

berserker yells to a target enemy then hide their face behind their shield, taunting and confusing enemies with "?" mark for 3 second ("?" mark will be unable to attack, unable to cast spells, but agro is still on) then after "?" duration ends, "!" will show up and the target enemy will have max attack speed and move speed for 3 second, the damage produced while "!" mark is on will be fully evaded / parry-ed by berserker's shield. possible to lose agro during "!" mark.

shield must be equipped.

medium cooldown, cancel target enemy casting.
self effect : unable to cast other skill / attack / use pots while the skill takes action time.

deep throat :ogre_love:
berserker jumps high on a target enemy in melee range and deliver a head slam from above, crouch, then followed by an uppercut. dealing 2x str damage. stuns target for 2 second.

2h weapon must be equipped.

long cooldown.

a new role of bishop, which is wis build and int build.


int build = more damage output.
wis build = full support.
int + wis build = ultimate healer and support.

creating magical shield on a target ally, increasing their defense by 1.35 * X of wis level.

single target buff, increase all stat by 5.
(all stat boost on lv 5 talent path of wis build)

absolute mend (reworked)
heals 0.65 * X of wis level per second for 30 seconds. stackable. no cooldown, spammable. ammount of hp healed should be hidden in numbers, since it will mess up the screen. or maybe in tiny fonts.

- rework talent path of int build to have more damage output on crippling curse and holy strike. maybe 15% chance to cast crippling curse on casting holy strike for lv 5 talent path, or anything that will make int build have the urge to put stat to agi.

hunter goes concentrate and focus, empowering their bow while finding weak spot on a target enemy. took 25 second in total to deliver the blow. divided in 20 phases, each phase is 1 second and will gain a x1.25 agi and x0.75 str damage. starting the 11th phase, the duration of each phase will be increased by 0.5 second. full phase (10 sc + 15 sc of charging) = x25 agi and x15 str damage.

chance of dealing critical damage applied.

long cooldown. creates a huge threat. spell haste doesnt take effect.
casting time cancelled when interrupted. allowed to deliver the blow in any phase, but no critical damage applied.

a spiritual meditation, allowing monk to have reduced damage taken for 25%, increased damage by 1%, increased attack speed by 2%, increased move speed by 2%. buff last for 1 second. creates a slight aoe threat during cast.

1.5 second cooldown. instant cast. low mana cost.

on the 10th of casting accumulate, the buff stays until battle ends, which will have the result as following:

- 25% reduced damage taken (doesnt stack)
- 10% increased damage (stacks)
- 20% increased attack speed (stacks)
- 20% increased move speed (stacks)
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Level 3
Dec 22, 2010
Adding a couple of spells for bishop.

- Divine rage (increases your spell haste by 20% but also increases your threat generation by 50%; Toggle ability)

An ability you would have to actively toggle to not generate too much threat, a risk vs reward situation (might be too powerful with revive).

- Goblet of life (creates a goblet which heals a charactar for spellpower * 5 that is moving to the goblet (right clicking on it); average cooldown, average mana cost, max heals: 3, short cooldown on goblet heal)

This can offload the task of the healer and making other people take care of them self.
@sarofa: Most of your suggestions are similar to already existing spells - most of them even on the same class!
Also, most of them have way too high damage multipliers.

Power shot is basicly Magic Arrow without mana drain.
Entangling roots is the same as entangle, only that it deals damage.
Phantom strike is the same as backstab, just more CD and stun duration.

Some of them are way too overpowered.
Also, I'm not a fan of too many passives either. I feel it makes gameplay very dull if you stack up on too many passives - especially as you can only have 9 abilities in general.

But I like the idea of a skill that grants additional armor when being attacked by multiple enemies!

I like the concept of an active self-absorb spell kinda like divine shield. Makes tanking more interesting, as it kind of works like active blocking. I'm definitely keeping that idea in mind! However, it shouldn't be stackable and have a maximum duration for balancing reasons.

Good idea with the goblet of life... probably very situational, but I'll keep it in mind - though maybe not for the bishop, but for the bard.


As there were lots of suggestions, I should maybe narrow it down a bit by telling you what the basic class concepts are:

1) A tank class based on INT for AoE-threat control
2) A tank class based on STR for single-target-control
3) When using a twohanded weapon: damage dealer with high survivability (no active threat reduction)

1) A damage dealer based on melee damage with high AoE potential (no active threat reduction)
2) Offtank capable when using 1H + shield with the corresponding talents/abilities
3) Only class that can reduce the AP of enemies

1) Versatile all-purpose healing class with AoE heals
2) Can also be played as a damage dealer spellcaster (with active threat reduction)
3) Group utility, Situational buffs

1) An evasion-based tank class that mixes physical damage with elemental damage
2) Can also be played as a damage dealer instead (no active threat reduction)
3) Group Utility, situational buffs

