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Psychological Events: Wanna share your problems?

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Ok, here a few problems of myself / statements (not real problems since I learend to live with that, duh):

  • life ends (Which makes living quite useless
  • politicians who can do stuff, won't do it (So why choosing our poison?)
  • there are always people better then you (Which should turn you on)
  • nobody knows why everything is exesting (I have my own theories)
  • most of the people become as the group they are into
  • most people do not want to be unique
  • most people are to afraid of telling the truth / what they feel
  • most people care about people they shouldn't care about
  • parents always know what you do, but they can't stop you from doing this, you would continue even more then.
  • most of the humans do not know how to argue, or to behave to other people.
  • most of the humans do not treat with respect on each other.
  • there are even now lawdeaths (for example china)
  • the stupidity of humans will never end
  • the universe don't need to kill humans, they do it themself.
  • instead of helping ourself, we are fighting.
  • we are trying to win something we already lost.
  • most of the humans don't know themself.
  • most of the humans have seen anything they were that afraid of that they think their brain just had an takeout.
  • humans do not accept the unreal things. (Why should they? Without its so easy)
  • more and more parents have no time for their childrens.
  • more and more parents don't care how the child grows up.
  • and with more of such people, it will stay that way!
  • you either have no luck but are happy or have luck and are unhappy. (Rich people -> Are unhappy, poor people -> Happy)
  • the problem with money should be solved since a few thousand years, while someone actually knew what would happened as he said lets remove money from the world, just all didn't beleave it would be clever.
  • most of the users here can not take any dicussion for real, they just joke about it.
  • most of the humans haven't thought why they are exesting, which makes me mostly angry.
Thats it so far.
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
pha0001, you remind me of myself.
I have doubts this is a real issue, but I respect each (serious-looking) input.

Clearly, the art is your own tool of presenting yourself. Even the most complex drawings got attention over the years, because they depict and represent the personality of the artist. You are an artist, you don't only draw, you curve your feelings over a piece of paper: That is a gift, which should not concern you.
A proof over this is the fact that there are certain psychological tests with default art pieces and, by the words of a person, a psychologist can realize how they feel.

Apparently, tracing your feelings and thoughts within a paper is your path to temporarily leave your current world; you enter a world only you can understand, a world where your dreams come true and you would definitely call it your own Utopia.

Obviously, though, you are alone in this world you made up. A real world, even imaginary, is consisted of more than just a person. Even the greatest stories with lone adventurers give an end to lonliness. This is who we are: Beings that can be complete through social interactions. Standing alone and mostly suppressing your needs, by feeding them to your fantasy will likely lead you towards a direction you will regret taking. Creativity is the other way of expressing yourself as a being, apart from sexual activity or work. Well, you should know that exceeding the average time limit you should spend over this, will replace both work and sexual activity. I'm sorry, you might not even be at the age of having sexual activity, but, if this keeps happening until you reach that age, I wouldn't stop worrying.

Since all of these might sound too theoritical to you, I would suggest taking action and I really do. You are creative, but, the fact that you are mentioning this is what you should start thinking: Maybe you overdo it, maybe getting yourself busy only with it will keep your friends distant? There is something wrong with your feelings and by wrong I mean
1) You do not express how you feel towards the persons of your everyday environment and 2) You have a deeper thought of something you did not mention, like this something is bothering you.

From what you've mentioned, I would say you are a person that gave up getting himself emotionally attached to any person, you seem to have your interest lost over persons. This is a reason why you keep hanging with the blues. Do you realize that the music and the arts in general are what you only keep hanging with? You mentioned nothing about your parents, the most important environment of yours.

My words won't heal you. You obviously search for yourself through this post of yours, if you indeed felt nothing was wrong, you would not mention it. The fact that you want to work alone should be a reason of two things: a) This is who you are, b) Your parental interactions are not strong enough.

Step 1) Like i said before, making a list, where you ask yourself is way to get a good cure of your emotional chaos. This should organise your thoughts and feelings.
You already did make a list to introduce your problem. This means that you have located where the problem lies, so, it will be easier to make the list. Use questions, like:
"Do I love my parents?"/ "How do I feel about myself?"/ "How do I imagine my future?". Those questions will help you balance your questioning over the actions of yours.
Since you seem to kind of regret the fact that you don't hang out with your friends that much, I strongly suggest you gave a questionnaire to them too, stating how they feel about you, like Pros and Cons, with more freedom to cast their thoughts over this, like open questions. Comparing your statements with theirs will help you act the way you should; common cons mentioned by your friends means that something has started getting wrong. Try to change it, by balancing yourself through them. Your friends' answers will be the most honest, so, stick to them.

Step 2) Get in touch with your parents. They love you, you love them. Express your feelings, give a hug to them, give a kiss to your mom, which is going to make her happy. A problem with your situation is that you lack expressing yourself in real life. If you used some of the expression you use in the paper, you would all be happy. Start communcating with others, since you only communicate with yourself. Leave that dark room you are bound with yourself and open the door it keeps you chained. There is the world, the one you should be a part of. No matter how great the imaginary worlds are for us, we are part only of this world. That world will give you strength and motivation to move on, it will be your co-adventurer in this life, but it can betray you as well, if you give it so much of attention; it will mislead you.

Step 3) The obvious go out with your friends (which apparently isn't that obvious to you). Abandoning your friends for being alone is normal, but when you want some distance, due to a recent problem. Casting such thing as a routine is off the way. Do you know what I see? People at the age of 30++ that wished they had my age. You do have this young age, why would you want it ruined by being stuck with yourself? Live your life, now, that you can, cause some years later, you will be regreting for the fact that you didn't do it. No one wants to be regretful, especially when someone gave them advice of letting this go.

