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Known causes of desync

Players should be able to differentiate a crash, a player leaving and a player being desynchronized.

Desync is the fact that one or more player gets disconnected from a online multiplayer game. It's caused by differences in the game state between the game clients.

Below I tried gathering the all the desync causes identifed in previous post, plus my own testing results.

1. Causes that will desync at 100%
a. GetLocalPlayer() used for anything else than UI-display or sound-play, or used by Blizzard internal functions (search GetLocalPlayer here to get them). Here is a FAQ on how to use it properly.​
b. GUI Function "Select unit group <group> for player <player>", alias JASS function SelectGroupForPlayerBJ. You should replace it by a for loop that adds unit 1 by 1 to selection (source: here).​
c. [Fixed in 1.31] GUI Function "Pan Camera As Necessary", alias JASS function SmartCameraPanBJ (fix here).​
d. [Since 1.32] Old widgetizer tools to protect the map (if players don't clean their cache by restarting Warcraft III between 2 different games)​
e. GetCameraTargetPosition natives (X, Y, Z) returns an asynchronous value (each player has its own camera), so like for GetLocalPlayer() it must only be used for UI-display or sound-play.​
f. Calling subfunctions in the arguments of BlzFrameSetText() in a "GetLocalPlayer() ==" condition. String concatenation is fine (source here).​
g. JASS function GameCacheSync if called more than 344 times in a single frame (source here).​
h. JASS function SetSkyModel called with an invalid model path as parameter (source here).​
i. Iterating over Lua tables with pairs (not ipairs), because they are not sorted so there is a risk of iterating out of order (source and fix here).​
j. Editing some Game Constants related to creeps with high values (sources: here and here) will desync on game start:​
--- "Creed Guard Distance"​
--- "Creeps - Guard Return Distance"​
--- "Creeps - Maximum Creep Camp Radius"​

2. Causes of desync with low propability (so desync may happen at random times)
a. Numerous "Player slot comparison"s, for example to check if a player is connected (source: my map. I recommand storing a player group for connected players updated with a trigger on event "player leaves the game").​
b. Numerous "Player controller comparison"s (source: my map).​
c. Weapon upgrades with effect "Attack Dice Bonus" desync when "Base + (Upgrade level -1) * Increment" is superior to 14 (source here, here, and my own tests). I've no idea why 14 is the limit, I tested many values below and above.​
d. GetLocationZ calls if
--- A terrain deformations is ongoing below the unit (because deformations are not synchronized between the clients, and not displayed for players with low quality graphics settings)​
--- Unit is on an animated walkable destructable.​
e. Models and and textures when badly made (source here).​
f. A very very huge amount of memory leaks.​
g. Creating a periodic trigger with a null period (even with Blizzard has set a safety min of 0.0001). It will likely hit the op limit at different numbers of executions/different times for each computer the game was being run on.​
h. Creating Timers with a very short delay (<= 0.01s) on map initialization has approx 25% chances of desync (source here).​
i. Destroying user-created frames (source here).​

3. Uncertain functions
LeP made a research in common.j for all annotations with "async" and found the functions below. So if you suspect one of your triggers of causing desync, you can check for the presence of any of those primitives.​


4. Unverified rumors, unlikely
a. Checking player slot in a trigger on Map Initialization Event. Fix would be to call it after 0.00s elasped.​
b. GetEffectZ: I don't know this primitive, but read about it somewhere, and it would be based on host's value and synced.​
c. SetSoundVolumeBJ & playing the same map many times in a row (source here).​
d. GetLocationZ: randomly causes desync for player using a different setup (linux, mac, reforged vs classic). Also walkable destructables and stiff terrains will cause desync if some players are Classic and others are Reforged (source here).​
e. Selection primitives (source here), but not sure. Indeed internally some selections use GetLocalPlayer, but normally it is synchronized by packets and primitives return the selection result properly for all clients only then.​
f. Low "Backgrounf FPS Cap" in options + players tabbing out of the game (source here).​
g. Creating frames while the game is tabbed-out by the player (because screen size getters may return 0).​

5. Fake rumors, does not cause desync
a. Wait and PolledWait do not cause desync, they just may cause more network traffic to keep all clients synchronized, and may cause lags due to lack of time accuracy.​

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Lots of great research has been put down here, very nice.

