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Psychological Events: Wanna share your problems?

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This thread is being opened so that you, Hive members describe any problematic situation you (accidentally) fell into. We all have matters that make us suffer, we all have thoughts we imprison within our mental/emotional core.

You might wonder what kind of authority should I have on this issue; well, i study Psychology and I have come to a certain point, where I can at least realize what's wrong with the person's attitude or feelings.

A word of request: Please, do not use this thread to spam your thoughts or anything else that might drive this thread in a random-topic state. I apologise, you, the rest members might have good ideas on how to solve an issue, but if you give the wrong piece of advice, then the person might take a wrong turn as a result. I would likely answer the problems and answer myself.

Beware, you really need to be open-minded to accept facts and advice. Of course, it is in your hand to follow it or not, but know that I won't present you my thoughts, I will present you my solutions.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Well, I think I've fallen for a squid.

It was at a Chinese restaurant. I was looking at one of the tanks, waiting for my meal. She was about 2 feet long, and, I don't know..It was something about her that just caught my eye. I asked my parents about it, and they told me it was wrong, and I was disgusting.

I don't know what to do anymore...

Can you help me?
Well, I think I've fallen for a squid.

It was at a Chinese restaurant. I was looking at one of the tanks, waiting for my meal. She was about 2 feet long, and, I don't know..It was something about her that just caught my eye. I asked my parents about it, and they told me it was wrong, and I was disgusting.

I don't know what to do anymore...

Can you help me?

I really can't understand why you are so ironic. What did you actually expect? Someone to rep that post of yours with the comment of "hahahaha"? I had all the good mood to help you out, no matter how judgemental you seem to be, but hell, if i am about to watch this thread becoming another off-topic crap, close it as soon as possible, please! I just thought it could be something innovative and serious piece of work handling within this forum, of people who tend to enter different stages of their lives, such as adolescence.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I really can't understand why you are so ironic. What did you actually expect? Someone to rep that post of yours with the comment of "hahahaha"?
A. It already happened.
B. More importantly, what did you expect? Someone to tell a deep and intimate detail of their personal lives to some guy over the internet and expect to get deep and sentimental responses? If someone had problems they wanted to share with other members of this site, believe me, they will. They don't need a weird man with an underscore in his name to make a thread and tell them about it.
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
MySpaceBarBroke is actually right about something, its unlikely for someone to share intimate details on the internet with a stranger. But that said, there are still a few minor incidents which I find that my family and friends can't give me a frank answer to. So the views of people with psychology background on the internet would probably weigh better because they are unprejudiced doesn't have a conflict of interest with your own life.

A truly perplexing scenario. I work part time in a Chinese restaurant (ironic) of a 5 star hotel. Waitresses : Waiter ratio is about 4:1, so as a guy I get saddled up with heavier work than other girls (no complains here). Compared with most personnel I'm still considered a junior, so some senior girls are starting to 'boss' me around whenever the supervisor's and captain's heads were turned away.

Now, what began as a few not-my-type girls teasing me "(my_name), you're so handsome...", "(my_name), I want to be your wife, marry me." has quickly accelerated over the weeks into more serious 'bossing', like ordering me around for no apparent reason, when I bark an order they mimic my voice over the next few days (annoying). This is threatening to spill over and affect the other girls, and even the supervisor and manager (all women) sometimes get caught up in it.

Whenever I begin to start talking about this my mates would all guffaw and rib me. Even my sister takes side with the girls. I'm NOT even good looking, plus I'm skinny and my hair is a mess.

Its been two months now and every time I work I'm resigned to the fact that at 10.pm, 20-yr-old serious & hardworking waitresses would transform into giggly girls and start annoying the hell out of me. I'm perplexed. What do you think one should do to make the biatches treat you more seriously?

So long, off to work for me again.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
MySpaceBarBroke is actually right about something, its unlikely for someone to share intimate details on the internet with a stranger. But that said, there are still a few minor incidents which I find that my family and friends can't give me a frank answer to. So the views of people with psychology background on the internet would probably weigh better because they are unprejudiced doesn't have a conflict of interest with your own life.

A truly perplexing scenario. I work part time in a Chinese restaurant (ironic) of a 5 star hotel. Waitresses : Waiter ratio is about 4:1, so as a guy I get saddled up with heavier work than other girls (no complains here). Compared with most personnel I'm still considered a junior, so some senior girls are starting to 'boss' me around whenever the supervisor's and captain's heads were turned away.

