Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) + 3.41 unprotect

original by LISK, Continue developed by HuanAk

Legion TD Mega 3.5(Beta4) is released ! !

(download link at the end of this post)

3.5 Changes Log :

3.5 (Beta 1) changes log :

Descriptiom bugs:
* Fixed DragonHawk's range description (300)
* Fixed Greymore's damage description (142-168)
* Fixed Machine Robot's damage description (62-68)
* Fixed Soul of Villain's hp description (530hp)
* Fixed Mercurial's range description ( 650 )
* Fixed Gravekeeper's range description (500)
* Fixed Meridian's hp description (1000)
* Fixed Tempest's Range description (300)
* Fixed Defiler's damage type (Chaos)
* Fixed Fangthtooth's damage type description (Normal)
* Fixed Sky Dragon's damage description (magic/piercing)
* Fixed Mitorsis description, should be magic

Other Bugs/changes
* Arena -- Removed bug music
* Arena -- melee will teleport to front, range behind
* Mercenary -- can summon after level 30
* "li" mode -- lower value requirement for 2nd upgrade (1300 to 1200).
* Advance Barrack -- won't reset your hotkey
* Vote Kick -- Only host can start -vk or -votekick command
* Enable poison kill, bounty bug fixed
* King can move after level 31
* Cooldown on Behemouth/Krakken/Infernal/Demon change from 25/30/60/120 -> 40/60/90/135
* disable anti-stuck on fighter, it only work on creep from now on

Unit changes:
* Clockwreck -- AE is working now.
* Sky Dragon -- increase damage on air (90-100)
* Fire Archer(undead) -- increase HP from 100 to 250.
* Young Frost Dragon -- can attack air now
* Violat -- cost reduce from 150 -> 120
* Meat Wagon -- HP increase from 265->280
* War Machine -- HP increase from 600->750
* Guardian of Death -- Life steal aura will include this unit
* Spawn of Dragon -- Life steal aura will include this unit
* Wolvorine -- finishing blow do not work on Boss unit.
* All 3 big dragon-- lower backswing, increase splash area.

Creep Level:
* Level 3 : hp lower (55->45), damage lower by 1
* Level 17: hp lower (699->650), damage lower by 3
* Level 31 = Pit Lord ( ~15,000 value)
* Level 32 = Crypt Lord ( ~16,000 value)
* Level 33 = War Lord ( ~17,000 value)
* Level 34 = Fire Lord ( ~18,000 value)
* Level 35 = DOOM ( too hard to kill)

Beta 2
* Fixed Spawn of Dragon & Guardian of Death's Splash damage
* Lower splash damage on 3 big dragon
* Fixed Holy Light on King
* Remove active ability on King after level 31 (and king can move faster)
* Anti-stuck.. work on creep, and only work on fighter it after teleport to king.
* Fixed "Most leaks" for RED Player in single player game
* Fixed hot key for summon
* level 35 is harder (deal more damage)
* Level 32 & 34 have 0 armor (was -2)
* Add new debug command -kingmax (upgrade king to max)
* Add new beta command -hero (will give you 10 hero points)
* Add first Hero: The Death Knight

Beta 3:

* Level 3 : hp lower (55->45), damage lower by 1 (roll back to 3.41)
* Level 17: hp lower (699->650), damage lower by 3 (roll back to 3.41)
* Elite Archer: same dps, but slower ( 13dmg/0.55s to 18dmg/0.8, 5 target)
* DOOM: increase attack range from 100 to 500
* King & Hero will take 90% damage from all attack type (except Chaos and spell)
* Change minimum movement speed from 0 to 100 (you can't slow unit to 0 speed anymore)
* LTDAC 3.0 (LegionTD Anti-Cheat)
* change builder will disable after built hero

Note: This beta will have -AP as default mode, so player can try out new heroes .

Range hero(attack speed):
* Darkness Aura (-15% damage) -- Dark Ranger
* Trueshot Aura (+15% range) -- Priestess of the Moon
* Brilliance Aura (5%) -- Archmage
* Frost Aura - 50% slow -- Medusa

Melee Heroes (offence):
* Command Aura (+10% melee damage) -- Mountain King
* Endurance Aura (+10% attack speed) -- Chieftain
* Vampiric Aura (15% life steal) -- Dread Lords

Melee Heroe (Defence):
* Unholy Aura (30% movement, 10hp/s) - Death Knight
* Thorns Aura (20% damage shield) - Keeper of the Grove
* Devotion Aura (+3) and Heal (500hp) - Paladin

level 11 ability:
* Dark Ranger -> Black Arrow (-4 armor)
* Priestess of the Moon -> Frost Arrow (30% slow)
* Archmage -> Inner Fire ( 30% attack, 3 armor buff, can cover 3 target)
* Medusa -> Water Shield ( same as sphere, 3 target)
* Death Knight -> dealy poison (150dmg poison, 30% slow)
* Keeper of the Grove -> Healing Wave ( 400hp 4 target with 50% diminishing)
* Paladin -> +3 armor aura
* Mountain King -> Bash (20% chance for 100dmg, 3 seconds stun)
* Chieftain -> Critical hit (20% chance for x2 damage)
* Dread Lords -> Evasion (20% miss)

B4 changes log:

* Elite archer --> upgrade cost increase from 155 to 160.
* Tree of Knowledge --> AoE range reduced from 600 to 400
* Goliath --> attack speed changed from 1.6s to 1.8s.
* Mini Hydra --> HP reduced from 800hp to 600hp.
* Druid --> initial mana change from 10 to 0
* Goblin Blaster --> lower overclock's damage from +40% to +30%
* Necrolyte --> cost increase from 170 to 220, HP increase from 750 to 1000.
* Mutant --> Inject Steroids change from 20% damage&hp to 20% damage only.

* Red/Azure/Death dragon --> increase attack speed from 1.6 to 1.3.
* Red/Azure/Death dragon --> Lower AE damage to 5%/20% on 300 and 30 range.
* Tree of Life --> attack speed increase from 1.8 to 1.2
* Trident --> 20% chance to deal 200 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
* Tuskarr --> Spearman's range increase from 350 to 450
* Ancient Wandigoo --> attack faster : 1.0s to 0.9s
* High Priest --> attack faster: 1.0 to 0.8
* The Butcher --> attack faster: 1.6 to 1.5
* Frenzy Ghoul --> HP increase from 660 to 700
* Gravekeeper --> attack faster: 1.1 to 1.0
* Sky Dragon --> attack faster against air (1.0 speed to 0.6 speed)
* Forsaken One --> Insanity buff change from 20% damage to 30% damage

* add 1000 value requirements on Altar of Heroes.
* Altar of Heroes will disable if player use change builder.
* remove Mercenary race.
* King can move at level 30.
* Enable Anti-stuck for Arena fight (can only use after fight start)
* add "leaked", "int" to W3MMD.

* Fixed change builder bug.
* Fixed King's autocast bug.
* Fixed level 11 Tauren chieftain's critical hit

New mode: -ns (no saving)
- player cannot save lumber above cap
- minimum cap = 200 (eg, cap won't work if you have less than 200 lumber)
- cap = 100x(wisp + lumberjeck) , eg 7/15 = 100 x (7+15) = 2100 lumber.
- cap will check at the end of every wave, and any lumber above cap will remove from game.

LegionTD Mega is base on Legion TD War 1.50c (by LISK), he quit Warcraft 3 and left the map for anyone to continue development.

for this version (Mega), it will be X3 mode only, so I can spent more time to balance the map for X3 mode.


Build towers to defend your team's King from attackers.

Each level, your towers become units and fight for you.

Harvest lumber with workers. Use lumber to buy summons to attack the other team and

increase your income. Lumber can also be used to upgrade your team's King's stats.

Defeat the enemy King to win.


[rainbow]Game Mode[/rainbow] :

---(Update: 14th Oct 2011)

Primary Mode:
  • -AP : All Pick - All players can pick any race.
  • -AP : All Random - All players are given a random race.
  • -SD : Single Draft - All players are given 2 random races to choose.
  • -HP : Host Pick - host pick a race, every given same race as host.
Secondary Mode:
  • -mm : Master Mind - Restricted vision on enemy's map and information.
  • -hg : Hour Glass - Receive gold for enemy leaks (that reach the King).
  • -gg : Get Gold - Receive gold from kills at middle (near king).
  • -cb : Change Builder - You can pay to change to a new builder.
  • -li : Limit Incomer - Pure income is disabled untill lvl10+.
  • -X3 : 3 Time - more creeps spawn
Default Mode: if you don't enter mode in 15 seconds after game start, it will use "-aphgggmmcbx3" as defualt mode.

Quick Mode: if mode string is 3 characters long, it will use Quick Mode. eg "-ap"
  • -AP = "-aphgggmmcbx3"
  • -SD = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
  • -AR = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
  • -HP = "-aplihgggmmcbx3"
Short Mode: make mode shorter for Hostbot or player
  • "gm" = gg + mm
  • "gc" = gg +cb
  • "gl" = gg +li
  • "cl" = cb +li
    (hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

Hostbot Support:---(Update: 16th Oct 2011)

How to set up map config file:

- Hostbot usually automatic created config for you (sometime they base on Dota, so you may need to changed slot structure).
- Below is working slot structure for 4v4

Information about slot structure
# slot structure
# [PID] [Download Status] [Slot Status] [Computer] [Team] [Colour] [Race] [Skill] [Handicap]
# - PID is always 0
# - Download Status is always 255
# - Slot Status is 0 for open, 1 for closed, 2 for occupied
# - Computer is 0 for no, 1 for yes
# - Team
# - Colour
# - Race is 1 for human, 2 for orc, 4 for night elf, 8 for undead, 32 for random (add 64 to any of these for fixed)
# - Skill is 0 for easy computer, 1 for normal computer or human, 2 for hard computer
# - Handicap is 50/60/70/80/90/100

- make sure slot 9 = team 1 (left king), computer and occupied.
- make sure slot 10 = team 2 (right king), computer and occupied.

