Doom: The Door to Hell

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Doom: The Gates of Hell

Based upon id's Doom series (Copyright 1993-2009)

Doom - The Gates of Hell is a hardcore fast-placed action shooting map different than anything you ever played in wc3 before. You are going to face the worse nightmares that hell can bring to you. In order to survive, you and your friends have a large arsenal of big guns to use. The concept of the game is pretty simple: Choose your weapons, collect all ammo and medkits you can find, and blast any demon you find in front of you. The gameplay is fast, full of blood! Plenty of blood! Raining blood!, full of special effects, everything that a good action game needs.

The camera is locked in the back of your character. You can modify the camera distance and angle using your arrowkeys. Movement is the same on all maps: It's made by Right Clicking where you want to move. This is more efficient than those full of delays arrowkey movement systems. Those are the game commands:

Fire your Gun: Left-click an enemy unit.
Reload Weapon: R
Throw a Grenade: G
Run: A
Go Phrone/Get Up: D
Look Behind you: H
Quick Toogle Weapon: Type the weapon number in the chat box (Read the Weapons field to know wich number belongs to wich weapon).

You can carry in your inventory only one weapon at time. Weapons and ammo that you are not going to use now can be put in your Backpack.
The Backpack is some kind of secondary hero that can be found under the icon of your main hero. To store a item in the backpack, get the item from your hero's inventory, and drop on your backpack icon. To take a item from the backpack to your hero inventory, select the backpack by Pressing F1, then give the desired item to the hero. You dont need to do it if you want to change weapons. To quickly changing a weapon, just type the weapon number in the console. PS: To quick change weapon, you must have at least a free slot in your backpack, otherwise the weapon will be droped in the ground.

Weapons List:
PS: Those numbers followed by the weapon name is the number that you must type to quick toogle the weapon.

[0] Fist
When things get ugly and you have no more ammo, you must engage the enemies in hand-to-hand combat. The damage of each punch is determinated by the strenght of your hero: As stronger the hero is, stronger his punch.
You must have Fist in order to collect weapons from the Ground.

[1] Pistol
A weak and small gun that can save your ass sometimes. Low damage, average rate of fire. It's very effective against zombies.

[2] Shotgun
One of the best and worse weapons of the game. It can deliver a great damage on close range equivalent to a grenade, but almost no damage from long range. It's great to kill enemies in a line. The bad thing of a shotgun is its reload time: You must insert bullet by bullet on it, what can make it very hard to reload during the combat. Low to High damage, low rate of fire.

[3] Machinegun
The Marine's best friend. High rate of fire, average damage, and easy to find ammo make this the preferable weapon of most soldiers. Althrogh, this weapon is unnefective against large enemies such Hell Knights, Mancubus, and Arachnothrons.

[4] Chaingun
A heavy weapon with high damage and high rate of fire. It can damage clustered enemies, allowing players to kill large groups of zombies with a single burst. The bad thing of this weapon is the fact that his ammo depletes very fast.

[5] Rocket Launcher
Armor-piercing weapon. Great against large enemies and clustered small monsters. Dont fire this weapon on enemyes to close of you otherwise you can die. High damage, low rate of fire.

[6] Plasma Rifle
Experimental infantry weapon. Good rate of fire and heavy damage, one of the best weapons. But its completely unnefective against Lost Souls and Cacodemons. His Energy Cells are not easy to find.

[7] BFG 9000
The Big Fucking Gun 9000 is auto-descriptible. The best weapon of the game. The bad thing is that a BFG can quickly deplete your Energy Cells. Best if you use the Plasma Rifle for small and medium enemies, and let the BFG for the big ones. Take care to dont find on close range otherwise you are dead.

[8] Laser Gun
A weapon from Doom 64 Absolution. No much data is avaliable about this weapon.

Doom - The Door to Hell features many monsters from different Doom Games. Almost every monster is in the game, Zombies, Zombie Marines, Imps, Hell Knights, Losts Souls and Arachnothrons (From Classic Doom), Pinky Demons and Cacodemons (From Doom 3), The Demon Mother (From Doom 64) and a lot of other monsters.
Monsters will show different behaviors. Zombies and Pinkys are the dumbest ones; they will just rush to you. Zombie Marines will try to make an organizated attack, A Imp or a Hell Knight will throw theyr fireballs while trying to get closer and try to fight you in hand-to-hand combat, Lost Souls only attacks in groups to compensate their leak of strenght, Cacodemons will try moving to other position after they spit their fireballs, etc.

If you can make a monster attack hit other monster, they will fight each other until one of them are dead, just like in the classic Doom ^^
Each monster have its tricks to be easier killed. Like, if there are Imps, Zombie Marines or Hell Knights shooting at you, try running througth zombies or pinky demons. They can be hit by the attacks, and start fighting each other. A many lost souls can be killed with a single shoot if you can do a chain explosion, and steady wasting ammo with Baby Demons, you can just run over them to stamp them.

Every marine Class have special abilities and weapon specializations. A Marine with special specialization means that when he fires with a specific weapon, it will deal more damage. Example: A Chaingunner will deal a lot more damage if he is using the Chaingun. A Special Ops will deal a lot more damage if he is using the Plasma Rifle, etc. You will know each class special ability and weapon specialization during the selection.
Selecting your Class: At the game start, select the marines to know their class, special ability, weapon specialization, atributes and starting equipment. Every marine starts with a Primary weapon, ammo for it, and a medkit. In the backpacks you will always find a Pistol and some clips in the game start.

Changelog 0.2:
- Multiplayer added.
- Added camera control by arrow keys.
- Fixed a bug with plasma rifles.
- Fixed a bug that could make baby demons spawns infinitely.
- New parts of the game are implemented.

Screenshoots and map download are attached to the end of the thread.



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Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
So, here is my Review.

Terrain: 9/10 [Very cool and bloody, sometimes a bit emty and clear]
Gameplay: 10/10 [Kickass, i had a lot of fun, while playing]
Game itself: 9/10 [I love it!]
Controls: 9/10 [Easy to control, but a mistake (see Bugs)]
Balance: 8/10 [Couldn´t test complete, but it´s gonna look very balanced]

Heroes/Units: 10/10 [Monsters, Zombies, Demons....Marins. DOOM!]
Systems: 10/10 [Cool, easy systems.]
Story: 5/10 [There is no real story to the point I played, but it´s enough to kill muhahaha :D]

1.)Meele-Attack and Run have the same Hotkey: A
2.)Is it normal, that the Machinegun fires 2 Bullets at one shot?

Complete: 70/80
Mark: 1-

Comment: The Map is kickass, i really love it and what you to make more!! :D
+REP for this Map.
Thanks a lot for testing people. + rep for both.

Nurga, about the Story and empty terrain spaces, thats because the map is not done, it's still alpha, and much more is about to come.

And no, they are not bugs. People are not suposed to use melee attacks if they already have an equiped weapon. People must unequip typing 0 in console before using melee, just like in Doom.
Machineguns and Chainguns do spend a lot more ammo.

More to come soon ;)
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Ah, ok. I really love the map, want to play it in multiplayer :X
:wink: Go on and let come the DOOM! :mwahaha:
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