1) Pure damage dealer, multiple elements to select from to overcome resistances
2) Best AoE damage dealer
3) Survivability utilities (no active threat reduction)

1) High single-target damage due to minions (no active threat reduction)
2) Limited choice in damage elements (fire & shadow)
3) Can actively reduce enemy armor

1) Pure Damage dealer (active threat reduction)
2) Good crowd Control (Pet, Ensnare, Slows, Stun)
3) Pet can offtank

1) Healer class with single target heals and healing pet
2) Multiple situational pets to select from
3) Can replenish mana for other characters

1) Best melee damage dealer (best active threat reduction)
2) Good crowd Control (Trap, Slows, Stuns)
3) Can actively reduce enemy armor

1) Strong buffs, both single-target and AoE (sacrificing damage potential)
2) Can replenish mana for other characters, only class that can reduce threat generated from other players
3) Can also be played as a damage dealer with weaker buffs instead

Please make sure your ideas fit those concepts!

Also remember that some of the core aspects of game design is that not every class can deliver all niches!
So, for example, there shouldn't be more than two classes that can reduce the enemy armor (Only Necro and Thief can). There also should not be any more skills that can actively replenish mana (Only Bard and Druid can). There's currently only one class that can reduce the enemy attack power, so I think a second class doing that would be ok (possibly bard or bishop).
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I actually took those ideas from a map of my own that I've been planning for long. Some are bound to not fit simply because you can choose all spells yourself in my map. Passives are one of the main things there to use for defining your own class.

In general, many of them can be turned to timed spells and/or toned down to not be too good.

I do have others too, but chose the ones that seemed most fitting to gaias.

One suggestion:
Separate passives from actives by placing them elsewhere. Passives are not cast anyway, so you don't need to keep them in the main spellbook. This would make way for higher amounts of active skills, while still allowing to choose between passives.
I myself use a hidden spellbook that is revealed when pressing escape. I'm sure there's many ways.
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Here are my suggestions for each class(End game spells)I have reworked some of the overpowered spells.

Crusader: Holy Wrath
Spell description: Calls forth a ray of light of the sky. Deal 3 x weapon damage in an small 250 AOE. Also blinding units that have survived the spell for 5 seconds, blinded units have 12% chance to miss on attack.
Suggest long cool-down

Monk: Spiritual reflexes
Spell description: Actives inner power. Increases evasion rating by 15% with use, evaded attacks will cause a backslash at the attacker dealing minor 1.0 x attack damage. Cannot backslash more than 3 times in the last 5 seconds.
Suggest med cool-down

Bishop: Guardian Instincts
Spell description: Improves healing . If the targeted healing unit has 50% or less hit-points, you heal spells heal for an additional 20% more.
The bishop class does not have any passives so here is my suggestion.

Berserker: Ground stomp
Spell description: Stomp the ground, stunning enemies. Dealing 3x attack power to all enemies in 300 AOE and stunning them for 3 seconds, **half stun duration for all bosses**
Suggest average cool-down

Hunter: Hunting Hawk
Spell description: Summons a Hawk. The Hawk grands 500 flying vision (day/night), the Hawk has two skills.
1)Swoop drive - Dealing minor damage and creates minor threat.
2)Hunting presence - ARUA Increase ally attack speed by 5% in an 400 aoe.
Suggest short cool-down

Druid: Nature's Gift
Spell description: Spiritual link with your summon. Linking between you and your summon will cause -15% movement speed but damage received is shared equally between the two linked targets and also regens 8-10 hit points per second when linked. (Might need more work)
Suggest average cool-down

Necromancer: Undead fetish (*decided to keep this but rebalanced)
Spell description: Curse a single enemy with a deadly curse. The curse last 15 seconds, all of your minions will attack the cursed enemy with unstoppable frenzy, dealing 20% extra damage to the cursed target. Minion's spells will have 3% chance to mini stun/disrupt channeling. Last 7 seconds on bosses.
Suggest long cool-down

Sorcerer: Archon form
Spell description: Embrace pure magic. Increasing spell haste , spell damage by 15% but increase damage taken from all sources by 15%. While in this form, you cannot normal attack but only be able to cast spells.
Suggest huge cool-down

Bard: Hymn of destiny
Spell description: Bless an allies with hope.Cast a buff on an ally/yourself Increasing resist pool by 10% also gains 5 mana and hitpoints regeneration. (Idea from Hymn of Freedom)
Until Death or Another Song is Used On Target
Suggest long cool-down

Assassin: Mark of Death
Spell description: Track down your enemy. Marked target takes additional 12% damage from all sources. Last 10 seconds.
Suggest long cool-down

Thanks to Zwiebelchen for the kind feedback.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
Hi, mb i can add someth usefull for the bards=)

Hymn of heroism
Gives +attack str buff to all allies in range for 5,6,7 sec(?) with moderate cd
This song also remove bard from battle(channeling)

Curse song
Deal 0.X*int damage in small radius near the bard and also debuffs the targets redusing their damage output(0.05*agi) . Debuff also stacks with every time u cast song
Level 3
Dec 22, 2010
Third try!