Here is slow structure for 4v4
map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
map_slot4 = 0 255 0 0 0 3 1 1 100
map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 1 4 1 1 100
map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 5 1 1 100
map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 1 1 100
map_slot8 = 0 255 0 0 1 7 1 1 100
map_slot9 = 0 255 2 1 0 8 1 1 100
map_slot10 = 0 255 2 1 1 9 1 1 100

Here is slow structure for 3v3

map_slot1 = 0 255 0 0 0 0 1 1 100
map_slot2 = 0 255 0 0 0 1 1 1 100
map_slot3 = 0 255 0 0 0 2 1 1 100
map_slot4 = 0 255 1 0 0 3 1 1 100
map_slot5 = 0 255 0 0 1 4 1 1 100
map_slot6 = 0 255 0 0 1 5 1 1 100
map_slot7 = 0 255 0 0 1 6 1 1 100
map_slot8 = 0 255 1 0 1 7 1 1 100
map_slot9 = 0 255 2 1 0 8 1 1 100
map_slot10 = 0 255 2 1 1 9 1 1 100

This map is Hostbot Command Library ENABLE(since version 3.3)
  • you can enter mode from hostbot setting or .config file
  • you can enter mode in lobby room before game start. eg: !hcl apggcb
  • you don't need to type "-", just "ap" is enough
  • hg, x3 is default (you don't need to type them)
  • Hostbot have those limitation: 1 character per player/computer(eg 4v4 = 10 chracter)
  • if mode string is too long, you can you short-cut mode. eg: you can replace "ggmm" with "gm"

here is list of shutern mode special made for Hostbot (normal player can use them too)
  • "gm" = gg +mm
  • "gc" = gg +cb
  • "gl" = gg +li
  • "cl" = cb +li
for example: ".hcl apgmcl" will become "-apggmmcblihgx3"

Null HCL Command
  • "hcl 0" or "hcl -0" is special HCL command
  • This command won't do anything to game mode (player can still type their own mode)
  • This command will disable -vk (map's votekick, Hostbot already have their own votekick)
  • This command will enable W3MMD
This map is W3MMD ENABLE (since version 3.41)
  • W3MMD is turn off on default
  • You can turn W3MMD on with any hcl mode (eg, "hcl 0")
  • Stat is update at the end of every wave
  • Final stat is update immediate after King die
  • Player leave within 3 minutes before king die will flag as "Winner" or "Loser"
  • Player leave more than 3 minutes ago will flag as "Leaver"
List of stats for W3MMD:
  • game_mode
  • gold_total
  • income
  • level
  • lumber
  • lumber_total
  • name // player name
  • race
  • score
  • seconds // how long they played, in seconds
  • value
  • flag "winner"
  • flag "Loser"
  • flag "leaver"
How to host Legion TD on playdota.eu bot ?
Step 1: join channel
Go to channel playdota.eu on server EuroBattle or FawkzBNET

Step 2: choose which map
Whisper "/w PlayDota.eu .map Legion TD Mega 3.3.w3x"

Step 3: start game, with your own game name
Whisper "/w PlayDota.eu .gopub Legion TD Mega -ap"

Note: you must use .gopub for custom games(!gopub is for Dota only).

You can get the pattern map name list on this link:

How to enter mode in lobby/Hostbot setting ?
Option 1:
open config file and add the line below:
map_defaulthcl = apggcb

Option 1:
in lobby (waiting for player join before game start), type :
.hcl apggcb

1, you can only type 1 character per player(include computer). so if it is 4v4, max character is 10
2, you don't need to type "-" at begin
3, HG, X3 is default(not need to type)
4, if mode string is too long, you can you short-cut mode. eg: you can replace "ggmm" with "gm"

here is list of mode combo that can replace with shorter mode:
gm = gg +mm
gc = gg +cb
gl = gg +li
cl = cb +li

for example: ".hcl apgmcl" will give "-apggmmcblihgx3"

Creep's bounty, Bonus Gold and Value for every level---(Update: 20th Oct 2011)

Level Creep Bounty # of Creep Gold from Creep Bonus Gold Creep+Bonus Total Gold Creep Value
1 3 36 108 11 119 300 250
2 3 45 135 12 147 419 350
3 4 40 160 13 173 566 500
4 5 36 180 14 194 739 650
5 5 36 180 16 196 933 800
6 5 36 180 18 198 1129 1000
7 6 30 180 20 200 1327 1200
8 6 36 216 23 239 1527 1450
9 5 45 225 26 251 1766 1600
10 51 3 153 60 213 2017 1850
11 5 54 270 35 305 2230 2050
12 6 45 270 40 310 2535 2400
13 7 45 315 45 360 2845 2700
14 12 26 312 50 362 3205 3100
15 9 36 324 55 379 3567 3500
16 8 45 360 60 420 3946 4000
17 10 34 340 70 410 4366 4500
18 8 45 360 80 440 4776 5000
19 10 36 360 90 450 5216 5500
20 86 3 258 200 458 5666 6000
21 10 36 360 110 470 6124 6500
22 9 48 432 120 552 6594 7100
23 11 36 396 130 526 7146 7700
24 11 36 396 140 536 7672 8500
25 9 45 405 150 555 8208 9500
26 12 36 432 160 592 8763 10600
27 12 36 432 170 602 9355 11800
28 23 18 414 180 594 9957 13000
29 14 30 420 190 610 10551 14000
30 123 3 369 400 769 11161 15000
31 0 15 0 0 0 11930 15000

Link for All units stat

Changes Log for all version

=== This map is base on original 1.50c ===
=== Only version list below are made by me ===


3.41 (2011-10-23)

* add W3MMD (more detail on Hostbot Support Section)
* Intruduce "Score", it will use for title in next version
* "-vk" is working correctly (you can start votekick with less than 2 player now)
* GG rules slightly changed (0% bounty if leaked more than 150)
* Remove income cap (high income will get FULL bonus gold)
* level 2 give less gold, lvl3 give more gold (and harder)
* all boss level (10,20,30) will give double bonus.
* lvl7/11/17/25/26/27 are harder (require recommended value)

About Score:
- Calculate from: Value, Income, # of leaked, and how many time you use change builder/reroll
- It is average value from level 1 to current level
- value score = (100-150) x (your value / creep value )
- income score = 100 x income/(bonus*2)
- you lost 1 score per leaked
- for (100-150) modifier: never used change builder = 150, used once = 140, used 5 time = 100

How to turn on W3MMD:
- W3MMD is off on default
- you can turn W3MMD on with any hcl command
- "hcl 0" is special command that do nothing (eg, player can still type mode)
- you can turn W3MMD on with "hcl 0" command


3.4 (2011.9.30)

New Race (Undead)
- Tier 1: range, magic damage
- Tier 2: melee, lifesteal
- Tier 3: range, siege damage, with small splash.
- Tier 4: raise dead, Aura ( -1% hp per second)
- Tier 5: melee, tank. small range aura, both aura stack.
- Tier 6: splash (similar to beast)

Mecenary rework:
- 1st unit: 8 Gold, 25 Lumber.
- 2nd unit: 25 Gold, 50 Lumber, +1 income, 330 Value.
- 3th unit: 50 Gold, 75 Lumber, +3 income, 500 Value.
- 4th unit: 100 Gold, 100 Lumber, +5 income, 900 value.
- Mecenary can defend up to level 31 without change builder.

"Change to Mecenary":
- mode "-li" will disable this ability
- require "-CB" mode
- can only use once
- Available after wave start (if your value lower than 50% of recommend value)

- Paladin night attack faster. (same dps)
- Guard attack faster. (same dps)
- Elite archer damage changed : 12->13 ( still 5 target)
- Priest spell change : 50hp -> 100hp (mana cost double)
- High Priest heal spell changed: 100hp -> 200hp (mana cost double)

- Hydra's Tripple attack changed: 60% -> 80% damage
- Hydra's mini hydra: spawn 2-->3 mini Hydra
- Highbone : add sphere (cost 0 mana, 7 second cooldown, 10 second duration)
- Sky Dragon's have 100% critical hit on air (sky dragon is upgrade from Egg)

- Add AE slow to azure dragon
- Ancient Wandigo evasion work correctly(was 7% with fake description, now 12%)
- Dragon Aspect & Azure Dragon have better animation

Ghost :
- Apparition have new aura: 5% (stack with Gravekeeper's aura)
- Apparition/Gravekeeper attack range changed (600->500, so aura cover more unit)
- Meridian (Ghost's 6th unit) HP change from 100->1000
- Ghost's Insanity : remove -12hp effect

Element :
- Mana regen aura : 3% -> 5% (eg, if you have 30mana, it will add +1.5 mana/second)

- Nightmare/Doppleganster tank better (light -> unarmored)

- Tree of Knowledge's AoE spell limit to 15 target

- Alpha Male: reduce spell animation (almost instantly cast)

- Poison cannot kill creep (will leave it with 1hp)

- Goblin's driver will elf-destructive when die ( same effect as small/medium land mine)

- level 22, 28 is slightly easier (around 5-10% easier)
- 17,18,23,24,25,26,27 is harder

- correct shortcut key for Pudge & shaman
- Add new summon: Infernal (1000 Lumber, melee, Bash, Burning AOE)
- Behemouch changes: add +3 armor aura
- Krakken changes: add healing aura (+4 hp AOE)

- Level 10 Arena = 1x free Turtle.
- Level 20 Arena = 3x free Turtle.
- Unit/Turtle won't move untill fight start
- Summon/Pet will remove after fight finish.
- Add new result for Arena: "Draw" (if both team die, they share the prize).
- Builder cannot move outside their own area during arena fight(before teleport)

Bug fix :
- Frost Aura & Telescope Aura won't stay after fighter die.
- Chariot won't make crit on Ascedent/unarmor
- Map is visible to all afer level 31.
- "-next" command won't display anything after level 31.
- Player cannot use Holy Light more than once
- Player cannot use Holy Light on your own building (can only cast on king)
- Player cannot buy wisp at start if -li mode is on.
- Goblin steamroller should summon driver after die
- Correct many description/tooltip errors.

