[RP Thread] KABOOM

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
“To this day, we have fought, we have bled and we have triumphed! Over ALL of them have we held our swords: Over numbers, over technology, over brawn and even brain! To this day, we have continued to show them mercy and to this day, we have received none in return! I would say that our time is nigh! We were bred to kill! To fight! No..? We were bred... To win! Yet Monsters we are not!
I have no wish to subject another species to that through which we, ourselves, have suffered!
I would not harm a child of their race, any more so than I would one of our own!
Without compassion? Without care? Without a sense of duty or justice? How is then, that we got this far? We give a damn my friends and it’s about high time they realised it!
Are you with me, to death, to glory... to hope of new days?"

- Jicup ‘Da Ug’ addressing his Squad just prior to the end of the Three-Way-War.


You find yourself aboard “Thor”, a prototype ‘bullet’ train built specifically for fast travel between Lyss and Krynn, the two largest settlements in the known world, both of which are governed by humanity’s infamous government, the Ministry.

Lyss is a sprawling subterranean metropolis, situated under the isle of Fallas.
You travel by rail, through the Kayten Peaks and out under the eastern sea, in tunnels said to be older than even time itself.
You travel not by desire but by necessity, summoned to audience by an old friend, via formal letter in a most peculiar script, one which only you seem able to comprehend.
As strange as the request seems, you find recent circumstances having somewhat forced your hand, the letter having arrived just prior to the anniversary of the end of Three-Way-War, something to which, you'd already made plans to attend...

If you're human, you'll find yourself in the first class carriage. You have the access to hot food, cold beverages, reclining seats, a personal terminal and the knowledge that you're better than everyone else.

For the rest of you, you'll find yourself situated in the adjacent carriage, without the reclining seats or hot meals but with surprisingly ample room. This is no standard class train.

Either way, you've just been informed that Thor is due to arrive in Lyss within the hour and that you should have your paperwork handy. Armaments should be re-collected from customs upon alighting at central station.

Upon your person you currently carry nothing but the invitation, civilian clothing and your clearance papers, without which you will not gain access to the city. Everything else is held within the cargo carriage towards the aft of the train.

As time passes, a human conductor approaches each of you in turn and requests that you present to her your papers and - should you wish to - ask her any final questions about the disembarking procedure to follow.

- Region Added: Krynn
- Region Updated: Lyss
- Faction Added: The Ministry
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos glared at her, disturbed and distracted from his little game. He dropped the pencil that he had balanced on his thumb for the last half hour and looked cold and irritated at her. Closing his eyes, he chuckled as old memories of similiar situation sprung up, but quickly repressed them as he remembered the humiliation he had undergone. He let the pencil glide into his pocket and kindled his gaze. He stretched his arms and took his time, yawning. Then he proceeded to fish the papers out of his black bag that laid next to him with a grand arm movement and presented them to her, eager to get this as quickly as possible over with, contrary to his earlier-displayed behavior. After he had given the papers, he proceeded to ogle her with in the corners of his eyes, pretending to be disinterested. She was fairly handsome, he thought to himself. Nice face. Suddenly, the sound of his own, rather low voice reached his ears and he looked up, realizing he had muttered his thoughts out loud. Now, of all times! He silently cursed himself and faced her, trying as hard as he could to prevent a flustered face.

''Oh, I'm sorry, I always speak out loud in the presence of beautiful women.'' he said politely, putting on his best smile. Damage control. He kept smiling at her until he would get a reaction. Couldn't afford to pull out now. It would be embarrassing. Didn't want that to happen. Theos began to sit more casually to appear confident.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The conductor gave him a wry smile as she relieved him of his papers.
"Very good, Mr... Theos?" she announced, leafing through his details.
"Everything appears to be in order, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask".
She did however, spare him a small wink as she continued on down the train, having handed back his documents.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl stood silently on the train, a graceful angel of tanned skin with a river of mercury hair flowing to her waist bound by a band of pure silver. Her eyes gazed coldly into the distance as if she was in another world, undisturbed by the rapid movements of the train or the boisterous bellowing of two dwarven women behind her. Everything she needed was in a fashionable violet satchel, wrapped around her shoulder and dangling to her hip. Papers, letters, various notes of human currency and a letter inviting her to Lyss. No thought entered her mind, and her eyes seemed rather blank. She was peaceful. It was a quiet, elegant peace.