Now, what began as a few not-my-type girls teasing me "(my_name), you're so handsome...", "(my_name), I want to be your wife, marry me." has quickly accelerated over the weeks into more serious 'bossing', like ordering me around for no apparent reason, when I bark an order they mimic my voice over the next few days (annoying). This is threatening to spill over and affect the other girls, and even the supervisor and manager (all women) sometimes get caught up in it.

Whenever I begin to start talking about this my mates would all guffaw and rib me. Even my sister takes side with the girls. I'm NOT even good looking, plus I'm skinny and my hair is a mess.

Its been two months now and every time I work I'm resigned to the fact that at 10.pm, 20-yr-old serious & hardworking waitresses would transform into giggly girls and start annoying the hell out of me. I'm perplexed. What do you think one should do to make the biatches treat you more seriously?

So long, off to work for me again.

Walk into work one day, and try to make yourself look depressed. Frown and ignore their jokes, waving them off when they swarm around you. If the girls sympathize with you, they'll most likely leave you alone for a few days without bugging you. That's more than enough time to make a better impression on them, while they aren't teasing you.

Second possible scenario (If they're really jerks,) they'll just ignore you, after noticing you don't really react to their annoyances. Either way, both options are better than what you're in currently.
Hello @Wraithling. I am glad someone actually took some time to write his problem down.

The first thing you might wanna consider is their motivation to do such thing. Apparently the fact that they possess a greater power in the restaurant, increases their self-esteem. You should deeply realize though that this action is actually the opposite: They know that as a female could be easily underestimated and this action helps them adapt themselves in that environment, which requires being under pressure, hard work and speed. This is the main motivation: their fear to be underestimated leads them to the action of underestimating others, especially their worst enemy: males (apparently those are the only ones who could undervalue them).

The second thing that you might want to notice is when the action is taking place. The action should start its effect when something goes wrong. If, for example the boss starts plain intimidating words towards them, their attention is absolutely normal to be directed towards you, so that they feel relieved by insulting you, instead of accepting the fact that they might not be that hard-working. You see they are such bitches, that they won't even want their self-esteem hurt.

The third thing you need to do is not letting their attitude affect you. No one can offend you that way, because simply you are the only one to control yourself. You actually don't seem to have the adaption thing developed or the level of controlling your environment. There are many reasons why in this age you don't have this(-ese) developed, with the childhood being the main source of reasons.

Once you have realized what might be wrong from every aspect (from them till you), the next step is an actual "take action".
I have seen yourself being described by you as skinny, messed hair. This actually means that you are broken against their words. Instead of searching answers over yourself, learn what "cubbish" means. They are cubbish, you know it, so, your questions should be directed towards them, not you.

Action 1) Smile, as if you accept their words. Be kind and sweet. Girls love sweet boys, you know that. If they see you smiling and being kind, they will lose their interest of insulting you. They'll admit you are a good boy to express bad manners.

Action 2) Be informative. Tangle yourself in their conversations, when you have some info to teach. While you are informing them, be kind as well. They will stop addressing bad mannering over you, but would like your opinion instead.

Action 3) Bring your girlfriend -if you have any, else, pick up a girl you know and introduce her to them as your girlfriend-. They will start expressing respect over you. They could also ask you over their emotional issues, since a male's opinion is fully respected by the girls, when they have troubles.

Action 4) Be polite, but assertive at the same time. The fact that you will be smiley, won't render you a stooge, but a person with full consciousness of themselves and powerful esteem. That is what they are about to admire. When they see you being doubtful over your ego, they will realize it and make fun of you (apparently, they already did).

Action 5) After obtaining some of respect, do not hesitate to express how you felt, when they were making fun of you. You know they'll say how sorry they feel. You'll be one of them, without any descriminations.

Leave no step or action behind, as they will all highlight your new self.
Good luck!
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
@Pharaoh_: This is.. deep. Woah, I never expected such a long reply from the internet, and many of your points really struck a chord.

Your first two paragraphs alone really summed up my little dilemma I think. And by the time I read the 2nd paragraph I was like "Woah, spot on!" Because just the other day a customer had a few choice words to say to a senior captain, and just as I was walking by she snapped at me and said something which implied that I was at fault for the customer's dirty dish. Really, my only fault was to walk past that table, the dirty dish was as much every personnel's fault as it was mine or hers, and I was inwardly laughing at her need to deflect all blame from herself in front of customers.

