[RP Thread] KABOOM

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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009

Not a very nice start for a first impression, but who's the dwarf to be complaining? Another day for vulgarities then.

Johlkr merely looked at Lena. "Defense mechanisms?" he inquired sounding ignorantly lost. He twisted his head in every direction before standing up once again. Straightening his dreadlocks, he could feel a slight bump on his temple which he sulkily nursed.

"Where the hell are we madam?"
Level 7
May 3, 2011

Those would be very my words when I stumbled upon the tower." Don't tell me that there is more of these traps?" I asked, hoping to just get a good night sleep, and not care about anything at all. But it doesn't seems that way. Though I have became used to these things from my cruel training by my master, it still hurts me pretty much.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OOC: Sorry and thank you ever so much for your patience guys!

"We're nowhere and everywhere," Lena muttered, wringing her hands.
"Despite our use of Technology, the Red Wings are by no means strangers to the ways of the Arcane. Of magic".
"We're currently within the tower, but the spell causes our perception of it to change. You could believe you're walking down a corridor, while in reality you're walking straight out a window. At least, if we had any windows that would be the case..." she trailed off, biting her lip, evidently unsure how to proceed.
"There is a way for Fey to counter this affect, if I show you, will you help guide the others through the tower? You too Aeryl."


The blow sent Theos reeling.
He'd barely crossed the threshold before the pole struck him square across the back, sending him sprawling into a nest of empty sacks, ropes and boxes.
A wealth of short, sharp hooded figures darted out of cover, cackling with glee and brandishing an array of clubs and knives.

Trav swore as the iron door was slammed shut behind him.
"This isn't quite what I had in mind," he grumbled as he ripped off his jacket, revealing a body belt stuffed full of daggers, knives and short swords. He threw a blade to each of his recruits before grabbing two of his own and turned to face the oncoming horde.
"Show these dirty little bastards no mercy!" he cried, hurling himself at the first two, whipping a gnarled fist into the side of first's face before planting a dagger deep into the eye of the second.

9 Attackers Remain
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Aeryl thought for a bit. She then smiled, open to new tricks. "Sure," she replied, observing everything around her.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos grumbled as he laid in the pile. He got up quickly and looked around him for a few seconds, confused and dazed, before he grabbed the knife in the air, his senses heightened by the dangerous situation, but then he stared dumbfounded at it. He had such a knife before.. but when? He really had no time to think as he suddenly found himself beset by a few short attackers. The earlier pain flashed up again and he howled as an anguished wolf before he kicked at one of them with all his strength and sunk his knife deeply in the breast of one of his attackers. A familiar red layer covered his sight and he found his actions to be faster and stronger, but not completely under his control. His body was an independant entity on its own, attacking those who harassed him with the strength of a man far greater than him. He was a beast that needed to be chained.. where had he heard that before? Was it true?
The thought disturbed him.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Lena leant into Aeryl and whispered in her ear.
The words were nonsensical, yet informative, barely recalling what she even said Aeryl now found that she understood how the perception was deceived, she couldn't explain how or why, but she did and better yet, she knew how to counter it.
Theos' rage put the Goblins on edge, one even broke, screaming incoherently as he ran for the nearest exit.
Three more veered down an adjacent stair well and leapt at him, knives raised.

Trav howled in anguish as one of his own oppressors scored a lengthy cut down his right forearm.
"HAVE AT YEE!" he cried, delving into a fit of frenzy, cutting his assailant into ribbons in retaliation.

