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Poetry thread.

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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Let's stuff up this thread with all kinds of poetry and stuff
but it wont probally be enough.
This thread is so cool
and will rule.
I bet this poetrybattle will get tough.

Here, this link will be your aid
as it displayed.
Type in your desired word
and get your request answered.
So what are you waiting for, get your poetry made!

I've been awhile on this machine
watching this girl on the screen.
Li is actually nice
but her body wont suffice.
Because she's only fourteen.

MasterHaosis, ah you're here
haven't seen you in a year.
How does it go
or are you just for the show?
Our conversation's future is unclear.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
We are the chosen ones, we sacrifice our blood,
We kill for honour
We are the holy ones, our armour stained with blood,
We killed the dragon

In glory we return, our destination's end,
We slayed the dragon
No more living in fear it's time to raise our king,
We made it happen, we're the chosen ones
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Ash is propably drunk again
Went to a party with Gord'n Freeman
Had time to drink some beer
From awl'd Freeman's footgear
Grabbed the crowbar
And smashed down the bar
An old lady call'd the police
But the fighting just didn't cease
Ash and Freeman killed them all
Then played Super Smash brawl
Na Zdarovje!

Inspired by Ash's title.
Level 17
May 6, 2008
Coffee is not the best thing.

Your head might start aching.

Then you will start bashing.

Bashing will lead to banning.

Don't take too much.

People might want to touch.

Your awesome beard.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Coffee is not the best thing.

Your head might start aching.

Then you will start bashing.

Bashing will lead to banning.

Don't take too much.

People might want to touch.

Your awesome beard.

Too many

Too many monkey slaves
1 monkey slave, 2 monkey slave, 3 monkey slaves, four
Do I even need fucking more?
All I want is decaf afterall.
Cream or double, its your call.

Now get me my fucking coffee
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Guys, stop your flaming and have my advice
flaming aint fun or nice
Because trolling and such aint fun
and it cannot be undone.
And it comes at a price.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
only Stupid People Like You Wont Rhyme
Now If You Excuse Me, I Have No Time
Please Get Out Of This Nice Little Thread
You Stupid Cow-coed.
Oh, Be Right Back, It's Now Lunchtime.

guys, Stop Your Flaming And Have My Advice
Flaming Aint Fun Or Nice
Because Trolling And Such Aint Fun
And It Cannot Be Undone.
And It Comes At A Price.

What a hypocritcal contradiction.
I'm striving for this thread to starve to the point of extinction.
The only distinction between you and a scumsucking fish,
Is one of you swims and one of you is a bitch.

Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
You people fail at developing rhymes,
Knowing not stress nor a rhythm at all.
A scat'ring of syllables spilled upon lines,
To call this shit art would make rappers apalled.
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008
Dude, msbb has written more poems than you will ever be able to count in your life. Plus his power level is over nine thousand. Get ready to get pwnt.

Stop being evil
It's not your style
Don't worship devil
And rest for a while

Don't be annoying
Don't act so smart
Guess where I'm going
To the kwik e mart

For girls I'll buy coffee
For boys - magazines
For myself - a mad monkey
And hear the girls scream

MSBB-nice rhyming
But sadly , you phail
I am the StasMaN
Everyone hail

Your rhymes are worthless
Like MSBB said
A Math's test tomorrow
I think I'll be dead

No offence was meant to anyone , also kwik e mart is a mall from Simpsons
Level 4
Jul 4, 2007
Some scrimble:

Hey n1gger,
Do not linger
Like a white-ass rapper pretender!
Be fast
To take out the straps
And blast the fools ass!
Before he counts the last seconds
That you have to surive,
And minutes
In which you have to memorize all things
That were not written down by your own HAND!
Last edited:
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008
Some scrimble:

Hey nigger
Do not linger
Like a white-ass rapper pretender!
Be fast
To take out the straps
And blast the fools ass!
Before he counts the last seconds
That you have to surive,
And minutes
In which you have to memorize all things
That were not written down by your own HAND!

Watch your tongue
Name calling's wrong
If you are in Hive
Then learn how to Rhyme

Hive's people are great
But there are some I hate
For example CG
For him it should be GG
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Today is th' day that w' can talk like pirates yarr,
Rum and wenches we like to have in our hands
So what are you waiting for? Let's go to the tavern or bar!
We party like Jack Sparrow
Like to do the limbo.
Because we are pirates for life and we like ale!
And having our ships at sail.
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