People love you, they don't hate you. Living with yourself is a plain explanation of you getting attached exclusively to yourself, to the other "you", to the other "him". You think of your other self as a seperate being. No, seperate beings are your friends, of whom you will get new experiences, be happy, entertain yourself. Blue skies are a wide place, where everything can get a shape, up to your will. Instead of wasting time, giving the clouds a shape, manipulate the already shaped surroundings of yours.

This is something you should discover yourself. Advice won't do as much job as yourself will. You are searching for the other "you", which you are about to find out through being social. Meet new people, each one of them will teach you something to fill your other self. You are currently worrying if the expression on a paper is enough to meet yourself. Don't worry, this is a procedure everyone goes through; you should not over-philosophize life, because you lose the good parts of it, you don't enjoy it, you just think logically in every aspect of it. Weird ha? When you post your feelings on a paper, the only thing left to do is search for logical answers. Even your own self doesn't know how to react anymore.

I have read this a couple of times, and this proved to be very detailed. I would like to reply a couple of things, by a couple of days I want to try this. For the first ask of advice here, this is very useful indeed. I thank you for it.

Get in touch with your parents
I see, I will attempt to try that through hard work etc...

Step 3) The obvious go out with your friends (which apparently isn't that obvious to you). Abandoning your friends for being alone is normal, but when you want some distance, due to a recent problem. Casting such thing as a routine is off the way. Do you know what I see? People at the age of 30++ that wished they had my age. You do have this young age, why would you want it ruined by being stuck with yourself? Live your life, now, that you can, cause some years later, you will be regreting for the fact that you didn't do it. No one wants to be regretful, especially when someone gave them advice of letting this go.

Blue skies are a wide place, where everything can get a shape, up to your will. Instead of wasting time, giving the clouds a shape, manipulate the already shaped surroundings of yours.

Yes, they are and intentionally give you another world of your style. I will bend them and use it to my best, making it fun for myself and around me.

This one I feel strongly of; I want to intend to do the best of things, and now I will try to do so (I thank you strongly). I have a young age, and I do hang out with my friends, but I will try to live with my young age. I will not waste it.

Maybe you overdo it, maybe getting yourself busy only with it will keep your friends distant? There is something wrong with your feelings and by wrong I mean
1) You do not express how you feel towards the persons of your everyday environment and 2) You have a deeper thought of something you did not mention, like this something is bothering you.

I see, I will not try to overdo and try to keep my friends close. I had many friends who my best leave, and this year I'm not quite feeling well mentally. I don't have a best friend due to many of my best friends leaving, and therefore I only have friends. I will try to keep them closer and express my deepest feelings, and resolve them to my best.

You are searching for the other "you", which you are about to find out through being social.

Hmm... For some time I have stick too much logic and reasoning, I must finally find the fun and social side of things. I cannot bare to always stay with what is the reason, and I should loosen myself.

Your friends' answers will be the most honest, so, stick to them.
I'm strongly guessing this is correct, you are one of the most moralistic people I have met on the internet world.

I have doubts this is a real issue, but I respect each (serious-looking) input.
This is real, I use the art to help me, but it just becoming the same thing and I want difference.

I would like to thank you very deeply, I want to make use and I have got to the point, you are very useful psychologist. I must owe you reputation, and a very deep one. By the way Pharaoh, I got a image attached for a school project with my partner, I want you to take a look just in case. Anyways, I have done a personality test, and I was a "Art" type, and when I did another test I have a intrapersonal type.


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Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
People are gonna think im stupid, weird, whoring for attention or fucked up. But fuck them, their opinion, but my life and how i express it. Im BORED and it would be good for some input even if you arnt a pro or whatever. Granted its gonna sound abit weird, but hey! People like me exist.

I dream (aspire) about being a dragon/my fursona/persona. I am a furry and partially therian (meaning i spiritually associate with a wolf and various other totemic animals lightly, i want to be an animal, a werewolf, a monster, i want to be wild and feral).

Kimbo my fursona is a character i created to express my inner dreams and desires. She is happy, fun, active, fit and has lots of friends and quirks. I draw her alot and enjoy seeing people draw her, I am recently so happy i found a rl furry friend who also has a fursona to share, but she doesnt seem to be as deep into it as me) I want to be my fursona so much i get stressed and upset becuase i look at myself and i am not what i aspire to be, the happy dragon or animal I am inside. Mainly not JUST being the animal, but what the animal/fursona represents.

Sometimes I just want to lash out and run while, hunt animals and feel the wind on my face, run on all fours (not literally go wild, but...just feel its power), but im caught up by things of the human life, a life where im constantly told to get off my laptop and paint, do school work, cook this, do that. I no longer live with my parents, but im feeling rather caged and confined having been told to do this and that, pressured into course related things and such.

But since i want to release my inner animal, i latch onto the internet to relate to other furries and therians who want to. I get latched onto anthropomorphic art and the furry world. And since i have trouble relating and expressing my inner animalness I feel lonely and left out even if i have plenty of non-furry friends.

I am becoming obbessed with the furry world and wanting to express it. My housemates and boyfriend/partner constantly tells me off for browsing furry pictures or wanting a fursuit or wanting to relate to distant furry friends in my country.

My furry art distracts me from my homework, cuddles and affection to my boyfriend/partner and my school work relating to REAL masters painting, not furry painting.

And I know im obbessed, and i know i should get back in the real world. But people telling me to get back in the real world makes me feel like they are barking orders at me or taking me away from what i find interesting, fun and something i aspire and can relate to.

I want to be free like the animal inside me or my dragon character, but i dont want to be some stupid furry basement dweller...and i dont want to lose the freedom or fun i feel associating with the furry fandom.