Her serenity was shattered by the sound of a woman. She turned to see the conductor looking over her petite form. She hurriedly reached for her papers and showed them to the woman, smiling. "You'll find everything is in order," she commented, her voice soft and low like a whisper on a summer wind.

That's right, look at me admiringly. 'Oooh, a faerie with no wings, she looks so beautiful blah blah.'
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The conductor glazed over the woman with a distinct level of scrutiny, evidently expecting some kind of trouble. "Aeryl?" she mused, struggling with the pronounciation.
"You should report to the central embassies, Miss, not those of the Faerie", she informed her with a sigh and quick flourish of her papers.
"And, there.." she noted, passing them back counter-signed.
"Enjoy your stay".
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Closing his eyes, Reix didn't realized that the conductor is waiting for the papers. Seconds later a sound of woman can be heard. He opened his eyes and looked around. He is in the first class, and there is a conductor beside him.
Upon noticing, he reach out his left hand and grabbed the documents inside his suitcase. "There." he handed to the conductor. He gazed her lazily, waiting for response. Even though there is nothing important to respond.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr was sitting quietly on one of the many high-backed padded chairs that filled the second-class coach. He was eyeing the two female dwarves behind the wingless faerie, strange frail thing, in a not very polite manner. The two were, to his delight, oblivious to his ogling. As he was doing so, the blasted conductor had to interrupt.

Darn things. He hated papers, but they were necessary, especially since non-humans were regarded second class by these weak arrogant creatures. It took a few awkward moments before he found the right ones and he handed them as if there were an unavenged mortal feud between him and the conductor and quickly resumed his gaping.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Johlkr was sitting quietly on one of the many high-backed padded chairs that filled the second-class coach. He was eyeing the two female dwarves behind the wingless faerie, strange frail thing, in a not very polite manner. The two were, to his delight, oblivious to his ogling. As he was doing so, the blasted conductor had to interrupt.

Darn things. He hated papers, but they were necessary, especially since non-humans were regarded second class by these weak arrogant creatures. It took a few awkward moments before he found the right ones and he handed them as if there were an unavenged mortal feud between him and the conductor and quickly resumed his gaping.

The woman gave a small sniff of distaste as she snatched at his papers.
"Johlkr.." she murmured, leafing through them.
"Just be sure to sign the decleration here.." she sighed, pointing out the blank space.
She cast a quick glance back at the dwarven females, made a short, sharp wretching sound and thrust his papers back into his lap, murmuring 'Enjoy your stay'
without her prior enthusiasm.

Closing his eyes, Reix didn't realized that the conductor is waiting for the papers. Seconds later a sound of woman can be heard. He opened his eyes and looked around. He is in the first class, and there is a conductor beside him.
Upon noticing, he reach out his left hand and grabbed the documents inside his suitcase. "There." he handed to the conductor. He gazed her lazily, waiting for response. Even though there is nothing important to respond.

"Welcome to Lyss, Mr Reix", the conductor smiled at the man, as she took his papers.
"Be sure to report to customs upon disembarkment, you look like a man who'll have need of his luggage," she laughed as she handed back his papers and proceeded to incline her head politely before moving on.

Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl struggled to return into that state of harmony she had been in prior to her interruption. The cackling of the two small wenches behind her tore at her ears like razors, and her usual calm demeanour became all but a distant memory. She turned her head, eyes the colour of smelting copper, and stared the two down accusingly. "Excuse me... but, perhaps these men you seek do not give you the time of day because of your insidious cackling." She gave a warm smile, as if she had given some quality advice. The two remained silent, and Aeryl went back into that faraway land in her head.
Night Wind sat in a corner of the coach, as far away from the other travellers, especially the faerie. He was leafing through the last booklet about special exhibitions of several art museums during the anniversary. It always pleased the customer when you knew where his object of desire was located. One short article caught his eye. "The Fey Lady" by Eshev was in the National Gallery, but not on public display (meaning you had to be both human and rich too see it). He made a mental note to ask the employer about larger pay beforehand. The National Gallery was better guarded than some Ministry buildings.
He tugged his mask into one of his many pockets as he saw the conductor entering, and continued reading. As he was asked for his papers, he produced some out of another pocket. They claimed he was Syron Aerul, Mechanic specialised in security systems. It was one of his oldest identities and one he used often when travelling to prevent questions about the equipment he carried in his bag.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"A Faerie Mechanic?" the conductor asked, raising an eyebrow as she glanced over 'Syron's' papers. It wasn't unknown but it was most certainly uncommon for a Faerie to take a shine to world of mechanics and technology.
"Everything seems to be in or-" she began, only to stop and rest a finger on the page.
"These are old documents, they don't carry the new auth chips which may prevent you getting through the security gates.."
She flicked through a few pages and signed an extra passage.
"If you just present that signature to a customs official they'll get you through and see you granted an upgrade recquisition"
"Enjoy your stay!"
Aldus Forwithin XII
At the Back of the Train

Aldus, the grungy, moth eaten and considerably fat dwarf with a mess of greasy hair was sitting much further back in the train. He had an ugly, brutalized face and a distinct odor that may just explain why there were no other passengers within the nearby seats. A fly was nested on his beard. The picture was complete; a homeless dwarf drifter. Not the most common sight, but for some reason it seemed almost natural for the mutilated creature.

His dusty eyes glowered over the train, his poor posture against the seat allowed his short, stubbly legs to rest against the seat in front of him. His eyes were closed, and it could be seen that on his eyelids, in dusty, aged black ink, the letters P and V were tattooed there.

The dwarf just looked tired, in his filthy clothing, his half dreaded, matted hair. He had various drink cans scattered on the seat next to h him. He may have been drunk, or simply drank too much soda. It was hard to tell now, crumpled as they were.

The fat entity did not seem to notice, or maybe was in fact sleeping as the Stewardess walked down the isle towards him, with the expectation of papers. Earlier in the day, Aldus had begun to ponder if he should act the vagrant and make as if he was a stowaway. Funny as it would have been, it was childish and stupid and he dismissed that idea before it even became a real consideration. The pondering did however make him think of his days as a young dwarf. He was friendly and open enough, but he never got the chance to do many stupid things like the others of his age.

He almost now wished he had time to get the stupid things out of the way back then. He wouldn't be caught up in all these shenanigans now. But like most of his ramblings, the Dwarf let them rise and fall with each breath, and with the next, his mind was at rest.

He had been napping on and off all day. The times when he was not napping he was wishing he was, his eyes tight. This was how he would have it every day, but of course to live in modern society is to work until you die. He rarely got the peace and quiet he could afford himself on this old train, and that had comforted him.

A smile formed under the greasy mop. With the next breath, it was gone.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos stared at the conductor as she turned around with a big smile on his face. He had expected this to immensely blow up in his face, but it hadn't! It hadn't! But.. wait. What if she had pity on him? Did she know about his attempt to cover it all up? Was he really that pathetic? He closed his eyes and sighed. Maybe. It was possible, he guessed. As Theos took started sipping from the bowl of soup that was in front of him, he reconsidered his initial evaluation. No, he had been wrong. The wink was genuine. And suddenly, the soup tasted a lot better. Content, he continued slurping from the soup and looking out of the window.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The conductor approached the rear of the carriage and wrinkled her nose in distaste.
"We do not allow the consumption of mind-altering substances aboard Thor, Sir" she reminded the likely-flearidden dwarf.

