Music Contest #6 - Apocalyptic

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Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
Oh fine. I'm in then. Proof bellow.
I have used Finale 2014 to right this one.
The sound is produced by a device, called ARIA Player and it has recorded(?) sounds of instruments.
Something like GP5 but it has more classical instruments and better sound.
Also it's very easy to use.
It's the final thing yet.
Tomorrow I'll fix it a bit, because I had nothing to do and completed it in 3 hours, which is really short time and it's kinda meh. But anyway I'll give it a try.


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Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
I just visited the site, to post something off topic, a problem that occurred and I found myself reading about this contest and said why not?
I started today, it took me about 3(?) hours for 3:30 mins and some mistakes will be fix, tomorrow , I got tired.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Nah really not. There is a gap in the middle and it has some bad "connections" in the finale.
Truth be told it will take less than 10 mins to fix them but I wanna first take a good rest, reset my mind and hear it again tomorrow, with clear mind, maybe I'll even find a lot more mistakes.
That's why it's called a WiP. Mine also has some flaws. But, as you wish. It's just abiding the rules, that's all.
Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
Alright, you are right.
Here's a WiP.
You might need to increase your sound a bit, it has low volume. I'll fix that. I have a sub woofer and it sounds fine. I don't know if I can recommend headphones, the flute sound is a bit annoying and pierces the ear.
I'll change it for sure.


  • ApocalypseX.mp3
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Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
Second and probably last WiP:

It gets experimental at the end haha :D I like the musical part but "experimental" part was a bit too long imo. I like the musical part tho. Only thing I wanna say is the choir gets cut out around 1:20s like aAAAAAAA-a-a-a-a-a-AH. If you can make it better in some way it'll be a lot better too ^^

Alright, you are right.
Here's a WiP.
You might need to increase your sound a bit, it has low volume. I'll fix that. I have a sub woofer and it sounds fine. I don't know if I can recommend headphones, the flute sound is a bit annoying and pierces the ear.
I'll change it for sure.

For this one I'd suggest you to use reverb and LOTS of it :D a bit more bass would give the song a backbone ^^


I'll post another WIP tonight, if I like what I got :3
When did you start making your music?
I just visited the site, to post something off topic, a problem that occurred and I found myself reading about this contest and said why not?
I started today, it took me about 3(?) hours for 3:30 mins and some mistakes will be fix, tomorrow , I got tired.
So simple?! :)
I always thought that making music isn't such a simple hypothesis and not everyone can do it(i had imagined that only the gifted ones can really create true music).
No offense, but still i believe that making music is not a simple hypothesis.
Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
So simple?! :)
I always thought that making music is not such a simple hypothesis and not everyone can do it(i had imagined that only the gifted ones can really create true music).
No offense, but still i believe that making music is not a simple hypothesis.

Again no offense :)p) but I find words like gift, talent, luck too overrated. Everything depends on the amount of time you've put into your work and the succession of it. More time doesn't always necessarily mean it is the best but time is good for getting your ideas more stable. A simple drop of inspiration can turn into a nice song though.

I think everyone can create music but with proper knowledge of course.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Melodic and weird at the same time.
Yeah, I want to give a medieval, religious and science-fiction feel to it.
I like the musical part but "experimental" part was a bit too long imo.
Yeah, I know. I want to add something there on it or shorten it.
Only thing I wanna say is the choir gets cut out around 1:20s like aAAAAAAA-a-a-a-a-a-AH. If you can make it better in some way it'll be a lot better too ^^
I know about that one too. I gotta squeeze my brain for that to connect the parts properly.
I think everyone can create music but with proper knowledge of course.
That's not true, I'm afraid. There are people who have no ear for music. Randomly putting sounds together or creating it mathematically (eg: spectral music) isn't much of a help either since the result will not probably be music but noise. To learn music theory, well, you need to have an affinity to music (in terms of at least playing an instrument, not necessarily composing; no, listening to music and liking it doesn't mean you've got an ear for it too).
I think everyone can create music but with proper knowledge of course.
Maybe, but...
A simple drop of inspiration can turn into a nice song though.'s about that... "drop of inspiration".
Whatever the "recipe", let's say that talent works as an "enchanting spell". :grin:

That's not true, I'm afraid. There are people who have no ear for music. Randomly putting sounds together or creating it mathematically (eg: spectral music) isn't much of a help either since the result will not probably be music but noise. To learn music theory, well, you need to have an affinity to music (in terms of at least playing an instrument, not necessarily composing; no, listening to music and liking it doesn't mean you've got an ear for it too).