6 Attackers Remain
Level 7
May 3, 2011
We were all still waiting for them to undo the spell, well, I was. The floor was hurting my soul, as if fatigue was not enough, now THIS?
"You could have asked, and that door would be open without fuss." Night Wind adjusted his mask, then drew a pair of combat knifes out of one of his many pockets. Combat was not one of his stregths, but he knew how to handle knifes without cutting himself. He ducked under a clumsily aimed cudgel, jabbed one of the knives into the chest of the attacker, then turned around (ripping the knife out again with the momentum) and used the other knife to block another attack from overhead. Metal hit bone as the blade sheared through the arm of the attacker, whose weapon had been shorter than Night Wind had suspected. While the Goblin looked in terror at his severed arm, the Faerie gave him a quick kick in the groin, then pulled the knife out and used the handle of the other one to give his opponent, who was now bend over in pain, a hit in the base of the skull.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
He was a dwarf, but no fool, despite what other races may find how synonymous the two descriptions were. The strain Lena placed on her tone was particularly caught by Johlkr, since she was speaking of him. He gave a slightly confused look at first, then complied to her order. Using his stubby legs, Johlkr went directly behind Lena, as if in fear of her suddenly disappearing. Illusion or not, the dwarf didn't want to run into anything nasty he couldn't see.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The remaining five attackers broke and ran as Night Wind finished off his helpless opponent.
Trav grinned, despite sporting several nasty looking cuts across each forearm, Theos and Nightwind however remained largely unharmed.
"They'll be back, with some big bastard or another," he muttered as he limped past the recovering duo and began inspecting the warehouse shelves.
"Come, quickly," he called sharply, beckoning them over.


OOC: Dwarves are fey so you'll be able to see through the perceptive mask Aricsal.
IC: The eyes of the party's Fey adjusted, focussing on the unseen.
Slowly but surely a corridor, not entirey unlike the one they now stood within, appeared in their mind's eye, overlapping but not quite replacing the spell of false perception.
The additional layer revealed doors and windows, although the latter appeared blacked out.

At Lena's behest the party began to wander down the parallel corridors, keeping to the areas where the two floors overlapped. "Do not let anyone step into the shadows," warned the Faerie mistress as they progressed deeper into the tower.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Giving a curt nod as a sign of heeding, Johlkr returned back to the back of the party, to ensure nobody would lose their footing. Obviously he didn't know what happened admist the darkness that Lena asked them not to tread on, but it would be interesting to know, especially since the stuck-up humans were the only ones that were oblivious to the possibly deadly mechanism. A few moments he contemplated letting one of the arrogant pink-skins wander into the shadows ignorantly, only a few did he really dismiss as foolish. But despite all this, Johlkr kept to his word.

"Ya humans are really now at our mercy ya know." he tried to remind the group deviously. "Best ya fools keep yer mouths shut as we lead ya through this place."
Level 7
May 3, 2011
I walked, ignoring the words the dwarf said, he was right actually. This kinda place uses magic, and I'm not a magician, so I'll follow whatever they say, in order to stay alive. But in all, I don't really care what they say about me, as long as I can stay alive and well, like my mother would have wanted, I will respect others, even if it means talking politely to douche bags.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Johlkr noticed the two humans agitation. "What? Yer softies never been at tha mercy of fey folk?" He let out a full-bellied laugh. It was good to be laughing again, despite the odds. "Yer tall people ain't got any of yer gizmos and gadgets here!" It was almost like heaven here. Never in his life did he think that humans would be at his mercy. Finally, he change in roles.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
His pleasure was short lived. As the dwarf crossed a hidden threshold, the previously docile shadows began to change. They began to ripple and expand, creeping forward, like a black sea at high tide, crawling their way across the party's path.

Lena turned back, her face aghast.
She slowly raised a gauntleted hand and watched in horror as it was torn apart by the approaching maelstrom, yet seemingly reformed upon its withdrawal.
"What is this evil?" she murmured, haunted.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Oh son of the four kingdoms.

Johlkr turned around. Ironic. Just as he had what he wanted, he had to ruin the bloody thing. Damnit. The enigma twisted and turned , morphing like a tortured thing. It was growing bigger, each passing moment they didn't do anything.

He stumbled, and for a moment he felt fear. It had been a long time since fear entered his heart. Picking himself up, Johlkr bolted towards the rest of the group, despite it being only a short way. He tried to close the gap between he and them, in particular Lena.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
What the hell... Where did these come from!? God, this trip was horribly bad, so bad that I wish I was back in my hometown. "Run, everyone, Run!" I yelled, and started to turn back, while looking at my terrified members. They were all staring at it so hard, that they could not have heard my words. Those things kept on coming, closer and closer, like zombies who've lost their half, and are still crawling their way towards us. I tried to pulled out my katana, but I forgot that I am unarmed. I look at monsters, panicking.
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''I'm not your damn dog..'' he grumbled as he checked himself for wounds and quickly looked around for any stragglers. Well, maybe he was, but dogs sometimes bite their masters. Theos then followed the little goblin, taking huge steps in comparison and easily catching up. What weapons had the little man in store?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trav laughed, "You sure fought like one".
He patted the big man's leg and wandered over to the shelves.
Upon them was an array of dusty weapons, everything from knives to chainblades, crossbows to guns and some things the group couldn't even begin to guess at. He listed a few and gave a quick account of each of them.

