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Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
Quick Note: First of all - do not fret those who are wondering what im doing about Era of Ninja having seen this post, i am still working on it, just wanted to mix it up a bit.

So what is Orks, IN SPACE?: Orks, IN SPACE is a traditional survival map where you play as a squad of marines fighting off hordes of aliens, except this time, you're Orks.

Back Story: You play as a special unit of Ork marines that have been given the mission to retrieve or destroy a super weapon recently developed by the Federation of Mankind. The marines board the Federation's space craft 01-Alpha only to find that the place is deserted, getting a bad feeling the crew decide to grab the warhead fast and get out of there. Once the warhead is returned to the space craft they are suddenly overrun by a horde of aliens and their shuttle makes an emergency escape, leaving you and your team to fight off the horde of aliens until a rescue shuttle can arrive!

It's pretty unoriginal and cliché but it serves its purpose.

-The game is for 3-9 players (you can have less but suggested atleast 3).
-The games difficulty will scale to the number of players (including those that have died, the aliens won't let up just because one of your team mates died!)
-Very difficult, this game is not ment to be completed by a random group on B.net, not that you can't get far that way. Hopefully this will entice people to play it multiple times and eventually get a team of friends to try and complete it with.
-Reload system, it uses a reload system that can be quite punishing with a reload time of 2 seconds, clips don't last long either so ammo management (and a Support class in your squad) is a must!
-Interactive, the map will be covered with doors, security cameras, robotic guards, consoles and other things you can interact with. The Mechanic can hack alot of electronic equipment and the Demolitions can even use his Haywire Bomb interactively (blow doors open).
-The Medic's basic heal is no longer an ability like other survival games, in Orks, IN SPACE, the medic heals his team mates by attacking them.

Recruting Help: The main reason I'm posting all this is because I think i could use some help! As i do have Era of Ninja aswell so don't want to do this solo, however alot of the ideas etc I have already come up with, there is ofc room for others ideas but largely it will be for people who like this idea and want to be a part of it.

Skills i need are:

-Basic Ability Editing: some abilities are triggered some are not, to save me time anyone who wants to make some simple non-triggered abilities can help

-Advanced Ability Editing: Other abilities are triggered and I could use some people with Jass/vJass knowledge to help me

-Icon Maker: Not a totally huge problem, but theres a serious lack of icons to represent some of the things i want in this game, so someone willing to do some icons would be great, it would also look really good if all the icons were in the same style.

-Ship Layout/Idea etc: Ok this is probably the most important part as I have yet to decide on all the special rooms you can visit, I have no idea how it will be layed out exactly and I'm not sure where to start. I think we first need all the ideas for what should be on the ship and then move on from there, eg Med Lab and Control Room (only things i could come up with so far).

-General Ideas: well this isnt really a job but people who are interested can fire away with ideas, got some missing skills for some characters etc, maybe some boss ideas (all bosses scripted)

Note: I do not need testers yet, when that time comes I will tell you and then you can apply for that :)

Skills and Class base stats:

Please leave some comments on this section, ideas for needed skills etc and ideas on balancing / different skills that would suit a role better etc
+ = base skill, this skill gets better with level, not a hero skill
- = normal skill, one you learn as you level up by spending points, a hero skill
# = undecided number
% = undecided percentage
? = not sure, could be replaced

Scanner+shows the location of specific rooms chosen from dialogue box
Trigger Finger-increases pistol fire rate dramatically for # seconds
Sticky Plasma-upgrades your plasma rounds to stick to enemies, dealing damage over time
Plasma Barrier-generates a barrier for all nearby allies that protects frontal attacks for # seconds
Rapid Reload-increases reload speed by %
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Supply+creates an ammo crate
Supressive Fire-gives your attacks a % chance to slow enemies
Spiked Rig?-covers your rig in spikes that damage melee attackers
Re-Supply-restores target ally's ability cooldowns
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Fix+allows you to fix broken aparatus
Hack-allows you to hack security doors/cameras
Sentry-builds a sentry turret
Camera-builds a camera granting you visibility at its location
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Revivinator+revives a nearby friendly ork, one use then requires recharge at med lab
Burst-cures an ally of 1 injury (different injuries have different effects)
Overdrive-turns the Meta Ray overdrive, fully healing an ally over # seconds, the Meta Ray overheats and cannot be used for # seconds
Flourish-heals all nearby allies # health per second for # seconds
Supply-creates a medi kit
Meta Upgrade-increases damage and healing done by your Meta Ray

Under-slung Grenade Launcher+whilst activated auto-shoots grenades, as long as you have grenades in stock
Supply-creates grenades
Haywire Bomb-plants a remote bomb that acivates when enemies come close by or when set off manually
"Rokkit" Launcher-fires a "rokkit" that damages enemies in a wide area and knocks them back
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Shock Trooper
Amplify+creates a charged energy field around the enemy, amplifying damage dealt to them for # seconds
Short-Circuit-gives your attacks a % chance to fry robotic enemy's circuits, disabling them for # seconds
Ima Chargin Mah Laz0r!-charges the lazor cannon before releasing a powerful blast, overheats the Lazor, preventing from further use for # seconds
Energy Shield-creates a shield of energy around the Shock Trooper, reducing damage taken by % for # seconds
Energy Barrier-expands your energy shield to encompass a small area around you, protecting nearby allies aswell (must be activated separately)
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Headshot+gives your attacks a % chance to headshot the enemy, instantly killing lesser enemies and dealing heavy damage to more powerful enemies
Cloaking Device-turn stealth for # seconds, some enemies can detect stealth units, detectors are more likely to attack you if you're cloaked
Legshot-shoots the enemy through the leg reducing speed by %
Scope Upgrade-increases the sniper's attack and sight range
Steady Aim?-increases attack speed by % for # seconds
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Heavy Weapons
Shotgun Blast-blasts all 3 barrels at once, dealing immense damage at close range, but low damage at long range
Super Heavy-even heavier weapons and rig means even more firepower and armor but less speed
Stand Firm-prepares to stand firm over # seconds, increases attack speed by % until you move
Uppercut-drives the gun bayonet upwards into the enemies throat, dealing heavy damage and has a % chance to deal further damage
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

