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Is this game garbage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • No

    Votes: 32 82.1%

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Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
It's out



a.k.a. "blatant Monster Hunter ripoff"

Latest Update: Feb. 29, 2012
June 11, 2012: Soon

Monter [sic] is a game I've been working on for roughly four months, heavily reminiscent of the Monster Hunter series (hence the ridiculous name). As seen in the video above, this game does not use the pre-made autoattack combat system - instead, players utilize three buttons to engage in more "combo-centric" battles. Each button will produce different effects depending on weapon class and the sequence in which the buttons are pressed.

(also being a complete MH ripoff it mainly consists of baws fitez)

There are currently six weapon classes, each with separate movesets; and of course, with a different arsenal of abilities comes different strategies, i.e.:

Balanced weapon with moderate evasive ability and damage output. Also has the Parry ability which can block most to all forms of damage.
(Also, Jump Slash spam.)
Dual Blades
Has a moderately high damage output and excellent mobility. Often makes use of Blade Flurry, which dishes out high damage.
The Lance focuses on the use of Focus Thrust, which has the highest range of all the physical attacks in the game; and most of its damage/combos are derived from this move.
Although the Hammer's attacks are very slow in comparison to the rest of the weapons, its damage potential is very high if used correctly; e.g., well-timed Charge Attacks in tandem with its Perfect Defense ability, etc.
A semi-ranged weapon which sacrifices defensive abilities for high damage. Can use different ammo types.
For pansies who don't want to fight up close. Has different ammo types.

Also, GENERIC BOSS FIGHT GAME GENERIC BOSS FIGHT GAME GENERIC BOSS FIGHT GAME (there are 5 bosses in the downloadable version, but 7 in the latest and unreleased one)

Q: why the hell is it called "Monter"
A: Self explanatory.

Q: will magic ever be a weapon in this game
A: yes, there will probably be some magical fairy wizard shit, which will have mechanics shamelessly derived from Monster Hunter's hunting horn weapon... maybe dunno


  • Monter v16d.w3x
    3.1 MB · Views: 324
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Level 9
Dec 22, 2008
I've played with you a few days ago that map with a lot of booms, with different levels (TeamVs, Boss and another one on which I was afk).

Remember me? MYM.Shadow?
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
OT: I only clicked this thread because I assumed I could get a few lols out of the hate comments, aka it was some totally crap map with a description similar to "HEY GUYSS NEW MONTER MAP RELESE TOMOROW +REP KTHX :goblin_yeah::goblin_good_job::ogre_haosis:"

I was honestly mindquacked when I saw the real thing. I wish you good luck on this project, it's been a while since I saw a map with gameplay that matches up to this.

EDIT: Tested the map, have a few things to say

1. Enemy AI is pretty good, however some of them ( the bears ) stand still for a while before attacking upon being attacked.
2. Currently the combo system is quite nice, you could add higher tiers to it though.
3. Could you make lockon only usable on enemies? I click the ground sometimes by accident.
4. Terrain could use some improvements.
5. Could you change the model for classes? The footman model looks weird when using the guns.
6. I picked the first circle of power and got a weird victory condition saying Kill 0s and I was stuck at the mission select screen, had to remake the game.
7. I don't understand the Hammer's Perfect Defense skill, and Quick Charge doesn't seem to work.
9. The game ended as my friend typed -suicide in the shops area and couldn't revive. >.>
10. Custom models would be nice.
11. Could you make the normal attacks slightly flashier? The numbers are low, so some graphical indication that you are actually hurting the enemy would be nice.
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Needs shields, to reduces damage taken when activated so u have a tank person for more generic rpg crap maybe reflect projectiles too though I never played monster hunter.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
frostloh said:
1. Enemy AI is pretty good, however some of them ( the bears ) stand still for
a while before attacking upon being attacked.
this behavior isn't restricted to bears, and honestly, the AI is kind of retarded to begin with

planning on making enemies act more "consistently" though, since what they do atm is completely random

frostloh said:
2. Currently the combo system is quite nice, you could add higher tiers to it though.