Weapon Selection
SM57- "The Wildcat"

"Goblin made, like all the best guns. Has a pretty nasty recoil, and proves a little small for most humans to use, but not impossible. Jus' hold it like a pistol. If you take armour piercing rounds, y'all riddle anyone in light armour or cover"

LRR7- "Long Range Rifle"

"A human devised weapon. It's the chosen ranged weapon of their scouts and assassins. It requires a set up and a good eye, but it packs one hell of a punch. It's heavy though, so fuck off if you think I'm helping you carry it"

"The Hurricane"

"A dwarven weapon - sure they're not big on technology - but at least they ain't completely backwards like you damn Faeries. This here is a spray shotgun, sharp, irregularly sized metal shards will rend near enough any flesh that close enough. But that is exactly its problem, you need to be damn near kissing the motherfuckers for it to cause any damage."

"Fey Blade"

"See those glistening swords, daggers, axes etcetera? Fey blades. Extremely rare, extremely powerful. If you're fey. Just hunks of metal to us non-freaks though."

"Chain Blade"

"I love these things, the original design, I'll admit, begrudgingly, was actually Orcish. Of course it used a horrible fuel source, was too big for anyone to use and jammed every half minute. With a sprinkle of Goblin Engineering the Chain blade is the pinnacle of modern melee combat. Only short swords for this one I'm afraid. Downside? They'll require refuelling sooner or later."


"While outdated, as long as the enemy isn't wearing any armour. A composite model may prove useful. Make sure it has a working scope"


"We've gotta get moving, but here an array of sidearms, you've got the goblin shocker, the Orcish Magnum and the human agent favourite: The RK-180, successor to their RK-90. A tazer, hand cannon and standard issue, yet highly accurate firearm."

The goblin proceeded to grab himself a chain blade, a Wildcat and - surprisingly - an Orcish Magnum.

DM NOTE: I don't limit how much you can carry but I'll DM in accordance, so take a sensible amount. Less = lighter/faster/less fatigued.


Lena turned to the Dwarf, eyes glazed.
"Let it take you, don't fight it. It's all perception right? An illusion"
The Faerie turned to grab Aeryl's hand, who in turn was directed to grab Vayne's, the boy's and so on. She nodded slowly, drew in a deep breath, closed her eyes and led them through the approaching darkness.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Damn this place ta the seven hells.

Perception. Perhaps it was the illusion of an illusion. Perhaps he'd be walking to a different death instead of the enshrouding darkness. Perhaps what awaiting in the shadows was a mere trap.

Johlkr cast a sideways glance at the red faerie. Could he really trust him? He really hadn't any choice. He had brought this upon himself, upon all of them. He's the one the reap the judgement. Oh well, seven hells be it then.