- Paralytic Poison (Standard attack got a 5% chance of applying Paralytic Poison on the target; single target buff; effect: stuns the target every 2 seconds for 0.5 (0.2 on bosses), last 6 seconds)

Only one poison can be used per ally, this can make it so an assassin got the choice of crowd control/interrupts vs damage.

- Blade dance (Jump from target to target and hitting for Attack Damage * 2 (50% dmg each time you hit the same target); average-long cooldown, average mana cost, max 4 jumps)

Basically omnislash with diminishing returns when hitting the same target, resulting in AP * 3.75 on a single target but AP * 8 on 4 targets.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Ill suggest some more because I like doing this...again probably basic but whatever whatever I do what I want.

  • Judgement: Deals (spellpowerX2.5) magic damage to the target enemy and jumps up to 7 times dealing less damage per bounce. (chain lightning with yellow lightning or something)
  • Steadfast: Increase strength by 1.5%, armor by 1.25% and increase threat by 1% for every hit received while under this effect, the effect is lost if the user exits combat. Decreases intelligence by 3% per stack. Can stack up to 15 times.
  • Penance: Deal physical damage equal to (attackpower+spellpower)+(health lost) to the target. Requires a two-handed weapon. Drains 20% of your maximum health.

  • Tremor: Deals (attackpower2.5) physical damage around the user. Stun all enemies caught in the aoe for 1 second. 10 Mana Cost. slightly longer cool down that lightning blades which I think should be changed to whirlwind.
  • Wrath: Deals (attackpowerX2.5) physical damage, healing the user for 25% of the damage dealt. However if the target is killed with this ability, the user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt. Requires a shield.
  • Relentless Assault: Charge at the target at a rapid speed, and smash them inflicting (strengthX3) physical damage. If a shield is equipped the target is stunned for 2 seconds. Interrupts spell casting. Does not stun bosses. average cooldown maybe >17 seconds?

  • Prayer: Heals all nearby allies for (spellpowerX5) over the next 7 seconds. Channeling like an aoe remedy but not quite as effective, but still very useful.
  • Flaros' Anger: Deals (spellpowerX2) fire damage in a small area. Like soul strike. Higher mana cost, instant cooldown. slightly longer cast time. Must aim.
  • Soul Purge: Ends a target's "Soul Sickness" to allow the user to use Divine Protection on them again. long enough cooldown to only really be super useful in emergency situations. Or just on monks.

  • Pressure Points: Quickly hit the enemies pressure points decreasing their attack power by 15% for 20 seconds. 25 second cooldown.
  • Pulse Strike: Teleports to the target enemey dealing (spellpowerX5) magic damage and forces the unit to attack the Monk for the n
    ext 3 seconds. Longish cooldown some mana cost. Would help with trying to get stray enemies that attack other group members and would help on starting a fight off which monks have trouble with.
  • Inner Peace: Increases the targets agility by 10% for 30 seconds. 50 second cooldown. Just a useful buff that would be useful for literally every class, but you have to choose wisely.

  • Earthquake: Deals (spellpowerX5) physical in a small area over 15 seconds. 15 second cooldown. Cast and forget, instant cast, somewhat heavy mana cost.
  • Polymorph: Self explanatory. Lasts for 12 seconds. Little more mana cost than frost cage. Same cooldown.
  • Gravity Flux: Pulls in surrounding enemies to the target point. Does not work on bosses. Highish mana cost, long cooldown.

  • Flame Barrage: Basically Water Globes that does fire damage, and leaves a burning effect dealing (spellpowerX2) over the next 10 seconds. 10 Second Cooldown after cast.
  • Hell's Rising: Choose a skeleton to transform into a Hellish Warrior, increasing its stats by 60% and giving it shadow damage. 25 Mana Cost. Can only be used on one minion at a time.
  • Shadow Flare: Does (intelligenceX2) damage to enemies in a cone-pattern and decreases their armor by (intelligence/5) for 15 seconds. Medium-long cooldown.

  • Dash: Quickly dash to the targeted spot. some mana cost, kind of short cooldown, basically make it long enough to dodge most aoes effectively. Faster than feline reflexes but obviously no attackspeed boost.
  • Explosive Arrow: Fire off an explosive shot that does (attackpower) damage initially, then explodes after 4 seconds dealing (attackpowerX2) damage in a small area. Does not explode if the target dies within that time. About same cooldown/mana cost as Multi-shot.
  • Enrage: Frenzy the servant of nature, causing its attack speed and damage to increase by 30% for 7 seconds. medium cooldown, some mana cost.

