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Level 15
Aug 6, 2014
Recently, I have had a personality test in my school.

The specialist told me that people like me are quite rare and he called me the extinct group.

He judge me that people like me, love to study, revising mathematics formulae and also we are good at communication. I wonder if it's true.?

What about yours? Who do you think you are?
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Why do we need another person to judge our personality based on some words written on a piece of paper? Don't we know ourselves from inside or what? I can say how my personality is without waiting a specialist to tell me.
I like to co-operate and aid people when they need help. I don't really like to study yet I really love many subjects like Math and Chemistry. I am a dynamic and sportive person who doesn't like to laze around like a lifeless zombie. I find myself a creative person who adores drawing and discovering new things even though my imagination is sometimes lacking in certain moments. I also think I have a good sense of humour and I simply like to crack a joke when people are down. My communication skills are good as well as my ability to listen to others.
So that's me. Was there really need of a piece of paper with some questions on them to know my personality or find out yours?
Since the OP was talking about psychology test result, which I'm mistake here.

Anyway, from my side of view, I'm a very dynamic person, but not so dynamic that I went to the dark side. Below is how I view myself.
I'm quite a solo person, though I do have potentials in teamwork but in most teamwork assignment, I tend to do more than I was tasked for. I also tend to overwork myself with stuff that actually I don't have to do. In other hand however, I like helping others when they need help.
Sometimes I'm a rather supportive person to others, while on other times I can be annoying that people wish I wasn't around at that moment (though the latter happens usually in friendship with my friends at school).
When it comes to studies, well, hell no with opening book might be the first sight of my mind. But when the subject tickles my fancy I will gladly open the book, even to the point that I really dig the lesson more than offered by the book. Or if the teacher teach it in an interesting fashion that makes me very interested.
About imaginations, I'm very imaginative, though maybe I let my imagination roaming free too much which makes reality <> imagination gaps are kinda distorted.
Communication is something that is strange to me. I'm very easy to communicate with others, but sometimes I have a hard time communicating even to the point I talk to myself a bunch.
Also, I don't think I'm diligent and discipline enough, but many of my friends stated otherwise.
Level 15
Aug 6, 2014
Why do we need another person to judge our personality based on some words written on a piece of paper? Don't we know ourselves from inside or what? I can say how my personality is without waiting a specialist to tell me.
I like to co-operate and aid people when they need help. I don't really like to study yet I really love many subjects like Math and Chemistry. I am a dynamic and sportive person who doesn't like to laze around like a lifeless zombie. I find myself a creative person who adores drawing and discovering new things even though my imagination is sometimes lacking in certain moments. I also think I have a good sense of humour and I simply like to crack a joke when people are down. My communication skills are good as well as my ability to listen to others.
So that's me. Was there really need of a piece of paper with some questions on them to know my personality or find out yours?

The test is to predict your future career and btw, it's quite true as the result!
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Why do we need another person to judge our personality based on some words written on a piece of paper? Don't we know ourselves from inside or what? I can say how my personality is without waiting a specialist to tell me
So that's me. Was there really need of a piece of paper with some questions on them to know my personality or find out yours?
I agree 100% with this




I am psych student and my professor said "those are pseudoscience only" . They are not valid, or not accurate ... There's many psych testing that not accurate like rorschach inkblot test ....

Psychology in general is not accurate, it is mostly based assumption and behaviour pattern, that's what my prof says..
Psychology in general is not accurate, it is mostly based assumption and behaviour pattern, that's what my prof says..

No, They're accurate, but it's not applicable to all people, that's why many psychologist created "theories" ... There's many theories, like psychoanalytic, individual psych, psych of individuals etc. ..
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Recently, I have had a personality test in my school.

The specialist told me that people like me are quite rare and he called me the extinct group.

He judge me that people like me, love to study, revising mathematics formulae and also we are good at communication. I wonder if it's true.?

What about yours? Who do you think you are?
Aren't they paid to tell bullshit that sounds good? It sounds like the person was patronizing you haha XD




They're accurate, but it's not applicable to all people,
I disagree. Of course, an individuel theory may not be applicable to all people, but the psychologist CANNOT know exactly ALL circumstances and events that lead to a person's issue. Therefore, it is impossible to give an accurate statement. I limit my statement to psychological therapy, of course, psychological advertaisment and such is something completely else.
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
Recently, I have had a personality test in my school.

The specialist told me that people like me are quite rare and he called me the extinct group.

He judge me that people like me, love to study, revising mathematics formulae and also we are good at communication. I wonder if it's true.?

What about yours? Who do you think you are?

These people are quite rare really.
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Psychology in general is not accurate, it is mostly based assumption and behaviour pattern, that's what my prof says..

