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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
horse, with cart
Carries Lumber and Gold

added attachment weapon ref (for whoever want to stuff with attachment)
so if you want to load weapon or stuff, just attach to weapon ref

better wheel wrap
better wheel (catapult wheel)
added some roof (upgrade tag)
added attachment weapon ref (for whoever want to stuff with attachment)

gold, worker, carry, lumber, wood, peasant, human, carrier, horse, donkey

PackHorseCart (Model)

15:50, 9th Dec 2014 MiniMage: The model is riddled with derpy animations and clippings. The filesize is a little much, but that is to be expected of such a model. I would recommend adding a rider to the horse though. Work on these things.




15:50, 9th Dec 2014
MiniMage: The model is riddled with derpy animations and clippings. The filesize is a little much, but that is to be expected of such a model. I would recommend adding a rider to the horse though. Work on these things.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Kewl it has a roof now so that things won't get wet when it rains smart idea and the wheels are much more better. Now I think you should put a peasant or maybe a villager that rides on the horse.
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Jejeje I thought there's already an attachment that's why I ask, anyway its OK you don't have to rush on what I ask for.
Would it be too much to ask for a fourth stand animation with hay? :)

Nice model. 4/5

use the weapon ref attachment and you're done :p
(adding one more tag = more filesize since i need to copy the same animation over and over again which = wasting)

don't worry... someday i will make a thread for all the attachment part needed provided
everything people would like to load to the cart xd

but not now..... so be patient for the
Attachment Model Thread
Level 5
Apr 20, 2014
This is looks good. I like it. This model can be used in many things.

EDIT: Wow, this model has improved! I kinda like that roof attachment. I have an Idea. Why not put a villager in the cart, so it looks like he is commanding the horse to stride. Or maybe make it into a transporting vehicle with a man doing the hiyaa thing, while it is carrying passengers. :D


EDIT 2: Oh sorry, I didn't read the previous post.
Last edited:
Level 10
Jul 7, 2015
It is very good, really, it has many animations, all good and useful, plus it is necessary this kind of things in warcraft III, because they just used this type of carriage in the middle ages, well it depends, oxen were also used for that , but models of this type are scarce and it is good to see that they have done it.