Off-topic, my fault! Sorry for derailing the topic!
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Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
What I want to say is actually, anyone WHO is very much into making/composing music can learn it. It will require patience, determination and hardwork, but what matters is your aim. If you want to become a commercial music composer, you won't need to learn everything but every new thing you learn will contribute to your music, if you want to become the next Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Brahms etc.. you will want to devote your life on music, and maybe you will never reach their level because of many parameters involved.

If you guys would want a further discussion we can have a private conversation otherwise I don't want to change the topic of the thread :D

Here's my new WIP, open for feedback ^^

PS: I intentionally double posted bcz updating my last post doesn't alert anyone so it gets lost. Just like my first wip for this contest :p


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Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
So simple?! :)
I always thought that making music isn't such a simple hypothesis and not everyone can do it(i had imagined that only the gifted ones can really create true music).
No offense, but still i believe that making music is not a simple hypothesis.

Sin'dorei300 I actually study classical composition and I made this with basic knowledge skills I'm taught. It could take a lot more time for something more complex.
I really don't lie. I really don't. Three hours it was and it's way too simple, that's why I don't like it. Taken seriously, I might have written something much better and appropriate, using actual real composition methods (e.g. Bach) rather than the easy way to make music as taught in class (like simple songs-just three basic chords and it will sound fine).

Here's my new WIP, open for feedback ^^

Wow, that's awesome. Theme's on point and structure is perfect. Can't keep up with you people.

Anyway, here's the final score in PDF and my entry.
I really don't wanna fix it, it's out of competition compared to others, so I'll yolo it.
If I have to provide something more, tell me.
DISCLAIMER: Program made: Finale 2014
Sound device: ARIA player
I do not own any of these programs and their use is for non commercial purpose.


  • ApocalypseX (final).mp3
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  • ApocalypseX(PDF).pdf
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Hey, guys!

Final Entry

Saturated Calling
Description: I made my song a bit(or maybe much) sad cuz I wanted to fit it with the theme. It begins with the sounds of rain and also finishes with them(again for fitting the theme). In my opinion, my music tells a sad story that fits with this contest. When I hear it, a good feeling comes to my heart! I think my song is beautiful:p, what about you?
Attention: Please increase the volume of your speaker when you hear this music because I'm bad at recording!
Do not forget cuz I could not solve it's volume problem!


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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
It is going pretty well, I like how you did the buildup and all. From the middle onwards it lacks something, but I guess you're aware of it since it is a WIP so that shouldn't be a problem. And hey, what was your theme exactly? "Not to be overwhelmed" was such an intriguing title and I was left wondering.

As I love classic instruments so I may be suspicios to analyze your piece hehe. So I like the melody you wrote, specially in the climax part near the end. I feel that the rest of the song actually paints the emotion you're aiming for, however I would try to make it be more intense in whichever was the objective of that phrase (e.g. if it was supposed to be sad, make it sadder).

Really nice atmosphere, man! That was a pleasure to listen to. I loved your constant sweet melancholy throughout the piece. Each section has its own melody and it really helps in the feeling that there's a story being told. If I could tell you something it would be to increase the volume, for obvious reasons, and to try to remove the recording noise (some clicked low sound) that appears at 0:11 and somwhere at the end.

Ooh that was a really cool choice of instrumets at the introduction (reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus - and this will always be a good thing). The very pleasant beggining contrasts into a series of sections that provides an everchanging atmosphere of desolation and confusion, which fits very well with the theme. I couldn't actually paint the scenery you're trying to provide in my mind, but I was left with a cybergoth feel - but well, I guess that was your intention. Nice job anyways, I liked the intro and the "gloomy" part the most. If I would change something it would be the transition part, but I don't really know what I would do with it :p


As for my (kind of) final entry:

I'm going to rework it, I think I is really going the wrong direction (as can be seen in here). So, if I don't upload anything else before the deadline, this is going to be my final entry... I hope not!


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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
As for my (kind of) final entry:
It's really swell. It has action, I can imagine some cataclysm going on, a tsunami, a meteor shower, something that happens somewhat fast and puts stress on a planet.
The end is kind of abrupt with those three notes just leading to a pause and then to a continuous bass line. Might be just me though. I would either end it with a boom or slowly until everything fades.
Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
As I love classic instruments so I may be suspicios to analyze your piece hehe. So I like the melody you wrote, specially in the climax part near the end. I feel that the rest of the song actually paints the emotion you're aiming for, however I would try to make it be more intense in whichever was the objective of that phrase (e.g. if it was supposed to be sad, make it sadder).

