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NEW UI WIP, Misha's Request.

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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I really hope someone with experience comes here and finish the last parts, this UI is easily comparable in looks with the Pandarian UI.

Talked to CrazyRussian, I was told to remind him about doing it, he was just a little preoccupied with other stuff though, so last time he told me to wait a while, then remind him again or he would forget.
Some final touches added.
Gonna make it more accurate soon.


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Some final touches added.
Gonna make it more accurate soon.

Err.. what? Is that a joke? Where is the actual final touches? ;O
Or is that a WIP, because.. the only thing I can honestly say I like about that one is the work done on the time indicator.

Although it still requires work.

Why is there jewelry added? It only becomes a distraction. What are the round things down to the lower right? ;O
The West, South, East and North, why are they colored in different colors? It's supposed to give off a dungeon feel, that's intended to be stone.

Is this your own edit? I mean, the general impression I got from the other guy was that he was a lot more skilled than this.
I'll see how this goes, however, I'll probably send the UI to CrazyRussian as well and take him up on the offer that he'd help me when he got time left over.

Because many of these changes I see here make me scared.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Aren't you the Christian so you do not like Easter so much?

I'm an agnostic. If I had to choose any religious afilliations, I'd call me a heathen, a follower of Asatro. Easter is actually more of a heathen tradition than it is a christian tradition. The easter bunny being the most marketable and noticable about the tradition. The whole egg gathering part of easter is from Asatro. The Hare and the Egg is what the Norse god of fertility is symbolized by. Easter is also named after the godess.

Anyhow, back to the point. Your experiments, doesn't work. They do not fit. Easter, which always is in conncetion with vibrant colors, light, fresh leaves on the trees, newborns, ect. It does not mesh well with a Dungeon UI, which sole purpose is to emulate a dark, moody, atmosphere, like dungeon seige, where monsters exists and death is frequent. The gems wouldn't have fit in either one. Because easter, in essense doesn't symbolize riches, it symbolises life, regeneration.

It's like trying to smash two polar opposites together hoping for a nice result. I appreciate the interest truly, but I really hope the one other guy touching up the UI does not go for this angle.
The angels of darkness are often come in the outfit of the angels of light... So, back to our 'rams'. I can't get one: hares, eggs, Easter and all descrived above... How is it related to my design?
My idea is that the dungeon is the treasure-house somewhere at the jungle, where are placed the treasures robbed by robbers and pirates. What place takes Easter here?
First try to get your work better and then resume mine.
As the ancient Russian proverb says, one loves watermelon, another loves pork cartilage. If I will make myself clearer, to each his own.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Stop 'dem hating guys, I think it looks really cool. Sure it is not the dungeon feeling but it sure feels colorful and somewhat elfish/kiddish.

The work bowser499 is doing is awesome, the community needs more UI. I even rep+ for the work s/he has done so far.

And hopefully a day will come when both are made and appreciated for their beauty.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Stop 'dem hating guys, I think it looks really cool. Sure it is not the dungeon feeling but it sure feels colorful and somewhat elfish/kiddish.

The work bowser499 is doing is awesome, the community needs more UI. I even rep+ for the work s/he has done so far.

And hopefully a day will come when both are made and appreciated for their beauty.

His editing of my UI scared me enough to get me working on it again. So meh.


Tinkered a little with the time indicator. The rest still needs work. ;P


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Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
At first, I thought bowser499 was trolling. Also he posted four WIPs on the same day. It's a little bit early for an April's fool.

From my point of view the UI is fine as it is. There is only something missing in the upper right corner and the color schemes have to be fitted to each other.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I never troll people here. It is how I see that UI. I will upload it by my own, np.

Looking like that? No you will not. I have no problems if people upload edited versions of my UIs that look better. However, if I find them to look worse, then no. ;P
Your version, looks far worse in my opinion. I told you, to tell the guy you contacted that if his version looked better than mine I was willing to upload his edit.

Your edit does not qualify. Seriously, what happened to his edit? Did he stop? Give up? What happened?
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
So I am the only one here that likes Bowser499s version, it cute and fluffy.

Just allow him to continue and he will upload it with a different name, I really dislike to see some people here want to stop the making of UI because they don't like it's style.

2 Versions, the rainbow and the Dungeon Explorer. Is that so hard :D?
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
So I am the only one here that likes Bowser499s version, it cute and fluffy.

Just allow him to continue and he will upload it with a different name, I really dislike to see some people here want to stop the making of UI because they don't like it's style.

