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Map Development: The Scourging of Azeroth

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Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
DUUUUD, protect the map! Not cause some retard will steal it, its almost reaching 8mb!
I got disappointed for discovering that this map was only a show up of how things are made so far. As the red player, I had control only over some 6-9 trollzorz in northrend, and 1 frog ... -.-

Warned you to watch out for this, Silverfish. I know how easy it is to get carried away by the sheer number of models here, but remember, gameplay is far more important. I'll play the map and see where you can cut down.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Warned you to watch out for this, Silverfish. I know how easy it is to get carried away by the sheer number of models here, but remember, gameplay is far more important. I'll play the map and see where you can cut down.

I remember man, that was your first piece of advice to me! xD That's very true though, gameplay is the largest factor. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I'm not sure if you have tested yet, but I just updated the map: Silver Hand, Forsaken, Black Dragonflight, and Gurubashi Tribe are all testable. Lemme know what you think can be cut and I'll take it into thoughtful consideration.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Sorry for the long wait everyone, I have been on break for a few days and have only shortly started heavy construction. I have some very neat stuff coming your way in the Gurubashi Tribe department! Stay tuned :)
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I am a long term player of azeroth wars and I played this and liked it very much, I admire the scale and epicness of this map, it has alot of potencial but as other people have said the terrain needs improvement. A decent terrain really makes a map in my opinion and I don't think I will play this until the terrain has been fixed.

I also think you need to prioritize your costum model use, you have costum models for creeps and units that get very little use in the map, for a map on this scope you should only use high quality, low file size costum recources and only when there is no WC3 vanilla model alternative.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Thanks Marshmalo, I really appreciate how long you have followed the map! I understand what you mean when you say that the terrain needs improvement. However, my current focus is on unit and faction gameplay. As a result, the terrain's final version will be accomplished after faction and unit gameplay has been finished.
Also, I also understand the issue in regards to custom models. I see it already, where the map size is near the breaking point for B-Net gameplay. However, this is only a temporary issue and the overall filesize will cut down as I advance through the different factions and units. Before the map is done, I only plan on heroes, buildings, and select units to have custom models, skins, etc.

However, none of this holds much substance without something to show for it; so keep an eye out for when these factions are ready to be tested: 'Gurubashi Tribe' and 'Kingdom of Stormwind'.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008

Gurubashi Tribe
"This world once was ours...it is ours to take back!"
Updated: 3/27/3013

The Gurubashi Tribe ruled the southern jungles of Ancient Kalimdor before the Legion invaded Azeroth. After the Sundering, their empire was shattered and the tribe was forced to desperate means to survive. With renewed vigor and led by the Bloodlord Mandokir a vision set upon the future, the Gurubashi Tribe will stop at nothing to restore the Gurubashi Empire!

Bloodlord Mandokir
"Your head be mine mon"
A troll known for his bloody ruthlesness, Mandokir commands the Gurubashi Tribe. Although not well versed in mystical energies. he does not hesitate to strike at the life energy of his enemies. Brutish and cunning, Mandokir is no troll to underestimate.​

Jin'do the Hexxer
"We shall rise!"
The spiritual leader of the Hakkari, Jin'do is always delving into the mystical energies of the spirit world to further the power of the Gurubashi Tribe. Not much is considered taboo to this hex master and the ages of Hakkar are still fresh in his mind.​

Soon to come!

Faction-Specific Events
1) The Avatar of Hakkar can be summoned if the Sunken Temple is captured.

***More to come!
Level 3
Dec 25, 2011
I like the map but the terraining is a bit..... you know hahahaha I'm looking forward to this map and I hope you improve this map hahahaha
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Yes I definitely agree, I do not pretend to be a terrainer and at this point I am simply laying down the basic layout for gameplay purposes. I plan on the terrain aesthetics to be the last thing added because they should not affect gameplay too drastically. However, if you could showcase me some of your work, I would appreciate that! I know Aztec_Devil wanted to work on the terrain as well, so perhaps you 2 can work together.
You wrote this to me a while ago, and sorry I haven't replied yet - I just wasn't sure if I could handle more work than what I had. Anyways, I see that terraining is still an issue, so I figured now is the time I wanted to share some of my old works, that I made mostly for roleplays, but I'm not limited to still-camera terraining, I can do playable maps too. Please take a look at the terrain showcase below and tell me, if I'm qualified or not :)
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
A new version has been uploaded to the first post! The terrain for ZulGurub (starting zone of Gurubashi Tribe, green) has been completely redone! Let us know what you think!
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
I liked the one inside a building or something, my terrain is more structured, simple but very best. I tend to do things very realistic. When I create 2D platforms, well i'm not that good at 3D. But it's not that realistic but still good :p

Anyway, you should see my terrain on several maps i've made. I could show some images if you want.
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
I have made heaps of maps, these are just a few at the moment. Since I reformated my computer and maybe I forgot to back up my maps? But besides that I can basicly make any sort of terrain. With great detail. Images below.

Edit: Optional quest: Spot the skype message in one of the images :p










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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
They all look incredibly flat and lack any real variation.

They are spose to have no variation, it's spose to be simple for good gameplay. My new map I am currently working on is an example like that. All it is, is a grass patch in the middle with a mountain type slope around it. As cars can jump and speed up etc. But in time variation will be changed every single round, using triggers. Say a volcano, farm field, monsters etc will be placed using triggers.

But anyway my point is terrain needs to be simple, why would I play a game with the same variation each round?

Edit: You are wrong, the zombies and herowars map has a huge amount of variation.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
@Aztec: Im sorry Aztec but the terrain really is too simple. Terrain can look great and still be viable for great gameplay. In addition, my terraining skills are on par with yours and I really need someone better than me for that purpose.