Scan+reveals nearby stealth enemies for # seconds
Sprint-increases movement speed dramatically for # seconds
Dual Clip-increases clip capacity
Scavange-increases loot drop rate by % from your kills
Desperado-increases damage by lost health % x 2 for # seconds
Laser Targeting-increases damage by %

In perspective:
To put this into perspective, the basic round 1, weakest alien will have around 100 health. Although the game will have a steep difficulty curve, gonna start them off easy

Key: Accuracy replaces strength, increases damage by 1 per accuracy
Rig replaces agility, increases armor by 0.1 per rig
Energy replaces intelligence, increases mana by 20 per energy
Reload Interval = the time between each reload if continuously firing



Accuracy (AC) = 20
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Plasma Pistol
Ammo Type = Plasma Cell
Weapon Damage (WD) = 70
Clip Size (CS) = 16
Attack Speed (SP) = 1.5
DPS = (70(WD) + 20(AC)) / 1.5(SP) = 60
Reload Interval = 16(CS) x 1.5(SP) = 24

Accuracy (AC) = 10
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Mini-Gun
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 30
Clip Size (CS) = 100
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.5
DPS = (30(WD) + 10(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 80
Reload Interval = 100(CS) x 0.5(SP) = 50

Accuracy (AC) = 10
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Assault Rifle
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 10
Clip Size (CS) = 70
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.5
DPS = (10(WD) + 10(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 40
Reload Interval = 70(CS) x 0.5(SP) = 35

Accuracy (AC) = 3
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Meta Ray
Ammo Type = None
Weapon Damage (WD) = 1
Clip Size (CS) = Infinite
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.1
DPS = (1(WD) + 3(AC)) / 0.1(SP) = 40
Reload Interval = Infinite(CS) x 0.1(SP) = Infinite

Demolitions (1)
Accuracy (AC) = 10
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Semi-Auto Rifle
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 30
Clip Size (CS) = 25
Attack Speed (SP) = 1.0
DPS = (30(WD) + 10(AC)) / 1.0(SP) = 40
Reload Interval = 35(CS) x 1.0(SP) = 35

Demolitions (2)
Accuracy (AC) = 10
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Grenade Launcher
Ammo Type = Grenades
Weapon Damage (WD) = 110
Clip Size (CS) = Infinite (aslong as you got grenades)
Attack Speed (SP) = 1.5
DPS = (110(WD) + 10(AC)) / 1.5(SP) = 80
Reload Interval = Infinite(CS) x 1.5(SP) = Infinite

Shock Trooper
Accuracy (AC) = 15
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Lazor
Ammo Type = Plasma Cell
Weapon Damage (WD) = 25 (x2 vs robotic)
Clip Size (CS) = 80
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.5
DPS = (25(WD) + 15(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 80
DPS vs robotic = (50(WD) + 15(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 130
Reload Interval = 80(CS) x 0.5(SP) = 40

Accuracy (AC) = 50
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Sniper Rifle
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 750
Clip Size (CS) = 8
Attack Speed (SP) = 4.0
DPS = (750(WD) + 50(AC)) / 4.0(SP) = 200
Reload Interval = 8(CS) x 4.0(SP) = 32

Heavy Weapons
Accuracy (AC) = 20
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Mini-Gun
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 30
Clip Size (CS) = 100
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.5
DPS = (30(WD) + 20(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 100
Reload Interval = 100(CS) x 0.5(SP) = 50

Accuracy (AC) = 15
Health = 500
Armor = 0
Weapon = Dual Uzis
Ammo Type = Ammo Clip
Weapon Damage (WD) = 25
Clip Size (CS) = 50
Attack Speed (SP) = 0.5
DPS = (25(WD) + 15(AC)) / 0.5(SP) = 80
Reload Interval = 50(CS) x 0.5(SP) = 25

Well I hope people like this idea and want to have a go at it with me!

If you have any questions feel free to ask here or pm me!
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Don't forget to make a -restart command in it, if the game ends too early and/or you want to play again.

Oh and, if you want to make a good grade with presenting your map, keep it a bit serious, 'kay? Now it looks like you are some wannabe pro mapper.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
A restart command would be a good idea, think i will make it so that it only works when you're all dead tho, also using it will reset the difficulty to the new number of players, incase some have left because they dont want to try again.

On that note, if a player leaves the game part way through without dying, the difficulty will be reset to the remaining number of players. If someone dies then leaves the difficulty will not be reset, however, if the medic can revive the dead and left player's Ork, then the difficulty will be reset to the new number of players (the Ork will then of course be removed from the game).
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Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
Screenies so far would mostly consist of pics of GeneralFrank's Space Ork models, I suppose I could make small pieces of scenery to give people an idea of what it will look like but as I said I need some help on the layout of the actual map etc.
Level 5
Jun 25, 2008
Just finished the door system, sounds like it would be easy triggering doors to open close when you hit the switch, doesnt really work out nearly that easy, well it wouldve been if Set Unit Collision On/Off wouldve worked, dont know why but it doesn't in this scenario
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