Unfortunately I am still stuck with random desync issues in my map.

I managed to create a file logger. However I cannot log too often, because "write in file" operation is time consuming, particularly with big text files. This is way I store a log array, and only write them in file on some event.
I managed to list all the JASS trigger in my map (by executing a little script). I am only missing the custom JASS triggers whose name does not start by "gg_trg_". But if there are not too many, I can add them manually.
I made a macro able to register a callback on trigger execution start (for ex a log)

However I still miss a way to only the piece of code to write in file just after desync happens...
Level 8
Jul 25, 2009
Well personally i've gone through every section of my map and eliminated triggers upon triggers.
So it's not triggers.
I've probably checked everything there is and i think it has to be something basic.
Like the bigger a map is the chances increase for sure.

Can totally agree with this. Also have gone through every trigger, put debugging statements in all my triggers and all custom spells and confirmed it's not just triggers.
Whatever the cause of the desync is, map size/complexity and number of players (9+ players) definitely seems to increase the chances of desync.
Can totally agree with this. Also have gone through every trigger, put debugging statements in all my triggers and all custom spells and confirmed it's not just triggers.
Whatever the cause of the desync is, map size/complexity and number of players (9+ players) definitely seems to increase the chances of desync.

After I asked some questions, bigbull gave me a promising possibility:

Before I was able to
- I made a logger with rolling logs & the possibility to write them in file
- With a script executed on war3map.j, I manage to list all GUI triggers (I still need something to log JASS global & local triggers)
- So I was able to write in file a log at each GUI trigger execution. I wrote only on "Player leaves" event to avoid lags. It didn't work if you were the player impacted with desync so I was stuck...

bigbull gave me the idea to not log anything on battle.net games. But to log everything in Replay (thanks to a snippet that can differentiate live game & replay). I hope that if I get the replays of many players for the same game, I can find what piece of trigger bugs.

If it is not triggers but graphics, I'm doomed^^
Level 6
May 29, 2013
I've been suffering from desync since patch 1.33. My map didn't change anything before and after 1.33. After the patch, there was a desync. This is an individual desync, where one specific user just exits the game. Just leaving the game seems to be the type of post-reforged desync. If anyone knows of a new desync cause since 1.33, please let me know.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
c. Too many weapon upgrades on a unit > each attack has a chance to cause desync
how many is too many? 20? 100? anything over default (3)?

6. Random known causes
a. Player slot comparison
So we shouldn't use this condition AT ALL? or just not during map init?

What conditions could we use as an alternative?
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how many is too many? 20? 100? anything over default (3)?

So we shouldn't use this condition AT ALL? or just not during map init?

What conditions could we use as an alternative?

About weapon upgrade, I don't really know. Ask ThaïCat maybe, he posted he met the issue here.

When I personally used player slot comparison in frequent triggers (periodic, on player selection) I had tons of desync. It was before Reforged. So as a solution, I called it only sometimes, and saved the result as a "player group" for frequent comparisons. I wonder if it is because when the game is tabbed out of by a player, it's like during loading and some synchronizations are not made properly..
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Condenscending as it may sound, these posts are nearly useless without test maps for replication. I understand it will take lots of time to create one (and impossible if the map maker does not have the hardware to test in LAN/on same PC).
EDIT: I see Ricola provided sourced almost everywhere, that's good. I didn't look but I hope at least some of them have ready to test maps uploaded.

I understand the likes of "custom game constants desyncing" - something very clear in the game we haven't found yet because you'd need to ask each player what their previous map was.
I don't understand the playerslot comparison example. Because desyncs happen usually due the other data you compared it with.