Before she could reach for his papers however, the cabin lights flickered, catching her attention.
She frowned as they continued to flicker. The cabin's occupants began to look up to, faces full of surprise, confusion and even a little concern.
The conductor forced a broad smile across her face and made her way back down the aisle, reassuring people as she went.
"Yes, yes. Everything is fine, I'll be having a quick word with the dri-"
The train lurched abruptly, throwing staff and unseated travellers alike, down the length of the train.
Cries of fear quickly turned into those of anguish and pain.
Thor pressed on, it's once silent engines now roaring with strain as it began to accelerate at a most dangerous rate through the cavernous outskirts of Lyss.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Once again, her world shattered. Her body was thrust against the edge of the train as she quickly composed herself. She detested human transport as much as she detested humans.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos had been enjoying his soup when the train stopped and he was suddenly launched forward. He flew through the air, not even realizing what was happening until he hit a wall with his forehead. He repressed the urge the roar in pain and instead mumbled curses;
''So bloody hard to control a bloody train! Dumb incompetent bumblers...'' while he rubbed his fingers over the place where he had hit the wall. It felt painful. Suddenly, he realized that he was laying on the ground and slowly tried to get up, unsteady. Everything seemed to be in a wrong angle for a moment as he clung to the wall. He looked aside and saw his bag, also against the wall. His papers had been scattered everywhere, and his pencil was gone! Gone!
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
The force threw Johlkr forward, off his onto the grimy floor of the second-class carriage. "Bloody things!" he shouted before he could abstain himself. The sound of screeching metal overcame any chatter, which quickly turned into cries, and drowned out much of what the dwarf could hear around him. Clinging onto the seat as he lay on the floor, the dwarf looked around the cabin to see the chaos that ensued.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
As the train continued to gather speed, people began to panic.
The cabin lights flickered a last time before dimming into a state of emergency, casting Thor's interior into an eerie darkness.
One of the dwarven women in the second carriage screamed.
"They're going to ram the train! They're going to kill us all!".
No announcement was made but conductors along the train began to stumble into action, restraining hysterical passengers and encouraging active seat restraints. The train's speed was phenomenal, cutting through the windy caverns like a needle through flesh. How long before it derails? Or worse... Reaches Lyss. Something was wrong, surely?
As the train began to accelerate, Night Wind immediately stuffed everything into his pockets and thought about an escape plan. The Windows were the obvious choice, but that would mean leaving his equipment behind. He looked around. The cargo carriage was likely at the back of the train, which now meant down (He did not distinguish between gravity and intert forces. Down was whichever direction his brain told him.)
He climbed out of his seat and began to run to the back door, which from his point of balance was tilted backwards. He hit the 'open' button and ran further down the slope that had been flat floor a moment before. The whole time, he was counting seconds. Not that he could really calculate the acceleration, but he guessed that the train now had at least doubled its speed. And it was going on further...
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos looked around and saw the screams of women and men. It was familiar. He had heard it before.. He quickly closed his eyes and repressed the thought as quickly as it had come up. This could end up badly and he needed to find a way to get out. He looked around and saw only one option out, the emergency exits. Oh, familiar. Again. He gazed at his bag -- he could leave it behind. His pencil, however ... His head turned around in high speed, his eyes frantically seeking for the one thing he desired. And ta-dah! It was near a window, not far. Very lucky for him. He shuffled over there and in the way shoved a couple of people aside to get it, including a conductor. Theos looked triumphantly as he picked it up and looked at the window. He didn't think he could break it with a kick, so he had to find an emergency exit. The issue was maintaining his balance in this train. Suddenly, he realized he had no money and he was going to need it, so he quickly made his way back to the bag, quickly grabbed it and made his way back. Searching it, he discovered that it was empty except for the papers. Empty? Where had he left his money?
The cargo bay.
Getting through the panicking mob would be a nightmare. He guessed he wouldn't be able to reach it before something terrible would happen and started calculating. The train was due to arrive in less than an hour. If he exited here with just his pencil, he could probably walk the distance. The officials would recompensate him for his losses. So, with nothing but his pencil, his black bag with the clearance papers and his invitation, he bashed his way through the panicking people to the emergency exit. Wherever it would be.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl noted the increasing speed. She clung to the edge of the train tightly, slowly weaving through the panicking mob and she made her way to an emergency exit.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