@ExMortis: Weird...I'll look into this next chance I get
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
@Aztec: Im sorry Aztec but the terrain really is too simple. Terrain can look great and still be viable for great gameplay. In addition, my terraining skills are on par with yours and I really need someone better than me for that purpose.

And that's exactly what I can do. I know every aspect of the engineering of World Edit. It isn't better then SC2 editor but still good. I have a map of great detail, but I stopped working on it. I forgot to share an image of it, but here are 3 images of it.




The map isn't finished, I've discontinued it. If you've ever played the diablo 3 maps on warcraft III that is also what I can do.
Edit: Note that this is in world editor mode, therefore the platforms and other effects arn't visable.


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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
I'm sorry, but... I'm yet to see anything that even compares to the "Diablo 3 Warcraft maps" from you. Your terrain always lacks proper tile variation, and it always looks repetitive and boring. :(

Thats what unfinished maps should look like, if I had the need to create terrain like diablo 3 then I'd have images to share. But since that type of work requires more than 24 hours of work I havn't bothered. The terrain that i've showen so far has only been a quick 10mins at least.

Edit: Although I must say I can create good cinematics. I've already created 5 warcraft 3 videos.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Thanks guys, Duskwood terrain = done too. Will send the map to Silverfish in a jiffy :)
I made sure there's space for Darkshire town, if you wanna make that. You can easily remove trees if you also wanna include Vul'Gol Ogre Mound, the Yorgen Farmstead etc etc :)
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Thanks guys, Duskwood terrain = done too. Will send the map to Silverfish in a jiffy :)
I made sure there's space for Darkshire town, if you wanna make that. You can easily remove trees if you also wanna include Vul'Gol Ogre Mound, the Yorgen Farmstead etc etc :)

Nice terrain. Good job! But only my suggestion is that is it flat? Looks like or is it just in that view?

But overall, nice terrain, +3 REP (oh damn.... spread again...).
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Nice terrain. Good job! But only my suggestion is that is it flat? Looks like or is it just in that view?

Nope that is just the view! Raven Hill (the cemetary on the western side of Duskwood) is at a higher elevation than the rest of the region.

Excellent again Amargaard! I will add Darkshire but I am trying to decide if they will be owned by Stormwind, neutral hostile, or neutral passive that is affected by certain affects (ie Worgen Curse..Undead rampage, etc)
In the meantime though do Deadwind Pass next. Since Swamp of Sorrows is connected to the Gurubashi Tribe, I'd like that to work over that way so I can finish up the masteries that work in conjunction with that region :)

EDIT: What are other people's thoughts on Darkshire's ownership? I am leaning towards neutral passive events (I could even include Elune's scythe in the mix) but I'd like to hear others' opinions
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
Yeah Elwynn Forest and the Redridge mountains, north and northeast of Darkshire, are both owned by Stormwind, but I feel that if all 3 of those regions are owned by Stormwind at the start it is too much of an early advantage. So Ill set it so Darkshire can be obtained by Stormwind by entering Darkshire so that it isnt OP
Level 1
Oct 30, 2013

Yes, I'm Necroing this thread, is this project completely dead? If so, could we hand it over to someone who would like to work on it? It was an amazing map from what I could tell, and would like to see it brought to fruition.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Yes, I'm Necroing this thread, is this project completely dead? If so, could we hand it over to someone who would like to work on it? It was an amazing map from what I could tell, and would like to see it brought to fruition.

I want to know that too.

I see problems in the map...
1) The plateau tool is used to sharply
2) Raised ground is perfect in some places, and some places are just to flat. Let the path sink in between raised grounds, it will look great

Well, that's all for now. Not interested in reviewing right now.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
As the project's terrainer, I'm very sorry for my inactivity - I've been without World Editor in a looooong time, and I know that's been demotivating Silverfish a great deal, but well.. I don't know what happened to him :l

I'd still love to get back to the job, once I get my Warcraft back, hopefully Silverfish will too, before that :)
Level 8
Mar 5, 2012
I want to help making the terrain even though i would redo many parts as well. Shouldn,t iconic zones have more unique feel to them? (Burning Steppes, barrens, elwyn forest just to name a few)
Also the whole map (sorry, but that bugged me from the beginning) it's too big. If u want to manage a whole empire and more than 1 fight, you want to have a clear look at everything. Let the player see at least what is happening to the nearby factions. I would want to have info of the enemy faction's stronger units, spells, income or even their attitude. Let me conquer them, get new units and such. Jut be a bit creative!
And second: use more destructibles. You don,t need so many rocks blocking u or decoration. Everyone likes building even step by step. Why not use Rock chunks that i have to get trough
And if it takes too long making all these factions, we don't require you to still make them. I dare to say don't bother with troggs, gnolls, murlocs, harpies making them a separate faction.
I can spare my time making these and help but please let me know!

I'll uploaded some screenshots of my WIP Azeroth map. The last one is from Outland, Shadowmoon Valley.


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Level 10
May 3, 2009
Just interested in what Masteries you thought for human factions.

All I can think of is "Piratish" naval expansion and the usual knight/cavalry warfare. The cities Theramore and Scarlet Monastery could be a standard human faction and being able to upgrade to these.

Or they could master magic or holy magic, templars, rangers etc. There is alot of options for Scarlet Monastery and theramore. Theramore is radically different because it has alot of mages and naval units. Scarlet Monastery on the other hand has the scarlet crusade and a massive amount of crusaders, they are mainly meele and should have big support units such as Templars/Paladins, as demi-heroes (you can only build a certain amount of them)
Level 3
Dec 8, 2013
Can it be played online? And then, is it similar to any of the 4 Azeroth Wars (LR, SE, AE, G) and DAoW? It will be a great addition to them if this map ever sees a release.
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