[RP Thread] KABOOM

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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
The dwarf stared at the vast emptiness that lay dormant before him. Just like home!

He was enjoying this place thoroughly, the dwarf gaping at the sheer size of the place. No sterile floortiles or whitewashed walls. Only dirt and grime. And no humans!

The dwarf took a position on the edge, but not too close, of the massive lake. He peered deep into the obsidian waters but even his eyes could not pierce the shimmering surface of the lake. Leaning against a rocky pillar, he spent his time inspecting the pillar he was leaning against, moving his hands over it's surface while at the same time keeping one corner of his eyes at the dark waters.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Reix looked around curiously. Subways, he always hated those. Who could stand the dirty place and criminality here? Damn their hobbies should be pretty bad to live here. He looked back at his left arm, still not believing at what happened back then. Sighed once, then walked around only to sightseeing the place for awhile.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Her words didn't reach his ears as Theos stared at the great lake before him with a deep frown. It was filthy and disgusting, home of wenches and thieves. The lake was probably full of toxic materials and excrement. It was a somehow familiar place for him, even though he would never come to one of these places for himself. He couldn't quite place it but he had done something before in such a place.. Hmm.. He silently shook his head and sighed. It was sad that for success to arise, men needed to be pushed down the ladder of life. But perhaps it was that from hardships and danger greatness arose and the human qualities shone at it brightest. With that a grin appeared on his face and he chuckled. As Theos looked up, he saw that Lena had left him behind and sighed, letting the boy slide off his shoulders and pulling him along as he tried to make the distance smaller.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
As the group progressed through the circus of the half-dead, desolate and damned, they felt as if all their eyes were upon them. To make matters worse there was
a grim realization that some of the more peculiar onlookers had more than one pair.

People, creatures and beasts of every ilk watched them pass.
Faeries, Dwarves, Goblins, Orcs, Minotaurs, Lizardfolk, hell Theos could've sworn he even saw something that resembled a beholder.
He shuddered and tightened his grip on the young boy who - to his great surprise - had yet to say a word.

"Stay close, we don't want any trouble," murmured Lena as they entered the market.
"Don't. Touch. Anything." she hissed.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
I walked through the dark market, it might be hideous, but I don't really care, as since I am occupied by who the leader of this red faerie was. It's amusing how the leader can create such elegant yet strong faeries, although they are a bit grumpy. My memory pops out, and I rejected it as I didn't wanted to remember the bad memories I had lived in one of these place just to complete my bounty reward... I wondered, and noticed how everyone was deadly quiet ever since we went into the market. I tried to raise a voice but something stopped me. An eye were starring at me, and me only. I ignored it and walked with the others just to be on the safe side.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr simple followed the faerie without a sound. She knew these part better than we did! Her words of warning were taken deep into account by the dwarf, especially after beholding the sight of the market, he was glad she gave a forewarning. The sight of the endless rows of stalls and markets lined lazily, while a plethora of onlookers vigilantly stood by, looking a the odd newcomers. He was glad that he had the faerie around. He guessed if it weren't for her, they wouldn't be able to take even their first steps into the compound.

The dwarf tried to avoid their gaze, and pressed on, nearing the elf. Bloody hell.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
As Vayne walks through the crowd with red-evil eyes, he noticed the team walks closely to each other, trying to avoid contact with the residents or the market.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl followed silently, observing in awe as she saw creatures that her eyes had never gazed upon. This place is a hole, they're all degrading themselves by being here, she thought, her eyes filled with judgment. She passed a rather colourful stall, manned by a shorter-than-normal dwarf. She then noticed that he had only one leg and relied on some shoddily-made crutches to keep him up.

Again, pity... again, judgment.

