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SKYRIM: Dragon Wars

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Any Updates Marshmallo :D ?

Unfortunatley I've had to temporaily put this project on hold, I currently don't have the time that a map of this ambition requires, I'm abit of a perfectionist so not happy until I can get it absolutley how I want it.

I currently have afew concerns with the map:

-Map size: Theres so many costum recources I need to put into this map I'm having to make every KB count to keep it under 8MB. I had to squeeze B2Ms building models from 50MBs down to just 2MB! The screen shots are optimised versions so I'm pleased with how it turned out but its alot of work.

-Skyrim Factions: Barring Winterhold College and Dragon Priests faction there is realy very little variation in units between the human factions of Skyrim. I worry playing these factions may be too similar and repetitive.

This map is very time consuming but I really do intend to go back to it at some point and hopefully Zriot will still be eager to help!
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Unfortunatley I've had to temporaily put this project on hold, I currently don't have the time that a map of this ambition requires, I'm abit of a perfectionist so not happy until I can get it absolutley how I want it.

I currently have afew concerns with the map:

-Map size: Theres so many costum recources I need to put into this map I'm having to make every KB count to keep it under 8MB. I had to squeeze B2Ms building models from 50MBs down to just 2MB! The screen shots are optimised versions so I'm pleased with how it turned out but its alot of work.

-Skyrim Factions: Barring Winterhold College and Dragon Priests faction there is realy very little variation in units between the human factions of Skyrim. I worry playing these factions may be too similar and repetitive.

This map is very time consuming but I really do intend to go back to it at some point and hopefully Zriot will still be eager to help!

1. Don't use all of his models.

2. MiP the hell out of the textures, 60% or more.

3. Use more MPQ doodads.

4. It's RiotZ mate, and yes I'm prepared to help.

5. The map size and strongholds are what vary the gameplay and maintain playability.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
well that's disappointing

i do wonder how the units would function to a degree

if we're going for a lot of detail in the gameplay, perhaps we could have vampirism as an option?

if any of this has been discussed before, i plead ignorance

I don't believe anyone has brought up that idea yet... It could work, but it would have to be for a certain faction... And since Marshmalo is inactive, I'm not sure what factions it could apply too, since I don't exactly know which he plans to include.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Marshmalo, hey when do you think you will be done with the project I am dying to try it out :)

No idea yet but I'm talking with RiotZ about getting this project moving again!

well i hope you might have the sound sfx of FUS RO DAH!!!!!
or perks... or just even the epic daedric set

but still... fus ro dah is epic

Fus ro Dah is knockback right? Well if RiotZ, our Trigger guy thinks that can be done we can include it :)

This made me lol:

As for the Daedric set, again I'll leave that to RiotZ but if he needs me to help with the Art Icons I can do that. I already have some awesome dragon sound effects ingame so Fus Ro Dah soundFX won't be a problem.

Well, certain units have the ability to morph into Dragons as far as I can tell from Marshmalo's work,

Sorry that is just a tester unit Riot, I'm not opposed to Dragons morphing into humans, it would be cool but I just don't see it anywhere within Skyrims lore, it sounds more WoWish to me.

in the actual skyrim, vampires were working to take over Morthal where the idea was that they'd enslave the living to use them as a feeding grounds as well as use them to protect them during the day

OMG awesome idea! That's a great way to make the factions more unique from one another which, as expressed earlier was a concern of mine. I'd like this to be an option for Morthal through an in-game event somehow, any ideas? I'd rather not have it accessible through a simple upgrade, that's not very creative.

We could give the Vampire Lord, Movarth very slow mana regeneration and constant life degeneration, forcing him to suck the life out of his enemies in return for HP/Power, and if the player gets really desperate... even friendly units!

Every faction requires a leader and I think Falion would make an interesting general for Morthal, although Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone is an interesting character, she is too old and knows too little of magic to go into battle. It makes sense that she would send her trusted aid Falion who is able to protect Morthal from the dark magic that threatens it. I will however find a way to include her supposed seer's vision (she could have the Far Sight ability). Thanks Wazz, Morthal is shaping up to be an interesting faction.

I've edited this 2d map of what places/cities will be included. Labyrinthian is in big because it's the starting area for the Dragon Priests faction. The greenish area is snow free area, this is to help with terraining so I know where everything should be. This is just a rough version, if you think I've missed anything important please let me know! But bear it mind there's no way we can get every cave and fort in the original Skyrim, so priority goes to strategic or storyline areas.

Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
That sounds very good about Morthal :3

So, you have a Dragon Priest faction that starts in an area like Labyrinthian? Then perhaps we could also have a Necromancer Faction?

