[Shooting / FPS] Doom - Knee Deep In Warcraft

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Point and Click Shoot 'em Up
6 Players
Unprotected: Yes
Progress: Near completion. Just searching for bugs.

Hello everyone! After 3 years away in the Doom modding scene, I am finally back to release my old projects that I hadn't finished before leaving. Knee Deep In Warcraft is a point and click shoot em up that takes place in the Doom universe. If mixes various elements from Doom, Doom 3, Doom 64, and Doom RPG.

The Union Aerospace Corporation have estabilished a high tech military base in Mars, where archaeologists have found the remains of the martian civilization. Using reverse engineering, they have found a teleport technology that allows to open a gate to another dimension, and travel extremely fast to another point anywhere in our dimension. Experiments were going fine until they decided to try to study what exists in this "interdimension". They found intelligent life, and even found ways to capture some of the creatures to study. But one day of experiences with the portal, some malfunction happened and they couldn't close the gate. The creatures of the other dimension steeped in, an entire army of half beast and half machine monsters invaded the base, brutally slaughtering and tearing apart anything that they could see in sight. In few minutes, almost everyone was dead. Only a few elite marines have survived. A distress signal has been sent to the UAC's Military Outpost in Phobos, and the Marines must survive until the rescue comes.

This is an action point and click shoot em up game. Many people have been trying to implement shooting mechanics in Warcraft in the past, I even remember a Quake 3-styled map that was very popular back in the day, but all these maps relied on huge JASS scripts that caused the game to lag like hell when playing online, making these maps only playable in LAN games. Instead, this map uses very simple mechanics.

The camera is fixed at the player's position. You use the right mouse button in the ground to move, and use the left mouse button to click at enemies and shoot them.
You can only carry one weapon in your inventory, this weapon will be fired when you left click in an enemy.

You have a backpack that can be accessed in the Hero shortcuts at the top left of the screen. Drop there any weapon that you don't want to use.

All weapons needs ammo to fire. Ammo is counted in the weapon's charges. Extra Ammo Items are used to reload. Let's say if you are carrying a submachinegun and a submachinegun clip, and presses the reload button, it will remove one submachinegun clip, and will fulfill your submachinegun ammo.

You have frag grenades. Press G to throw a grenade. Grenades will harm you and other players. Grenades are shown as lumber.

Barrels can destroyed. Click on them to shoot. Just take care to don't blow up yourself too.

Monsters spill a lot of blood when you shoot them, and all monsters can be gibbed if you kill them with explosive weapons.

You can quick switch weapons by pressing Enter and typing the weapon number. let's say, if you have a rocket launcher in your backpack, and wants to quickly exchange weapons, press Enter and type 5 and you will put your current weapon in the backpack, and select the Rocket Launcher. Here is a full list of the weapons and their numbers for quick weapon switch:

0 - [b]Fists[/b]
Weak melee attack. Same thing as un-equipping all weapons.

1 - [b]Pistol[/b]
Damage: 5
Rate of Fire: Average
Ammo Used: 45mm Ammo Clip
Very weak gun, and is only useful against zombies when you don't have anything better to use. 

2 - [b]Shotgun[/b]
Damage: 10 to 50
Rate of Fire: Low
Ammo Used: 12 gauge shells
-- Hard To Reload -- (Must keep pressing R to reload one shell at time)
Great weapon for close distances. Will not only hit the target, but anything in front and behind it. Can even kill a Demon with a single shot. It takes time to reload, so if you run out of ammo during combat, you better switch to another weapon instead trying to reload it.

3 - [b]Sub-Machinegun[/b]
Damage: 10
Rate of Fire: High
Ammo Used: 9mm Ammo Clip
A fine weapon. Can be used to kill most monsters without problems.

4 - [b]Chaingun[/b] Damage: 20 target + Bonus Area Damage
Rate of Fire: High
Ammo Used: .50 cal Ammo Belt
Very powerful weapon used for crowd control. But its ammo is hard to find.

5 - [b]Rocket Launcher[/b]
Damage: 50 (with splash damage)
Rate of Fire: Low
Ammo Used: 40mm HE Rockets
Highly powerful weapon. Great for taking out big enemies like Arachnotrons, Revenants, and Mancubi.
You can harm yourself when firing it too close.

6 - [b]Plasma Rifle[/b]
Damage: 20
Rate of Fire: High
Ammo Used: Energy Cells
Powerful weapon, good for taking out enemies at long range.

7 - [b]BFG 9000[/b]
Damage: 200
Rate of Fire: Low
Ammo Used: Energy Cells
The Holy Grail Of Firepower. The Pinnacle of Military Ordnance. The most powerful infantry weapon to be ever made. The only weapon that you can use to really put a fight against the Cyberdemon.

You can download the Beta 0.1 here
Please, report bugs. Feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


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Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
Use the attachments or pastebin to upload images to the Hive so we dont have to go to a third party website
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
They are DIRECT links. When you click them you are not redirectioned to Imageshack's website. You open the image at full size in your browser.
Dude, did you even tried to click the link?

Anyway, I am gonna edit the post and use tags so we don't need to take this subject any longer.[/QUOTE]

I dont think you understand how this works. Your being redirected to a file on the imageshack's host.

go into your post, hit edit, hit attach, post your images, hit save, and boom we dont have to download files from another host now
Played for a bit.

- ammo backpack is annoying, use a system for backpack.
- long intro with black mask is too long
- light clicking to fire is delayed, right click is better
- you can use hero slots for weapon selection -> hero is selected, change weapon
- you can fire through cliffs and i'm asusming also other players, maybe make it a bit more realistic since you're going for the "fps" approach
- some of the cityscape doodads don't fit (arch, staircase), retexture them
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