To their express dissapointment and leading disarray, those few who attempted to leave a carriage or the train, found themselves thwarted. Thor had entered some kind of lock down, the doors wouldn't budge. Not through any conventional methods.
The conductors pleaded with people to remain calm.
"Do not attempt to leave the train! Remain seated! Do. Not. Panic!"
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The young man shook his head and wrung his hands as he stumbled over an explanation.
"We're accelerating at dangerous speeds. and. . and the Driver isn't responding, the lockdown isn't responding to our bypass codes, we can't reach him!"
The man looked down in despair, and muttered.
"At this rate and speed..? We'll crash into central station within twenty minutes.. Assuming we don't derail first".
He looked up, eyes wide with fear.
"I didn't sign up for this!" he said, close to tears.
After sighing and rubbing his eyes he waved his hand at Reix.
"Sir, please. Just return to your seat. We've got this... We've got this..."
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl was tempted to strike the door in a fit of anger, but as she breathed in deeply, the sudden fury left her. She turned to one of the annoyingly reassuring humans in uniform. "So then, what do you propose we do? Wait to die like lambs to the slaughter? Aren't you humans good for anything other than death?"
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The man whom she addressed appeared outraged.
"How dare you!" he hissed.
"Of all the useless races-" he began.
"Yet your race's arrogance far outshines your ingenuity human, leave her be"
The speaker, another Faerie, rested his hand upon the man's shoulder.
He growled but made no further comment, shrugging the newcomer off and storming away down the cab.
The - seemingly young (though as a Faerie it's hard to tell) - man smiled wryly at Aeryl.
"Follow me" he said, turning away from her and heading towards the front of the train, keeping a calm expression. He crouched by the far door - the one to the first class carriage - and swept his long white blonde hair over one shoulder before placing his pale hands upon the locked door, no more than a pin's width apart.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The faerie followed with caution, watching with wide, inquisitive eyes. She felt reluctant to speak in the presence of another faerie, but nevertheless was happy to be around someone of her own ilk.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The man moved his hands around the door, slowly at first, but with increased speed and complexity as he progressed. His fingers teased the metal like a string instrument, tapping, scratching and rubbing it as required. Aeryl heard several clicks and wooshes of air as the bars moved and the compressed air was released. After what seemed an age, he smiled, opened his eyes and stood.
Without a backward glance he opened the door via the control pad and proceeded into the first class carriage, holding himself with pride and purpose.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos looked angry at the emergency exit. Of all days... He sighed and almost crushed the pencil in his fist. Almost. Fine, he thought. He started looking around for something to break the windows with. Fireaxes, hammers, anything. Public transportation always such a thing. His eyes frantically searched the carriage, again, and he ssaw a faerie entering. Through an opened door? How did the door open? He quickly tried to open the emergency exit again. Nothing. Was it just that one door that was opened? Did he do that?
He quickly walked up to the faerie man and blocked his way, towering over him.
''Say, did you by any chance open that door by yourself?'' he said calmly, hiding his anger and frustration.
Night Wind stopped in front of the locked door. He tried the button once again, then began to think. Usually, trains had a rather weak security. It was surprising it even had a centralised lockdown. He inspected the button and the doorframe, looking for a clue about the nature of the system. With the help of a little electric application, he sought the wires in the door, and then cursed. The circuit was directly above the servos, so a simple short-circuit was out of the question.
Unconsciously, he drew a screwdriver out of one pocket and began to flip it around in one hand. Normally, such a system would be not much of a problem, but he wanted to avoid suspicious activity like dismantling the button or climbing up the door.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"I did at that, just a little arcane application..." the Faerie mused, looking the human over.
He then proceeded to straighten his black, leather jacket and sweep past the man, heading towards the far carriage door, beyond which lay the driver's cabin.
"Come if you must" he called behind him, though whether it was to the man or Aeryl, it was unclear.