My other issues might be posted later if uhh yeah. whatever.
People are gonna think im stupid, weird, whoring for attention or fucked up. But fuck them, their opinion, but my life and how i express it. Im BORED and it would be good for some input even if you arnt a pro or whatever. Granted its gonna sound abit weird, but hey! People like me exist.
Everybody is stupid.

I dream (aspire) about being a dragon/my fursona/persona. I am a furry and partially therian (meaning i spiritually associate with a wolf and various other totemic animals lightly, i want to be an animal, a werewolf, a monster, i want to be wild and feral).
So, what do you think is to live like that? In danger, strange areas without law and society?

Kimbo my fursona is a character i created to express my inner dreams and desires. She is happy, fun, active, fit and has lots of friends and quirks. I draw her alot and enjoy seeing people draw her, I am recently so happy i found a rl furry friend who also has a fursona to share, but she doesnt seem to be as deep into it as me) I want to be my fursona so much i get stressed and upset becuase i look at myself and i am not what i aspire to be, the happy dragon or animal I am inside. Mainly not JUST being the animal, but what the animal/fursona represents.
So, its the 2nd you, right?

Sometimes I just want to lash out and run while, hunt animals and feel the wind on my face, run on all fours (not literally go wild, but...just feel its power), but im caught up by things of the human life, a life where im constantly told to get off my laptop and paint, do school work, cook this, do that. I no longer live with my parents, but im feeling rather caged and confined having been told to do this and that, pressured into course related things and such.
Maybe you should start a world trip and get to know the world. This would help to develop yourself on a new level.

But since i want to release my inner animal, i latch onto the internet to relate to other furries and therians who want to. I get latched onto anthropomorphic art and the furry world. And since i have trouble relating and expressing my inner animalness I feel lonely and left out even if i have plenty of non-furry friends.
Hmm, sometimes I wish I would be something really fast and/or big, like a wolf or a bear, and to attack people I don't like, lol.

I am becoming obbessed with the furry world and wanting to express it. My housemates and boyfriend/partner constantly tells me off for browsing furry pictures or wanting a fursuit or wanting to relate to distant furry friends in my country.
Well, there might be some furry groups, or you cuold even do that. Create a new webpage, collect friends and talk about that.

My furry art distracts me from my homework, cuddles and affection to my boyfriend/partner and my school work relating to REAL masters painting, not furry painting.
Hmm, so its the 2nd you, as told.

And I know im obbessed, and i know i should get back in the real world. But people telling me to get back in the real world makes me feel like they are barking orders at me or taking me away from what i find interesting, fun and something i aspire and can relate to.
People shouldn't tell you you should go back to normal life, because nobody knows what is for real. I for myself write songs and lyriks, rhymes and stuff to express my inner feelings and play guitar, sing, do something to get out my inner feeling. But on the other side, I have my normal life, work, a girlfriend, friends, hobbies, just like the others.

I want to be free like the animal inside me or my dragon character, but i dont want to be some stupid furry basement dweller...and i dont want to lose the freedom or fun i feel associating with the furry fandom.
Freedom has its price, mostly no society, laws and total danger.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
So, what do you think is to live like that? In danger, strange areas without law and society?
I mean in a sense of freedom. Wild animals arnt caged by law and society.

So, its the 2nd you, right?
I have persona (in this case called a fursona) which is a roleplay/form of expression of a character used to describe and represent myself. Of course i have many others though which arnt related to the furry fandom.

Maybe you should start a world trip and get to know the world. This would help to develop yourself on a new level.
uhh.. i dont have the money?

Well, there might be some furry groups, or you cuold even do that. Create a new webpage, collect friends and talk about that.
Yeah. iv tried furry net socializing, but im very shy and timid. Im an asexual furry and people on the sites i go to seem to only connect by sharing their fetishes or sex stuff which annoys me and makes me feel left out.

People shouldn't tell you you should go back to normal life, because nobody knows what is for real. I for myself write songs and lyriks, rhymes and stuff to express my inner feelings and play guitar, sing, do something to get out my inner feeling. But on the other side, I have my normal life, work, a girlfriend, friends, hobbies, just like the others.
So true! People play games and do this all day, probably at the same level as me with furry...yet they tell me off =/
Level 35
May 22, 2007
It all began the day I was born...I had just recently finished developing for about nine months as a rather interesting specimen of humanity...when all of a sudden my precious womb began to collapse all around me, the warm, safe, liquid seclusion that had nestled me so gently in my meandering sleep draining outward...So I proceeded to attempt to secure my way out, when I could hear the mysterious voice of "The Doctor" outside of my now suffocating containment.

I finally managed to weasel my way through this claustrophobic obstacle course of contracting flesh, when I saw a bright light! And suddenly I was grabbed by the legs, blinded by the light, dangling by my soft, and under-used limbs! Cold, naked, and soaking wet, blind, and scared to death, while some cruel hand just kept SPANKING ME! And spanking! And spanking! I couldn't move, I couldn't fight back, all I could do was just keep screaming! And screaming! And then he laid me down and with a giant pair of scissors cut my umbilical cord! Oh wretched fate, how I miss that cord!

And that's the story of my first trauma.

I hope you enjoyed it.
I mean in a sense of freedom. Wild animals arnt caged by law and society.
But they also have to fight for freedom, you know...

I have persona (in this case called a fursona) which is a roleplay/form of expression of a character used to describe and represent myself. Of course i have many others though which arnt related to the furry fandom.
Ah, now I got it. Its something I feel to understand, really.

uhh.. i dont have the money?
Then why not making a trip to somewhere else beautiful?
There are such good places on the world, the next isn't that
far away!
Yeah. iv tried furry net socializing, but im very shy and timid. Im an asexual furry and people on the sites i go to seem to only connect by sharing their fetishes or sex stuff which annoys me and makes me feel left out.
Sounds really awful. But, nevermind, its up to you. I for myself beleave that every human has a side of everything. I mean, in one way we are all controlled by our inner feelings, by our brain which says us what we want.