Game & Hostbot:
- Remove income/bonus gold cap on -AP (mode "-li" will enable this cap)
- New map layout & size
- New Loading screen & minimap (thank Shengshun)
- New spawn & pathing (Try out 4v4, lag is much better now)
- Creep enter dark green area will received +2 armor
- Automatic "-next" information at the end of every wave.
- Bounty on leaked is more accuracy.
- Poisons cannot longer kill unit (poison will stop at 1hp, to avoid no bounty bug)
- after game over, game will shutdown in 30 seconds (not more AFKer for 10 hours on hostbot).
- Remove player name "attacker" on player 9 and 10. (hostbot can use these slot for talking)

Votekick :
- add new votekick system.
- start by -kick or -votekick. (you can cancel votekick after it start)
- Host have unlimit -votekick, everyone else can only "Fail" once.
- Require 50% positive vote to kick
- "Positive vote" = "Yes" - "No"

3.3 (2011.6.29)
* Fix Fatal Error/Crash cause by Artic
* Infanty attack faster (still same 30dps)
* Juiced Mutant sell for 100% gold if freshly built
* Quick Mode -sd & -ar now include -li

3.2 (2011.6.26)
* New Race : Orc
* New Special Event: after level 10 & 20
* Mercenary have limit on how much they can summon.
* Mercenary's damage changed (Chao to other)
* Elf's Ascedent is more useful
* Nature's Ygg attack faster(wont' leak level 1)
* Ghost's Forsaken One become better tank(light->heavy armor)
* Marine's Mermaid ability change (+6 -> +3 armor )
* lvl5 is easier, lvl9 is harder, lvl28 is easier
* All race have same hotkey for all tower = Q, W, E ,R , A, S

combined mode (make mode shorter)
-gm = gg + mm
-gc = gg +cb
-gl = gg +li
-cl = cb +li
(hg & x3 is default, don't need to type)

Hostbot Command Library:
- you can enter mode from hostbot setting or .config file
- you can enter mode in lobby room before game start. eg: !hcl apggcb
- hg, x3 is default (you don't need to type them)
- you don't need to type "-", just "ap" is enough
- mode limited to 1 character per player/computer(eg 4v4 = 10 chracter)

3.1b (2011.05.21)
* Mercenary : spell is disable after wave start
* Add glowing aura to Prophet, Artic, Mercenary builder
* disable -cb should disable change to Mercenary
* Fixed Mutant fake anti-cheat warning
* Fixed : -ar mode & type your own mode will work correctly.
* Timer for each wave change (from 30-60 second to 40-55 second)

3.1a (2011.05.15)
* Quick fix bug on east side

3.1 (2011.05.15)
* new race: Mercenary
* Mercenary is BEST race for noob & pure-lumber.
* Mercenary is disable under mode -li.
* Player can change to Mercenary after 75% leaked.
* Mercenary only teleport to king after attacked.
* Mercenary can't defend lvl23+

* Fixed -HP & change builder bug
* Fix lvl31+ bug (scoreboard visible to all)
* Fix Arctic's aura stack & spell description

3.0 (2011.05.05)
* Fix Maverick's image (creep kill by image will give correct bounty).
* Maverick cannot cast image from building time.
* LoD/hades cannot summon 2 pet at same time.
* Change Royal Griffin's attack&ability( difference graphic, same dps)
* Update serveral ingame message/unit description/ability description

* Game load faster.
* Remove value restrict on wisp (Pure incomer is back !)
* mode -li = Limit Incomer, disable pure imcomer.
* Max cost for lumber upgrade is 200 gold/lumber (8th,9th and higher).
* add 5 more level of lumber research (max = 15)
* can't buy summon from advance barrack untill level 10+
* can't buy Behemouth/Warden/Kraken untill 15+.
* New Race - Artic (difference spell & ability)
* New mode : HP (host pick, everyone will have same builder)
* gg mode changed : small leak = full gold. medium leak = 50% gold, huge leak=0% gold (100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0%)
* Anti-cheat monitor installed.

2.17 (2011.4.02)
* New Race - Goblin Builder
* New Race - Prophet Builder
* Warning ! lvl31+ is difference.
* lvl23 and lvl27 is easier.
* Lag reduce from summon system.
* Fix incorrect spell/unit description.
* Hybrid can only change builder once
* information from -next command will display to all allies

* Fix Hybrid error:
- Outcast move from T5 to T4
- Harlot move from T4 to T5
- Troll Fighter move from T3 to T4
- Phantom move form T4 to T3

v2.16 (2011.3.20)
* Change Crusader food (1->0)
* Correct dragon hawk Build's descrition (normal-> magic)
* Change hermit income (5->4)
* Adjust difficuly for -sd and -ar (5% and 10%)
* Lower difficult on lvl8 and lvl21
* Change bonus gold formula ( more gold for lvl 14+)
* Fix Komodo run too far issue
* Add new heal to builder(only work on king)
* Skip cinematic and display score after Victory/Defeat.
* remove lumber/wisp restrict after lvl10.

v2.15 (2011.3.15)
* Fix king upgrade refund bug.
* Fix change builder bug on -ar mode
* -ar = hard, sd=normal, ap=easy (5% difference in creep's hp)
* Maverick's illusion can teleport to king now
* Show list of full mode on startup
* reduce lag during fight ( almost no lag for 4v4 now)

v2.14e (2011.3.10)
* Fix change builder
* you can't train wisp or lumber upgrade untill 500 fighter value ( prevent pure incomer).
* lower starting gold to 270, creep is harder start from lvl3
* Fix Crusader's damage to match unit description
* Change Hybrid T6 cost 315->305
* Elite Archer building is same as Elite Archer fighter now
* level 16 creep hp reduce 335->315
* level 21 HP reduce 780->730
* level 14 bounty raise from 10-12
* level 15 bounty raise from 8-9
* add High Elven Farm 2,3,4,5,6 (200 food)

v2.14d (2011.3.9)
- add unit description(for new race) to Hybrid
- change starting gold to 300
- nightsaber hp change (950>850)
- introduce income cap = level x 20 (nerfed pure incomer, most people will never see this cap untill lvl25+)

v2.14c (2011.3.7)
- Quick Fix Moon Guard food cost (0->2)

v2.14b (2011.3.7)
- Fix Change Builder
- Fix hybrid (new race include)
- Fix doppleganger cost.
- Wave 14+ is easier(remove 15% hp buff for lvl14+)
- Add new command -kill for display total kill
- Add visual effect to Royal Griffin's multi attack
- Add visual effect to Sentry's magic attack
- Buff Cavalier's HP

v2.14a (2011.3.6)
- quick fix to 2.14 for creep won't spawn

v2.14 (2011.3.6)
* Add Change builder(you can only change 5 time)
* Hybrid unit will include elf & paladin
* Upgrade king regenation change(3->5 per upgrade) and reduce king upgrade cost (100-80)
* Add spell to Druid ( Wraith of Nature)
* Nightsaber food reduce from 2 to 1.
* Moon Guard food cost raise from 0 to 2
* Wisp food cost reduce form 2 to 1
* Fix Sentry's ability
* Fix incorrect sell value on certain unit
* Creep wave difficult adjust (1%-15% hp buff move from lvl1-lvl10 to lvl5-lvl19)
* Reduce lag, 4v4 is playable ! (map should be 99% FREE of memory leak)

v2.13 (2011.3.4)
* Change lumber system, research will cost lumber as well as gold (income is more balance)
* Creep wave is harder, from 1% hp buff to 15%.
* Tree of Knowledge changed ( buffed hp, nerfed AE damage to 20 target)
* change Battle cry is self only(+5armor, 20% damage)
* Buffed Golem(element) 's hp
* Buffed Seer/Phoenix's dps
* Buffed warden. it is as good as moon guard now.

v2.12 (2011.3.1)
* Fix texture/skin issue for builder
* Add new builder to random builder
* Correct unit/ability description
* Income and wisp count will update correctly
* Fix debug mode (-restart and -repick will work for all mode)
* Tweaked Spawn of Dragon's splash (increase range, but will never do full damage)
* Tweaked Dragon Aspect's splash ( splash will work on air creep, but never do full damage)
* Fix bounty from summon
* Tweaked lumber system (Wisp is more expensive, eg cost 2 food, 10 lumber.)
* Add 2 more lumber upgrade

v2.11 (2011.2.27)
* fix bug with mode
* fix elite archer's multishot ability(increase range, so it will won't shot at 1 target)
* Dragon Aspect's splash work on air, but will never do full damage on splash(will do 40% & 10% depend on range)
v2.10 (2011.2.26)
* add new race (alliance)
* remove worker(reduce lag), replace with wisp
* -gg mode only give half gold
* all summon will more bounty to other team
* high level summon have longer cool down
* farm can upgrade 10 time.
* player can see all unit's dps ingame
* modified spalsh damage(they will never do full damage on splash)
* reduce cost on Mutant (400->300)
* buffed oracle's dps
* modified Minotaur/Bigfoot's AE spell (deal less damage)
* remove starfall from Nightsaber
* new spell for Ascendent (-8 armor debuff)
* buffed Zues's spell damage (40->100)
* buffed Krogoth's dps
* nerfed gate guard's pet hp (185->145)
* fangtooth's feast change(from every 3 -> 5 attacks.)
v2.0 (first version, 2010.2.19)
* base on 1.50c
* add new race (Elf)
* change unit stat base on forum feedback.



special thank to :
PanicX and his clan "UC" for all testing, ideas & bug hunting.

Game :
LISK - source code on 1.50
Ezge - Goblin & Artic race
von_Oberstain - many game design ideas, loading screen and testing
BkO21 - loading screen
Shengshun - loading screen/preview/minimap

and many many people on forum/email with lots of useful imformation.

Unit Models :
Anarchianbedlam - Goblin's Helicopter model
Donut3.5 - Goblin's Mobile Turret / Goblin Drillbot / Goblin Steamroller
Frankster - Goblin's Assault Tank
Tranquil - King's model

Sunchips - Mecenary's Dagger

Ayane - Hero's color Aura
Daelin - Ice troll's Glaciar Aura

The Hive Workshop (http://www.hiveworkshop.com )
The Helper Net Forum (http://www.thehelper.net/forums/index.php)
Warcraft 3 Campaign forum ( http://www.wc3c.net/forums.php )

Forum Link:

Forum :

Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, Legion, LegionTD, Legion TD, LegionTD

Legion TD Mega 3.41 (Map)

Legion TD Mega 3.5 (B4) (Map)

05:44, 29th Apr 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Update: Re-moderating with review Date: 2011/Oct/07 23:46:38 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Status: Approved Rating: 4/5 Recommended Rep Received: 2Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or...




05:44, 29th Apr 2011
Status: Approved
Update: Re-moderating with review


Date: 2011/Oct/07 23:46:38
Vengeancekael: VM // PM:
Status: Approved
Rating: 4/5 Recommended
Rep Received: 2
If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation
If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact
Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules

Comment: Review:


There are a lot of builder units, each of them really unique with their own special roles in the map. There are also quite a few game modes.
I've never seen a td before where the towers become moving units when a wave starts.
It's really unique and kinda fun, the towers start attacking the incoming wave really quickly and then when they're done, they teleport to the King, to defend him I guess, although I don't understand why they go to the king afterwards.
You can also upgrade and improve the target you're defending, which is unusual for a TD map, but new.
The feature that lets the players themselves send specific waves to the enemy lanes isn't anything new, but it fits everything else and makes it even more fun and challenging at the same time.


The map is large enough, it looks completely polished and symmetric and the tile variations make it look kinda cool.


A really neat loading screen image with the loading bars included.
Also I suggest you increase the mode selection time, 15 seconds aren't a lot.


A well executed TD with a lot of features from other TDs put into one, making it really fun, but still kinda unoriginal and it doesn't really bring anything fresh to the table.
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
yes, here is the link :

The Future of Legion TD

Version 1.50c, which will fix some minor bugs & introduce small balances tweaks, will be the final official version of Legion TD for Warcraft 3. Thank you to everyone who has supported Legion TD this past year. There is much I would still like to do with the map, but I do not have the time.