Liked your advise on possible actions. Smiling alot and being polite is the standard service procedure, I practice that even among fellow personnel :) And while being informative and making small talk is easy with my fellow juniors, I'll look into the possibility of 'opening up' more towards the more coy seniors, thanks. (Don't like the idea of 'opening up' to them tho) Anyway I'm in a long-distance relationship, and bringing another girl into the picture might be cool, I guess.. but this little problem is merely on a 'perplexing' level now. When it gets to 'desperate' then I'll start thinking about involving other people into it. Thanks again here.

And finally, the respect part, don't we all like it :) I think at the very least they respected my work-rate, its when they start biatching at me that I wish I'm just like one of the other normal guys who seldom gets bothered. Which guy likes to be bitched around, for good or for bad? :)

Thanks for spending the time to write your thoughts on this :)
I shouldn't reply on this (it's a tactic to make myself clear over the person who might need help), but I would like to comment over the "senior opening-up". Remember: Your aim is to adapt yourself in their environment, not seniors'. In the end, you will look like an unctuous person, which is something you should avoid. You wouldn't want new comments for this shameless behaviour, would you?
Also, a proved theory is to go with the many, not the few. They are the many, don't get obsessed by the fact that you will go with the "power" (meaning the seniors); you do not have problem with the seniors, your problem is them, so playing it so neutral won't be as effective as you might think. What is more, I didn't suggest making same mistakes [in the kitchen], as they do. I suggested a hang-out.
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
Pharaoh_, please know that i appreciate what you are trying to do here; as for some "significant others", there is no need to make fun of a person who is trying to help you. Sure, i dont believe even psychologists have the answers to human lifes troubles as most are assumptions or theories based on scientific facts that are not supposed to govern a humans emotional state virtually; instead, i believe wisdom and experience is the most important factor in dealing with these problems. This person is just trying to help you, take it or leave it. Of course psychologists still do have alot of solutions for many problems ^^ I know this thread may sound funny, but still, laughter is supposed to induce happiness, not pain.
Pharaoh_, you are a nice guy, this thread isn't pointless at all, I wish I had something to share, but I'm okay. =P

These funny ones can be a good object of study to how do this kind of people react to your help offering. Edit your first post to encourage guys that don't wanna discuss intimate aspects of their lives openly to PM you and get some kind of help.
Actually, I am going to put my shit here as well, as I don't exactly have anyone to talk about this to. I do have a few good friends, but they're just too close, and I don't think I want to share this with them at the moment. But well, here goes.

I met a gorgeous girl a few weeks ago. Apparently, she doesn't live here, but in Croatia. That wouldn't have been much of a problem if Serbia and Croatia didn't engage in war so many times. It's mostly on national and regional basis.

So, we've gone out a few times (she was here for about five days, visiting a friend), and we really like each other. I've never met a girl like her, ever in my life, cause she's got all I would ever need, and not only out of a girl, but also my future wife. She's intelligent, musical (writes, composes, sings, plays 4 instruments), attractive, and beautiful. It did take me some time to get used to her, as she's also a weirdo (well, I am one as well, guess that's why I like her so much).

But then, she had to leave. We've promised each other not to forget what we've had for those few days. And we didn't, we're still texting as much as we can, and we'd really like to meet again, but there are some problems.

Namely, my parents are orthodox, her parents are catholic, and we're both atheists so we don't give shit about religion. My parents are like "OMG YOU'RE DATING A CROAT?! TRAITOROUS SWINE!" and hers aren't much better either. They'd let her come here for a few days if they met ME in person, because they don't think "anyone is perfect enough for her daughter to travel 500 miles for" and shit like that. So, I'd need to get a passport and travel there, not to mention my parents told me I'm totally crazy for even thinking it.

She's at the seaside at the moment, and we text each others each day, how about we miss each other and so on.

I really have no clue what to do, as I think >I< am going mad cause of this. Not to mention I rejected two girls I could've been with just for her, and that means she IS special to me. And I really hate it.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
My parents are like "OMG YOU'RE DATING A CROAT?! TRAITOROUS SWINE!" and hers aren't much better either.

Oh, come on. Your parents?! I thought that bull shit was reserved for hormonal adolescents. Damn it, no wonder we're so poorly developed. Even adults act like idiots(I mean, they do everywhere, but something so trivial as this?). That's pure fascism right there.