I, sadly, think its not that public that people share their furriness, I think its very hard to find some.

So true! People play games and do this all day, probably at the same level as me with furry...yet they tell me off =/
Yeah, its how everybody is reacting on things, some play games, others do nothing, and even others kill or, like you, go into the furriness xD
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
It all began the day I was born...I had just recently finished developing for about nine months as a rather interesting specimen of humanity...when all of a sudden my precious womb began to collapse all around me, the warm, safe, liquid seclusion that had nestled me so gently in my meandering sleep draining outward...So I proceeded to attempt to secure my way out, when I could hear the mysterious voice of "The Doctor" outside of my now suffocating containment.

I finally managed to weasel my way through this claustrophobic obstacle course of contracting flesh, when I saw a bright light! And suddenly I was grabbed by the legs, blinded by the light, dangling by my soft, and under-used limbs! Cold, naked, and soaking wet, blind, and scared to death, while some cruel hand just kept SPANKING ME! And spanking! And spanking! I couldn't move, I couldn't fight back, all I could do was just keep screaming! And screaming! And then he laid me down and with a giant pair of scissors cut my umbilical cord! Oh wretched fate, how I miss that cord!

And that's the story of my first trauma.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Even your trolling is corny :|
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
People are gonna think im stupid, weird, whoring for attention or fucked up. But fuck them, their opinion, but my life and how i express it. Im BORED and it would be good for some input even if you arnt a pro or whatever. Granted its gonna sound abit weird, but hey! People like me exist.

I dream (aspire) about being a dragon/my fursona/persona. I am a furry and partially therian (meaning i spiritually associate with a wolf and various other totemic animals lightly, i want to be an animal, a werewolf, a monster, i want to be wild and feral).

Kimbo my fursona is a character i created to express my inner dreams and desires. She is happy, fun, active, fit and has lots of friends and quirks. I draw her alot and enjoy seeing people draw her, I am recently so happy i found a rl furry friend who also has a fursona to share, but she doesnt seem to be as deep into it as me) I want to be my fursona so much i get stressed and upset becuase i look at myself and i am not what i aspire to be, the happy dragon or animal I am inside. Mainly not JUST being the animal, but what the animal/fursona represents.

Sometimes I just want to lash out and run while, hunt animals and feel the wind on my face, run on all fours (not literally go wild, but...just feel its power), but im caught up by things of the human life, a life where im constantly told to get off my laptop and paint, do school work, cook this, do that. I no longer live with my parents, but im feeling rather caged and confined having been told to do this and that, pressured into course related things and such.

But since i want to release my inner animal, i latch onto the internet to relate to other furries and therians who want to. I get latched onto anthropomorphic art and the furry world. And since i have trouble relating and expressing my inner animalness I feel lonely and left out even if i have plenty of non-furry friends.

I am becoming obbessed with the furry world and wanting to express it. My housemates and boyfriend/partner constantly tells me off for browsing furry pictures or wanting a fursuit or wanting to relate to distant furry friends in my country.

My furry art distracts me from my homework, cuddles and affection to my boyfriend/partner and my school work relating to REAL masters painting, not furry painting.

And I know im obbessed, and i know i should get back in the real world. But people telling me to get back in the real world makes me feel like they are barking orders at me or taking me away from what i find interesting, fun and something i aspire and can relate to.

I want to be free like the animal inside me or my dragon character, but i dont want to be some stupid furry basement dweller...and i dont want to lose the freedom or fun i feel associating with the furry fandom.

My other issues might be posted later if uhh yeah. whatever.

I dream (aspire) about being a dragon/my fursona/persona. I am a furry and partially therian (meaning i spiritually associate with a wolf and various other totemic animals lightly, i want to be an animal, a werewolf, a monster, i want to be wild and feral).
Your dream I can see is quite passionate, and your dragonistic dreams are quite inspiring. The freedom to hold your wills I can see quite well.

Sometimes I just want to lash out and run while, hunt animals and feel the wind on my face, run on all fours (not literally go wild, but...just feel its power), but im caught up by things of the human life, a life where im constantly told to get off my laptop and paint, do school work, cook this, do that. I no longer live with my parents, but im feeling rather caged and confined having been told to do this and that, pressured into course related things and such.
I understand what you mean, we have other things to do in human life that we don't want to do so. School homework sucks otherwise, and I have to do other things. I've been caught into other matters, and I don't get the time to do my own things; its like intervention of what we are supposed to enjoy, but instead we are not.

My furry art distracts me from my homework, cuddles and affection to my boyfriend/partner and my school work relating to REAL masters painting, not furry painting.
In class, I have been distracted through drawing art from being bored, and I'm quite amused of being an artist. Though I have a alternative path of being a programmer, I have realised art can really express your feelings and relieve yourself from boredom and things that you don't want to do. I want to learn my own style of drawing myself and the realism of drawing also; its time that soon I'll be freaking busy.

And I know im obbessed, and i know i should get back in the real world. But people telling me to get back in the real world makes me feel like they are barking orders at me or taking me away from what i find interesting, fun and something i aspire and can relate to.
I see, I want to see my own world and show it to others, learning from it and the real life. I should too, but for now I'm in high school, so its pretty busy with the tests and assignments. We will be told, and therefore we are forced to. They lead us to a path, but in some cases we are not free to decide our wills.