Closing his eyes, he took a very reluctant step forward. And another, and another until he could tell, even without opening his eyes that if he did, he would meet the same image just as it were closed.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
The darkness was overwhelming my body, like an endless tide of dark sea waves. Our hands holding each other tightly, almost like bonds that stayed the same, and nothing could ever break it. As we walk through the darkness, the motion we were walking were slow, like darkness is trying to push us back, but nevertheless, we kept our foot still and walked through it.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos inspected the firearms carefully, weighing them in his hand and aiming at small things, to see how well he could hit them. He felt familiar with this, but how? Questions raced through his mind, but he quickly repressed them and continued inspecting. Fine weapons, except that the crossbow seemed ridicilously redundant. He grabbed a Fey Knife and held it against his fingers. It was sharp. He quickly put it away. After that he quickly grabbed the Orcish Magnum. Light, easy to aim with, it was a good weapon. To be fairly honest, he had his prejudices and never would've though it was an Orcish design. A Fey knife, an Orcish Magnum.. now what? He wasn't sure wether to pick the Wildcat, shotgun or sniper rifle. The Wildcat seemed the same as the Magnum, the sniper rifle was heavy and the shotgun, eh, was a bit clunky.
''Say, what's exactly the difference between a Wildcat and RK-180?'' he asked, not sure what to pick next and why the goblin had chosen both.
Night Wind glanced over the weapon selection, but without much interest. He was not a fighter and generally preferred to solve a problem without uneccessary violence. The Fey blades caught his eyes, but there was nothing better than what he already had (which actually had been custom-made. Had cost him a lot of favors).
He picked up one of the crossbows. He sometimes had thought about using one, but never found a model that suited him. Most of them were to clumsy and needed to long to reload. He examined another one. It was small, but seemed to have good power for its size, and even featured a mechanism to draw it again. Night Wind shrugged and put it in his bag. When he had the time, he could try to make it work with tranquilizer darts.
He cleaned his knives on the clothes of one of the fallen, waiting for the others to finish.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OOC: My apologies, I went out on Saturday night and as a result was ill in bed for the entirety of Sunday - That's why I didn't post :p

Trav chortled at Theos' ignorance.
The goblin reached out to the shelf and grabbed one of each gun in either hand.
He held up the Wildcat and nodded, "A sub-machine gun, fully automatic, high recoil".
He then held up the RK-180.
"A pistol, human design, pretty bog standard, but I can give them some credit. They'll almost never jam, are very light and have a respectable amount of recoil, it's reliable. I'll give them that much."
He loaded each weapon and shot a few rounds off from both, winking with his one good eye, before replacing them on their racks.

"Let me know when you're ready to go, no doubt they were part of the same group responsible for your train 'accident'. If we hurry we can be out of here before they bring back reinforcements, or worse, an Orc," he shuddered.


The darkness took them all.
It was hard to breathe, no impossible.
For hours they hung there, waiting to draw breath.
Held in a half-dead limbo, alive and aware, but barely.
Then one by one, each member of the party was offered a hand and an unmistakable one at that.
Before each of them hung a dark, black mess of a husk. A bruised, burnt out length of decaying flesh that ended in a remarkably unscathed hand... There hand.
And amidst the encroaching darkness, did they really have choice but to take it?
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
A burning hot sensation filled his throat. He should've gotten used to the feeling of his lungs exploding or his eyes seared with an unknown fire. But he didn't. Each moment magnified the previous tenfold. He didn't care what happened to him, the dwarf simple wanted to escape his prison.

He grabbed the hand, and hoped for the best.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
This was more than what I had experienced at my intense training of swimming. I've beaten the record of able to hold for ten minutes underwater, without going to surface for air. But this is too much. One minute here is like an hour underwater, but even though it seems like I cant breath, I can still feel myself alive. The hand that was holding me, was unbearable. It feels like, I can take you away from here... Just hold my hands... Which is a bad thing, since Lena was supposed to be the one to lead us out of this crazy situation. Nevertheless, I ignored it, and held the hand I was holding tighter.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Maybe it was perception, but it's too much. He can't pull it anymore in this darkness. But when a hand is offered to him out of nowhere, it tempts him to take it. Would it get him out of there? Many question and hesitation spins in his head. But nevertheless without thinking he took the hand, hoping to get out from there and prepared the risks.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Trav smiled weakly as he returned the demonstrative weapons.
"I guess I owe you guys some answers," he grumbled, waving them over to a side door .
"But first things first. I've got another little favour to ask of you..."


As they reached for their hands, the party saw it change.
They clasped on tight and watched as the sickness spread to their own limbs, their real limbs. The Fey cried out, their bodies arching violently, launching into fits of violence as their minds attempted to expel the invasive magic.

The humans woke abruptly, sitting bolt-upright or jumping to their feet without pause.
Around them the tower's dark interior melted away, revealing a nested construct of stark white walls and sterile airlocks. Lena, Aeryl and Johlkr remained unconsciousness, their bodies convulsing, foam building at their mouths.