My life-saving protip so far is to track each change of your map using git. Reforged's map folder option is great for this, but not required (save the entire map if thats the only thing you can do).
Changed a unit's stats? Save in git. Added code - commit in git. If a desync happens you will be able to find the bad change that causes it in less than 5-8 tests by using "git bisect"
Condenscending as it may sound, these posts are nearly useless without test maps for replication. I understand it will take lots of time to create one (and impossible if the map maker does not have the hardware to test in LAN/on same PC).
EDIT: I see Ricola provided sourced almost everywhere, that's good. I didn't look but I hope at least some of them have ready to test maps uploaded.

I understand the likes of "custom game constants desyncing" - something very clear in the game we haven't found yet because you'd need to ask each player what their previous map was.
I don't understand the playerslot comparison example. Because desyncs happen usually due the other data you compared it with.

My life-saving protip so far is to track each change of your map using git. Reforged's map folder option is great for this, but not required (save the entire map if thats the only thing you can do).
Changed a unit's stats? Save in git. Added code - commit in git. If a desync happens you will be able to find the bad change that causes it in less than 5-8 tests by using "git bisect"
Excellent suggestion, I'll git my map from now on.
Unfortunately the current desync bugging me came with the release of Reforged, not a change in code. So even with that, it would be hard to figure out what parts of the code are guilty.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
I'm not convinced player slot does desync, but just incase I removed over 100 of these conditions. If the player is absent then I destroy their main building then just boolean check if that building is alive as a substitute of slot comparison.
I'm not convinced player slot does desync, but just incase I removed over 100 of these conditions. If the player is absent then I destroy their main building then just boolean check if that building is alive as a substitute of slot comparison.
"GetPlayerSlotState" is among the functions whose code use "GetLocalPlayer()" if I'm not wrong, so it is suspicious.

Also I'll have to document it when it's ready, but I think I figured a way to help debugging desyncs with many things pieced together:
  • A file logger using Preload primitives but with good performances (thanks to rotating log files + writing logs by packet instead of 1 by 1).
  • Exporting the map script with the menus (Terrain Editor > File > Export script..."). Then getting a list of all triggers (for ex with Notepad++ and searching all CreateTrigger() calls.
  • Macros to declare the necessary functions & hooks to log when all triggers see their conditions checked & their action executed. That's the tricky part but I figured how add a log function as first condition, last condition, first action and/or last action of each trigger.
  • Also, in addition hooks on the natives known for using GetLocalPlayer() to log when they are directly called.
Does anyone know if 6e applies to any edit of those gameplay constants or just setting them too high?

edit: I checked some open source maps and found that some edits do seem to work. For example this: Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) + 3.41 unprotect The unprotected old version has some guard distance edits
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Does anyone know if 6e applies to any edit of those gameplay constants or just setting them too high?

edit: I checked some open source maps and found that some edits do seem to work. For example this: Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) + 3.41 unprotect The unprotected old version has some guard distance edits
Nice to know. Have you pushed your tests with some values ?

Also for those who may be interested, I'm currently investigasting a new cause of random desyncs since Reforged: ugrades. Most upgrades don't seem to cause desync, but I'm trying to identify which ones do. For ex "Rhme (Iron Forged Swords)" level 3 (with custom dice values) causes random desyncs for me in a map with simply footmen attacking towers. I'll update you when I'm done with my investigation.
what is Old widgetizer tools? w3 map optimizer 5.0 is this?
Well I don't know the current state-of-the-art of widgetizers. But Reforged introduced a regression creating desyncs if you play a 2nd version of the map without restarting the game. So I guess if the widgetizer doesn't have a version more recent than Reforged it has this desync issue.

Since it's from 2012, does it still work ? Or maybe are you editing for older versions of w3 ?

I think https://w3protect.eu/ works on the latest patches, but haven't tested it rigorously yet


Sound Reviewer
Level 15
Mar 31, 2012
Some other desync causes: basing any gameplay logic off of handle IDs, and StartTimerBJ, but both of these are only problems for lua maps, as handle ids aren't synced between clients in LUA, and variables get garbage collected in lua so bj_laststartedtimer gets garbage collected every time StartTimerBJ is called
Level 3
Jan 1, 2021
New desync cause