I won't try to act all smart and helpful and write 10 paragraphs, but I trust my advice to be more useful then anyone's here, as I've been in the exact same situation once. Mind you, it wasn't parents that were the fascists, but my friends as well as her's.
Anyway, talking did the trick, simple as that. My friends respect me, but I'm sure your parents respect you more, which is why they will respect your wishes. Just start a serious conversation with them, explain why the girl actually isn't a traitorous swine and tell them that this is more important then some lame ass country feud which is insanely stupid. If the parents are the real problem, this will work. Sounds simple, but that's what it is - simple.

Actually, anyone that's been with a girl that's not "appropriate" for them can understand what this is. For example, if you've been with a girl of a different race you might find some racists friends getting in your way, if you've been with a girl 4 or more years younger than you you still might find some rebellion. That's the price of being human, well, one of the prices. Retards are everywhere.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
I thought that if you care enough about one person, and is very special to you, then nobody else's opinion matters, so either talk to your parents, or make yourself be respected with some drastic measures. That is if you really care about her, and it feels right.
Well, the reason I didn't talk to my "friends" is pretty much what you said. I could only talk to a few really close ones, as they'd understand. But they're in Greece atm, and I can't really contact them at the moment. But otheres? They'd be even worse than my parents, cause their national ego overdrives everything, even my wish to be with someone I'd die for. They're all like "SERBIA SERBIA, WE ARE LIKE ORTHODOX AND WE PWN EVERYTHING, EVEN THOUGH WE DON'T KNOW A SHIT ABOUT RELIGION WE STAND BEFORE!". Yeah, morons.

Not only almost nobody would accept her, but I've also got a problem with my parents. And since I don't know her for long enough, they're all paranoid.
I thought that if you care enough about one person, and is very special to you, then nobody else's opinion matters, so either talk to your parents, or make yourself be respected with some drastic measures. That is if you really care about her, and it feels right.

It's not about that at all, I don't care at all what they THINK, but what they DO, and that is not allowing me to go visit her, and thus be with her, is a different thing.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
It's not about that at all, I don't care at all what they THINK, but what they DO, and that is not allowing me to go visit her, and thus be with her, is a different thing.

and thus, the "drastic measures", how old are you? because if you tried talking to them about it, and they don't care, you can go to america if they really don't listen.

ehh nvm i read the "not allowing" part, what i'd do is really communicate with them is your best option and make them understand their racist and patriotic views are affecting you.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
i know there mostly based on real shit but you never really here about the real story's its just a fabricated image Hollywood makes up because in real life its not really that awesome full of happiness and people doing anything for them that's all.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Happy_Tauren, i've had something similar to that. (But without the war-thing and less of a distance) I met a girl but she lived quite a few miles away and i wanted to get over there but her parents wouldn't let me and then she said me it wouldn't work out and i knew damn well it wouldn't work out from the start.

Unless you're able to move in together or something in a few years and you really know eachother well etc. then you have a chance... but on the other hand there is the family issue again (don't know how the rest of them think about it).

Btw, if what you say is true... that you don't know her very long (like beneath a month or something) than it may sound harsh but just forget about it :(
i know there mostly based on real shit but you never really here about the real story's its just a fabricated image Hollywood makes up because in real life its not really that awesome full of happiness and people doing anything for them that's all.

That's true though, as so far, I don't really see my happy ending anywhere, not in a long time though.

@Mulgrim: I wish I was two years older so I couldn't be given shit by my parents. Legally they can prohibit me my movements, since I am 16.

I do try to communicate with them, they are all like:
1. "You're too young"
2. "You don't know what you're talking about"
3. "You are not old enough to make such decisions yet"
4. "Out of whole town, you had to pick a girl that lives 500 miles away?"
5. "I am sure you could find a girl you like here as well"
6. "You know how Serbian-Croatian relationships work, don't you?"
7. "There could be a war between Serbia and Croatia again, whats it that you would do?"

While I have answers to all those questions.

1. So what, does it make me not know what I want?
2. Actually I do, I want to be with a girl I like, is it that hard to comprehend?
3. Age doesn't make me immature, does it?
4. Well, no shit, when I am surrounded by idiot girls here. No seriously, it's hard to find a person you like and can have a healthy relationship with. Especially since we got the same interests.
5. If I could, would I look out for girls that are from another country? Girls are morons here. Plus she's beautiful.
6. Define it, I am not an ordinary Serb and she's not an ordinary Croat. So we don't give a shit about country-related relationships.
7. "Yeah, we need to eat all bullcrap there is, there could be a war tomorrow!" Seriously, I don't need that bullshit.