I agree with ardenian Mostly, Because you cannot actually see what Is going on in somebody's Head. You might find out how to treat with her/him/whatever but You are Not Him/her/whatever so I Say Psychology isn't accurate.

Anyway, I'm a Wierd Person anyway. And Psychologic tests always show a different Result for me. BUT some of these Tests are Not Approved e.g. What is your favorite Fruit?

That's not Accurate. (From my prespective)
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
Ash, can you do a personality test to me?

I know myself as a lazy ass fuckface, too much of a bastard to do anything. Although I am very intelligent, I generally get 85 or more from exams without working at all, and I do not copy or anything. I dont care about life too much. I enjoy by just thinking about stuff that I wish would be real. I am sorta random. If you know MLP, you can think me as a lower version of Pinkie Pie. Not extremely happy or awkward, but a bit. I also HATE being alone, probably becuase I get scared so easily when I am alone. I am creative and thoughtful, I also like cultural stuff and history. I am very friendly. I am loyal and honest to my friends, tho I hide my secrets to everybody but three of my friends. My greatest wish is ponies to be real.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Ash, can you do a personality test to me?
Nope, not my kinda Psychology. Given the rest of your post though:

I know myself as a lazy ass fuckface, too much of a bastard to do anything. Although I am very intelligent, I generally get 85 or more from exams without working at all, and I do not copy or anything. I dont care about life too much. I enjoy by just thinking about stuff that I wish would be real. I am sorta random. If you know MLP, you can think me as a lower version of Pinkie Pie. Not extremely happy or awkward, but a bit. I also HATE being alone, probably becuase I get scared so easily when I am alone. I am creative and thoughtful, I also like cultural stuff and history. I am very friendly. I am loyal and honest to my friends, tho I hide my secrets to everybody but three of my friends. My greatest wish is ponies to be real.

I'd recommend you see a counsellor or mental health specialist.
I know myself as a lazy ass fuckface, too much of a bastard to do anything. Although I am very intelligent, I generally get 85 or more from exams without working at all, and I do not copy or anything. I dont care about life too much. I enjoy by just thinking about stuff that I wish would be real. I am sorta random. If you know MLP, you can think me as a lower version of Pinkie Pie. Not extremely happy or awkward, but a bit. I also HATE being alone, probably becuase I get scared so easily when I am alone. I am creative and thoughtful, I also like cultural stuff and history. I am very friendly. I am loyal and honest to my friends, tho I hide my secrets to everybody but three of my friends. My greatest wish is ponies to be real.

I hope you change your mind when you find a genie. You could do so much better.

Also after saying these things, how can you follow up with:

You all are crazy mammals. I'm pretty stable and I'm not the crazy one here.

You're stable? You didn't describe yourself that way. You have some problems that need to be worked out. You're not out of your mind, but you have problems, and you're even aware of your problems. The next step is to admit that they actually are problems, and do something about fixing yourself.

I would advise finding a job with physical labor but minimal stress, even if it's only for a couple of 3-hour shifts after school in a week. If you don't get a job, start exercising regularly. It should help with your lack of motivation. From my experience, even though we think that we need to relax so that we can relieve stress and have energy to work, it has the opposite effect. If you haven't used your mind and body enough before you go to sleep at night, then they won't be restored to their full capacity; it's like putting something on charge before it's dead all the time, the battery memory will cause it to not recharge all of the way. When you wake up, you will still be tired, possibly more tired than when you'd gone to sleep. Your brain is a physical part of your body, and your emotions are strongly affected by the physical state of your brain. It works the other way around, too; your physical state is also impacted by your emotions.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
I hope you change your mind when you find a genie. You could do so much better.


You're stable? You didn't describe yourself that way. You have some problems that need to be worked out. You're not out of your mind, but you have problems, and you're even aware of your problems. The next step is to admit that they actually are problems, and do something about fixing yourself.

Okay, I was just kidding.

I would advise finding a job with physical labor but minimal stress, even if it's only for a couple of 3-hour shifts after school in a week. If you don't get a job, start exercising regularly. It should help with your lack of motivation. From my experience, even though we think that we need to relax so that we can relieve stress and have energy to work, it has the opposite effect. If you haven't used your mind and body enough before you go to sleep at night, then they won't be restored to their full capacity; it's like putting something on charge before it's dead all the time, the battery memory will cause it to not recharge all of the way. When you wake up, you will still be tired, possibly more tired than when you'd gone to sleep. Your brain is a physical part of your body, and your emotions are strongly affected by the physical state of your brain. It works the other way around, too; your physical state is also impacted by your emotions.

Idk, but I am just thirteen. I dont think I am working at anywhere soon.