Thus, I will be releasing an Editor's version of Legion TD. Anyone will now be able to open the map to see how everything works, and possibly publish their own version of Legion TD.

This forum will still be here for Legion TD players and/or editors to discuss the map, so I encourage you to stick around.


...As for me, I will be refocusing my efforts to create a Legion TD sequel on Starcraft 2. More information will be made public in the future on LegionTD.com and this forum when development has further progressed.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Ok, I tested the map, and here's my review, its my first review so, here:

The gameplay was nice. It seemed good, the units matched their names, It was fun to play. I picked the Beast one, not sure what its called but it was the Tauren one. But I wondered, I saw a wisp near the top harvesting some lumber. Whats that for? And also, I think you need to make the units which they build not able to move since its a Tower Defense after all. Also, make them not able to die, since it would make it harder for the player if they die. The game seems a little imbalanced, maybe make modes which ask you if single player or multiplayer modes.
I'd give this a 4/5.
Any TD, in my opinion, with many types of builders have high replayability. Because, some people or maybe a lot of people like trying out different races. When I was done playing with the Tauren builder, I picked the wisp builder.
I'd give this a 5/5.
I shouldn't really care for this especially since it's a TD. But, the landscape was alright. I think that you should make the King a little smaller, he was too huge.
I'd give this a 5/5.
The game was a bit laggy when I was looking around the map and when the units attack the incoming creeps. I suggest you fix it. This was the only major problem I have encountered.
I'd give this a 3/5.
Fun Factor
The game was overall fun. It was nice to play especially when pawning those monsters, since I enjoy seeing mass amounts of units die. Overall fun, but could be better if you added more buildings/units for each builder-type. Maybe 1 whole page for it or 2 pages of units.
I'd give this a 5/5.


4/5 +rep

Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
The gameplay was nice. It seemed good, the units matched their names, It was fun to play. I picked the Beast one, not sure what its called but it was the Tauren one. But I wondered, I saw a wisp near the top harvesting some lumber. Whats that for?

wisp can harvesting lumber, lumber can spent lumber on :
- upgrade king (eg, max upgraded will give +300dmg, + 10,000hp etc)
- buy summon, summon will send to your enemy and make their life harder(can be 10-20% harder)

both upgrade king and buy summon will give income (show on score board), income is very important for late game because player won't have enough gold to beat lvl20+ without income.

that is why for new player, game usually end at lvl20's boss. for pro, they will learn how to spent their spare gold on wisp+lumber upgrade so they can beat lvl30 boss.
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
A honor to finally meet the creator of this wonderful map.

I played this alot before with my friends and with all the new stuff you have made for it reasently I see no reason not to give you a 5/5 + rep. Good job.

Thank, it is nice to heard that people enjoy my map :)

Legion TD Mega 3.0 is released now !!!

This is big version with lots of changes, map is also faster with lag reduce ( code should be 100% memory leak free).
A honor to finally meet the creator of this wonderful map.

I played this alot before with my friends and with all the new stuff you have made for it reasently I see no reason not to give you a 5/5 + rep. Good job.
Hi is not creator he just edited map just like IceFrog edited dota, but once when he publish large number of new map versions and really improve gameplay to next level, he will be able to call map his own :)
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Nice Improvement from the original.

Spotted 2 bugs though:
-> Magnataur when upgraded his ability still says "Frenzy" but the buff says "Frost Aura" and the effect is still 50%. Not sure if this is intentional but u should fix the typo then.
-> Wandigoo when upgraded still has the ability which gives 7% evasion, not 12%.
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Nice Improvement from the original.

Spotted 2 bugs though:
-> Magnataur when upgraded his ability still says "Frenzy" but the buff says "Frost Aura" and the effect is still 50%. Not sure if this is intentional but u should fix the typo then.
-> Wandigoo when upgraded still has the ability which gives 7% evasion, not 12%.

thank for bug report. yes it is text typo.

will fixed them in next version. (will lower first frost aura to 40%, and change upgraded frost aura to 60%).

I will add Mercenary in next version (90% done). this race is best for player want to be pure lumber. because you can hire hero to defend for wave (cost lumber).
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
( you can find the text below inside readme.txt file)

Download and set up custom Hostbot :

1, copy GHostOne folder into your PC or USB Key

2, set up Battlenet or Garena login

3, (skip this step if you use Garena)
3.1 open \GHostOne\ghost.cfg and enter your battlenet cdkey & login detail
and put cd key, login detail(at the end of the page, or search for keyword "BATTLE.NET CONFIGURATION")

bnet_cdkeyroc = (enter ROC CD key here)
bnet_cdkeytft = (enter TFT CD key here)
bnet_username = (enter battlenet login for USEAST)
bnet_password = (enter battlenet password for asia)

bnet2_server = useast.battle.net
bnet2_cdkeyroc = (enter ROC CD key here)
bnet2_cdkeytft = (enter TFT CD key here)
bnet2_username = (enter battlenet login for USEAST)
bnet2_password = (enter battlenet password for USEAST)

etc...you can enter all 4 server, as well as private server (like EuropeBattlenet)

4, run GhostOne by : \GHostOne\GHostOne.exe ,
you need to set up once, then it usually automatic start next time
4.1 click on "Run Ghost" at button of window
4.2 go to "Maps tab" -> select map then click "load map" (you can't load without "run ghost"
4.3 (for Garena Only) go to "Options tab", set up garena path and click "Hook Garena" (this will allow you connect garena player with battlenet

5, start game by: go to "Ghost Tab"-> type "autohost 1 6 Legion TD Mega"
1 = number of name host at same time
6 = number of player before game auto start
Legion TD Mega = game's name


that is all, you can read more FAQ on this link

Q: How to use GHost++ with one set of CD keys?
- don't login in battlenet(your hostbot already login),
- join from "Local Area Network" or from Garena.

Q: Nobody but me can join my games!
- Firewall setting (make sure you can host without hostbot)
- or read the link below


  • Hostbot.zip
    39.7 MB · Views: 1,182
Last edited:
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
Small bug

Hi , first of all thanks for the map , its really fun . I noticed a bug in your latest release : if gg mode isn't on , we actually get full bounty for every leak . I'm not sure if I'm missing something though..
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Hi , first of all thanks for the map , its really fun . I noticed a bug in your latest release : if gg mode isn't on , we actually get full bounty for every leak . I'm not sure if I'm missing something though..

Bug confirm. thank for report :)

3.2 will come out soon
- New Race
- Team fight in middle Arena field after lvl10/lvl20(winner team received bonus gold).
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
Some other bugs/suggestion for beta7:

- hp mode is bugged sometimes (reproduce : -hpmmhgggcblix3 , 4vs4 , I think in 3vs3 this bug didn't appear) , choosing profet - some players get the profet , other do not , some even get one builder that can't be used and must repick

- arena (very good idea btw) started randomly between 12-15 lvls once

- sniper is way too powerful , I suggest nerf the little bastard or make him in the range of about 80g ; seriously , sniper is way too good for its price

- blood orcs are balanced and fun to play with , good job with that

- one time one player got accused of cheating , even though I'm pretty sure he didn't cheat
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
thank for report

feel free to email me the replay for any unusualy bug, it will help me identify the bug (if it is hard to repeatable)

my email is [email protected]

for hp bug, it is cause by player pick "random builder" before host pick. I will remove "random builder" from other player under HP mode.

for arena start in lvl12-14. I don't know why, but I will add code to check the level before it happen

for fake anti-cheat message, can you give out more detail, like what builder he use, when it happen (before wave start, during fight, end of wave, lvl30+ etc)... what the message say (eg, how much gold he cheat)... all those information will help me identify which part of my calculate is wrong. and a replay would be nice too :)

Note: anti-cheat monitor usually check everytime player's value changed. or end of wave.

PS. gg mode is fixed on Beta9
Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Not sure what's causing it, but 3 out of the last 5 games played with friends ended up with fatal error crashes. Everyone gets a fatal error and not just one player.
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
Not sure what's causing it, but 3 out of the last 5 games played with friends ended up with fatal error crashes. Everyone gets a fatal error and not just one player.

Indeed , this is a frequent occurrence lately . But this is the only bug I noticed so far in 3.2 , good job :)
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
for fake anti-cheat message, can you give out more detail, like what builder he use, when it happen (before wave start, during fight, end of wave, lvl30+ etc)... what the message say (eg, how much gold he cheat)... all those information will help me identify which part of my calculate is wrong. and a replay would be nice too :)

Note: anti-cheat monitor usually check everytime player's value changed. or end of wave.

Regarding one of your older bugs :
Fake cheat warning : if you have mutant and use the ability (become Juiced Mutant), it will give fake cheat warning and lost gold.

I remember that certain player also had a mutant . Lost the replay so that's pretty much all I can remember (also it was round 10+)
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
yes, I am really upset about crash bug.

because I changes debuff icon on Pandaren's spell in last minutes, and didn't know it can cause crash.

will release 3.2a tomorrow. (already pass 3.2a beta to my beta tester)
Level 1
Jun 29, 2011

the bear on beast race only buffs him self and not others sorry tuck so long to point out i would of thought some body els would of noticed ;)
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Version 3.3 release

3.3 (2011.6.29)
* Fix Fatal Error/Crash cause by Artic
* Infanty attack faster (still same 30dps)
* Juiced Mutant sell for 100% gold if freshly built
* Quick Mode -sd & -ar now include -li


the bear on beast race only buffs him self and not others sorry tuck so long to point out i would of thought some body els would of noticed ;)

Beast in my version is difference :
- remove group buff from bear, add self buff (Bear is very good tank now)
- Red dragon can splash air creep.

so Beast only have 1 aura (Troll), but with better tank and air splash.
Level 1
Jun 29, 2011

Version 3.3 release

3.3 (2011.6.29)
* Fix Fatal Error/Crash cause by Artic
* Infanty attack faster (still same 30dps)
* Juiced Mutant sell for 100% gold if freshly built
* Quick Mode -sd & -ar now include -li


Beast in my version is difference :
- remove group buff from bear, add self buff (Bear is very good tank now)
- Red dragon can splash air creep.

so Beast only have 1 aura (Troll), but with better tank and air splash.

ahhhhhhh i did notice it seam to be taking more shit +u are right as wots the point of having a cappy when u could of had bear as well and ty for air splash about time xx
Level 5
Apr 10, 2010
Hoorah for legion td
i only know legion td without the mega
maybe this is bettar because this has a "mega" expansion
Level 1
Jun 29, 2011
all so i have a prob with profit sometimes it will offer me mercenary afther first build and if i dont exsept it the next round u go to re-roll and it takes the option to re-roll away if u dont take mercenry ie. no re-roll buton but if u take the merconery then the round afther u will get re-roll back all tho it will coast u 50 gold and 200 wood then it gose in to cb mode as well ie u get abuilder rather then the profit 1 looool i hope that all made senc loool dislexsick as fuck just coz i carnt spell dont mean im think ;) and b4 any 1 els says it im 32 not 12 lool
Level 1
Jun 30, 2011
I wish to talk about few things on Legion TD MEGA I don't like . Fell free to take them into account or ignore them if you wish . I'm just expressing my opinion .