I want to be free like the animal inside me or my dragon character, but i dont want to be some stupid furry basement dweller...and i dont want to lose the freedom or fun i feel associating with the furry fandom.
I want to be free to the skies and realise the truth to the world, but I don't want to be told all the time what I must do that I don't want to do, thus not having my own decisions most of the time. I want to be free and understanding to what the world will enjoy, but we have dominated that pact; we now follow a difference which I cannot perceive happily.

I understand what you are saying, however we are so busy in the real world that we don't really have much of the time for ourselves. Equality is a long way ahead according to my perspective, and therefore see a disappointment of what we face and what we must do in the future of our lives, the philosophy and more. Though we cannot all be free due to black minded thinking, I wonder why they keep us so busy in the real world, for a reason why we can't do things during our spare time more?
Kimberly, I am happy to see such an input, because this is the main reason why gaming communities insist on playing with 'supernatural' type of games.

There are many things to discuss, but I would like to mention some stuff first:

The other... self

We all create an imaginary another "us", a perfect one, who contains all those characteristics we admire not only to other people, but chracteristics we already have. Your desrciption was an assertive mirror of yourself. If you wonder a bit, you will realize you possess these virtues you described, but you are unable of developing them. That's when the gift of drawing takes the place of your actions. Apparently, your creativity and your "wanna be" self are printed on pages of paper or pages of fake paper in the laptop's screen, which are taking life only by you, since they are personal stuff. You gave up changing your life, but instead, you focused on creating many characters, each of them having some of the characteristics you own. Summing up, problem 1) is the fact that you cannot convert your thoughts into actions, but instead, you prefer consuming your time by converting your thoughts/feelings into drawings.

The Theme

Wolves/ Warewolves and animals represent power, agility, courage. You have identified yourself as those beings, not because you admire the way they fight face to face with other mutual-type creatures, but because you admire their ability to fight for life, a free life (like you suggested), which has been a result of their own actions. So, what's wrong here is the fact that you do not imitate what you should, because you got confused on your way to discover how to get over the frustrating stages you go through. If you want to have a healthy identification of this theme, I suggest you imitated the way these creatures fight for life, because, from what I see, you want to fight, but some circumstances don't let you. The theme is a theme many young adults get inspired from. The fact that you identify yourself as those creatures doesn't come from a theory of being such creature in your previous life, but a bunch of stimuli you have accepted and embraced too much. It is said that ourself is a "tabula rasa", a blank page, where experiences are printed on and that is how our personality is getting complete. What you should know is that this "rasa" is very flexible, but you did not manipulate it as you should. The pages of your rasa contain the same word: freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom. Your thirst for freedom is obvious, but you have taken no action to cast it. You have somehow become obsessed with it, while your drawings depict this desperate trial of yours to wake up and do something exceptional for yourself. Freedom is a word; nothing more. You give a meaning to it through your actions, which don't seem to set you free. Yourself is screaming to you, to help her, through the dark room you engaged her to; a limiting room which is the source of all your current thoughts; a room that doesn't let you go. You hold the key to open the door of the room, but, it's dark and you cannot reach it.

The circumstances

You are being told to do stuff, like you say, and this is the voice of your parents of course. I guess you are on vacation currently and you got back home for this period. Your words do not only express a current pressure by your parents, but they express a mental pressure you don't seem to let go. You have adopted the voice of your parents and I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Apparently, the parental voce is what will keep you moving on and get your life in order; without the boring orders of theirs to do this and that, you might not had the strength to do such things of your own, while living far from home. Another apparently is that you attach yourself emotionally to the orders, claiming them as mental attacks against you. Don't worry, your parents love you, they just need your contribution in the house, now you've grown up. Don't blame them, they got tired so many years now taking care of you, without saying 'Thank you' or acting back to make a favour. So, this should not be taken as a cage, where you start performing the "orders" of theirs, but instead, a place where the bars of the prison are left out, embracing the presence of theirs next to you. They are not orders, they are favours.

The 'free spirit' term

The loss of direction is obvious; your will to become a free spirit and at the same time your inability to turn the laptop off is a confusion you can't avoid. Laptop or any other combuter-type gadget/machine is a tool. You are using it with a creative way of drawing. Should you exaggerate though and it renders it an extension of your hand. Your current communication is the laptop, not the people around you. I suggest you embraced the light of the sun, not the light of your fake reality (reference to the laptop). You actually have replaced your life and your actions with the life and the actions towards a machine, that cannot understand how you feel, it only depicts your effort of scetching into 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 digits. Nothing more, nothing less.

Step 1: Start writing

Your thoughts, feelings, emotions are represented through your scetches. This is a good thing, like we said, but obviously, you are the only one who gets it. Unless you express that triad through writing, no one else will realize how you feel. Start writing down your thoughts into a notebook and in the end of each week, check back how you felt. If this goes well, you will realize you get an improvement, because you really started expressing yourself. I suggest writing down the most personal thoughts of yours. If you find it a good idea, show it to your parent, to whom you are mostly attached to and a couple of friends. Without realizing it, they will start behaving to adapt themselves into the "you", which they did not realize before. Use this method, until your expression through laptop is balanced with the time you spend on writing.

Step 2: Embrace your environment

Your friends is a helpful bunch of people, apparently. You need them, as they need you. Start sharing your thoughts with them and don't be afraid of their reaction. They should realize what your words deeply mean. You have a partner. Start wondering if he fills your existance with his presence. If you prefer being stack within the laptop reality, maybe he doesn't offer you that much and you should revise your choice over this boyfriend. Don't panic, it's a thought we must all do once in a while, when we dedicate ourselves to a person. If you are in a relationship just for the sake of being into it, forget it. Get somebody who should be more appropriate and understanding towards the phase you are through. Fall in love, this is the step you should consider. This can help yourself be distant from your fake reality, that you so desperately try to put yourself subconsciously. When a person makes you want to meet them all the time, makes you don't care for the laptop, that person will be the appropriate to get over an emotional chaos you are into.

