[RP Thread] KABOOM

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009

Nightwind swept out into the crowded street, feeling somewhat surreal.
It was so easy to forget he was still underground.

The maelstrom that was Stilt Street's shopper's bore him little notice, most pushed past him, the others bore him no heed.

He noted that an array of dankly lit shops were spread out along either side of a huge central street, built upon the giant pier. Behind those shops lay a network of dilapidated warehouses and likely an array of backdoor dwellings for the less law-abiding; although it seemed very few here had actually heard of the concept.

He had a few choices, he could go back and try to reprimand the Goblin, he could try and find the others at Abbith Tower - though it was quite a walk - or he could take his chances alone, browsing the Stilt Street shops or the visiting the Meet and Market, though the populace within the vicinity of both looked rather rough, he noted.


The interrogator frowned at Johlkr before casting the humans a quick - all encompassing - scowl.
"Lucky for you, I think I recognize this ailment. Now tell me - before I gut you - what exactly, are you doing in our tower? Did 'she' bring you?" she asked in evident disdain, waving a hand toward the stricken Red Wing Captain.


"A wise choice my friend," Trav sighed, surprisingly relieved.
"The group that blew up your train. This is one of their depositories.
These weapons are all stolen, forged or illegally modified. Or in some cases, all three..," he sneered.
"I have some people I want you to meet, if you will. More of my people, not the kind who are trying to kill you, however. Well. Not yet, anyway".
Level 7
May 3, 2011
"If "she" means Lena, then yes." I responded. Why does other people treat me like I'm the evil one here... I walked to some other side, staring at whatever there is.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr picked up from where the human left of. "That means the humans too. I may not like them as much as you do, but she did bring us here and none less. Saved us she did. From a bloody train crash." He sounded weary, speaking the words from his bed without moving his head, his face staring at the high ceiling. Queasy knots tightened in his belly.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
The faerie said, and I followed her, in any case. If I keep on staying here, I won't get anywhere...
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr kept his mouth shut, heeding Lena's initial advice lest another disaster occurred because of his large mouth. He tried to lift his head up, but the dwarf only managed to do so for a few moments before lazily letting it fall back into his pillow. He was in no condition to be up and about, the dwarf allowing himself a small moment of quiet, ignoring the humans who followed the increasingly hostile faerie.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''You.. went to a storehouse of an enemy terrorist group and took their weapons?'' he asked, stunned by this fact and then gazing upon the weapon in his hand. He shook his head and started chuckling, which erupted into laughter as he gazed upon the goblin with a big grin, appreciative.
''You Goblins are crazy!'' he managed to speak out in his laughter before it died down and he was only left with a big grin on his face, putting the weapon in his hand quickly away. His faced turned serious in a second.
''Who do you want me to meet?'' he asked, still hints of joviality in his voice, though carefully hidden.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trav grinned wildly.
"I'm glad you're in accord with our ... methods," he intoned, readjusting his bullet belt.
When his gaze returned to the remaining human, it took upon a more sombre note.
"The Family," he replied in answer to his question as he waved a hand in their intended direction.


Johlkr was left in attendance of the two Faerie maidens administering to Lena.
Although preoccupied, they may be his only chance for answers any time soon, or well, any conversation at all for that matter.


The humans were led through the winding complex, through stark, white halls that looked more and more alike, each alarmingly more akin to its predecessor than the next. With no choice but to follow their less than enthusiastic guide, the humans pressed on.

In time they came to rest at a small hub, a crossroads, where six of the long halls met.
Tranon, Veem, Stray, show yourselves!
The Faerie's voice rang out, echoing around the room.
Slowly, she began to back away, and motioned for the humans to do the same.
The air before her began to ripple, as some enchantment or cloaking device was slowly dispelled. Three Faeries materialised, adorned in white robes. Two males flanking a third, female, one whom they all recognised.
"Lena...?" murmured the boy, whom Theos had dragged along.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
The Family? That sounded like something from a syndicate, mafia. He frowned. He had thought that Trav was his own boss, but it seems he had been mistaken. Theos had agreed to do business with the goblin though, not some mobsters. His face turned grim for a second, but then it was cool. He too readjusted his bullet belt and quickly stretched his limbs before looking down at the goblin again.
''Well, let's go.'' he said, proceeding to walk in the appointed direction.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
Again with all these magics? Damn, this day just keep getting worse and worse..." I thought, as the three faerie stands before us.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
His head throbbed with pain. Shiny beads of sweat that glistened in the light dotted his forehead and his cheeks. Underneath the leather jerkin he wore, Johlkr could feel his clothes sticking to his body, glued by the sweat beneath.

He turned his head to Lena's bed. The two still seemed to be unconscious. He let out a dry cough, a small one that would've gone unnoticed, had it not been followed by a second, and louder one.

"And of I?" said the dwarf as politely and loudly as possible, trying to not sound like an ass or as perceived as soft. His question was directed to the nearest faerie maiden who was inspecting Aeryls' petite form.
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