(AAS, you would actually have more chance of cracking it with Electrical Magic, human tech is very advanced, hard to crack/bypass conventionally, especially for a Faerie), but either or is fine, just make it clear what you'd like to attempt :D - I'm not saying you can't do it with tools either.. Just that it's less likely.. Usually... muhaha.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Minutes had already gone by before Johlkr got up from his grimy hole and looked around for an exit. The first sight that greeted him were frantic faces of customers and hysterical conductors trying to seat their passengers in the event of the disaster. The violent shaking of the train that sounded like it was about to derail any minute now made his stomach turn. Clearing his head, the dwarf valiantly trudged through the sea of panic-stricken passengers.

The dwarf could not find any emergency exit whatsoever. These humans prided themselves with beauty over application. After an eternity of shoving and wrenching his way past the fearful crowd, the dwarf finally made it to the front of the cabin. Finally, at last! A door! Perhaps this was the exit that he had been searching for. No one else attempted to go near it and everyone else seemed to be oblivious to the entrance. A miracle indeed.

However, one thing prevented the dwarf from entering past it's threshold. A control pad with complex numerical symbols strewn over it's face made the dwarf feel all the more dizzy. But nevertheless, this became a fight for survival. It did not matter anymore if he was reprimanded for opening a locked door. Without thinking twice, the dwarf smashed all the keys at once, hoping for yet another miracle.

OOC: I'm talking about the door that the mysterious man opened.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Johlkr's crude attempt to open the door was successful.
He stumbled through the door, straight into the back of a Faerie - a wingless female - who stood behind the mysterious male.
In front of the two stood a burly man, blocking their path.
The Male Fey looked over his shoulder and inclined his head toward Johlkr.

Behind the burly man, the rest of the cabin's occupants - who Johklr noted were all human - started to murmur between themselves.
The male Faerie tensed and gestured for the opposing man to move out of his way.
"Terrorists! The Faeries are trying to take over the train!" an old woman callled from amidst the onlooking crowd. An angry outburst quickly followed, some of the humans even made threatening advances toward the Fey.
"Bullshit!" spat the Faerie, moving forwards.
"I'm trying to get to the driver's cabin and save your ungrateful hides!"
His words only stoked their anger, now they had a target for all their pent up fear and they weren't going to let it off that easily.
"He's going to help his colleauges crash the train, stop him! Stop them all!"
The Feyman grimaced and swallowed as the entire cabin began an angry advance.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos made a fist, intending to use it against the people behind him, and stared at it, amazed, dazzled and with widened eyes. He had done this kind of thing before, but he couldn't quite remember it. Then he realized that he had almost crushed his pencil again. Twice in one day. Rage suddenly came up and dominated all his other emotions as a maelstrom pulling all things towards it. First his pencil and now these bumblings idiot. He couldn't be bothered to deal with fools. Not today.
Suddenly, he turned around very fast and punched the closest, advancing man right in his face. No precision. Only rage. All-consuming rage, uncontrollable and obscuring his vision with a red layer. His previous calmth had been sealed away in the tiniest corner of his brain. He noticed he had punched the man's cheek. It wouldn't kill the man.. right? He wasn't sure. All he was sure of, was that he was angry. He felt obscured pain, lessened, as if his rage was a filter.
Theos proceeded to turn to the crowd. He couldn't see himself but he guessed he looked dangerous. It was fitting.
Too loud? Too angry? Did it need to be tempered?
''Who's going to save you? Are you all so blind that you cannot seize the slightest hope? So foolish? It's a choice between imminent destruction and life. And right now, this train is heading towards the former and nobody else will save you! So step aside and seize this rare, life-saving chance, or I can promise you that you will bloody die.'' he screamed in rage, his eyes colder than death. Die? Far too extreme. He was a wild dog, that needed to be put down. Someone told him that before.
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As the scream of rage echoed down from the human carriage, Night Wind deciced that strange behaviour was not going to give him away. He climbed on the back of an adjacent seat and began to scan the circuit in the wall with his Electricity Magic. He began to murmur under his breath: "Wide Gaps, components neatly ordered. Maybe Rosenkov. No, too simple. Homemade. Crossed conductors. Transistors. Two Capacitors. Amplifier. Could be..." He applied an electric field at the interesting component. The door slid open. "Yep. Flip-Flop." He stepped through the open door.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
When the humans suddenly erupted, glaring at her and the other faerie with contempt and an expression which screamed 'YOU WILL DIE', she maintained her graceful composure. The humans were easily distracted and weak, despite their supposed 'dominance' over the other races. As a faerie, many loomed above her and at times this was intimidating. However, she had a quiet confidence about her that dared anyone to challenge her. If the humans advanced, she would not hesitate to eliminate each and every one of them.