But I lol'd at the fact that you thought my second post was serious.

Physical work in any way is very good for your body.
Whether it is going to the gym, running for hours or having a serious job, it can help you a lot, no matter how old you are ( or let's say, older than around twelve)

Ohohoh, don't think I'm doing any one of those till I'm older. I atleast sometimes start walking around in a room that I'm alone, thinking about stuff that I can't do, (Action Movies) and sometimes going crazy and jumping around. Lol idk why I can't dream stuff without walking around.

Oh well:

"Stable is the one who knows to be unstable."

Thank you sir!




Physical work in any way is very good for your body.
Whether it is going to the gym, running for hours or having a serious job, it can help you a lot, no matter how old you are ( or let's say, older than around twelve)
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
This is so interesting Rex!

I don't much think about all these tests and things they run at school, but come to think about it there are quite a few. for me there were 3 tests. When I was in grade seven they made use write diaries every day for a month for submission to a psychologist... I didn't ever hear the results of that one but it's interesting that they do these things at so young an age.

In grade grade 9 we were given that career test to see which field of career we should study. it was a big test. number patterns, weird shape, Qs & As, bla bla bla. I think it was a 2 hour exam basically. we received the results and I think my mother still has a copy. it said I would get a 90% average for my final year of school and that I am an unemotive person and should not study any field requiring care.

I didn't get any 90% ha! I agree however that I'm not big on emotion. heck I don't even like greeting people unless I know them extremely well. I also don't like public conversation, I only really talk to friends when there are small groups.

the last study was done on me because I threatened to kill a teacher... lol! They found a direct link to exam stress and a short temper. so look out world, or at least when I'm stressed. He threaten to sue but later retracted because it was a verbAl exchange and no one could say I said it defiantly or seriously. anyway. the psychologist also said I'm a unique person and diagnosed me with chaos syndrome...

it's called a volatile personality and it means I can't stay at one personality for long. apparently it also means I'm a psychopath but hey what do they know.

hmm yep that's me in a bomb shell.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Any field requiring care? That sounds like bs, I think that any field requires some amount of care... Unless they want you to do illegal stuff?

Maybe you can be a politician?
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
Any field requiring care? That sounds like bs, I think that any field requires some amount of care... Unless they want you to do illegal stuff?

Maybe you can be a politician?

by any field requiring care. I think they mean like emotions and stuff, well I'm actually pretty sure that's what they ment.

not that I would need to care about the field I entered, although that's probably important too.

I'm currently working as a sub contractor in the building field. it doesn't have many emotions things, but I still need to greet people and deal with workers.

it's a drag but I like the field because I can be cruel and no one questions me. like for example. my workers were striking on Tuesday, the reason being that their pay was being held back because of the bank (the bank did the same thing a few months back and they refused to work then too)... so instead of caring about how the feel about the whole thing. I told them,

'You don't have to work if you don't want to. if you don't work you just won't be paid.'

boy did they get pissed off, but work continued. so I guess I can say I found a field that doesn't care about care.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Again, this is extremely, extremely different to what we actually do as psychologists. You would really be surprised.

I teach first years, and I can almost guarantee 99% of those people that have signed up to my course want to know about mental health. This is understandable, it is how psychology is portrayed in the media. What they don't know, however, is that 99% of their time will be spent doing radically different things. Psychology not only incorporates health, but also occupational wellbeing, evolutionary progression, development and ageing, and my then there's my field, cognitive science.

You really would be surprised at how different things are, and you have a chance to ask me anything about it without feeling guilty, stupid or whatever. ^_^
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
my friends sister is studying physiology. she has to learn a lot about the Bain and which part does what, why and can it be removed.

I've only helped her study once, so I inlet know that much.

what else is important to know besides human studies



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
I got a message from someone asking about depression. Obviously the person will go unnamed, but the question they asked was an extremely good one that is worth repeating here:

Anon said:
what causes depression?

Hi Anon,

Firstly I don't know if you're suffering from depression or not, but if you are then it's important that you realise that there is a lot of help out there for you. Help that will be a million times better than anything I can give you, too, and it's equally important that you know this. The kind of psychology I do is not related, whatsoever, to mental health. If you are feeling low, sad or any other way negatively impacted, you can and should seek help from a qualified professional.

With that said, I can offer you this: depression can be reactionary, this is to say that something might happen in your life that causes you to feel that way. It is a perfectly normal reaction, too, not at all something you should be ashamed about. In some people, depression can arise without a real reason or cause, and is linked to chemical imbalances occurring in the brain. We're not really quite sure which chemicals are key in regulating clinical wellbeing, but one often cited is serotonin.