Step 3: Imitate Bluetooth

When a certain user turns his bluetooth on, the cellphone of his is vulnerable to connections with other cellphones and files. Imagine that the cellphone is yourself and the other ones are the people, who surround you, and the files are feelings/experiences. Your bluetooth is permanently closed to any other experiences, but turned on to experiences like warewolves. That is your cage: Your inability to embrace the good stuff of life. Obviously, life has good stuff, but you keep turning your bluetooth off. You are the user of your cellphone Kimberly, you will only decide when you want it turned on, not even your parents, not even your boyfriend. Life is yours, nobody's else. Start turning your bluetooth on a bit more and stop worrying for the battery.

Step 4: Use logic

Wonder; try using logic more. Fantasy won't help you adapt yourself to reality. It will mislead you. When your mother gets sick, when your father needs you by his side, you won't be able of invoking your creatures. Then, it will be you who is going to help them and stand by them. The creatures will eternally lie into that page of paper or that laptop screen, they won't come to life, just because you gave them some characteristics. Start asking yourself questions, e.g. "What don't I like with my life/ What do I like?"/ "Realistically speaking, what these fake creatures can provide me with?"/ "How do I feel about my parents, do I love them?"/ "How do I imagine my future?". These questions will help you find a balance between yourself and your "wanna be" self. It is very wise, the fact that you did not try to imitate someone you saw, but yourself through a drawing. Identifying yourself is the easiest thing to do, you just need some space to clarify your wills, thoughts and emotions.

Step 5: Express yourself

Once again, expressing one's self is a key to be appreciated as a unit. If a question that bothers you is whether the orders of your parents is an action that can be claimed as absense of love, then, start sharing your feelings with them, to keep them motivated of doing that as well. If you don't express yourself, persons around you will also stop trying. Tell them how you feel and using the allegory of wolf might bring you results you do not imagine. If the orders of theirs are indeed unbareable, mention how you feel. Be kind, when talking to them; that can be a healthy conversation.

Step 6: Start some activities

Keep yourself entertained with some activities, like sports. No matter how boring this sounds, it will help you with 100% success. This will distract your attention from the fantasy world you put yourself into and it will stick you to this reality. This could be an aim of yours. Once you fulfill it, you will feel more powerful. You are currently wondering how helpful your existance is, but what you actually lack of is an aim, where you should start pointing to, in order to realize how serious your existance is. Getting organised can also help you do that; starting with not very important aims, for example, going to the supermarket at 18:00 or reading that book you want to but avoid, will increase your self-esteem of achieving goals. Lack of aims leads to boredom, illusion of inability. You are unable to unlock the powerful part of yourself, so, start taking some serious aims in your life to get the results you wish. You will end up being assertive, something the persons around you will notice.



Level 3
Jun 20, 2009
I jerk off to my classmate.

I study in an all boys school.

I like girls too.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
This thread came out better as expected. Congratulations! :D
Maybe I will write down my story here, but I need to clean up my mind first to write up a proper story first.
I think you are doing quite well Pharaoh_ and a big :thumbs_up: for you.
I'm glad this gives us all a chance to learn something new.
Level 7
Jul 11, 2007
Bahh, I'm really bored so I'm gonna give this a try.. Don't read my name please, as I don't want someone to dig this up in the future. Actually I'm just gonna shoot the least worst problems I got.

First, I dream of myself as an emperor, of an empire somewhere in the world, NOT IN AMERICA, and I dunno, should I get on with it? I gathered some friends to help me in doing this, they're from another country. (I'm going to launch a semi-public campaign soon)

I also don't have a girlfriend, which kinda disturbs me... since.. I really need one to live, socialize with... to love...

And I want to design games.. and explore space!

I think I can be really cute and charismatic, but I'm too lazy to do it, also I have the Napoleon complex (I'm 1,69 m tall...) and even if girls are shorter than me/equal I want to be taller... because I'm shorter than most dudes. We got 2 gnomes, but it doesn't make me feel better since they can beat the crap out of me :/

I'm deeply sadistic and homophobic, things that are against my faith (I'm christian) and I just love torturing human beings.. generally.

Remember this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding my problems...
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
First, I dream of myself as an emperor, of an empire somewhere in the world, NOT IN AMERICA, and I dunno, should I get on with it? I gathered some friends to help me in doing this, they're from another country. (I'm going to launch a semi-public campaign soon)
Interesting because of NOT IN AMERICA thing. Do you hate America?
I'm deeply sadistic and homophobic, things that are against my faith (I'm christian) and I just love torturing human beings.. generally.
Again very interesting.
Remember this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding my problems...
Oh, no...
Bahh, I'm really bored so I'm gonna give this a try.. Don't read my name please, as I don't want someone to dig this up in the future. Actually I'm just gonna shoot the least worst problems I got.

First, I dream of myself as an emperor, of an empire somewhere in the world, NOT IN AMERICA, and I dunno, should I get on with it? I gathered some friends to help me in doing this, they're from another country. (I'm going to launch a semi-public campaign soon)

I also don't have a girlfriend, which kinda disturbs me... since.. I really need one to live, socialize with... to love...

And I want to design games.. and explore space!
How old are you? It'd help to know.