  • Rejuvenation: Replenishes the target's health by (spellpowerX5) over 12 seconds, as health regeneration. 12 second cooldown. about same mana cost as remedy. (constant health gain rather than ticks, if possible)
  • Summon Guardian: Low damage, large health pool and high armor. While this pet is in use, all aggro generated by the user goes to the Guardian pet.
  • Transference: The user transfers 20% of their mana to the target unit. longish cooldown.

  • Smoke Bomb: Blanket an area with a toxic smoke that slows enemies attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 15% for 20 seconds after leaving the cloud, the cloud itself lasts for 5 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
  • Phantom Strike: Quickly teleport to behind the target and deal (attackpowerX3) then return to original position. No threat generated. Medium mana cost, medium cooldown.
  • Corrosive Venom: Basically divine fist but for armor, and no large attack at the end, just a maximum armor decrease value. Only lasts for a couple of seconds, activated and costs mana.

  • Song of Dread: Increases Magic, Poison, and Shadow damage dealt by the target by 15%. 6 mana cost.
  • Pitch Perfect: Deals (attackpowerX3) magic damage to the target. Deals this at a range, rather than in melee distance. Gives a damage option to bards.
  • Chorus of Blades: Throw a barrage of small blades all around you dealing (attackpowerX.25) physical damage per blade. 15 blades thrown. some mana cost, i don't know about cooldown.

Optional Skill (just a joke): Burst of Bard: Disconnect everyone else on the map, increase the bards health to 100,000, and give the bard quintuple the damage. Then go on a boss killing rampage as a bard, by yourself.
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Level 5
May 25, 2012
Ill suggest some more because I like doing this...again probably basic but whatever whatever I do what I want.

  • Judgement: Deals (spellpowerX2.5) magic damage to the target enemy and jumps up to 7 times dealing less damage per bounce. (chain lightning with yellow lightning or something)
  • Steadfast: Increase strength by 1.5%, armor by 1.25% and increase threat by 1% for every hit received while under this effect, the effect is lost if the user exits combat. Decreases spellpower by 3% per stack. Can stack up to 15 times.
  • Penance: Deal physical damage equal to (attackpower+spellpower)+(health lost) to the target. Requires a two-handed weapon. Drains 20% of your maximum health.

  • Tremor: Deals (attackpower) physical damage around the user. Stun all enemies caught in the aoe for 1 second. 10 Mana Cost. slightly longer cool down that lightning blades which I think should be changed to whirlwind.
  • Wrath: Deals (attackpowerX2.5) physical damage, healing the user for 25% of the damage dealt. However if the target is killed with this ability, the user is healed for 100% of the damage dealt. Requires a shield.
  • Relentless Assault: For the next 15 seconds, each attack reduces the targets attack pwer by 1% per hit. Upon a 10th stack, all the stacks are consumed and leaves a gaping wounds effect on the target. 60 second cooldown. 15 mana cost.

  • Prayer: Heals all nearby allies for (spellpowerX5) over the next 7 seconds. Channeling like an aoe remedy but not quite as effective, but still very useful.
  • Flaros' Anger: Deals (spellpowerX2) fire damage in a small area. Like soul strike. Higher mana cost, instant cooldown. slightly longer cast time. Must aim.
  • Soul Purge: Ends a target's "Soul Sickness" to allow the user to use Divine Protection on them again. long enough cooldown to only really be super useful in emergency situations. Or just on monks.

  • Counter Strikes: Everytime the Monk dodges a attack, the attacker is dealt (attackpower) damage. However, the Monk's intelligence is decreased by 15 under this effect. (toggle) So basically sacrificing ranged aggro, and armor for more raw damage output and melee aggro.
  • Pulse Strike: Teleports to the target enemey dealing (spellpowerX5) magic damage and forces the unit to attack the Monk for the next 3 seconds. Longish cooldown some mana cost. Would help with trying to get stray enemies that attack other group members and would help on starting a fight off which monks have trouble with.
  • Inner Peace: Increases the targets agility by 10% for 30 seconds. 50 second cooldown. Just a useful buff that would be useful for literally every class, but you have to choose wisely.

  • Earthquake: Deals (spellpowerX4) physical in a small area over 20 seconds. Also slows the movement speed of enemies by 10%. 20 second cooldown. Cast and forget, instant cast, somewhat heavy mana cost.
  • Polymorph: Self explanatory. Lasts for 12 seconds. Little more mana cost than frost cage. Same cooldown.
  • Gravity Flux: Pulls in surrounding enemies to the target point. Does not work on bosses. Highish mana cost, long cooldown.

  • Flame Barrage: Basically Water Globes that does fire damage, and leaves a burning effect dealing (spellpowerX2) over the next 10 seconds. 10 Second Cooldown after cast.
  • Hell's Rising: Choose a skeleton to transform into a Hellish Warrior, increasing its stats by 60% and giving it shadow damage. 25 Mana Cost. Can only be used on one minion at a time.
  • Shadow Flare: Does (intelligenceX2) damage to enemies in a cone-pattern and decreases their armor by (intelligence/5) for 15 seconds. Medium-long cooldown.