As for my (kind of) final entry:

I'm going to rework it, I think I is really going the wrong direction (as can be seen in here). So, if I don't upload anything else before the deadline, this is going to be my final entry... I hope not!

Yes I know it should be but that will take a lot more time which I don't have at this moment.
Yours was lit though. Very good.
Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
It is going pretty well, I like how you did the buildup and all. From the middle onwards it lacks something, but I guess you're aware of it since it is a WIP so that shouldn't be a problem. And hey, what was your theme exactly? "Not to be overwhelmed" was such an intriguing title and I was left wondering.

If you mean the raw drums part after the long buildup by onwards yeah I'll add electro guitar recording and more instruments.

As for my entry I think I'll be able to finish it on the last day. I guess :') There is not a specified time for the ending. So I'll just take it as somewhere around late night, I'll post it around afternoon that day.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Me "final" sung:
start~0:55 (John is visited by an angel who begins telling him about the end of days)
0:55~1:28 (the apostle is lifted to Heaven)
1:28~2:38 (God's throne room; the 24 elders & the four sleepless beings)
2:38~3:24 (the seven eyed Lamb chosen to break the seals)
3:24~4:44 (unsealing, the four horsemen, the devastation of the angels)
4:44~6:52 (the Whore of Babylon, the Number of the Beast, fall of New Babylon)
6:52~8:30 (the Abyss/the Devil's imprisonment, the Lake of Fire where the False Prophet, the seven headed Beast and the Dragon/Satan suffer for eternity)
8:30~end (the reshaping of the world; everlasting New Jerusalem)


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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I guess my last submission is my final submission.

I tried extending it a bit but I got bored and it doesn't really go anywhere. So my last version is the one I think im gonna use
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
End of the World Jazz

If this is too late, I'll happily offer to judge. I didn't really have that much time to make something more elaborate or you know... apocalyptic, so if you guys can't find a suitable judge, I'm happy to withdraw my entry and help you guys conclude this.

Extending this by 1 week was definitely not enough for me! Hehe



  • End Of The World.mp3
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Level 4
May 14, 2013
Post Apocalyptic Conversation

Here is my WIP im happy to upload screenshots too if needed.
There is a lot of silence at the beginning. its a WIP and is not yet edited.

A Post Apocalyptic Conversation
Final Submission

The last man on earth alone forever. He has forgotten language and his only means of communication, be it with himself, is playing music in the last building standing, a large cathedral church. He tell a monologue of loneliness and the peace he has found through this song about his life story.

There is a few seconds of silence at the beginning while the music slowly fades in. Eh it could have been a better fade in but i wanted to get this done fast.
I broke a string before i got it to where i was completely happy with it. But i also promised myself i wouldn't spend more than 2 hours on this so here ya go hope you like it.

Please let me know if you like what you hear and have need for any composing work done. I am currently a sound engineer/designer "mostly theatre" but i want to get into a job composing in Foley or for software. I am working on putting together a Wwise/Foley/Composition/SFX portfolio so i would consider free work to help build my portfolio. Although this is rather guitar heavy i do compose a much larger variety of music i just felt a guitar solo was perfect for the theme. I also do sound effects and voice over work.

Ask permission before using,posting or sharing this music.
Copyright 2017 Elijah Livingston


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  • Post Apocalyptic Conversation final.mp3
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
End of the World Jazz
Happy End of Days! I'm not sure how it represents the theme but if we are to extrapolate, then it works.
Couldnt give it as much time as i wanted to,but here it is anyway(Final Entry)
I daresay it's quite atmospheric and on track.
A Post Apocalyptic Conversation

The thing is, the WiP was uploaded on the same day as the final version :D I'm not saying it's impossible. The rules do not forbid it.
Well, it's a pretty song with things to ponder on it. Kind of relaxing mostly.
Level 19
Apr 21, 2013
Okay I rushed hard and eventually finished it. Here is my FINAL SUBMISSION!

I got carried away and turned into an epic style again, the story is about mankind.

Humanity cannot be destroyed, even after what he faces. Many may perish but the threat will not be strong enough to wipe out humanity. Humanity is not to be overwhelmed.


  • Not to be Overwhelmed.mp3
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