Actually, we've engaged in a slight relationship a few hours apart from the moment we first met, we talked for hours and hours, and actually got to know each other really well. Then we've been texting for a week. I thought my parents wouldn't mind, but obviously I was wrong.

Also, we've been planning to live together in Belgrade (Serbia), where we'd go to the university together. At that point we'll be 18, and won't take shit from anybody.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I forgot what it is but isn't there a legal thing that you can do while under the age of 18 2 get away from your parent's.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Actually, we've engaged in a slight relationship a few hours apart from the moment we first met, we talked for hours and hours, and actually got to know each other really well. Then we've been texting for a week. I thought my parents wouldn't mind, but obviously I was wrong.

Also, we've been planning to live together in Belgrade (Serbia), where we'd go to the university together. At that point we'll be 18, and won't take shit from anybody.

Well okay, i guess if you're both very determined to go trough with things then it would probably work. Good luck with that.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
maybe you'll have to wait... hopefully something will happen soon and change the way they think, if you're really close (emotionally) to each other, 2 years isn't that long. I would say somethin I'd personally do, but it would sound like a bad influence, besides issues that are really this important and emotional aren't going to be solved in the internet.
Hello HappyTauren, didn't see your input at all. Sorry.

There are a few things we should discuss, since you are too sensitive with this matter.

First off, don't blame your parents. They sometimes exaggerate, in their trial of being protective. This is their job, this is their instict. Once somebody becomes a parent, they develop insticts, we, the younger ones, can't realize until we become.

Secondly, realize where you stand, your environment, your social contradictions, yourself. You are at the age of 16, you are in the middle adolescense. I know, how boring it can be, listening to the same phrase all the time: "You are very young", while you need someone, apart from yourself, to claim the exact opposite. Being mature isn't a factor of age, it is a factor of incoming experiences. Every experience you claim, will make you more mature. So, your wish of being 18 wouldn't be an excuse to make whatever you want. Your words express hatred against your parents. Remember, they are the ones who raised you with love and everything required, else, you wouldn't live.
Apparently, you are too young to be grateful, and if you admit the opposite, just check your words. I am almost 20 and I go back in time, back to the way I was thinking in the age of 16 and I swear I can't compare myself now to what I was.

It is obvious that you have entered an emotional phase every adolescent goes through. Not much can be done here, since this rebellion is based off hormones. Just try to realize that, because you express anger or attain effects of your own, doesn't mean that people are against you, but it's the fact that you are living in your own world, which you are about to compromise or get it engulfed within the adults' one, once you grow up a little bit.

You now consider yourself as a seperate being, one that wants and tries not to be dependant on others, especially your parents. Respected and comprehensible. Can you afford being alone though? You are even afraid of talking to your friends; instead of insulting them, try to figure out if the actions or the thoughts of yours are considered flippant.

You might think I am speaking in a very generic way, but I am trying not to focus on this issue alone, since your thoughts, feelings and actions belong in a much wider dimension.

Let's now focus on the issue of yours. I won't relieve your current pain, neither will support you, but I will try to show you how to react realistically.

1) Apparently, distance is a factor that can ruin a relationship. You are not in this state, but you would likely be. Avoid selfish thoughts of "Me, myself and I", because they will help no one, especially when you are trying to achieve something. Fortunately or not, your parents' speech is way more effective (and justly) in the family, so, if you become selfish, their first action is becoming selfish as well. Try to be logical-thinking/-acting. Your parents will admit they have a mature child. If your parent(s) have a problem, stand next to them and try to help them. State that you can be their assistance. If you want to be treated as a "grown up" person, start acting like them. Don't resist too much, when they are asking for favours; instead, start having small talks with them, start showing them how easy it is for you now, in this age, to become a member of their conversations. Like CMarket stated, communication is a saviour in most of occasions. In the current state, stop mentioning this girl. Let them just realize you keep having contact with her and state nothing more.