I also feel the need to say this: there are a few people that will try to tell you depression isn't real, and this simply isn't true. It is a real illness, with real effects, and absolutely isn't a sign that you are weak or a failure. In fact, many famous leaders have suffered with depression like Gandhi, Lincoln and Churchill. Einstein suffered long periods of depression, and it has also affected many in the arts. Depression occurs in people of any age, and is actually quite a common mental health issue. About 15% of people will have a bout of depression during their lives that is severe enough to warrant a clinical intervention. I would argue this number is actually much higher, but unfortunately confounded because many people that suffer from the illness don't get help or aren't formally diagnosed.

In short, what I'm trying to say is that we honestly aren't certain what causes depression, but what we are certain about is that it can be normal and, in some cases, a healthy response to factors in our lives. Sometimes this isn't the case, or sometimes we become overwhelmed by the factors, and if this is what's worrying you then there is help available, you aren't alone and there is always someone willing to listen.

I hope you're well.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
is it possible to meet your future self or am I nuts for meeting him? he told me to basically give up on my dreams.

"you must sometimes evaluate what you can and can not do, otherwise you might hurt yourself"

I believe those were his words. I just came back from a drive where I met him. to be honest, he didn't look much older then I am now.


the more I try and remember what happened today, the more the memory fades and contradicts.

is it possible to meet your future self or am I nuts for meeting him? he told me to basically give up on my dreams.

"you must sometimes evaluate what you can and can not do, otherwise you might hurt yourself"

I believe those were his words. I just came back from a drive where I met him. to be honest, he didn't look much older then I am now.


the more I try and remember what happened today, the more the memory fades and contradicts.


I hope you're joking.

But yes, you should always evaluate what you can and cannot do, and what the consequences of success or failure will be. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try what you don't think you can achieve, but simply that you should weigh your chance of success and compare it to your risks and rewards to decide if it's worth trying. For example, if the task is jumping fifteen feet from one cliff to the next, with the reward for success being a piece of paper, the reward for failure being death, and your usual jump distance being eight feet, then it'd probably be a good idea to train yourself until you can reliably jump fifteen feet before trying, if you really want that piece of paper.
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
how does one prove they are male or female over the net? without pictures or any private information of cause

I'm talking about how psychologically can you prove it?

perhaps telling something only that sex would know.... but that requires the other sex being your sex.

what would you say for both sexes

I know as a male what I could say... but you guys first.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
my field, cognitive science.
What kind of work are you currently doing?
What kind of work are you hoping to do?

I'm fascinated by the human mind and why we do what we do. I've always looked at philosophy and our motivations, but I am always curious to hear more about the bio end of our brains.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
how does one prove they are male or female over the net? without pictures or any private information of cause

I'm talking about how psychologically can you prove it?

perhaps telling something only that sex would know.... but that requires the other sex being your sex.

what would you say for both sexes

I know as a male what I could say... but you guys first.

One of the things I actually like about the 'net is that you can't really tell that kinda thing.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
What kind of work are you currently doing?
What kind of work are you hoping to do?

I'm fascinated by the human mind and why we do what we do. I've always looked at philosophy and our motivations, but I am always curious to hear more about the bio end of our brains.

Sorry Gilles, I totally didn't see this post.

My PhD centres around the ways attention and vision impact upon our embodied experience of the environment, and to examine this I look into words, numbers and object affordances. This is to say that there is an attentional mediation between our cognitions (thoughts). So far, my research has discovered a role for fast, automatic, bottom-up processes which spread across your brain and activate related concepts, and also a role for slower processes which seem to bottleneck our thoughts. I would be happy to talk about any part of this further, if you are interested.

I would almost go as far to argue that the "bio end of our brains", or at least the study thereof, could fundamentally not exist were it not for the philosophical - but that's another conversation entirely.

I hope to continue in this stream of research for a while, at least for the next three years, and I have strong interests in VR too, amongst many other things. Cogsci is like the bastard child of psychology, linguistics, compsci and neuroscience.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
My PhD centres around the ways attention and vision impact upon our embodied experience of the environment, and to examine this I look into words, numbers and object affordances. This is to say that there is an attentional mediation between our cognitions (thoughts).
What do you mean by that? Our thoughts are mediated by where our attention is?

So far, my research has discovered a role for fast, automatic, bottom-up processes which spread across your brain and activate related concepts, and also a role for slower processes which seem to bottleneck our thoughts. I would be happy to talk about any part of this further, if you are interested.
ELI5? :p

I understand this to be that our brains are constantly processing the information it receives, and linking it to anything that relates to that information; while a slower process is bottlenecking our thoughts in order to analyse the related information and provide them to our conciseness without overloading it.
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