She smiled quaintly, noting the lights all around the cabin. "My, my it is so beautifully lit up here," she commented with a menacing tone.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Theos' outburst gave more than a few of the advancing party pause for thought.
Many stopped, confused. Why was a human defending them? Surely they were to blame?

During this brief spell of hesitation the door-cracking Faerie turned to all those assembled by the second class door.
"We must get to the front of this train! Countless lives depend on it! However.."
He turned back toward the mob.
"Bloodshed will hardly help racial relations and stability, keep it to a minimum. If you can"

The entrance of a third and final Faerie didn't help matters, the mob ringleaders roared in anger and began to move forward, though many more did not.

The Thor staff stared on hopelessly, unsure whose side (or what action) to take.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Apparently no one had noticed the dwarf carelessly fall into the whole scene. Quickly, the large humans consumed him and he was hidden among their various thighs and knees. Their attention directed as what he though were faeries. In the first-class cabin? Even more so, a dwarf in this cabin? Nevermind. Nobody noticed the small dwarf as what he thought a riot was slowly manifesting among the crowd of taller wealthy humans. Taking this opportunity, the dwarf tries to nudge himself in between the mob without attracting too much attention to the door in front of the cabin. He heard one of the victims of this self-imposed lynching mention that access to the drivers cabin was crucial to survival. Well, time to leave matters to a dwarf.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OOC: Woops! Sorry I'm posting from my phone during the week, that means reading up and then replying from memory.. Ignore the additional Faerie remark.

Nightwind repeated this pattern, opening door after door and movig aisle after aisle, ignoring the confused, angry and downright bewildered faces that gazed after hin.
In due course he came to the cargo carriage, the door was a little more secure than the rest but it proved no real challenge, within minutes he was inside and surveying the scene.

The carriage was windowless, both walls host to long shelves full of little cubby holes, marked by what he presumed was a carriage and seat number ID. The lights, as with the rest of the train's, were dimmed, but that didn't stop his keen Faerie eyes picking out the movement in the gloom, a small figure? Figures? It was hard to say, but one thing was for sure; he was not alone.

- - -

Back inside the first class carriage things were getting ever so slightly out of hand.
Theos found himself beset by two conductors, attempting to pin him to the floor.
The mysterious Faerie and Aeryl became targets of both verbal and physical abuse, the latter in the form of uneaten food, wrappers and even "borrowed" suitcases.
The man ducked one under one such briefcase and came up to headbutt his first opponent, knocking the man unconcious.
Another two pounced on him, joined by a third and fourth in quick succession, all in rough, mercenary
attire and seemingly in posession of no restraint.
The Faerie held his own for naught but a few seconds before a painful gasp and several crunches and cracks accompanied his collapse.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos was dead silent as he pushed the two conductors away from him. His face showed rage, incredible rage, but his eyes were cold. Incredibly cold, even. But his attention was not on them, it was on the four men pounding the faerie. He looked one more time at the men before him, but they were blurred, red figures. He could not distinguish their noses or mouths. Then, he jumped away and escaped their grasps, turning to the men that were beating the Faerie and punched one of them with all his strength right on his jaw line, underneath his ear. Pain flashed through his mind, a great deal of it, from his fist. He bit on his upper lip and raised his fist again, punching the second guy with almost equal strength, this time he hit the cheek. He felt alive and angry, but that didn't change the fact he was getting quite tired and pain almost overtook him. It almost drove away his anger. He couldn't use that now.
''Do you not want to live? Seize this chance, for your sake!'' he shouted as he was getting ready to kick the third man in the stomach.
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Things were so overreacted now in the first class carriage. Two Faeries came trying to open the door and some guys began to reveal their loudmouth. Fortunately before he can shut their mouth another guy stands and began to punch them in the face. Another man began to attack him but the guy easily punched him in rage. The carriage was filled by crack, whack and wham sounds. He couldn't help but sit back. Another guy came to attack, running forward. Reix was getting tired of this madness, he reached his left leg so when that man passes his seat, he tripped and fell.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Norm, Melvin and Iggy had stowed themselves in cargo section of the train the entire time. They themselves where stowaways as they had only enough money between them to pay for a cargo fair, said cargo being a medium sized mini train car, one designed to run on the normal, none high speed rails found in the city, which carried all of the brother belongings and unlike them, was securely fastened to train cars floor.