  • Dash: Quickly dash to the targeted spot. some mana cost, kind of short cooldown, basically make it long enough to dodge most aoes effectively. Faster than feline reflexes but obviously no attackspeed boost.
  • Explosive Arrow: Fire off an explosive shot that does (attackpower) damage initially, then explodes after 4 seconds dealing (attackpowerX2) damage in a small area. Does not explode if the target dies within that time. About same cooldown/mana cost as Multi-shot.
  • Enrage: Frenzy the servant of nature, causing its attack speed and damage to increase by 30% for 7 seconds. medium cooldown, some mana cost.

  • Rejuvenation: Replenishes the target's health by (spellpowerX5) over 12 seconds, as health regeneration. 12 second cooldown. about same mana cost as remedy.
  • Summon Guardian: Low damage, large health pool and high armor. While this pet is in use, all aggro generated by the user goes to the Guardian pet.
  • Transference: The user transfers 20% of their mana to the target unit. longish cooldown.

  • Smoke Bomb: Blanket an area with a toxic smoke that slows enemies attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 15% for 20 seconds after leaving the cloud, the cloud itself lasts for 5 seconds. 50 second cooldown.
  • Shadow Strike: Quickly teleport to behind the target and deal (attackpowerX3) then return to original position. Reduced threat generated. Medium mana cost, medium cooldown.
  • Corrosive Venom: basically divine fist but for armor, and no large attack at the end, just a maximum armor decrease value. Only lasts for a couple of seconds, activated and costs mana.

  • Song of Dread: Increases Magic, Poison, and Shadow damage dealt by the target by 15%. 6 mana cost.
  • Pitch Perfect: Deals (attackpowerX3) magic damage to the target. Deals this at a range, rather than in melee distance. Gives a damage option to bards.
  • Chorus of Blades: Throw a barrage of small blades all around you dealing (attackpowerX.25) per blade. 15 blades thrown. some mana cost, i don't know about cooldown.

Some of the suggestions are awesome. Hope they make it into the game.


Hosted Project GR
Level 14
May 1, 2013
Hell strike: Berserker hits the ground with great power which make a crack in front of the caster and deal 2x STR AOE dmg (in front of caster ofc) , useable only with 2h weapon, 25s cooldown and 6 mana cost.
Level 2
Oct 11, 2011

Conjure Sage Stone: Creates a artifact that resonates sagely energies

Effects: Reduce nearby enemies's magic resistance by xx% and grants cooldown reduction to nearby allies by 15%, stone last for 12 seconds. Sage Stone when expired have a 5% chance of turning into a Sage Stone Golem for 30 seconds. If Sage Stone golem is killed within the 30 seconds rather than expired on it's own, it disperse energies which restores 80 mana to all nearby heroes.

Mana Cost:Medium

Just one I randomed thought of .. Just a casual suggsetion.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
How about adding a mana shield that would absorb x amount of damage per y mana for sorcerer?

I'm a big fan of passives, and I like Xonok's idea, it would be great to make some cool passives and put them in the other spellbook to make more room for active spells.

And I really like sarofa's suggestions, but obviously I love the ground stomp for berserker best :)
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
There used to be two spellbooks one for actives, and one for passives, but that was scrapped, so I dbout he'll bring it back. Passives are nice, but they can get quite ridiculous, imo the limited space is nice, so you can have more diverse characters. I just remember maps like tweve or whatever where the classes with pure passives were just op and stupid...

Also, if you want passives, just go look at talents, they're already in the game, just not as skills.
The majority of abilities should be active. Passive abilities should either be auras or have some kind of active component that clearly seperate them from talents (like divine fist).

What's with all those damage ability suggestions? Seems like 80% of the suggestions are pure damage abilities with some minor side effects. That's not really creative, imho and doesn't really add more tactical depth to the gameplay.

That being said, I like the gravity pull suggestion from Ihaz. I will consider implementing that as I feel it adds an interesting new element to the gameplay that opens up so many possibilities in solo and group play.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
There used to be two spellbooks one for actives, and one for passives, but that was scrapped, so I dbout he'll bring it back. Passives are nice, but they can get quite ridiculous, imo the limited space is nice, so you can have more diverse characters. I just remember maps like tweve or whatever where the classes with pure passives were just op and stupid...

Also, if you want passives, just go look at talents, they're already in the game, just not as skills.
Indeed, if implemented wrong, then passives can simply mean a power boost. This is why they should be situational, like I try to keep my passives. Currently the talents are pure power boosts, not so much passives. The difference is that passives are not inherently useful, but only become so if the playstyle is fitting.
The majority of abilities should be active. Passive abilities should either be auras or have some kind of active component that clearly seperate them from talents (like divine fist).