Her hands glided over the stalls wares. Quirky and vibrant trinkets of glass, wood and stone lined in rows. Whether they possessed mystical properties was a mystery, but in an almost strange way, they looked beautiful. So beauty could truly exist wherever it was. She picked one up, noting that the party were walking off, and examined it. It was a pointy piece, with spears of bright wood jutting out of the sides, shielding a dust-covered red gemstone. The gemstone raised questions in her head as she examined it, her hands making trails in the thick matte of dust. She came to the conclusion it was real, and remained mesmerised by its beauty.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"Drop it, princess, before I drop you!"
The speaker stood up from his post leaning against the pillar behind his stall. A ragged brown cloth hid the lower part of his face, but his green skin, single sunken eye and hooked nose gave him away.
"Stand down Trave" Lena cut in, laying a hand on Aeryl's shoulder.
"She's with me".
The goblin raised an eyebrow in gentle humour.
"I suppose all of these are as well?" he chuckled waving at the assembled group.
Lena paused, clenching an armoured fist.
"Stay out of our way Trave, you know what happened last time you poked your nose in red business".
The goblin growled.
"Is that a threat Faerie?" he spat, leaning forwards menacingly.
"It's a promise," Lena snapped.
She grabbed the jewel from Aeryl's outstretched palm and threw it across the market, out into the hub's exterior waters.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
"I liked that," Aeryl interjected, watching as the trinket disappeared into the black waters around the Subway. "Who's the funny green man?" She asked, never having seen a goblin before.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trave's shoulders dropped and he sighed.
"I sure hope you were planning on paying for that," he muttered.
"Actually, tell you what! Hand me your little group of trainwreck survivors here and I'll forget all about this little incident. Yes I know who they are," he smiled.
"Not a chance vermin, come on let's go people!".
"Isn't it only fair to let them decide?" Trave laughed.
Lena, far from pleased, shrugged and gestured for the group to make a decision.
"If you want to follow this rat into some hovel and do his illegal biddings, be my guest! The rest of you, luxuries await so let's go!"
Trave grinned.
"I know who is responsible for blowing up that train car, I know how to get y'all into the upper city - and - I can provide you all with a large measure of coin, arms and equipment. It's a no brainer if you ask me..."
Lena snorted.
"Red Wings, to me, we're leaving"
She stormed off across the market.

Player Allegiance Choice:

- Follow Trave [Unknown Faction]

- Stick with Lena [Red Wings]
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
"It was fun little green man," she said, petting his grimy head as she followed her sister faerie. She soon began to feel claustrophobic. "Ugh, how do you people live down here?" She grimaced, trying not to breath in some of the fumes wafting through the Subway.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
"Ah, so you want me to follow you, goblin? You promised coins and much much more stuff right? But like the hell I care! Even though I don't treat other races differently, if you ever dare do anything that I don't like, I.WILL.KILL.YOU." I said, angered by his so called 'bargain'. I wondered whether why bastards never learn. I followed Lena to wherever she's taking us, and readied for whatever she is gonna give us, or anything that will attack me out of blue.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"You'll live to regret this, there's more to those Faeries than meets the eye. Don't say I didn't warn you!" Trave yelled after the first of the group, pointing a long, thin finger in accusation.


Lena smiled back at Aeryl - at least - she thought she did, for it was rather hard to tell through the woman's tinted visor.
"It's hard," she admitted.
"But we pull through, Abbith Tower is a haven amongst hell and the Ministry care all too little about what goes on down here, so... We can get away with pretty much anything. The pollution is a problem, but it's not strictly speaking ours, most of the waste is from the upper city. There's sadly very little we can do about that," she finished with a shrug.
"Abbith Tower isn't far now, we'll just wait have to wait and see if any of our new friends fall into Trave's pockets."
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The goblin stepped back admiringly.
"A smart man, good, very good. I like that"
He untied his balaclava to reveal a thin smile and sharpened teeth.
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr ...? - I'm Trav, or well Travesto Lorenzo, or if you're a dumbass like that one - he nodded after the Faerie - you can call me Trave. It makes no odds".
He continued to smile but took on a more serious tone.
"You're right, of course. I'll want a little something in return for my help, as we she, no doubt. I'm a little political trouble and I hear your destined for high places, this party of yours, I have people whose ear I'd appreciate wagging. It shouldn't be too difficult, I'd do it myself, only scum like us don't get invited, see?" he explained.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr stood around for awhile. He had been examining some trinkets at the store across the greenskin's owned by a hag draped in dusty brown cloths, but his examining had to be cut short.

For awhile, he didn't know what to choose, or who. He stood there, watching his "friends" slowly widening the gap between him and them, while the faerie stood there. He honestly didn't like the voice of the goblin, but on the other hand, who is there to like in this kind of place? A moment of confusion took over, and finally Johlkr bolted forward, running to catch up with the rest of his gang.

"Hold it ya fools! Have ya all forgot about me?!" In reality, Johlkr was pretty grateful for the faerie.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl longed for this so-called haven. But she also longed for home, the place she was expelled from. She mused, almost as if she was speaking to herself.