"It's a seed, a beautiful seed, it won't kill you, no! Not today, but some day, some day soon. When it is grown, when it blooms. I'll come for you, I'll come for you all."

The voice echoed around the room, resounding through the complex.
Footsteps and shouting followed, as did its laughter and swift departure.


OOC: You're thinking wtf, right? :p
Bear with me ... ^^
Level 7
May 3, 2011
OOC : Actually its better than I hoped!

"Lena! Aeryl! Johlkr! You guys alright!?" I ran to them, and crouching next to them. I can hear a voice echoing the room, but I did not care. I tried to their heartbeats, and it was beating, though slowly. "Good, they still have hearbeat, its gonna be okay... I hope." I look at them, something was not right.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
OOC: Really, what the hell can I do? I'm spasming and I don't think I can think or speak right now.

IC: Gbbllffegghhbllerrrrr. More foam fell over the dwarf's beard, soaking his already rank tunic with the sour stench of saliva. Brrrbblllgghhrrrffhhhht Glbbblllggrrrrrbblllll.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Theos narrowed his eyes and gazed at the impulsive faerie, his glare very cold and rather disdainful, before he merely sighed and put his hand on the crossbow, trying to push it down, so that it would face the ground. Because aiming a damn weapon at the guy who gave you it was such a smart thing to do. It was just rude and undoubtly not a good way to reach goals. The girl was probably some henchmen of the goblin, so she would point her gun immediatly at the faerie, leaving it all up to him to sort that goddamn mess out. That would be fun, right? Yeah, sure. He kept the girl at all times in the corner of his eyes, before he started speaking in a low voice, soft yet intimidating. Well, it was, coupled with his stature.
''Don't be a damn dumbass.'' he grumbled. The faerie had a point though, this was a bit more than he signed up for. Though, perhaps not wholly unexpected.
''He has a point. This little favour is going to cost you.'' Since when did favours have a cost? Suddenly, Theos chuckled. Unneeded?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"I appreciate the help lads, I really do, but I think you'll find I'll be the one calling the shots. Now lower the weapon..." the Goblin growled.
"Before my associates here," he nodded towards the rafters.
" - Riddle you with shredding rounds"


Johlkr woke, his upper-body snapping upright.
He was drenched in sweat and pain, his limbs were on fire and a bright light tore at his fragile conscience.

The two Faeries however, lay still, no longer struggling.
The echoing footsteps grew louder before they coalesced into figures rounding one of the narrow hall's far corners.
Three of the crimson clad Faeries approached the group, two ran straight for Lena and Aeryl, while the third adopted an aggressive stance and demanded of the humans to know what the hell was going on.
Level 7
May 3, 2011
"Relax, faerie, and shouldn't be we should the ones to be asking you guys? You've just put us through hell, and still ask us about it?" I said. Looking at the two fallen faeries, I started to question myself. What happened here? Why aren't they waking up... Why are we only the ones unharmed? Who did this!? Questions kept bursting into my mind, I remember something sinister holding our hand, but then, in an instant, it vanished, and we were outta that hell hole. But the next thing we realize is the three Feys were lying unconscious on the ground.
"Well, that settles it then. Our agreement is void, Mr. Lorenzo. Have a nice day. I doub we will see each other again."
Night Wind lowered the weapon, but held it ready. Without turning his back to the goblin, we walked to the door and out of it. When he was out of sight, he turned around to face where he was walking and took the bolt out of the crossbow before placing it back in his bag.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
"What the bloody gods is going on!"

The dwarf looked at his shirt, drenched, with what vaguely looked like sweat or foam, as if he had stood neath a waterfall. His body felt like it were doused with flame, the pain intensifying each living moment he sat upright. He let out a low groan and took one quick look at the red clad faeries before falling back down onto his bed.

Johlkr looked at the human who had spoken.

"He's a bloody nutwit. Ignore that human." Johlkr told the hostile faerie, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible despite the pain. "We stepped into those blasted shadows of yours." He could speak no more and simply waited.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''I will. Don't waste my time, though.'' he commented as he watched the faerie walk out with a frown. What was the faerie going to do now, he asked himself. He wouldn't know what to do. He merely wanted answers and this seemed like the fastest way to get them.
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