I think I can be really cute and charismatic, but I'm too lazy to do it, also I have the Napoleon complex (I'm 1,69 m tall...) and even if girls are shorter than me/equal I want to be taller... because I'm shorter than most dudes. We got 2 gnomes, but it doesn't make me feel better since they can beat the crap out of me :/
lazy to be cute? I guess you meant 'nice'. That may be not really laziness. I guess you are easily embarassed, or shy. Do you stay much time on your own on computer?
When someone wants to meet people, that person usually thinks that he/she should start talking to them out of nothing.
People don't socialize when they have a random talk. They do it easily when they share a bad situation. For instance, when it's raining a lot and you (and someone else) gotta go home on foot. There's at least a story to tell...
You should expose yourself to 'trouble'. Go out more often.

I'm deeply sadistic and homophobic, things that are against my faith (I'm christian) and I just love torturing human beings.. generally.
Deeply homophobic people tend to be homosexual, honestly...
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Bahh, I'm really bored so I'm gonna give this a try.. Don't read my name please, as I don't want someone to dig this up in the future. Actually I'm just gonna shoot the least worst problems I got.

First, I dream of myself as an emperor, of an empire somewhere in the world, NOT IN AMERICA, and I dunno, should I get on with it? I gathered some friends to help me in doing this, they're from another country. (I'm going to launch a semi-public campaign soon)

I also don't have a girlfriend, which kinda disturbs me... since.. I really need one to live, socialize with... to love...

And I want to design games.. and explore space!

I think I can be really cute and charismatic, but I'm too lazy to do it, also I have the Napoleon complex (I'm 1,69 m tall...) and even if girls are shorter than me/equal I want to be taller... because I'm shorter than most dudes. We got 2 gnomes, but it doesn't make me feel better since they can beat the crap out of me :/

I'm deeply sadistic and homophobic, things that are against my faith (I'm christian) and I just love torturing human beings.. generally.

Remember this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding my problems...

My diagnosis; over dramatic attention whore.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
Ok, you got me, and i am in a bad mood right now. reason? my father thinks he is a funny bastard, he always has to prank his children, but i'm his best victim, always.

Even as a child, he always pulls the same shit, always, I remember once we were in a meeting with my parents' friends, even my friends of school, I was 8, and it was at the beach.

Anyways the adults continue talking, and laughing and what not, and then he calls me over, after some time, I can't remember what he said, something happened and he ended pulling my swimsuit down, my friends, siblings and parents' friends, ALL SAW MY LITLE WEE WEE, what the hell?! then I knew true embarrassment for the first time, and retreated inside, crying; of course everyone was laughing hysterically, him too, and then he came to my crying spot, he took me for a ride in his car, and then I told him to buy me a transformers toy, he refused! i kept crying until he did (continued next post, im on ps3)

but what the hell? he didn't even care he hurt me deep in ny dignity, but to him, children don't have dignity. back then it was about the sweet toy, but now it's just him not wanting to spend money for his son he hurt. this isn't the only time either!

He always does this crap, since then I always keep on safe reach from him and my pants ( wow, sounds weird ) but always the same thing! verbally making fun of me or physically ( yes, he's done it even at this age ),

he thinks it's only a joke, but it's taking it too far always disrespecting me! You may ask yourselves, now if this would be any other person, they would feel so sorry, I would leave them in agonizing pain, I would have to call an ambulance.... but I can't hurt my father... he's my father!

no, i haven't tried communicating with him, why? well because he just ignores what he doesn't want to hear, he has made fun of my brother at times, but he cried, he is a very sensitive guy, but I don't cry, so it's ok to do it with me!


I'm like a punching bag to him, I won't fall apart, so he keeps hitting!

and you know what else? If i try to do a prank to him. he will hurt me or punish me severely, it's ok to make fun of me, but not vice versa,

he's a bully

there is no escape, only a litle light at the end of this dark tunnel, that's my 18th year, but then what? will I hate my father and resent him forever? when I look back on it, will it just seem like a nightmare? he isn't always bad, but we can't communicate with one another.

my friends tell me to hit him, but he loves me like i love him or he would've left us long ago, he is loyal to my mother, hard working.

but he disrespects me and I can't stand it! please help me.. this is the first time I've talked about it openly

not only this, but it makes me uncomfortable around him at times, like I wouldn't bother him to give me a lift to this place or another, so i just walk the 3km. hes intimidating?

and yes, triple post! merge them because MY FATHER WON'T LET ME USE THE COMPUTER!!!!
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
Well, I have problem that even I can't solve. Well, my friend (A)STOLE some movies (I have huge collection of them), he stole about 10 (!). I didn't know that until today another friend (B) said that to me. Problem is, A and B are friends too. So, friend A would not tolerate betrayal of friend B. Because only friend B saw friend A when he stole DVDs. So, friend A will know I heard that from friend B, and he would then get angry at friend B, and I don't want to do that, nor I want to fight with friend A.

Yeah, It's complicated. Too complicated.
Well, I have problem that even I can't solve. Well, my friend (A)STOLE some movies (I have huge collection of them), he stole about 10 (!). I didn't know that until today another friend (B) said that to me. Problem is, A and B are friends too. So, friend A would not tolerate betrayal of friend B. Because only friend B saw friend A when he stole DVDs. So, friend A will know I heard that from friend B, and he would then get angry at friend B, and I don't want to do that, nor I want to fight with friend A.

Yeah, It's complicated. Too complicated.
Tried asking about if friend B knows where the DVDs are?

(I mean ask something like this:
Hey, could it be that I forgot some of my favourite DVDs at your home?)

Edit: Oh damn, I meant friend A...
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Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
(plus 2 up)
I'm like a punching bag to him, I won't fall apart, so he keeps hitting!

and you know what else? If i try to do a prank to him. he will hurt me or punish me severely, it's ok to make fun of me, but not vice versa,

he's a bully

there is no escape, only a litle light at the end of this dark tunnel, that's my 18th year, but then what? will I hate my father and resent him forever? when I look back on it, will it just seem like a nightmare? he isn't always bad, but we can't communicate with one another.

my friends tell me to hit him, but he loves me like i love him or he would've left us long ago, he is loyal to my mother, hard working.

but he disrespects me and I can't stand it! please help me.. this is the first time I've talked about it openly

not only this, but it makes me uncomfortable around him at times, like I wouldn't bother him to give me a lift to this place or another, so i just walk the 3km. hes intimidating?

and yes, triple post! merge them because MY FATHER WON'T LET ME USE THE COMPUTER!!!!