"I miss the woods. The endless emerald sea, the soft flow of nearby streams. I miss the song most of all. The ever-changing melody of day and night. The chirping of birds in the morning, the sprawl of animals hunting in the noon... even the soft 'hooting' of owls in the night... much better than this and the sprawl of a human metropolis."
"Name is Night Wind. No Sir or Mister, as I am neither, Signore Lorenzo." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, but still did not unfold his arms. "While I might join some celebrations, I am not a celebrity. I prefer not to be noticed."
His mouth curled into a vicious smile. "As such, my recommendations will not benefit you."
Level 7
May 3, 2011
As I looked at the gang following up with the faerie, I could hear what the faerie, Aeryl said. I too missed my hometown, but I was banished just because I'm a so called "failure"... So I'm pretty much like the faerie, expelled from their home, with no where else to go... I looked at the faerie, her expression pretty much gave her out. I looked at Howling Storm, I thought " Lightspeed Cutter eh?... Guess this title is too much for me to handle..." After that, I can hear the dwarf chasing after our group, reaching out his hand, signaling for us to wait. I stopped, and waited for the dwarf to catch his breath. "I'll wait, oh and I never forgot you." I gave him a smile.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
He gave a nod to the red faerie. He was grateful indeed. "Aye. I'd best put my life in someone's hands who saved us, rather than a distrustful ole' green geezer!" The last phrase was uttered with a hint of distaste, as if something bitter was being spat out.

The white haired human stopped for him. Again he gave him another nod, a show of thanks.

Turning back to the red-clad faerie, he asked a question. "This Abbith Tower you mentioned, could ya at least tell us about it for a tad bit before we arrive? You can't expect us ta' have our papers, now can ya?"
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos had been silent all this time and just carried the boy along with him. He did not ever stop, nor was he slow. He just gazed at the streets before him and observed the passing people and the market stalls with both distrust and curiosity, though his eyes shot daggers at anyone who approached them even slightly menacingly, which was enough to scare most people off. He had been told he had a creepy glare, but his length also helped. This way, nobody approached him and he approached nobody, as he had no interest in the goods of the merchants. All was well, say, in balance. But then he stopped as they approached the goblin merchant and he listened to his words. He knew who did it? He knew how to get them into the upper city? It were promising words and to be honest, he couldn't resist the chance that the goblin was speaking the truth and would help him. Also, his intuition told him to stay with the goblin. He examined the child that he held and frowned.
''Go with the faerie and stay close to her.'' he simply said as he pushed the kid on, turning to the goblin as the group left. It was strange, but in the short time he had built some kind of connection with the kid who had probably lost all he ever had and he felt sad when he saw the kid run as fast as he could. Perhaps that's why he stayed. Revenge for all those who died. They died in an unfortunate way which they hadn't deserved and while the goblin was probably a scumbag, he doubted he would lie to him or withhold the information for him for long. He was left there with the other faerie and listened to the goblin's words. He would do his bidding for now and find the ones who did it. He had no choice, both in conscience as in will.
Make your heart stone hard, someone had once said, but he had never succeeded in that. No, he could not forget the corpses and the wreckage. They haunted him and brought strangely other memories of corpses back, memories that were complete strangers to him. He would stay and listen. Perhaps it was the wrong choice, but he just felt that this was the right choice for him.
Even though the goblin was probably a criminal of the highest sort, something told Theos that he would get the information he wanted faster from him.
''Wagging?'' he asked a bit confused, not sure what it meant. He had never heard of the word anyway.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trav waved Theos' observation away.
"Wagging, talking, chatting, boasting, call it what you will good sir. The outcome will not change, are you too, offering me your services? I promise you, you will not regret it," he explained with an astonishing amount of empathy before turning his attention to Nightwind.

"You needn't worry about your standing, the mere idea of someone hearing, something, anything. That is all I desire. A chance. A start. Just plant the seed, I'll see to it that it is fed, watered and grown into fruition!"

The Goblin paused for a moment, thinking.
"I guess, as a gesture of good faith. I can give you one piece of information in advance. I have strong reason to believe the attack was carried out by a Mercenary group who operate under the name "The Rusted Blade". Sound familiar?"


Lena's immaculate step faltered for a second, a mere moment.
She turned to Aeryl, and spoke deeply.
"You're not alone Aeryl, there are others like you, like us. Who've done wrong in the eyes of our elders and suffered exile as a seemingly unfit punishment. If you want to, you'll see our forests again. You just have to believe and when I say believe, please believe that you are on the right tracks, the Red Wings can and will help you, in any way we can, for many of us share the same goal"
She paused for a moment - letting her words sink in - before turning to the dwarf's question.