- First I don't believe incomers need any more restrictions . I can understand why they were weakened by creep reward system , putting on lvl requirements for higher lvl summons and making wood income harder to get , because new player were loosing miserably against good ones ( usually within 8 lvls ) because of high lvl summons . I liked how you handled that by making leeks system thus making full incomers less efficient and not hardcaping like some other Legion TD creators . But now you do by "li" mode . I understand that it is optional but adding it to quick mode makes it very uncomfortable . Also I fear that in the future it could be added permanently thus restricting good players severely as they could not use their tactics to full potential . Remove "li" from quick mode if you please . Income system is restricted enough as it is .

- Second . Lack of hard lvls .
By removing unit stacking you reduced difficulty of some hard lvls ( while adding it hardened some others ). I understand why would you do that as lvl like 8th were really hard and newer players would lose constantly expecially when other teem sends high lvl summons . But removing them all made the map plain and dull . In other words boring . With summon wave limits it is very hard to influence other team performance . After weakening lvl 16 and possibly 24 there and also turning off creep armor increase in high lvls the game is bound to last for along time unless someone fails badly . Over all it becomes far less exiting than before and makes you to chose another maps after playing this once or twice. My thought here , make the hardeness of the game more "Wavy " thus allowing to use summons to force other team to lose as this ability almost gone by now .

- Third . Unit Tweaking disbalanced races .
I like some of the tweaks you made . for example changing forsaken one's amour type to heavy made it awesome tank instead of rather weak . And ghost needed tank badly .Also making greymore into a tank insteat of support was also a fine choise . But constant weakenings on other units made some races a lot less powerful than before , changing then from very good ones to rather poor ones . One example would be Arctic . You altered wandigo's armor from normal to heavy which is a worse for a tank and reduced atack speed, making a still rather good one instead of awesome one . This is partly compensated by making magnotaur stronger . But after removing "Death with honor" from azure dragon and severely reducing splash dmg frost race is left without good damage dealers .Azures armor does not help a lot as dragon should not be a tanks . Over all arctic has reasonably good tanks and no dmg dealers and fails miserably on lvls 16 + . Before ( on 2.7 ) arctic was my favorite race and now I feel that it is one of the weakests and not even close to the ones like mech .
Also I think that dragon splash dmg is reduced way too much . I beleave it's around 20 dmg now and it is useless past lvl 11 . On 2.7 they were best dmg dealers , and now with abillities removed and splash dmg practically gone they are one of the worst top tier units in the game . I understand that on 2.7 splash might have been a bit too powerfull but I think that you reduced it way too much . Since everybody can change builders making splash more powerfull would not disbalance gameplay and bring frost and beast closer to other races in mater of strength in late game .
Other tweaks I don't like :
reducing mermaid frost armor to + 3 . Way too less . make it 5 .
Shadow summons hp reduce . veteran's (mech ) price is 150 and it has around 730 hp . Harbriingers price is 300 and it's and his summons total hp is around 1130 ( on 3.1b) . Meaning it does not have a lot of hp for it's price already . reducing it even further makes it even weaker . Reduce dmg instead .
Reduced AE dmg for minotaur /bigfoot . It is already a bit weak on raged waves because he likes to wonder in circles then , don't make it weak in hand combat as well . His AE dmg wasn't that high even before .

Finally whats up with reducing character number on mode choosing ? I understand that I can combine modes like "gm" but limiting characters just seems inconvenient .

I'll post other suggestions later if I'll have some . Or just write not to and I'll stay sillent .

PS . I like reworked goblin . Liked the old one as well but this one is awesome .
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Update: 2011-10-25

Click view below to view full table.