Wow... Some prick :csad:

Excuse me for that expression. There is always a bond of love, no matter how painful it may be. I can't believe your friends' parents just stood there laughing during that episode with your pants; more than one parent must've been a prick, or otherwise they were too scared to interfere with your daddy or something...
Don't give up hope, though. I believe there comes a point in every boy's life where he'll learn how to pwn his father. Mine was when I turned 18, actually. Although, my father was never like what you describe. Hell, he's a whole different type, just being embarrassing beyond proportions, and he's never been a person I could look up to, yet he has always been there as a huge, meaningless wall I couldn't get around.
I "beat" my first "hole" in that wall called my father, when I was 18. Since then I've carved out an escape, run through, and my father never realized that it happened. But fact is that now he looks at me with pride or even awe, and back when I was 18, he saw me (and spoke to me) as a retarded kid unable to think an individual thought. I needed that pride and stuff when I was an unsecure kid being bullied at school, but now it's a little weird.

But anyway, maybe your post here is the first step towards breaking out of that nightmare? Maybe you need to take it from here, and try to train your anger into creative anger. It's very hard to explain, but that's what I did. You can use it to figure out weak points in your father... or to accomplish certain things that he can't possibly overlook (like "climbing Mt. Everrest" or something less extreme, yet manly enough), things that will truly earn his respect for the first time. Maybe you know of something that he can't ignore?
And still, that's only if he doesn't know what a man you are. Because really, you've got enough balls to hit back, and you took all his punishments. He should realize that you're a man, and maybe that's why he favors bullying you, because he thinks you're the one who can take it and thinks it'll strengthen you or something. Could he be thinking that?

Do you think he ever had a problem with your interests, friends, social activities, behavior, anything? Is there some "milestone" where he started focusing his bullying on you?
Do you actually think he hits your brother less than you because your brother cries? If so, maybe you should not give up on ways to show him how you feel. Some people just have 0.3% empathy, and need to be shouted really loud in the face "You hurt my feelings"....... :\

But it's hardly acceptable that he behaves that way. I think he should be punished in some non-physical way - or I prefer saying, he should be taught lessons in a non-physical way. I've often felt it was impossible for me as a son to teach my father anything. Can't imagine him accepting that situation. So you might have to speak a lot to your mother about ways to turn the tables or make him a better father, if possible.

Maybe leaving him is the best way. If he loves you enough, he will preferably realize that he has to improve before he can see you. If everything's terrible, and nothing else works, I guess you could stick with that.... I even think that must've been where I started...

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Just pretend you don't know he stole them.. though forgetting 10 DVDs at a friends place is sort of unlikely.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
Wow... Some prick :csad:

Excuse me for that expression. There is always a bond of love, no matter how painful it may be. I can't believe your friends' parents just stood there laughing during that episode with your pants; more than one parent must've been a prick, or otherwise they were too scared to interfere with your daddy or something...
Don't give up hope, though. I believe there comes a point in every boy's life where he'll learn how to pwn his father. Mine was when I turned 18, actually. Although, my father was never like what you describe. Hell, he's a whole different type, just being embarrassing beyond proportions, and he's never been a person I could look up to, yet he has always been there as a huge, meaningless wall I couldn't get around.
I "beat" my first "hole" in that wall called my father, when I was 18. Since then I've carved out an escape, run through, and my father never realized that it happened. But fact is that now he looks at me with pride or even awe, and back when I was 18, he saw me (and spoke to me) as a retarded kid unable to think an individual thought. I needed that pride and stuff when I was an unsecure kid being bullied at school, but now it's a little weird.

But anyway, maybe your post here is the first step towards breaking out of that nightmare? Maybe you need to take it from here, and try to train your anger into creative anger. It's very hard to explain, but that's what I did. You can use it to figure out weak points in your father... or to accomplish certain things that he can't possibly overlook (like "climbing Mt. Everrest" or something less extreme, yet manly enough), things that will truly earn his respect for the first time. Maybe you know of something that he can't ignore?
And still, that's only if he doesn't know what a man you are. Because really, you've got enough balls to hit back, and you took all his punishments. He should realize that you're a man, and maybe that's why he favors bullying you, because he thinks you're the one who can take it and thinks it'll strengthen you or something. Could he be thinking that?

Do you think he ever had a problem with your interests, friends, social activities, behavior, anything? Is there some "milestone" where he started focusing his bullying on you?
Do you actually think he hits your brother less than you because your brother cries? If so, maybe you should not give up on ways to show him how you feel. Some people just have 0.3% empathy, and need to be shouted really loud in the face "You hurt my feelings"....... :\

But it's hardly acceptable that he behaves that way. I think he should be punished in some non-physical way - or I prefer saying, he should be taught lessons in a non-physical way. I've often felt it was impossible for me as a son to teach my father anything. Can't imagine him accepting that situation. So you might have to speak a lot to your mother about ways to turn the tables or make him a better father, if possible.

Maybe leaving him is the best way. If he loves you enough, he will preferably realize that he has to improve before he can see you. If everything's terrible, and nothing else works, I guess you could stick with that.... I even think that must've been where I started...

solved! i almost dislocated his arm, he apologized and admitted he only jokes, but sometimes takes it too far, and we made up, but it might happen again later.
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