"Ah, Abbith Tower..." Lena intoned.
"Where to begin? A history lesson perhaps?" she smiled.
"The tower was founded not long after the three way war by a man named Larris Vinton, a human biologist and 'hobby historian' who'd spent his life researching the Fey - particularly the Faerie - in both scientific and historical fields. A feat rivalled by few of the short-lived. The tower was originally situated within one of the higher levels of the upper city and was very much a private research facility, and later a firm. During the three-way-war when our people were under constant oppression from the three forces, all vying for control of our woodlands to fuel their relentless conquest, Larris approached one of our most esteemed - or dishonoured - elders, depending on which side of the fence you sit. He told her that he could provide us with both the tools and the training we would require to defend our homes, in exchange for our service. This caused somewhat of a void in our holds, those of us who chose to follow Vinton were unceremoniously exiled. We lost access to the very thing we broke our laws to protect. A little ironic really," she sighed, seemingly finished.

"Come, Abbith Tower is close. We'd be wise not to keep old Mr. Vinton waiting," she smiled coldly.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
"Ah, Abbith tower, it is quite nice...' I mumbled. Looking at the firm tall tower, it reminded me of the clock tower back at my town, but the vision just keeps getting blurrier by the second. "So, miss Lena, mind telling us how will we be treated as soon as we get there?" I gave her my most sincere smile. Even if anything comes at me, I'll just protect myself, but just to be sure.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl smiled. "I remember hearing such a story. It is something told often to the children of the forests. They call you the Expelled... interesting."
Level 7
May 3, 2011
Heh... Faeries used to be very stubborn, and they don't really respect humans that much, which also includes me. I had endured with my faerie boss long enough to get used to these kind of faeries. " Miss Lena, I assure you, I'm not like the other humans, I treat all other race equally, so there is no need to worry that I'm like the other humans. I asked you that question to know whether I get to sleep or not, since I'm very tired." I stretched my arms on above my head and yawned. I had been travelling for hours without any rest, so I'm awfully tired right now...
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl scoffed at Vayne's comment, her eyes fixated on him. "When power is concerned, you humans are all the same. Greedy, envious, murderous. Don't underestimate yourself just because you think that you're special." She said, moving alongside Lena. In a way, she was beginning to trust the Red Wing. Who knows, she may even have a place with her people after all.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
What in the nine hells...

"Ya barmy pink-skin! Ye all the same, so yer best shut ya smartmouth remarks, lest ye get us all killed!" The human's chatter was infuriating. He was like a magnet for loathing, such a hatable human! Arrogant in the sight of his savior! All of them were the same. Right now, Johlkr simply wanted to be rid of the dank slums which did not make him feel at home anymore.

He turned to Lena. "My apologies maam. You must'a know that we fey can't stand being mocked by these arrogant smart prats, whether they say otherwise or not! But we should be heading now to this tower you speak of."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Rusted Blade..'' he repeated. It sounded familiar, incredibly familiar actually, but he couldn't quite put his tongue on it, where he had heard that name. A terrorist group? What were their aims? Well, he was dying to find out but figured that the goblin wouldn't give him any more answers for now. He just sighed and then spoke.
''It's a familiar name, I think. Anyway, yes, I'm offering you my services. Whatever you need to be done..'' he said, ending the sentence mid-way and leaving the rest for the goblin to guess. He was a smart lad. Then a question shot through his mind.
''Actually, how do you know all this?'' he asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes.


Meanwhile, the boy approached the group running and joined its ranks, walking next to the only human.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
So many offensive comments... I looked at the dwarf and the faerie, not really offended, but it seems that they don't really trust me enough... Oh well, I guess, trusts can't be made through talking, by actions is much much more effective... Then suddenly, a boy came rushing and stood next to the human in front of me. I wonder who he is... Actually, to be honest, I wouldn't fight for powers or anything at all, I just want to save my mother who did not abandoned me even when I was expelled... I swore to myself that I would save her even at the cost of my life.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trav laughed, a deep, cackle from the back of his throat.
"Let's not jump ahead of ourselves, my friend. I have someone I want you both to meet," he informed them, turning to beckon.
A figure rose from the floor, a short woman, slim and dark haired, with a flower perched atop her head. She smiled and joined them, nodding to each in greeting.
"This..," began Trav, scratching at his left ear.
"Is Flora Sky, she'll be accompanying you on any... Errands, I may ask you to undertake. Now, how about we see to some armaments eh?"
He spun on his heel and trotted off across the market, following the crude sign posts for 'Stilt Street'.