2 Versions, the rainbow and the Dungeon Explorer. Is that so hard :D?

Eh, it's not good enough. So no, denied. If he's able to improve it to a level I would deem acceptable, maybe. But he'd have to start over all again, the gems just doesn't fit.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Redoing parts that to me was a little messy. I made the time indicator a little more.. compact. Thought I'd just upload it and get some input on the new Inventory protector thingy.
Excuse the red areas. I cut out some parts that I thought I just had to redo, because retouching that area would be a pain, I think.



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The last two pages consist of so much nonsense, it's itching me to delete them...

Please, if you don't have enough experience with actual freehand work within 2D Art, don't try to touch up existing User Interfaces... The results are doomed to be failures.
MiniMage has his very thing going on, copypasting various images together (hopefully with permission / a credits list?) to create a coherent-looking Interface that needs final touch-ups before being complete. CrazyRussian already agreed on working on this, once he has time on his hands. It's a matter of staying in contact with him (which MiniMage seems to do).

bowser499, your edits render the UI unusable ingame. It's an eyekiller - overcontrasted, VERY bright, and way too shiny, the design being almost beyond kitsch.
The top borders (the part that holds "Quests", "Options" and the resources) are incredibly boring and look like pure sketches (only white lines???).
Whatever you did to that portion looks like taking 10 steps backwards.

Additionally, be so kind as to create your OWN UI from scratch.
It's beyond rudeness to work on someone elses foundations, without any consent.

This is not meant to be offensive, but merely my two cents I felt had to be contributed.
The last two pages consist of so much nonsense, it's itching me to delete them...

Please, if you don't have enough experience with actual freehand work within 2D Art, don't try to touch up existing User Interfaces... The results are doomed to be failures.
MiniMage has his very thing going on, copypasting various images together (hopefully with permission / a credits list?) to create a coherent-looking Interface that needs final touch-ups before being complete. CrazyRussian already agreed on working on this, once he has time on his hands. It's a matter of staying in contact with him (which MiniMage seems to do).

bowser499, your edits render the UI unusable ingame. It's an eyekiller - overcontrasted, VERY bright, and way too shiny, the design being almost beyond kitsch.
The top borders (the part that holds "Quests", "Options" and the resources) are incredibly boring and look like pure sketches (only white lines???).
Whatever you did to that portion looks like taking 10 steps backwards.

Additionally, be so kind as to create your OWN UI from scratch.
It's beyond rudeness to work on someone elses foundations, without any consent.

This is not meant to be offensive, but merely my two cents I felt had to be contributed.

Yep. This. Period.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Still pondering on if I should try and do the leaves or just suggest the one I send it to and then instruct how they should do them instead.

Also, for those who haven't heard, GhostThruster volunteered for helping with the retouching.
Since it appears he'd be able to jump into it quickly, I might go with GhostThruster for the final touches instead of Russian. ;P


Also, I3lackDeath, you were wondering about credits.

This post was from.. page.. 7 I believe? Haven't added anything extra to the list since.


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
As suggested. The rust was removed. Made it silver. Thoughts? Should we call it done and thus ready for the final touches? Or should I think about trying to add the leaves over the minimap again? Also, which version do you like best?





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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I still think more of these leaves would do great.

It's so hard to add leaves though. I could add that as something to do for GhostThruster then. Anyhow, I will make this post the post that describes for GhostThruster what to do.

GhostThruster, as you can see in the lower left corner, the three little circles there indicate what I would prefer to be enhanced to the point that you can see the letters. There should be N,S,W,E standing for North, South, West and East. These add some charm to the UI in my opinion.

The yellow cirlces indicate a possible, if you can area. If you can, try and add leaves that match up with the UI. The circle back at the little leaf pile and dragon. Something looks off, it's not bad, but something looks off, try and tweak that area.

To the lower left of the Portrait window, I'm not sure what you should do.. add rust? Something, It's a little bland as-is and my skills can only do so much. The circle above that one could try and be worked on somewhat too.

To the right, there is a lone circle around the dragon close to the inventory, that one needs a little work, I think.

The rest needs a general touch up and you do what you insticint tells you that you need to do.

Here's a picture to go by.

The UI in question.


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
wip of the values and shapes, shapes will be polished and colour added later. is this wat u wanted?

It's in the right direction, but I think it kinda covers up too much of the detail I put into that thingy over the minimap.
Something that may, may, get it more in the direction of what I'm going for is if some of the leaves is behind it, much like the middle.

Something more like this

Top Right Corner fix

Seems like a little picture doesn't explain as much.


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