The brothers where not as fortunate as their train car and where bouncing around the car like pin balls in a pin ball machine; find no relief as their small goblin frames bounced around the interior of the car.

"Make it stop! Make it stop! For the love of Gob make it stop!!!" The brothers chanted as they continued to ricochet around the car until a counter jolt from the out of control train threw all three brothers down on the floor from mid air. Norm hitting first then being landed on by Melvin. As both tired to get back on their feet Iggy, seemingly seconds behind, landed on them both knocking them to the floor in a dog pile.

"Ouch! Would you watch it! You landed on arm!" Spoke Norm. "No that's my arm!" Said Iggy, "Yeah and this is my fist!" Yelled Melvin, whacking Iggy on the head with his fist. "Oof!"

In the commotion the trio didn't even notice the lanky faerie figure that made his way towards them, until Iggy, seemingly having freed himself from the dog pile popped up, spotting the figure exclaimed; "Hey! Who's dat guy?" Pointing at him at the same time.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The sudden chaos annoyed Aeryl. In fact, it disturbed her. These people were brutes. The ensuing bloodbath caused her to act. She felt along the sides of the train, bright lights illuminated powered by electricity. She tapped into them, feeling the light as if it was a physical object. The heat touched her fingertips, fulfilling her. The pure hot feeling intensified as she teased the energy around her.

It kept getting hotter.

And as it got hotter, the lights became brighter.

And brighter.

And hotter.

Until finally, the glass casings around the lights of the first-class cabin shattered into hundreds of tiny shards, spilling onto the crowd and the lavish floor. The noise was ruptured by the sound of breaking glass. Showers of burning light came upon the crowds and the cabin became dark.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Time seemed to slow as the lights blew, each one showering the carriage with a torrent of sparks and a new ring of darkness.
The Fey - particuarly the Dwarves - adjusted to the gloom with little trouble, the masses of humans however, weren't quite so lucky.
"Witchcraft! Magical scum!" they cried in half-hearted rage as their advance faltered.
The mysterious Faerie dragged himself to his feet, a bloody mess.
His clothes were ripped and torn, his face caked in blood and sporting what looked like a broken nose.
"Come!" he rasped as he headed back for the second classs carriages.
"I'm going to disconnect the car, these lot can go to hell!" he spat.


Night Wind found his gear, his clothes, tools and other standardized items, he found no weapons or armourof any ilk, in fact, he spotted not one armanent in the entire carriage. The trio of shadowy figures toward the aft, however, he did notice.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos staggered back as he deflected a strike and then looked at the faerie, with a deep frown. He knew the faerie was right. It was impossible to find a way through this crowd and yet.. disconnect? There was no guarantee that the carriage would slow down enough before it reached the station. He stepped back and quickly followed suit, cursing these fools. He looked around a last time before he reached the door. Alas. He started humming a simple melody as he saw the crowd in their panic and rage.
''Alas.'' he mumbled as he turned around and was about to step in the carriage. But then he saw in the corners of his eyesight a desperate face close to him, as desperate as the others, but this one looked directly at him and the gaze seemingly saw right through him.
You can save one.. just one. Too many people will ensure a bloodbath, but just one... Do it.
''Wait.'' he said to the faerie as he sprinted back into the carriage, moving through the crowd by pushing people away. When he finally reached his destination he saw that nobody was there. He made his way through the crowd again, relentlessly searching and searching. Theos cursed as he realized that this wasn't going to work and he had chased a phantom.. Disappointed and angry he made his way through the crowd and near the entrance suddenly grabbed one person and dragged him along, without even looking. The resistance was fierce but he was stronger and as he reached the entrance of the second class carriage, he pushed the human inside and nodded to the faerie.
''The faerie is going to disconnect this carriage from the first class carriage.'' he said, explaining his actions to the other human without looking. And then he started humming again as he looked at the first class carriage.
''That's life, that's what all those people say...'' he mumbled, humming.
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