Lena brought the party to a halt outside the tower.
It was impressive, to say the least. It stood taller than the eye could see, piercing high into the unilluminated gloom of the caverns above and its' girth was more befitting more of a castle than a tower, wider than even the great behemoth trees upon which the denizens of the Faerie forests often made their homes.
"Before we go in, let me suggest you start acting like friends. If you're struggling against the arrogance of a single human down here, you won't last a minuite in the upper city. Not only is discrimination accepted, it's encouraged.
You'll need to play the part human, so by all means, feel free to insult us once you're up top - but within the tower - a little respect for your betters wouldn't go amiss," she smirked, making it unclear as to whether or not she said it in jest.

She turned to Aeryl, her brow furrowed in concern.
"All the Red Wings are exiles, you must understand this. We're just as unwelcome as you in our homelands, as are our children. We, however, by the god's grace, are lucky enough to still possess our wings. I don't want that to put you out, we're not like them. We can't give you back what you've lost, but no one will judge you. You will find only sympathy here"
The Faerie held the other's gaze for a moment before rising and nodding to their guards.
"Whatever happens inside. Stay close to me. All of you," Lena warned, taking a deep breath before traversing the threshold.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos silently observed the woman as the goblin walked away. She was quite pretty, that was true, but it didn't distract him of the reason why she was here. Did the goblin think they were stupid or did he just not care to hide his distrust of them? Using her to keep his eyes on him, pfft. He shook his head and sighed before he stretched his arms and followed the goblin at a slow pace, yet still walking faster than him, with the woman always in the corner of his eye, never escaping his sight. His face was a grim one and no sign of joy could be found on it. Maybe he was a bit paranoid and a bit too harsh. It was a natural thing to keep an eye on his newfound servitors.
Ah well, time to get some weapons.. he wondered how he would use them?
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The faerie looked on, watching the shadow of the tower grow larger. "So... this party. What do you know about it and the person who invited us?" She asked, producing the invitation. Somehow, amongst the wreckage of the train, she still kept it with her.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Aeryl's words were lost to imaginary winds as Lena's form shimmered out of existence.
Although this caused some astonishment, there was little time for analysis as the rest of the party quickly followed, fading away, one by one.


Trav led the trio through a busy district, filing them down alleys and streets full of the more serious retailers, buyers and in some cases looters.
He seemed in no hurry and took the liberty to pause at a store every so often, where he'd then peer through the window, raise an eyebrow, always the same eyebrow and shake his head before moving on.
Through drug stores, weapon stores, armouries, taverns and even something resemblant of a brothel he looked, to no avail.
After what seemed like an age he stopped outside a fairly non-descript building, a warehouse of sorts at first glance. He turned to his trail and grinned, revealing a set of short, sharp teeth.
"I've made the assumption," he began as he fiddled with the storehouse's crude digi-lock.
"That... You don't," he muttered through gritted, punching the panel in frustration.
"Mind. Getting. Your. Hands... Dirty!" he finished with a sigh of relief, nodding in satisfaction as a series of beeps accompanied the automatic opening of a beaten up side door.
"After you," he leered, smirking indulgently. Ushering them inside.

Your faces. The multiple impacts. The tower's floor.
It hurt. A lot.

The entire party groaned and rubbed at sore joints and bruised legs as they picked themselves up from the tower floor.
Lena stood a couple of feet away, having a heated debate with another Red Wing.
The room was dark and malign, paved in what appeared to a variant of traditional black marble. A smooth black finish, streaked with white and grey.
Torches hung from brackets along the seemingly endless halls in both directions. Of any doors or windows, there was no sign.
Lena broke off from her conversation quickly enough and approached red faced.
"It appears," she hissed, looking rather upset about something.
"That our esteemed Commander, took it upon herself to field-test one of the tower's older defence mechanisms today. ...Now quickly tell me, is anyone here scared of the dark?"
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He chuckled at the goblin's seemingly desperate attempt to get the lock open before staring inside and attempting to see what awaited him. Finally, he merely shrugged and stretched his arms before entering. He had no qualms about making his hands dirty.
You've done it before.
Something just told him that he had done this kind of thing many times before. Maybe not exactly the same, but still. Besides, it was all for the greater good. Who cared if some weapons got lost?
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