For this reason, I believe passives should just have a more strict limit than actives. In my own map I currently allow 11, but it's clearly way too much. Perhaps the fitting number would be 4?

I've considered making passives have a cost in stats. For instance, there can be a passive that increases attack rate when health is lower. That would quite clearly be a power boost, so to make it balanced I could take the average health percentage in fights and set this to be the core amount from which attack speed starts to increase. However, this would still make it a power boost, just for less people.
So the final solution would be making it actually lower attack speed for those who do not need it.
Example: Increases attack speed by 1% for every 2% health missing below 70%, but decreases attack speed by 1% for every 1% health over 70%.
My description is quite messy, but hopefully you get the point. If we assume that people mostly stay at 70% health, then this passive would only help those that stay under it and thus, they'll really have to use it as a part of their playstyle or it will only hinder.
Passives just contribute to a dull playstyle so I try to avoid them whenever possible.
Especially if they can be directly translated into a stat boost. Passives only make sense if they add a certain synergy with playstyles (like Auras getting more useful for certain party compositions).

Non-toggle passives should never punish a player. That's just bad design practice.
That is why heroic presence and celestial zeal are toggle skills, not passives.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
Maybe for Berserker have some sort of skill that allows you to use 2h abilities for a couple of seconds, with some longish cooldown, maybe roughly twice that of lightning blades.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
Example: Increases attack speed by 1% for every 2% health missing below 70%, but decreases attack speed by 1% for every 1% health over 70%.
My description is quite messy, but hopefully you get the point. If we assume that people mostly stay at 70% health, then this passive would only help those that stay under it and thus, they'll really have to use it as a part of their playstyle or it will only hinder.

Not only would that "passive" be useless as fuck and I wouldn't skill it, but it would also nerf your character if it decreased atk speed if your hp is higher than 70%

Seriously, having no passive at all would be better than having that
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Not only would that "passive" be useless as fuck and I wouldn't skill it, but it would also nerf your character if it decreased atk speed if your hp is higher than 70%

Seriously, having no passive at all would be better than having that

It depends a lot on whether you'd actually need it. Matter of design really, allowing people to choose strengths and weaknesses through passives.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Not only would that "passive" be useless as fuck and I wouldn't skill it, but it would also nerf your character if it decreased atk speed if your hp is higher than 70%

Seriously, having no passive at all would be better than having that

dude, watch ur language ^_°

But i dont like the suggestion either, as hp is something which you cant control yourself (the healer does that for you) this is not something that would contribute to a certain playing style. With Nymph or Mend its simply impossible to stay at low hp for a longer time.
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Not only would that "passive" be useless as fuck and I wouldn't skill it, but it would also nerf your character if it decreased atk speed if your hp is higher than 70%

Seriously, having no passive at all would be better than having that

Please watch your language dude.
Level 2
Oct 11, 2011

Orb of Bones : Sends forth a flying orb of bone in the a straight line imbued with the necromancer's essence.

Dealing x2 spell power up to two enemy it hits. If it passes a skeleton minion in the process, increases the skeleton minion's attack damage and armor by 20% for 10 seconds. Can only affect 1 skeleton minion at once.

If orb passes a friendly hero, it grants the hero +40 armor for 8 second or until one hit is taken, if orb passes a friendly hero before hitting an enemy target, it only deals 1.5x spell power to enemy target, if it passes enemy target first before passing a friendly hero, it only grants +20 armor for 8 seconds.

Passing a skeletal minion first before hitting a enemy target or passing a friendly hero unit does not affect the potency of the spell.

Mana Cost - Medium
Cooldown - Medium - High


Seal of Holy Light : Toggle skill that imbues the crusader's weapon with righteousness, each normal attack will deal 0.3* spell power damage that stacks til 5 hits, each fifth attack would unleash a additional burst of holy energy dealing 0.8* spell power damage or heal for 3x spell power on a friendly hero/unit.

Cost 5 mana per hit. Cannot be activated when Celestial Zeal is active

Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
dude, watch ur language ^_°

But i dont like the suggestion either, as hp is something which you cant control yourself (the healer does that for you) this is not something that would contribute to a certain playing style. With Nymph or Mend its simply impossible to stay at low hp for a longer time.

Now that's a fairly good point. In my own map I assume that there may or may not be a healer under another player's control and thus, it may prove useful to someone. However, I forgot how strongly roles are enforced in gaias.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
What's with all the comments about my language :p

I admit I shouldn't have put "fuck" in there, but I assure you I only did it to emphasize the uselessness of the passive.
Level 9
Jul 11, 2011
I'll try to brainstorm some utilities.... because I want to try to be part of this awesome game!!