2) Patience is a virtue. I won't make your dreams come true, like I said, so, if you want to work this out, just wait. What can you expect from a wait? Either develop greater feelings towards this girl or let the memory of her fade. You can see that your parents' voice is everywhere. The first is your voice, the second "either" is theirs. That's ourself: a piece of us contains everything we deposited through religion, parental advice, beliefs and social affections. This is how we get ourselves complete. You can wait for vacations (not family ones, e.g. Christmas, cause I can predict the reaction of your parents: "NO!"), like summer holidays, in order to get in touch with this girl again. This is a test for you and her, on whether this relationship is going to endure or not.

3) Philosophize it/ Make a paperwork of yes' and no's. The best way to not be so emotionally attached towards a specific event is to consider every aspect of it. Get a piece of paper and make a small list of questions, ones that you would hardly answer yourself. Place three options "Yes"/"No"/"Explain". The questions must contain personal data that you avoid thinking of. If you see yourself inspired enough, I would higly recommend using the "Explain" answer as well, where you are supposed to write emotions down. This will help you express how you feel. The questionnaire should contain questions, concerning yourself, your parents, your friends, your emotions over this girl, everyone involved with this matter. (This technique can be used on every problem of yours) A question-type you could use is: "What will happen if the communication between me and her doesn't endure?"/ "What if she accepts the distance factor and move on with another guy?"/"What do I like on her?"/"Do I like her?". Sum up the results and make a view of yourself.

4) Similar to 3), use a list of statements with the options "How would I feel"/ "How my parents would feel". The statements are everything that are currently concerning you. Fill the answers with the "How would I feel" option and the "How would they feel" option, guessing what the reaction of your parents would be on each statement. Then, take the list and show it to them. Explain how you feel and what made you think they would react that way. A healthy conversation will start.

5) Ask a photo of this girl to have on your computer. Present it to your parents. They will start getting themselves familiar with her presence and make them more interested over this "what's-up-with-this-girl".

6) Give them a movie to watch, while you hang out with your friend. The movie's theme will be your life's current state: Love from distant places, with a factor of national feuds. Try a very touching one.

7) We started the steps with communication, I close the steps with communication, to highlight its importance. After getting effect over this, if your direction is to follow your heart, you would want to explain how national feuds have nothing to do with it. Explain that each person is a single personality and not bound to the beliefs or religional aspects. Let them know that, because this sounds strange to them or haven't dealt with such issue before, it doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve giving it a try. Have them by your side, not as your enemies. Respect their view, let them know your own without any quarrels. The statements' test of "My view" / "Their view" is a great way to depict the chaos between your beliefs. In the end, explain that the national feuds should not keep people chained and that this issue is a silly government's issue, not yours. Apparently, love can meet no boundaries. Don't be too love-blown, because they will undervalue your feelings and speech; remember, you must be logical acting and talking, that is the key to win.

Good luck.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Upsetting Skies

Got one too, but I will lead them to my deepest thoughts:

  • School life is just boring for me, the rest are periods of homework. I use the art and the blue skies to entertain me. Could there be a way to put aside my boredom?
  • I'm quite dreamy, and I often like to stare at the skies and draw than be with my friends. I do enjoy with my friends, but I tend to stay with the fact that I have trouble coping with other people.
  • I work much, much better alone than with friends or groups; I often become annoyed.
  • I usually listen to sad music of Final Fantasy or as such.
  • I often look into reasoning and find that things happen for a reason, not the fact that it just happened for none.
  • I often want to live in the fantasy world where the skies would be brighter than what is here; the gray skies tell me impurity while the blue with the sun tell me a reasoning of happiness. I often use it to define how happy the day is.

There are just a few, and I'll be quite serious here since I feel quite upset at this time. I often find myself that happiness is what is difficult to obtain, and therefore I feel very neutral at times and I lack a sense of humor as such. Sometimes I see a deeper thought with artwork and give a feeling of sadness or appeal.
pha0001, you remind me of myself.
I have doubts this is a real issue, but I respect each (serious-looking) input.

Clearly, the art is your own tool of presenting yourself. Even the most complex drawings got attention over the years, because they depict and represent the personality of the artist. You are an artist, you don't only draw, you curve your feelings over a piece of paper: That is a gift, which should not concern you.
A proof over this is the fact that there are certain psychological tests with default art pieces and, by the words of a person, a psychologist can realize how they feel.

Apparently, tracing your feelings and thoughts within a paper is your path to temporarily leave your current world; you enter a world only you can understand, a world where your dreams come true and you would definitely call it your own Utopia.