Download Microsoft Excel file

Race Fighter Cost (Total) Food Range Speed Min Max DPS HP Armor Attack Ability
Beast Gnoll Warrior 10 10 1 100 1.2 6 8 5.8 60 Light Normal Gnoll Poison
Beast Gnoll Savage 80 90 1 100 1 34 38 36.0 430 Light Normal Deadly Poison
Beast Ogre Basher 30 30 1 100 2 11 13 6.0 175 Heavy Siege Club Smash
Beast Ogre Pulverizer 105 135 1 100 1 41 61 51.0 630 Heavy Siege Knock Out
Beast Harpy 70 70 1 300 1.1 25 28 24.1 325 Light Magic Envenom
Beast Medusa 125 195 1 300 1 56 63 59.5 820 Light Magic Enchanted Poison
Beast Troll Fighter 105 105 1 425 1.5 63 72 45.0 470 Medium Normal None
Beast Troll Champion 145 250 2 425 1.5 105 117 74.0 810 Medium Normal Adrenaline Rush
Beast Grizzly 180 180 1 100 1.2 99 115 89.2 925 Heavy Siege None
Beast Greymane 205 385 2 100 0.8 142 154 185.0 1585 Heavy Siege Battle Cry
Beast Spawn of Dragon 265 265 2 100 1.5 141 159 100.0 1360 Heavy Normal Circle Slash
Beast Dragon Aspect 320 585 3 350 1.6 232 247 149.7 2195 Heavy Normal Whitefire
Mech Peewee 25 25 1 100 1.5 17 19 12.0 125 Medium Normal None
Mech Veteran 125 150 1 100 1.3 83 94 68.1 740 Medium Normal None
Mech Infantry 60 60 1 600 0.6 16 20 30.0 160 Light Pierce None
Mech Pyro 170 230 2 225 0.5 48 52 100.0 1005 Heavy Chaos None
Mech Zeus 155 215 2 800 0.25 16 18 68.0 450 Light Pierce Power Surge
Mech Captain 110 110 1 90 1.5 60 72 44.0 585 Medium Normal Leadership
Mech Admiral 190 300 2 90 1.7 153 173 95.9 1235 Medium Normal Superiority
Mech Tempest 140 140 1 250 0.6 30 44 61.7 600 Heavy Siege None
Mech Leviathan 265 405 3 250 2.1 263 305 135.2 1420 Heavy Siege Sharpnel
Mech Cyborg 210 210 2 180 1.3 121 135 98.5 1035 Heavy Normal None
Mech Krogoth 290 500 3 180 0.9 156 164 177.8 2200 Heavy Normal Vital Slice
Mech Neotank 360 360 2 450 0.9 143 159 167.8 1420 Fortified Siege None
Mech Doomsday Machine 450 810 5 450 0.9 303 353 364.4 3015 Fortified Siege None
Nature Ent 20 20 1 100 1.4 11 13 8.6 115 Heavy Normal None
Nature Guardian 95 115 1 100 1.4 53 64 41.8 665 Heavy Normal Entangle
Nature Ranger 40 40 1 750 0.9 15 18 18.3 110 Medium Pierce Vulture Eye
Nature Meliai 115 155 1 750 0.9 40 43 46.1 335 Medium Pierce Precision, Mark Target
Nature Sprite 80 80 1 300 0.66 22 27 37.1 360 Light Magic Faerie Luck
Nature Thunderbird 155 235 2 300 1.8 120 132 70.0 955 Heavy Magic Aftershock
Nature Tree of Travel 130 130 1 100 1.5 74 82 52.0 750 Medium Normal Helping Hand
Nature Tree of Time 165 295 2 100 1.5 138 144 94.0 1395 Medium Normal Chrono Trigger
Nature Halfbreed 195 195 1 100 0.9 86 90 97.8 1005 Heavy Normal None
Nature Goliath 225 420 3 180 1.6 246 278 163.8 1655 Heavy Siege Natural Armor, Reassurance
Nature Yggdrasil 290 290 2 180 0.8 91 102 120.6 1250 Fortified Magic Sacred Blessing
Nature Tree of Life 380 670 4 180 1.8 301 334 176.4 2350 Fortified Magic Water of Life
Nature Tree of Knowledge 380 670 4 180 1 201 221 211.0 2570 Fortified Chaos Forbidden Fruit
Shadow Bone Warrior 15 15 1 100 0.6 4 5 7.5 70 Medium Normal Frenzy
Shadow Skeletor 90 105 1 100 0.9 33 39 40.0 485 Medium Normal Frenzy, Killing Spree
Shadow Fire Archer 90 105 1 575 0.4 12 14 32.5 275 Light Pierce Frenzy, Flaming Arrows
Shadow Dark Mage 90 105 1 350 1 27 31 29.0 375 Light Magic Frenzy, Mindwarp
Shadow Carrion Spitter 35 35 1 500 0.8 12 17 18.1 115 Medium Pierce None
Shadow Nightcrawler 110 145 1 500 0.45 28 34 68.9 425 Medium Pierce Sticky Webs
Shadow Gateguard 90 90 1 100 1 24 37 30.5 350 Heavy Normal Conjure Fiend
Shadow Fiend 1.35 14 17 11.5 Heavy Normal None
Shadow Harbinger 150 240 2 100 1.3 72 96 64.6 740 Heavy Normal Conjure Fanatic
Shadow Fanatic 100 1.35 40 47 32.2 Heavy Normal None
Shadow Overseer 130 130 1 225 1.5 64 76 46.7 625 Medium Magic Blood Thirst
Shadow Keeper of Souls 165 295 2 225 1.4 120 132 90.0 1080 Medium Magic Sound of Madness
Shadow Nightmare 215 215 2 100 0.3 15 45 100.0 995 Unarmored Normal Shadow Walker
Shadow Doppelganger 240 455 3 90 0.15 15 37 173.3 1685 Unarmored Normal Fatality
Shadow Lord of Death 300 300 2 400 0.5 35 45 80.0 845 Medium Chaos Invoke Inferno
Shadow Infernal 100 1.35 55 66 44.8 850 Fortified Chaos None
Shadow Hades 380 680 4 400 0.5 70 80 150.0 1475 Medium Chaos Diablo
Shadow Diablotic 600 1.35 51 58 40.4 1200 Light Pierce None
Element Proton 20 20 1 250 1.25 13 13 10.4 100 Light Chaos None
Element Adept 140 160 1 250 1.45 100 100 69.0 560 Light Chaos None
Element Aqua Spirit 50 50 1 375 0.8 13 18 19.4 200 Medium Normal Water Splash
Element Oceanus 130 180 1 375 0.9 49 54 57.2 575 Medium Normal Deluge
Element Watcher 80 80 1 300 0.9 36 42 43.3 335 Light Magic None
Element Violet 150 230 2 300 0.8 51 61 70.0 850 Medium Magic Blue Wind
Element Mudman 130 130 1 100 1.35 75 81 57.8 735 Heavy Normal None
Element Golem 170 300 2 100 1.3 166 180 133.1 1490 Heavy Siege None
Element Disciple 200 200 2 550 1 57 71 64.0 670 Light Pierce Mana Burst
Element Messiah 260 460 3 550 0.9 119 125 135.6 1085 Light Magic Mana Burst, Amplify Magic
Element Seer of Darkness 345 345 2 400 1 142 156 149.0 1050 Medium Magic Energy Shield
Element Fenix 400 745 4 400 0.98 193 205 203.1 1700 Medium Magic Energy Shield, Focus Energy
Ghost Specter 25 25 1 500 0.33 4 5 13.6 75 Unarmored Magic Phase Out
Ghost Wraith 90 115 1 600 0.33 14 20 51.5 230 Unarmored Magic Disturb
Ghost Mercurial 130 245 1 600 0.33 35 40 113.6 440 Unarmored Magic Traumatize
Ghost Wanderer 50 50 1 100 0.9 16 20 20.0 285 Medium Normal None
Ghost Soul of Hero (atk) 120 170 1 100 1 78 90 84.0 710 Medium Normal Change Stance
Ghost Soul of Hero (def) 120 170 1 100 1 67 71 69.0 835 Medium Normal Change Stance
Ghost Soul of Villain 120 170 1 400 1.2 74 80 64.2 630 Light Magic Violate
Ghost Phantom 125 125 1 250 1.6 0 0 0.0 475 Light Magic Silent Scream
Ghost Hell Raiser 130 255 2 250 1.25 0 0 0.0 580 Light Magic Cacophony
Ghost Outcast 200 200 2 100 0.85 73 80 90.0 1040 Heavy Normal None
Ghost Forsaken One 210 410 3 90 0.75 105 119 149.3 1705 Heavy Siege Insanity
Ghost Apparition 250 250 2 500 1 118 130 124.0 665 Medium Pierce sickness aura
Ghost Gravekeeper 200 450 3 600 1.1 209 219 194.5 1025 Medium Pierce Despair Aura
Ghost Dark Priest 325 325 2 700 0.82 100 121 134.8 690 Unarmored Magic Haunting
Ghost Meridian 350 675 4 700 1 196 224 210.0 1000 Unarmored Magic Ghost Essence, Catastrophe
Demi Goblin Scientist 20 20 1 400 1 10 11 10.5 95 Light Siege None
Demi Dwarven Engineer 50 70 1 400 1 21 27 24.0 265 Light Siege Mortar
Demi Mutant 300 370 3 400 1.3 209 220 165.0 1600 Heavy Siege Inject Steroids
Demi Servant 40 40 1 100 1.5 25 35 20.0 200 Medium Normal None
Demi Slavemaster 120 160 1 100 1 65 75 70.0 770 Medium Normal Slave Trade
Demi Tribesman 80 80 1 325 0.8 26 35 38.1 385 Medium Pierce Throw Net
Demi Alpha Male 140 220 2 325 0.8 56 67 76.9 900 Medium Pierce Throw Net, Fury
Demi Medicine Man 110 110 1 500 1.4 39 55 33.6 450 Light Magic Mend
Demi Oracle 160 270 2 500 1.4 87 109 70.0 935 Light Magic Guardian Spirit
Demi Harlot 180 180 1 100 1.05 100 108 99.0 835 Heavy Pierce None
Demi Mistress 180 360 2 100 1.05 153 169 153.3 1580 Heavy Pierce Seduce
Demi Minotaur 275 275 2 100 1.2 128 152 116.7 1415 Heavy Normal Tremor
Demi Bigfoot 325 600 4 90 1.2 233 257 204.2 2465 Heavy Normal Fissure
Marine Hatchling 10 10 1 100 1.7 9 10 5.6 55 Unarmored Normal None
Marine Swamprunner 50 60 1 100 1 24 30 27.0 280 Unarmored Normal None
Marine Fangtooth 90 150 1 90 0.8 51 57 67.5 660 Unarmored Chaos Feast
Marine Defiler 90 150 1 90 1.1 65 69 60.9 690 Unarmored Normal Biotoxin
Marine Egg Sack 50 50 1 400 1 16 18 17.0 260 Fortified Magic Withdraw
Marine Sky Dragon 120 170 1 400 1 62 72 67.0 635 Medium Pierce Brawl
Marine Bottom Feeder 85 85 1 180 1.2 41 46 36.3 400 Heavy Siege Delicacy
Marine King Claw 140 225 2 180 1.2 102 118 91.7 1000 Heavy Siege Delicacy
Marine Mermaid 130 130 1 500 1.1 43 54 44.1 505 Light Pierce Water Sphere
Marine Highborne 170 300 2 500 1.1 90 101 86.8 930 Light Pierce Storm Geyser
Marine Komodo 180 180 1 100 0.8 63 74 85.6 880 Medium Normal Submerge
Marine Trident 250 430 3 100 1 140 160 150.0 1770 Medium Normal Concussion
Marine Sea Giant 280 280 2 180 0.95 119 131 131.6 1380 Heavy Normal None
Marine Hydra 340 620 4 325 1.05 178 275 215.7 1660 Heavy Magic Triple Attack, Mitosis
Marine Mini Hydra 320 1 55 65 60.0 800 Unarmored Magic None
Elf Colt 20 20 1 100 1 10 12 11.0 90 Unarmored Normal None
Elf Rider 100 120 1 200 1.1 66 70 61.8 400 Unarmored Pierce None
Elf Novice 40 40 1 100 1 18 20 19.0 210 Light Normal None
Elf Crusader 110 150 1 100 0.8 52 60 70.0 770 Heavy Normal None
Elf Sentry 80 80 1 400 1 16 24 20.0 350 Medium Pierce Magic Missile
Elf Nightsaber 140 220 2 400 0.8 50 54 65.0 850 Medium Pierce Moon Glaive
Elf Prisoner 125 125 1 300 0.8 41 47 55.0 550 Fortified Chaos None
Elf Maverick 170 295 2 300 1 95 101 98.0 920 Medium Chaos Mirage
Elf Druid 200 200 2 500 1 76 84 80.0 815 Unarmored Magic Wrath of Nature
Elf Ascendant 220 420 3 500 0.8 111 121 145.0 1450 Unarmored Magic Faerie Fire
Elf Sword Mage 220 420 3 180 0.9 120 130 138.9 1850 Medium Magic Enchant Fire
Elf Moon Guard 300 300 2 100 0.6 79 89 140.0 1350 Heavy Normal Fan of Knives
Elf Warden 350 650 4 100 0.5 70 80 150.0 2670 Heavy Normal Coup de Grace
Artic Tuskarr 20 20 1 100 1.4 16 17 11.8 95 Medium Normal None
Artic Tuskarr Spearman 80 100 1 350 0.6 16 17 27.5 280 Medium Pierce Ice Spear
Artic Frost Wolf 45 45 1 100 1.5 21 22 14.3 200 Medium Normal Bleeding
Artic Pandaren 135 175 1 100 0.6 49 52 84.2 800 Medium Normal Frost Nova
Artic Ice Troll 80 80 1 300 0.8 36 37 45.6 335 Light Magic Frost Shield
Artic Ice Troll Shaman 150 230 2 300 0.5 51 53 104.0 850 Medium Magic Ice Shield, Cold Atatck
Artic Polar Bear 130 130 1 100 0.8 45 47 57.5 600 Medium Normal Frost Aura, Bash
Artic Magnataur 170 300 2 180 1.1 115 118 105.9 1330 Medium Siege Frost Aura, Critical Strike
Artic Wandigoo 180 180 2 180 1.2 90 100 79.2 750 Heavy Normal Evasion
Artic Ancient Wandigoo 250 430 3 180 1 173 187 180.0 1770 Heavy Normal Evasion
Artic Young Frost Dragon 265 265 2 300 1.2 140 145 118.8 1360 Unarmored Magic Breath of Frost
Artic Azure Dragon 340 625 4 360 1.6 232 247 149.7 2195 Unarmored Magic Azure’s Breath, Azure's Armor
Goblin Small Land Mine 20 20 1 10 1 1 1 1.0 20 Unarmored Normal Kaboom!
Goblin Medium Land Mine 70 70 1 10 1 1 1 1.0 50 Unarmored Normal Kaboom!
Goblin Ultra Land Mine 160 160 1 10 1 1 1 1.0 90 Unarmored Normal Kaboom!
Goblin Geomancer 40 40 1 90 0.8 15 17 20.0 200 Medium Normal None
Goblin Clockwreck 130 170 1 100 1 76 84 80.0 770 Fortified Normal Cluster Rockets
Goblin Machine Turrent 90 90 1 500 1 23 27 25.0 380 Light Pierce Burst Shot
Goblin Machine Robot 160 250 2 500 1 66 68 67.0 900 Light Pierce Burst Shot
Goblin Flying Machine 130 130 1 350 1 50 60 55.0 600 Medium Pierce Telescope
Goblin Helicopter 170 300 2 350 1 100 140 120.0 1200 Medium Magic Advanced Telescope
Goblin Goblin Alchemist 180 180 1 120 1 40 45 42.5 900 Light Normal Chemical Rage
Goblin Goblin Blaster 220 400 3 180 1 140 160 150.0 1850 Heavy Normal Overclocking
Goblin Steamroller 305 305 2 180 1 130 150 140.0 1350 Fortified Siege Goblin Driver
Goblin Assault Tank 350 655 4 325 1 252 268 260.0 2300 Fortified Siege Goblin Driver
Paladin Peasant 15 15 1 100 1 6 9 7.5 75 Light Normal None
Paladin Militia 95 110 1 100 1 50 54 52.0 535 Medium Normal None
Paladin Archer 50 50 1 600 0.5 12 13 25.0 180 Light Pierce None
Paladin Elite Archer 155 205 2 600 0.55 13 13 23.6 650 Light Pierce Multishot
Paladin Footman 80 80 1 100 1.5 55 59 38.0 385 Medium Normal None
Paladin Guard 160 240 2 90 0.6 60 66 105.0 1150 Medium Normal Defence
Paladin Priest 130 130 1 500 1 53 63 58.0 420 Light Magic Heal
Paladin High Priest 170 300 2 500 1 118 136 127.0 840 Light Magic Greater Heal
Paladin Knight 200 200 1 180 0.9 70 80 83.3 880 Heavy Normal None
Paladin Cavalier 220 420 3 180 1 180 191 185.5 1770 Heavy Normal Harden Armor
Paladin Dragon Hawk 320 320 2 300 0.8 120 128 155.0 1480 Medium Magic None
Paladin Royal Griffin 360 680 4 300 1.5 300 300 200.0 2675 Medium Magic Storm Hammer
Orc Orc Warrior 20 20 1 100 1 10 10 10.0 100 Unarmored Normal None
Orc Blood Orc Warrior 80 100 1 100 1 50 50 50.0 500 Unarmored Normal Frenzy
Orc Wolverine 150 250 2 100 0.6 54 66 100.0 1050 Unarmored Chaos Berserk, Finishing Blow
Orc Orc Warlock 60 60 1 350 1.5 42 46 29.3 260 Light Magic Cripple
Orc Blood Orc Warlock 120 180 1 350 1.5 116 124 80.0 660 Light Magic Corruption
Orc Raider 90 90 1 90 1 24 37 30.5 350 Heavy Normal Summon Wolf
Orc Blood Raider 150 240 2 90 1.3 72 96 64.6 740 Heavy Normal Summon Blood Wolf
Orc Young Witch Doctor 100 100 1 400 1 40 40 40.0 400 Light Magic Healing Aura
Orc Elder Witch Doctor 100 300 2 400 1 106 114 110.0 1100 Light Magic Greater Healing Aura
Orc Wyvern 180 180 1 500 1 82 98 90.0 700 Medium Pierce None
Orc Wind Rider 180 360 3 500 0.8 104 120 140.0 1200 Medium Pierce Envenomed Spears
Orc Orc Warchief 300 300 2 150 1.5 190 200 130.0 1400 Heavy Normal Pulverize
Orc Thrall 380 680 4 180 1 252 268 260.0 2500 Fortified Chaos Storm Bolt
Undead Acolyte 20 20 1 350 0.8 8 9 10.6 100 Light Magic None
Undead Revenant 80 100 1 350 0.6 28 32 50.0 380 Light Magic None
Undead Ghoul 60 60 1 100 1 24 30 27.0 280 Unarmored Normal None
Undead Frenzy Ghoul 90 150 1 100 0.8 51 53 65.0 660 Unarmored Chaos Life Steal
Undead Meat Wagon 70 70 1 500 1 31 37 34.0 265 Fortified Siege Small Splash
Undead War Machine 140 210 2 500 1 92 106 99.0 600 Fortified Siege Small Splash
Undead Necromancer 130 130 1 400 1.1 31 42 33.2 300 Light Pierce Raise Dead
Undead Necrolyte 170 300 2 400 1.1 77 88 75.0 750 Light Pierce Mass Dead
Undead Ghost 170 300 2 400 1.1 105 115 100.0 1000 Light Pierce Heartstopper
Undead Zombie 190 190 1 100 0.8 59 64 76.9 880 Medium Normal Disease Cloud
Undead The Butcher 220 410 3 120 1.6 237 275 160.0 1770 Medium Normal Plague Cloud, Life Steal
Undead Guardian of Death 320 320 2 180 1.2 121 143 110.0 1550 Heavy Normal Cleave Attack
Undead Death Dragon 380 700 4 350 1.6 313 328 200.3 2600 Heavy Normal Death's Breath