Imperishable: For the next 6 seconds all nearby targets will attack the user and the user's damage resistances decreases and cannot be healed, tempting fate. But upon death, the user is revived to full health and gains a damage resistance boost for the next 20 seconds, while retaining all aggro. 30 mana. 180 second cooldown. (Basically useful for tanking nukes, or large groups, atleast if its possible, it'd be awesome honestly for bosses to single out a target to use a instant kill nuke on unless taunted or something)

Feral Spirit: The user cannot be, or breaks any sort of stun or entrapment for the next 6 seconds. 30 second cooldown. Requires a shield. (Basically dispel but only for the Berserker, and can break stuns, maybe also gets ride of damage over times)

Rite of Life: Up to 12 seconds, the next attack received by the target will heal them rather than injure them. 5 mana cost. 30 second cooldown. (basically a situational nuke abosorber, or lazy heal)

Mind Read: Reduce a target's chance to hit by 20% for 15 seconds by reading their mind. 7 mana, 25 mana cost.

Im pleased with that gravity pull

Devour: Sacrifice a pet to restore health of the caster by 50% and recover 35 mana. 80 second cooldown.

Flee: Increases movement speed by 50% for 7 seconds, while decreasing aggro by 5% every second as long as the user does not attack. Does not stack with Feline Reflexes. 5 Mana cost. 35 second cooldown.

Growth: Magically grow a strange plant on the target decreasing their movement speed by 10% and decreasing their fire resistance by 20%.

Toxic Sleep: Puts a single target to sleep for 20 seconds by throwing a small vial filled with toxins at them. Can be used in combat. (basically single target dazing trap, that can be used in combat which is the tradeoff to not having AoE)

Dark Omen: Debuff the target increasing damage taken by 5% from all sources. 4 mana cost. 1 second cooldown.

These are just whatever so whatever, I tried to make all these utilities.
I also thought of an emergency-immunity spell for one of the tank classes, but then realized this would probably fit a passive talent more than an actual ability.

The convert damage to heal spell is a little bit weird, honestly; I can not think of any logical reason why a spell could do that (from a lore perspective)... Sure, it's "magic" and doesn't really need an explaination, but it's just weird nonetheless.

I love the stun breaker ability idea for berserkers, as it fits great both gameplay-wise and lore-wise and adds a lot of situational and potential interesting "get out of jail free" elements to berserkers.
The bad thing is: the stun mechanic of WC3 does not allow a unit actually casting a spell while stunned, so all I can do here is providing an immunity to further stunning for a duration. This greatly reduces the use of a spell like this, if it is not able to break an existing stun. I don't really know how I could get around that. :/

A single-target in-combat-sleep is kind of meh. I don't really like "doubling" abilities, which means there should not be two abilities that are kind of the same.
The beauty about a stun-based trap (as I currently planned to implement) is, that it allows a lot of synergy with the current Assassin abilities: You can sleep enemies you do not want to enter combat soon and stun the main target. You can use Into the Shades to stun an enemy mid-combat at the cost of using an ability that deals multiplied backstabbing damage instead.
You could also use it as an additional opener that allows you to increase the initial stun duration to use more backstabbing abilities in a solo fight against a creep.


Hosted Project GR
Level 14
May 1, 2013
Deep wound: Berserker use his strength and agility to drown weapon in his opponent dealing 1.5x str + agi dmg. Target damaged by this skill has 20% slowed movement and attack speed for 5 sec. If the target is under gaping wounds effect, chance for crit with this ability is increased by 25% and debuff exists 5 sec longer. Also when score a critical hit with this ability, Berserker takes pleasure from hurting his opponents and has 40% chance to heal himself for 25% of damage dealt. Can be used with both 2h and shield builds. 13 mana cost and 30 sec cd.
[Effect does not stack]
Level 3
Dec 22, 2010

- Minion Instability (Explode the target skeleton, reducing the armor and resists of all enemies in a small area around the skeleton, destroying the skeleton in the process; single target skeleton, 60 sec cooldown, average mana cost, 20 sec duration)

- Decaying armor (Uses a nearby corpse to apply a decaying cloud around an ally, ALL targets close to the cloud take shadow damage including allies; 40 sec cooldown, 20 sec duration, damage/sec = SP * 0.2, average mana cost)

- Minion Instability (Explode the target skeleton, reducing the armor and resists of all enemies in a small area around the skeleton, destroying the skeleton in the process; single target skeleton, 60 sec cooldown, average mana cost, 20 sec duration)
This spell is called "detonating bones" and is already in the game?

- Decaying armor (Uses a nearby corpse to apply a decaying cloud around an ally, ALL targets close to the cloud take shadow damage including allies; 40 sec cooldown, 20 sec duration, damage/sec = SP * 0.2, average mana cost)
There is no way to target corpses directly, so it will be really hard to properly aim with that spell.
Also, corpse-specific spells tend to suck a lot because in most boss battles, there aren't any corpses around.
Level 3
Dec 22, 2010
This spell is called "detonating bones" and is already in the game?
Yeah sorry, that was just dumb of me, totally forgot about that.