Obviously, though, you are alone in this world you made up. A real world, even imaginary, is consisted of more than just a person. Even the greatest stories with lone adventurers give an end to lonliness. This is who we are: Beings that can be complete through social interactions. Standing alone and mostly suppressing your needs, by feeding them to your fantasy will likely lead you towards a direction you will regret taking. Creativity is the other way of expressing yourself as a being, apart from sexual activity or work. Well, you should know that exceeding the average time limit you should spend over this, will replace both work and sexual activity. I'm sorry, you might not even be at the age of having sexual activity, but, if this keeps happening until you reach that age, I wouldn't stop worrying.

Since all of these might sound too theoritical to you, I would suggest taking action and I really do. You are creative, but, the fact that you are mentioning this is what you should start thinking: Maybe you overdo it, maybe getting yourself busy only with it will keep your friends distant? There is something wrong with your feelings and by wrong I mean
1) You do not express how you feel towards the persons of your everyday environment and 2) You have a deeper thought of something you did not mention, like this something is bothering you.

From what you've mentioned, I would say you are a person that gave up getting himself emotionally attached to any person, you seem to have your interest lost over persons. This is a reason why you keep hanging with the blues. Do you realize that the music and the arts in general are what you only keep hanging with? You mentioned nothing about your parents, the most important environment of yours.

My words won't heal you. You obviously search for yourself through this post of yours, if you indeed felt nothing was wrong, you would not mention it. The fact that you want to work alone should be a reason of two things: a) This is who you are, b) Your parental interactions are not strong enough.

Step 1) Like i said before, making a list, where you ask yourself is way to get a good cure of your emotional chaos. This should organise your thoughts and feelings.
You already did make a list to introduce your problem. This means that you have located where the problem lies, so, it will be easier to make the list. Use questions, like:
"Do I love my parents?"/ "How do I feel about myself?"/ "How do I imagine my future?". Those questions will help you balance your questioning over the actions of yours.
Since you seem to kind of regret the fact that you don't hang out with your friends that much, I strongly suggest you gave a questionnaire to them too, stating how they feel about you, like Pros and Cons, with more freedom to cast their thoughts over this, like open questions. Comparing your statements with theirs will help you act the way you should; common cons mentioned by your friends means that something has started getting wrong. Try to change it, by balancing yourself through them. Your friends' answers will be the most honest, so, stick to them.

Step 2) Get in touch with your parents. They love you, you love them. Express your feelings, give a hug to them, give a kiss to your mom, which is going to make her happy. A problem with your situation is that you lack expressing yourself in real life. If you used some of the expression you use in the paper, you would all be happy. Start communcating with others, since you only communicate with yourself. Leave that dark room you are bound with yourself and open the door it keeps you chained. There is the world, the one you should be a part of. No matter how great the imaginary worlds are for us, we are part only of this world. That world will give you strength and motivation to move on, it will be your co-adventurer in this life, but it can betray you as well, if you give it so much of attention; it will mislead you.

Step 3) The obvious go out with your friends (which apparently isn't that obvious to you). Abandoning your friends for being alone is normal, but when you want some distance, due to a recent problem. Casting such thing as a routine is off the way. Do you know what I see? People at the age of 30++ that wished they had my age. You do have this young age, why would you want it ruined by being stuck with yourself? Live your life, now, that you can, cause some years later, you will be regreting for the fact that you didn't do it. No one wants to be regretful, especially when someone gave them advice of letting this go.

People love you, they don't hate you. Living with yourself is a plain explanation of you getting attached exclusively to yourself, to the other "you", to the other "him". You think of your other self as a seperate being. No, seperate beings are your friends, of whom you will get new experiences, be happy, entertain yourself. Blue skies are a wide place, where everything can get a shape, up to your will. Instead of wasting time, giving the clouds a shape, manipulate the already shaped surroundings of yours.

This is something you should discover yourself. Advice won't do as much job as yourself will. You are searching for the other "you", which you are about to find out through being social. Meet new people, each one of them will teach you something to fill your other self. You are currently worrying if the expression on a paper is enough to meet yourself. Don't worry, this is a procedure everyone goes through; you should not over-philosophize life, because you lose the good parts of it, you don't enjoy it, you just think logically in every aspect of it. Weird ha? When you post your feelings on a paper, the only thing left to do is search for logical answers. Even your own self doesn't know how to react anymore.
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