  • 3.41 stats 2011-10-25.zip
    19.6 KB · Views: 1,275
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Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
all so i have a prob with profit sometimes it will offer me mercenary afther first build and if i dont exsept it the next round u go to re-roll and it takes the option to re-roll away if u dont take mercenry ie. no re-roll buton but if u take the merconery then the round afther u will get re-roll back all tho it will coast u 50 gold and 200 wood then it gose in to cb mode as well ie u get abuilder rather then the profit 1 looool i hope that all made senc loool dislexsick as fuck just coz i carnt spell dont mean im think ;) and b4 any 1 els says it im 32 not 12 lool

yes, I just confirm this Prophet is bug... I forget to add special rule for Prophet's re-roll.

I will add it to bug list and fixed it in next version.

- "change to mercenary" will pop up when your "fighter's value" is less than 60% of "recommand value".
- "change to mercenary" is disable under "-li" mode. (because -li mode will limit income, which make mercenary useless)
Level 1
Jun 30, 2011
I understand that mega was based on 1.6 and not on 2.7 . It's just that most of statistics like unit armor types hp and dmg are either same or very similar in 1.6 and 2.7 . I used past tense because it was last version I transfered from . My mistake .
The thing I am worried is not disappearance of pure inc but restrictions on mixer . On one of the older versions I played (1.5xbn I believe )there was a restriction on how many whisps you can have on certain fighter value . As a result even I was sure that my forces will hold I was forced to build more fighters instead of investing remaining gold on income thus forcing me to be average mixer instead of heavy one . This rule made it very hard for good player to be at least bit ahead of average or even new one . Mega is now my prefered version and I don't want that mega would become like that .
I will not brag about difficulty . Your game your choice .
I understand that theoretical dragon dmg is high especially on lvl 11 . But dragons have very long attack animation which sometimes interupts when the target dies before attack reaching it thus canceling that attack .Because of that dragons attack a lot less often then they should . Sometimes this reduces their actual attack speed to as low as 2 attacks per 12 seconds . This is very notable on early - mid game ( 11-15)
The difference between races are still notable . For example at the end of lvl 16 while playing mech I easily have 7/7 and don't leak even if I get strongest summon (at that time ) on each wave . While playing elemental I barely manage to get 7/4 at the same time and have a high risk of leaking with every high lvl summon I get . Races on mega are more even than on 2.7 but it feels like nerfing some races made them a bit weaker than average . I might be imagining .
The restictions for good players is the reason why I trasfered to mega . It gives me more challenge . Also as new players fail less often there a more average players that stick around . I just don't want these restictions to be permanent or so severe that good player would have no advantage vs new ones at all .

These diferences are the reason why I chose mega instead of 2.7b . I'm quite comfortabe with it as I already played 50 + times . The reason why I'm writing this is not because it is bad but because of what bad things might appear .

In the end I just want to mention that elemental seems to lack tanks . Mudmans/ goliath hp/gold ratio is good but it performs poorly as a tank in mid game forcing player to change builder early on without building as much fenix as he/she would like or reducing amount of gold invested in income severely .Maybe changing mudman's armor type to normal or reducing goliath's hp and changing armor type to fortified might help . Once again just a suggestion .
By the way I don't know if this is intentional but players can see whisp number and lumber gathering upgrades done by other team during arena events . This allows quite accurately guess what kind of summons you are going to get in the future for example wherever you will get demon on lvl 20 .
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
I'll also give some (favorable) input . 3.3 is great , I haven't found any bugs whatsoever and the balancing is great imho (good job with nerfing the snipers btw) . I've been playing for a while with no gg and this is where the map really shines . I like how some races are very specific , like ghost with no uber tank (but awesome backunits) , or no obvious dpsers for artic (but lots of slows -> lower dps from waves ) . Also mercs I found are pretty well formulated at this moment , they still are slightly OP , but not so fun to play with , so usually in a PRO match you get to use them only as a last resort (starting with merc is a whole different story) .

Good job and keep those versions rolling :)

le : another thing worth mentioning . I think gg is overall a flawed mode . Why ? Lets take a practical example :

3vs3 , some round , recommended value of 3000

team's 1 values : 3600 + 2800 + 2000 = 8400
team's 2 values : 3000 + 2700 + 2700 = 8400

So we theoretically got major leaks from team1 (from player 3 , very low value) vs small leaks from 2 players from team 2 . In most scenarios , team 1 will outperfom team 2 in holding the leaked waves , because the over builder lost few units etc.. , while team 2 probably has some leftovers that won't hold much .

GG encourages overbuilding and basically ruins the game . Besides , it beats the point of legion . This is a teamwork map , if one player from a team is weak he shouldn't make his team stronger in the long run . I know you fixed the GG mode by modifying bounty based on how much was leaked , but the problem is even in a 100% leak , they still get one gold per unit . Not to mention if the weak player eventually leaves after a good amount of feeding for his team . This is the worst possible scenario .

I would suggest removing gg from quick mode .
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Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
gg is slightly change in version 3.3.

old gg : if value > 90% of recommand value. then leaked bounty = 100%
new gg : leaked bounty = value/recommand value. if % is less than 10%, then it will give 0 gold.

plus it will use round-down rule. eg 90% x 6 gold = 5.4 gold = 5 gold.

I can't remove gg because there are so many new/average player like it.


to solved your problem :

3vs3 , some round , recommended value of 3000

team's 1 values : 3600 + 2800 + 2000 = 8400
team's 2 values : 3000 + 2700 + 2700 = 8400

- I change the map's difficult ( huge jump after lvl20)
- I give huge bonus gold after lvl20 (highest bonus is 370 gold, at lvl30)
- map difficult is combine of creep's bounty(30%-40%) + income(30%-40) + bonus(10-30%)

so the result is :
- gold from bounty only count toward 30-40% of total gold on each wave.(after lvl20)
- leak is very hard to kill (eg strongest player can't kill 20+ leak)
- king become more important, and healing give 2nd chance from a bad leak.
Level 1
Jun 19, 2011
I know it has been mentioned before , but Hades are seriosuly OPed in 30+ . Maybe allow only one single spawn (no cooldown ?) before they teleport to the king .
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Hade is slightly op, and many race can do similar. I won't nerf Hade, but will slightly adjust the cost (cost +5% more)

for the term "OP", you should compare to "secret" Merch build from version 3.1b or earlier, which result 7/5 lumber at lvl10, 600 income at lvl20, 1200 income lvl30 etc.

for version 3.3, there are still one "OP" race with secret build, and you can get 7/5lumber at lvl10, and 600-700 income by lvl20. 1200-1400 income at lvl31 :( . I can't tell you which race or how to build it. but I am sure it fixed in next version

anyway, for version 3.4:

- New Race: Undead & Pirate
- more Hostbot support (eg, hostbot can collect game stat to public on website)
- new king (Old king, admiral proudmoore will become pirate)

Mercenary :
- will become more balance
- first two tower cost more lumber, less gold
- tower give more income (similar to summon)
- overall I want to make sure they won't have too much lumber leftover to buy summon in early game
- 4th tower is disable, untill max lumberjack, it also cheaper so they can defend up to lvl26

- 5th unit ability change. it will have 5% & 15% debuff
- 6th unit(upgraded) will tank better.

- Phantam/Doggple ganster tank better
- Hades cost 5% more (350 -> 380 gold)

- Red Dragon/Azure dragon should have more dps
- Paladin's knight attack faster(same dps)

- if both team die, there won't be 2 winner (will add a new result "draw", both team will get 100 gold)
- after arena fight, winner builder + fighter can attack loser's builder.(possible give 10 bounty if killed :) )

Level 31:
- lvl31, map should be visible on middle hall
- possible changes how lvl31 fight


new Unlock code:
- add new unlock code for every race
- if you can beat lvl30 with a single race(without change builder), then you will received your personal password
- type "-unlock password" to unlock
- password only work for your player name.

rule for unlock: (will work out more detail later)
- reach 16,000 value, 500 income, less than 30 leaked

unlock special look/ability
- add some cool look
- add new pet (pet worth around 5% of total fighter's value)
Level 5
Sep 18, 2010
Hi is not creator he just edited map just like IceFrog edited dota, but once when he publish large number of new map versions and really improve gameplay to next level, he will be able to call map his own :)

what do you mean icefrog edited dota ?:vw_wtf: , i though he was the creator, then ho is the real creator?!?
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
what do you mean icefrog edited dota ?:vw_wtf: , i though he was the creator, then ho is the real creator?!?