frostloh said:
3. Could you make lockon only usable on enemies? I click the ground sometimes by accident.
aim better :ogre_datass:

frostloh said:
4. Terrain could use some improvements.
anywhere in particular?
also i am fully aware that the boss arenas look terribad; feel free to make any suggestions because i have no creativity when it comes to terraining

frostloh said:
5. Could you change the model for classes? The footman model looks weird when using the guns.

frostloh said:
6. I picked the first circle of power and got a weird victory condition saying Kill 0s and I was stuck at the mission select screen, had to remake the game.
apparently i fucked up something, will look into this later

frostloh said:
7. I don't understand the Hammer's Perfect Defense skill, and Quick Charge doesn't seem to work.
perfect defense: release charge attack after 2.5 seconds; yes i realize that i'm vague as hell about this in-game so i don't blame you
quick charge: well i don't know exactly what you're having trouble with, but just hit C twice, and after the second swing's animation, press X once

frostloh said:
9. The game ended as my friend typed -suicide in the shops area and couldn't revive. >.>

frostloh said:
10. Custom models would be nice.
mite b kool

frostloh said:
11. Could you make the normal attacks slightly flashier? The numbers are low, so some graphical indication that you are actually hurting the enemy would be nice.
mite b kool

xzero said:
Needs shields, to reduces damage taken when activated so u have a tank person for more generic rpg crap maybe reflect projectiles too though I never played monster hunter.
well, now that i think about it, defense is a pretty stupid gimmick which is essentially just more health - i think i'll just stick to health bonuses, since defense would be difficult to implement anyway. not to mention i don't rely on whatever damage formula wc3 uses, rather, my own, and normal armor bonuses would fuck shit up

as for the defend thing, you get a big ass "meh" from me - this game's got no place for default abilities (projectile deflection mite b kool though). i also like to think the hammer as the "tank class," since if you time the release of Charge Attack correctly you pretty much enter godmode for a couple of seconds

if i were to actually put some ability to block damage in this game, it would probably involve actually having to BLOCK (i.e. actually facing the damage source) instead of an omnidirectional bitch-cant-hurt-me damage reduction bonus... much like it is in monster hunter LOLOL
it's a pity i have no clue how to go about doing this though
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
frostloh said:
I mean the combos could use some more depth, bashing stuff repeatedly is fun, but gets repetitive after a while.

i think it's not what the moves of the weapons are, but how they're used that makes it fun

i mained the Great Sword in monster hunter, which literally was a huge ass slab of rock that you could swing in 3 directions - but the way in which these moves were utilized in the various matchups with the bosses in that game is what i found immensely fuckin' entertaining

anyway if it makes you feel any better there are still moves i've yet to add to some of the weapons

also more bosses that actually require more strategizing/thinking beyond mashing a single button (that is, not like Generic Spider Boss which is genuinely a truck of ass)

frostloh said:
I couldn't get Quick Charge to work, it only lets me attack two times and the X does nothing.

you're pressing X too early then

Mr.Foxy said:
Woow, how to do that?
With moves. Very cool.

well, since i haven't the slightest knowledge in animating models (or modeling in general) i just transferred random blizzard units' animations to a regular footman

hence the swings and such that you wouldn't normally see on a footy

-Peper- said:
That 'coming-soon-magical-weapon' gonna be a buff-adding weapon just like Hunting Horn in MH?

yes, it will include buffs, but it will also need to "play notes" to attack too

and for those who have no clue what i mean by that, the Hunting Horn is a weapon with some gimmick where you can play music and crap; and depending on the sequence of notes that you play, you get a different buff
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
You ever gonna add save/load when the map gets big? Also it said kill 0s ( I know some one else said this ) and didn't let us play when we picked the 1st mission, I picked it rather fast with 2 players ingame used -suicide to get out and it was permanent after that couldn't use first circle every slaying mission in the game was bugged might have occured after we died on kill 17 bandits slaying mission. To do quick charge u gotta see 2 normal attacks then press charge frostloh. What is the key used for? And tundra hammer isn't doing the damage it says it does.. its doing like 55 dmg to regular monsters when it says 160 ice dmg and 60 wep power or whatever.

