- Fixed a bug that caused units to do a very slight arc when turning after using a Portal.
- Added a new variable to handle the Sever Connection ability since that had to be set manually if the id of the spell was not to same per map. Set it in Portal Connect at the top. That method also allows you to use whatever no-target spell you want to disconnect portals.
- Move Portal Periodic trigger up to facilitate installation as some functions were being disabled on import bcz world edit is dumb.
- Portal Connect is no longer optional. Not sure why it was in the first place...
- fixed an issue where non-flying missiles would get stuck on units.
- Updated README.
- Portal missiles no longer use locust and instead of made invulnerable unless they are made targetable.
- Portals now retain unit selection.
- Updated screenshot
- Portal_index changed to Portal_ConfigIndex and is used only in configuration. Portal_INDEX_CASTER/TARGET/TRAVELLER were added to use as index in the rest of the system.
- Added a failsafe to prevent movable portals (like the owls) to use portals while connected as this seemed to bug out their own connections. Disconnect them to allow them to use portals.
- Checks to see whether portals are connected in the configuration now, rather than in the connection trigger. This is to avoid switching out values from portals that are already connected. I'm afraid there's no way around this.
- GUI AutoFly no longer needed. Add storm crow form to your dummy units to remove the need for autofly on dummies. (This is for reducing the amount of requirements for the system. I recommend having autofly in your maps regardless as if may come in handy in other places).
- No longer uses BlizzardMessage.
- Updated the README to reflect that change.
UPDATE: System upgraded from v1.0 to v2.0
- No longer uses DynamicEvents. Uses timers instead.
- ID, ID2 and ID3 Integer variabled have been replaced with Portal_index[array]
- You can now chose to let allies use your Portals with Portal_preventAllies[array]
- Added a slew of features:
- Can now apply a delay before teleportation. Unit that move outside the reach of a Portal (eg if knocked back) will automatically reingage the Portal
- Can now use dummy missiles to make teleportation happen. These missiles can be made targetable and/or use their own movement if you so desire to make them respect pathing. Eg: a tunneling teleportation. Examples available in demo map.
- Added an optional trigger where you can sever the connection between two portals. Refer to Portal Disconnect for more details.
PLEASE NOTE: The vJASS categorisation is only because I use BlizzardMessage to simulate error messages in this system. There are a total of 3 calls to BlizzardMessage in there, so if you don't want to use JNGP, you know what you get rid of. That being said, why would you not use JNGP?