There is no way to target corpses directly, so it will be really hard to properly aim with that spell.
Also, corpse-specific spells tend to suck a lot because in most boss battles, there aren't any corpses around

Hmm is there a way to just check if a corpse is nearby and target the ally player? Or perhaps allow the necromancer to store 1 corpse on the necromancer for later use?
Level 3
Dec 22, 2010
Meanwagon style? :D I dont think this is a good idea...

I don't think it has to be Meat Wagon style, can just be like a buff or something hidden so you don't have to "unload" the corpse.

But the main idea might be bad enough so there might be no use to try to go around the problem.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
Just another stupid ideas


Shaaaapeshift: shifts druid into a wolf, disabling healing magic and converts ranged skills into meele, grants hp/hpregen/atackspd/atackpow idk rather

Vine: summons vine which eats corpses and regenerate health and mana for party slowly

Necromanser(want mooore skeletons)

Corpse explosion
Explode nearbly corpse dealing [mobs hp/x + int*0.x] dmg

Bone fetish; summon immobile ward which decrease hit chance of nearbly enemies


Time stop
its simple stops the time in selected location for x Sec
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Just another stupid ideas


Shaaaapeshift: shifts druid into a wolf, disabling healing magic and converts ranged skills into meele, grants hp/hpregen/atackspd/atackpow idk rather
Shapeshifting is usually very hard to balance and as the current druid already can summon a wolf/bear i dont think it makes sense that he also gets shapeshifting abilities.

Corpse explosion
Explode nearbly corpse dealing [mobs hp/x + int*0.x] dmg
That has been suggested 5 posts above, also this spell already exists. Why do you suggest spells for Necromancer without even knowing his current spells :S

Time stop
its simple stops the time in selected location for x Sec

What is that supposed to do? Pause all units in the target location?


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
A few ideas:
Don't mind the names if you don't like them. They are just quickly thought up sketches. I have organised my suggestions into seperate paragraphs, each focusing on one ability. Each ability will be detailed first by idea/pseudo ingame description + my gameplay notes in brackets:

Illusion - summon X (max 2 I believe. Maybe only 1 is fair) number of non-controllable illusions. Illusions deal no damage but gives all enemies they attack full threat against them. Illusions last X number of seconds or until killed (Should have medium to low hp and a short life span to make it fair. Make them follow the caster like other pets, but without any orders being available for them. This is, after all, not a real pet, but merely an innovative crowd control spell. A normal mob attacking them singlehandedly should, depending on the mob, not be able to kill one before it vanishes by itself. A boss should be able to kill it with a few hits, rendering it only a last resort spell against bosses.) 60 seconds cooldown, medium mana cost.

Carol of Confusion: Single target ability. Target enemy is struck by confusion. It will aimlessly walk around in a small area, maybe even accidentally attacking its own allies. This effect lasts for X seconds and can be used in combat. Can only be used on the living and not on bosses.

Punch/kick: Targeted enemy is knocked back in the direction faced by the bard, interrupted and hit with low damage. A medium aggro boost gained to the bard. No mana cost, 40(?) seconds cd. Only the interruption works on bosses (The idea here is a situational spell that doesn't only have one purpose. It can be used to push mobs away from fragile classes in case the tank has lost control of some mobs, so that he can regain it. Even without this function the ability to simply interrupt is always useful. The point of the aggro boost to the bard is a balanced one. On one hand, a careless bard may take aggro on a mob early in a fight and thereby giving the tank and healers a problem. On the other hand, a skilled bard will easily be able to avoid getting aggro at all or use it to shortly take aggro from a healer in emergency situations.
Finally, the Punch/kick should have a 2-3 times stronger knockback than shield slam).

Just my immediate ideas. More may come. EDIT: I didn't read most of the previous suggestions. Sorry if some were copied.
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Level 8
Mar 22, 2008
Crusader: Intercept, Charge at an ally absorbing the next 2 attacks that hit them.

Crusader: Counter Attack, When you block dodge or parry an attack you can strike back for your AP

Hunter: Call of the Wild, For INT seconds the hunter has 2 pets instead of one.
I like the illusion spell idea. Could be very useful for sorcerer solo play (which lacks survivability). Could also come in handy in certain boss situations without being totally OP. Good job!

I was thinking about a confusion/fear type of spell in the past. The reason I not yet implemented one is that it's hard to code a spell that makes neutral hostile lose control about a creature. I can make it aimlessly walk around quite easy, but it's hard to let it attack its allies without changing the owner of the unit, as that could potentially fuck up several scripts in the game (like the creep revival script).
That's why I never implemented a mind control type of spell yet.

But I might add something like this in the future once I got an elegant solution to this issue.

@water_knight: Interesting concept for counter attack, only triggering on evasion. I might use that for a new Berserker tanking skill using 1h+shield.
Call of the Wild, however, has too much in common with the top-tier druid talents.
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