Edit: Run on sentences rule.
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Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
xzero said:
You ever gonna add save/load when the map gets big?
probably not, seeing as how boss maps are usually linear and it would probably be entirely cheap to be able to reuse end-game equipment

xzero said:
What is the key used for?
there are chests scattered around in Forest slaying missions (which you apparently couldn't play due to shit bugging up) that you can open with it. pretty pointless item, surprised you even found it

xzero said:
And tundra hammer isn't doing the damage it says it does.. its doing like 55 dmg to regular monsters when it says 160 ice dmg and 60 wep power or whatever.
because that's how damage is calculated in this game

(ATT * MT) + (STAT * N) + (ELM * EAV)
ATT = Weapon power
MT = Move-type (multiplier based on move performed, usually around 0.2-0.3 for normal attacks)
STAT = Stat used for attack
N = Random multiplier (0.5 to 1 or something i forgot)
ELM = Elemental power
EAV = Elemental advantage (multiplier based on elemental triangle)
... fire > poison > ice > fire ...
- resistant: -0.1x
- weakness: 0.4x
- same element: 0.2x
- no element: 0.25x

also: jesus christ xzero that run-on sentence
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
-Peper- said:
Maybe Dual Blades are overpowered, the Bladestorm (or what it is named) hits every direction. Maybe make them only damages in front of the user.
i GUESS 10 damage/sec. is kind of a lot, but considering how close you have to be to the enemy to deal any damage, it's alright

also personally i think duals are the second worst weapon next to the pistol; not that i'm saying they're downright shitty, but they just can't kill the bosses as efficiently compared to the other weapons

-Peper- said:
I also hoping for gunlance.
probably not gonna happen
Level 4
May 26, 2010
This mod looks good but there is one thing I dislike it is that swords and hammers make eccesive special effects one hammer hit should not make an atomic explosion.

Except the whole point of the hammer is that it hits like a truck
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
A truck does not make blue magic effects and an atomic explosion.
It is because of special effects abuse that special effects lost their interest.
If special effects were rare they would be more inpressive.
(I am not attacking your map but a tendancy of all mappers)
Level 7
May 29, 2011
This game is rlly awesome. Good actiongame. But this block are... nerfing(I have just play the guy with the sword). Every time, when i move, i do this ability inadvertently. And btw it blocks just 1 second, but the guy hold for 3? In this stats its useless, i think.
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
This game is rlly awesome. Good actiongame. But this block are... nerfing(I have just play the guy with the sword). Every time, when i move, i do this ability inadvertently. And btw it blocks just 1 second, but the guy hold for 3? In this stats its useless, i think.

i changed the input to X -> [move] in the latest version. (the current version 16d is pretty outdated)

the point of parry is to know the proper times to block; with this you can pretty much block everything
Level 2
Jun 1, 2006
i wonder if this happens if you try to cro- i mean parry with the sword and shield and you have 1 HP left

Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
I played it in LAN with 3 players and it stucked at the mission selection with me only could select the Free Roam. I had to remake and fill all the remaining slots for it to work.
Also, the new blade flurry is cool.

that's actually on my list of "how the fuck do I fix this" bugs

...but I'll look into it, of course
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
i can't evade properly most of the time..

the evade control needs improvement.

like maybe another button for it?

and yes, awesome map!, i really like the camera locking system thing. ;D gj

Maybe it's improved now, the map attached on the first post is largely outdated. I suppose the shield parry control has been changed too?
Level 12
Mar 21, 2008
i can't evade properly most of the time..

the evade control needs improvement.

like maybe another button for it?

and yes, awesome map!, i really like the camera locking system thing. ;D gj
Maybe it's improved now, the map attached on the first post is largely outdated. I suppose the shield parry control has been changed too?

the input for evade is really "C -> (fast) [move]", not "C + [move]." same goes for parry. but even then that's kind of annoying to do, might put a third button or something.

Mind sharing the code for the lock on camera?

Im really interested! ;D

I fell in love with it.

just a periodic trigger that locks the cam to the midpoint of the player and the target unit, pretty simple lol. also adjusts cam according to target flying height and distance from target

also the map is unprotected if you want to look at dat shit
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