Alsooo a Bandit Faction (for Helgen most likely, but if that's not being included in the terrain, there are plenty of other places that can be used alternatively, like that Fort Fellhammer)

and like bandits could double as mercenaries or something and fight for cash, but alternatively could raid villages and stuff

necromancers would just make everyone fight for them by raising their bodies :p
Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
Wow, that's an amazing piece of work, I really hope this project won't die without any solid reason.

I love the simplicity and the promised systems, sounds decent enough to make people impatient, finally some RTS which isn't based on spawns.

If we're already talking about bandits then I belive that Companions would fit better as elite units or mercenaries.

Keep up the great work mate.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
oh that's a good point on the mercenery front, that would allow whiterun to have the mercenary option

but bandits should be an option for some fort still, perhaps with mercenary work as a potential option, but their other alternatives make them differ

alsooo there is a lack of that Morgath or whatever it's called (the dwarven city in the reach), where the Forsworn could be played o:
Level 5
Sep 30, 2010
Im just wondering why the Imperial Army isn't there yet, I haven't read entire of the thread but it isn't mentioned on the first page.

The Stormcloaks are there since the start, but well... their existence is a result of Imperial influence, so the Empire is an essential faction in this case.

Edit: Yeah, I skipped the Solitude part but still, Empire had a lot of outposts and different strategic places which could serve as starting point for a faction, or just replacement, because then Stormcloak's beign is pointless.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Fus da ra? Oh yeah that's an easy one. ;)

I also have an idea, why not allow factions to compete for side quests... Like Daedric Shrines etc... They would give you special loot drops for your heroes, maybe money, or additional troops.

Also, creeps... Will there be any creeps roaming, like Giants, Mammoths, Saber-Tooths (or whatever they're called :p), Hagravens etc?

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

By far the best playable terrain i have seen. Can you tell me how did you get B2M's textures to work ? I've tried importing them but I can never find all the textures i need.
Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
This is SPARTA!! @.@ Are you kidding me??
That is so aMEWzing.. Give credit to wc3underground also ( also who RIPPING the Dragon like alexgun or henry or inico or many more ;) ;) ).

For who doesn't know the B2M terrain how it work, just download the map pack. Then you delete all the doodads ( Except the terrain ) ).
And for who doesn't know where is the dragon model'z from. It's from ( I can say it because illegal :/ :/ Read the rules ).

Thanks Reaper, I'm using a combination of vanilla WC3 tiles, some I've drawn myself and others from a Doodad pack that can be found at WC3 Campaigns (google).
Did you have permission to edit the B2M terrain and the trees??

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

I'm not talking about terrain textures. I'm talking about the doodad textures. I've tried writing down the names of certain models/textures and then importing them but without luck. I just get a green cube. I simply need the paths/texture names :D
Level 13
Aug 4, 2012
I'm not talking about terrain textures. I'm talking about the doodad textures. I've tried writing down the names of certain models/textures and then importing them but without luck. I just get a green cube. I simply need the paths/texture names :D

I not talking to you :/ :/
If i talking to you i must quote it :/ :/
Well, if you don't understand, if you download the first pack, the path of the textures must be "Textures\( The Original Textures Name )". If you use the expansion pack, it should "Textures\RTES\( The Original Textures Name )"
HERE is my test map....
It'z for example for the right path :) :)
Have fun'z :D :D

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Marshmalo, please give us an update. I'm dying to see more of the terrain :)

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Hey! Marshmalo, you alive there mate?
Level 3
Jul 18, 2010
Marshmalo, a new and good idea for map =)
I think that this is going to be a nice map like your other one and i will play with my friends.
Good map XD
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
The Hell Happen Here ??

Work has started on this map again, sorry for all the delays but I'm steadily making progress now. Once all the artwork and terrain has been completed I will hand the map over to my object editor/terrainer: Riotz (if he's still about!)

I don't want to post any screen shots until all the terrain + artwork is done incase people get anoyed at me for stopping and starting the project!

I am currently working on the Ancient Nordic Doodads and the various Dragon attachments that will fit on the default dragon model as seen in the screen shots. This means I can include a variety of dragons like Alduin without using up a stupid amount of space!

Also a major artistic development: all portraits will be 2D and feature genuine concept art released from Beshesda! These 2D paintings look alot more atmospheric than the 3D warcraft models which often look awful close up and really show off WC3s age.

Thanks for all the interest and support, its helps with getting me off my ass and actually working on the map! :)
Level 4
Mar 22, 2010
One of the greatest terrain I've ever seen, feels like in Skyrim indeed....

Keep up the good work!!!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I asked the creator a while ago if you check my profile he wrote a visitor message about it.
It was lack of time and he wanted import alot of nice stuff but he couldnt because of size limit.
@request, sorry havnt checked the thread I will look at it when I get home

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