The first version of "Defense of the Ancients" was released in 2003 by a mapmaker "Eul"

After the release of Warcraft's expansion The Frozen Throne, Eul did not update his map, so other mapmakers start to add their own version.

the most successful version was "DotA Allstars", edited by Guinsoo; this version would become today's dominant version of the map

when Dota become more popular, Guinsoo can't do all the work and start to recruit more developer to help him. after version 6.01. he handing over control to the new author, IceFrog.

currently :
Guinsoo is working on League of Legends (sold for $400 million on May 2011)
IceFrog is working on Dota 2. (release of late 2011)
Level 5
Sep 18, 2010

The first version of "Defense of the Ancients" was released in 2003 by a mapmaker "Eul"

After the release of Warcraft's expansion The Frozen Throne, Eul did not update his map, so other mapmakers start to add their own version.

the most successful version was "DotA Allstars", edited by Guinsoo; this version would become today's dominant version of the map

when Dota become more popular, Guinsoo can't do all the work and start to recruit more developer to help him. after version 6.01. he handing over control to the new author, IceFrog.

currently :
Guinsoo is working on League of Legends (sold for $400 million on May 2011)
IceFrog is working on Dota 2. (release of late 2011)
1. is eul still online, or can you give me a link to his webpage or somthing to contact?
2. league of legends sucks :(
Level 1
Jul 15, 2011
Dont know if its a bug but...
WHen i Play Night elf And i change builder I allways get Nightelf or Hybred note this is everytime

The when i change again for the 2. time it says 5/5 this is your last builder... etc...

. and its everytime "btw IM the host /red " it dint happen to my mate who's also played the map and did the same with same race etc ^^

everytime is 5 times in a row
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Dont know if its a bug but...
WHen i Play Night elf And i change builder I allways get Nightelf or Hybred note this is everytime

The when i change again for the 2. time it says 5/5 this is your last builder... etc...

. and its everytime "btw IM the host /red " it dint happen to my mate who's also played the map and did the same with same race etc ^^

everytime is 5 times in a row

I think it is just bad luck, because it will give you random race from change builder.

if you pick Hybrid from start (-ap), you will see the change builder description will say 5/5.

It mean :as one of most powerful race. It can only change builder one.
Level 2
Aug 8, 2011
Hi, congrats for the map, would give 5 out of 5 if i wasn't newly registered ^^

for version 3.3, there are still one "OP" race with secret build, and you can get 7/5lumber at lvl10, and 600-700 income by lvl20. 1200-1400 income at lvl31 :( . I can't tell you which race or how to build it. but I am sure it fixed in next version

this made me register. i know the secret build. mwhahaha
also, two bugs, one you already noticed when we played:
-the priest from paladin doesnt teleport, it goes along the middle area. happens to most players, not just the ones on blue or its color on east.
-in arena, there was just a hydra standing. its two little hydras would've beat the rest of the fighters from the other side, but just as soon as it died, the team received 100 gold. fighter's abilites don't count in arena, or is it just a bug? since auras matter, think it should be fixed for 3.4 even if it was intended to be this way :D

thanks and congrats again, huan ^^
Level 1
Jan 5, 2010
Dunno if this bug has been reported or not..
If you use the heal spell on king, then rapidly press S (stop) right after that, the heal spell will still work on king, but the spell wont be removed. This allows some ill-mannereed players to abuse heals on king, literally immortal ~~.
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Dunno if this bug has been reported or not..
If you use the heal spell on king, then rapidly press S (stop) right after that, the heal spell will still work on king, but the spell wont be removed. This allows some ill-mannereed players to abuse heals on king, literally immortal ~~.

thank for report

I received bug report about people heal multiple time, but I can't find out how they did it.

you are first one to explain how it happen, I will check my code to make sure spell is 100% remove (even after press Stop).
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Beta 3

I will edit this post when there are newer beta

Current Beta : Beta 12

Changes Log :

New Race (Undead)
- Tier 1: range, magic damage
- Tier 2: melee, lifesteal
- Tier 3: range, siege damage, with small splash.
- Tier 4: raise dead, Aura ( -1% hp per second)
- Tier 5: melee, tank. small range aura, both aura stack.
- Tier 6: splash (similar to beast)

Mecenary rework:
- 1st unit: 10 Gold, 25 Lumber.
- 2nd unit: 25 Gold, 50 Lumber, +1 income, 330 Value.
- 3th unit: 50 Gold, 75 Lumber, +3 income, 500 Value.
- 4th unit: 100 Gold, 100 Lumber, +5 income, 900 value. (this unit is disable untill max lumberjack)
- Mecenary can defend up to level 31 without change builder.

- Paladin night attack faster. (same dps)
- Guard attack faster. (same dps)
- Elite archer damage changed : 12->13 ( still 5 target)
- Priest spell change : 50hp -> 100hp (mana cost double)
- High Priest heal spell changed: 100hp -> 200hp (mana cost double)

- Hydra's Tripple attack changed: 60% -> 80% damage
- Hydra's mini hydra: spawn 2-->3 mini Hydra
- Highbone : add sphere (cost 0 mana, 7 second cooldown, 10 second duration)
- Sky Dragon's have 100% critical hit on air (sky dragon is upgrade from Egg)

- Remove slow from Ice Troll shaman
- Add AE slow to azure dragon
- Ancient Wandigo evasion work correctly(was 7% with fake description, now 12%)
- Dragon Aspect & Azure Dragon have better animation

Ghost :
- Apparition have new aura: 5% (stack with Gravekeeper's aura)
- Apparition/Gravekeeper attack range changed (600->500, so aura cover more unit)
- Meridian (Ghost's 6th unit) HP change from 100->1000
- Ghost's Insanity : remove -12hp effect

Element :
- Mana regen aura : 3% -> 5% (eg, if you have 30mana, it will add +1.5 mana/second)

- Hades cost more (355->380)
- Nightmare/Doppleganster tank better (light -> unarmored)

- Tree of Knowledge's AoE spell limit to 15 target

- Alpha Male: reduce spell animation (almost instantly cast)

- Blood Orc warrior dps reduce (50->45dps)
- Wolverine's Finishing blow changed (5% to 3%)
- Wind Rider attack slower (same dps)
- Poison cannot kill creep (will leave it with 1hp)

- Goblin's driver will elf-destructive when die ( same effect as small/medium land mine)

- level 22, 28 is slightly easier (around 5-10% easier)
- 17,18,23,24,25,26,27 is harder

- correct shortcut key for Pudge & shaman
- Add new summon: Infernal (1000 Lumber, melee, Bash, Burning AOE)
- Behemouch changes: add +3 armor aura
- Krakken changes: add healing aura (+4 hp AOE)

- Level 10 Arena = 1x free Turtle.
- Level 20 Arena = 3x free Turtle.
- Unit/Turtle won't move untill fight start
- Summon/Pet will remove after fight finish.
- Add new result for Arena: "Draw" (if both team die, they share the prize).
- Builder cannot move outside their own area during arena fight(before teleport)

Bug fix :
- Frost Aura & Telescope Aura won't stay after fighter die.
- Chariot won't make crit on Ascedent/unarmor
- Map is visible to all afer level 31.
- "-next" command won't display anything after level 31.
- Player cannot use Holy Light more than once
- Player cannot use Holy Light on your own building (can only cast on king)
- Player cannot buy wisp at start if -li mode is on.
- Goblin steamroller should summon driver after die
- Correct many description/tooltip errors.

Game & Hostbot:
- New map layout & size
- New Loading screen & minimap (thank Shengshun)
- New spawn & pathing (Try out 4v4, lag is much better now)
- Creep enter dark green area will received +2 armor
- Automatic "-next" information at the end of every wave.
- Bounty on leaked is more accuracy.
- Poisons cannot longer kill unit (poison will stop at 1hp, to avoid no bounty bug)
- after game over, game will shutdown in 30 seconds (not more AFKer for 10 hours on hostbot).
- Remove player name "attacker" on player 9 and 10. (hostbot can use these slot for talking)

Votekick :
- add new votekick system.
- start by -kick or -votekick. (you can cancel votekick after it start)
- Host have unlimit -votekick, everyone else can only "Fail" once.
- Require 50% positive vote to kick
- "Positive vote" = "Yes" - "No"

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Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Just played my first game on this new version and merc is way too strong. It was overpowered in 3.3, but now it's even stronger. Got 1,039 income at level 22 and then the game ended. Consider making the 2nd unit +2 income instead of +3. I'm sure merc can get 1,250+ income by 22 because I had some leaks and upgrade mistakes and still was able to easily get 1,039.

Haven't tried the other races yet, but will post more balance comments as I play more.

Looking forward to the new race!
Level 9
Apr 26, 2011
Just played my first game on this new version and merc is way too strong. It was overpowered in 3.3, but now it's even stronger. Got 1,039 income at level 22 and then the game ended. Consider making the 2nd unit +2 income instead of +3. I'm sure merc can get 1,250+ income by 22 because I had some leaks and upgrade mistakes and still was able to easily get 1,039.

Haven't tried the other races yet, but will post more balance comments as I play more.

Looking forward to the new race!

Good report, especial how much income at level 22.

I have been busy making new version so can't spent too much time to play untill later beta.

what is main problem for Mercenary in 3.3 ?
- I saw people complaint about summon too much in early game (like 2x Blood Orc at level 5-7). <-- this should fixed in beta2 ?
- too many noob play mercenary <-- so I disable 4th unit untill max lumberjack
- mercenary can't handle late game <-- so I make 4th unit cheaper, and more income.

it still need adjust before 3.4 release. I need more feedback in these area:
- do mercenary still have spare lumber to send mass summon on enemy ? (early & mid game)
- how much spare gold you got around level 10/15/20.
- how much stronger if mercenary change builder? (compare to 3.3)

in my design for mercenary :

Max lumberjack = 1200-1500 lumber per round
Max income per level(1 per 20 wood) = +60-70 income per round
1,000 income at level 20 ==> 1600-1700 income at level 30

at level 30, 1500/1500 income can buy 15x 4th unit = 12,000 value.

so Mecenary can handle up to level 30, with small leak or not leak ?

look like I have to lower their income to 800 @ level 20.