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Solo Mini-Mapping Contest #7 - Boss Fight

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Just this once, I am taking a break from my retirement.
This contest is too... made for me. I just can't miss it. I can't help the fact that 90% of bossfights, even here on Hive, are depressing, for they make me sad while I play them. I wanted to make one myself a long time ago and now, I will.

So, the idea is: killing undead people :p

I tend to make this dungeon/bossfight as less Warcraft3 or WoW as I can.
So, you have 3 players and 3 really basic characters: Knight, Assassin and Wizard.
The spells will be original, un-warcrafty, and I will try to make them not to remind the player of any MMO/RPG.

Game will also have quests and will be divided into several parts:
Beginning, in which you spend stat and ability points, for there will be no leveling.
Prologue, in which you just test abilities.
Chapter One, in which you fight creeps and escape traps. It climaxes with a bossfight.
Chapter Two, in which you kill some more creeps. It climaxes with THE bossfight.

There is a wide variety of creeps, traps, quests...
Terrain is very detailed and, I hope, realistic.

That is all from me for now :D
Level 11
May 13, 2010
Sup guys! I have been working on terraining quite a bit. Also i decided i will keep the boss's current model.


BTW. The arcade kind of thing is pretty cool!


  • Terrain4.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 399
Level 11
May 13, 2010
Hey guyz, me again! [hoooray -.-]

where could I get some sounds? i mean, i know where can I get music, but combat sounds, attacks, spells, deaths and stuff like that. is there some list or sometin like dat or wut?

Hello there. A smart thing to do is to download some sound package from another game, or rip it out by yourself. Remember to credit, though.
You got an awesome idea right there dude u sure will make it to the finals if u can pull it off the right way. I have some terrain feedback for u i hope u dont mind uhmmm i loved the idea and dude like if u make all the trees and stuff like that small and the fliying things lil smaller too it will give it a feelin that u flying very high and that will make it look waaaay better if u know what i am tryin to say ahaha gl :p
that's what I planned to do, make doodads and ground units small, melee AI
fighting on background, etc...
one problem I have is I want to make the camera as high as possible but it'll
be dark perhaps it's got somethin to do with the fog or camera field of view...
I forgot to post picture(no I do not I have made it now :D). I am noobish terrainer and this is best from myself. Pls tell me suggestions etc. Ofc this is only beta and its start location. First half of game is outside and other half in castle.

Looks excellent. You're not a noob terrainer at all. I've been doing this for like 10 years and yours still surpasses mine.

Edit - here's my first WIP (About 2 hours I guess) http://i.imgur.com/CrwGb.jpg
Thanks dude that's mean me a lot. U are good to. We are opossites xD. Btw I can give u some custom MoltenCore textures for terrain if you want. I also planning custom terrains xD.

No thanks, man. I want to use imports in my map but only my own work I think. Thanks anyway though!
Pharaoh_, I think you misunderstand how linear fog works.

Fog will be invisible until z-start, at which point it will scale linearly to full density at z-end.

Those values represent the distance from the camera in game units. Assuming the maximum map size is 480x480, then the diagonal from the bottom left to the top right is 86,888.96 game units. With a maximum camera height of 2,000 game units, the maximum target distance is therefore 86,890.74.

Rounding, we can use 100,000 game units. Therefore the GUI action should be

  • Environment - Set fog to style Linear, z-start 100000., z-end 100000., density 0.00 and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)
Jesus I'm drunk -_-


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Today I am working on spells xD. Problem with fog isn't fixed. When I view in game with big distance then sky is showed.
Terrain 40%
Other 0%.
And one more thing. Judging is not affected by reputation. I think those with lesser rep has same chance like with huge.

With lesser rep? Who are you talking about >,<

thanks =)
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