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Icon Contest #10 - Custom Models/Skins

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Level 30
Jun 13, 2011
Portrait icon for Gnoll Mechanic

Level 11
Sep 9, 2010
Back from vacation now, and I'll join the contest :>


I've chosen to do icons for Vermillion Edict's Norse Chieftain and I'm already done with a portrait icon for it.


I think it'll need some rework, since it looks very chaotic at the moment, though.

Good luck everyone :>

Edit: The image quality is quite bad since I saved it as jpg to throw up on the forum.


  • BTNNorse Chieftain.jpg
    BTNNorse Chieftain.jpg
    2.5 KB · Views: 623
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
Vampire Tracker (model by Dionesiist)

Portrait :

The abilities :
Silver_Arrow3.pngSilver Arrow
(Autocast) The Vampire Tracker uses silver arrows, dealing more damage to vampires. Cost X mana per arrow.
(Passive) The Vampire Tracker gains a permanent bonus of movement speed and night vision.
Cures target friendly unit from debuffs (The Vampire Tracker can cast it on him self) Or removes target enemy vampire buffs.
Light_Blast.pngLight Blast
Ultimate. The Vampire Tracker creates a light blast as bright as the sun with his body. Enemy vampires in X radius are dealt X damage.

If there is anything you think I should change, tell me please :)

EDIT: Updated the portrait
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The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
I want to enter the contest...
Here are my first icons.
Portrait of Vampire Tracker (model by Dionesiist)
View attachment 115404

And the abilities :
View attachment 115403Silver Arrow
View attachment 115405Track
View attachment 115406orView attachment 115408Light Blast

If there is anything you think i should change, tell me please :)

Just a tip, on the arrow icon, the shine above the arrow is too visible , make the opacity of that a little dimmer so you can see more of the arrow.
Portrait icon for Gnoll Mechanic


I think shading is too dark.

@Kola, I think you should change some things about portrait.
-It is not centered and leaves some space, that makes the icon unusual.
-Masks at icon and on model are for a different face shapes. At icon, chin is more forward.
-Eye holes dont have any glow and I think you should keep that fact in mind.
-Mask color at icon differs too much from color on the model.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
67chrome's Sentinel Watcher SkinCurrent Iconset Preview
Twilight Blast: Destroys a random positive buff on an enemy, temporarily reducing it's movement speed, and stealing 25% of damage resistance for the duration of the curse. Damage Resistance can go bellow zero, and applies only to spells and attacks of this Hero.
Spectral Sight: Permanently increases range of view at night. When activated, blocks and limits vision of all enemy heroes to 300 range around them, while allowing Chreana to view all enemy heroes for the duration of Spectral Sight. Invisible units are not affected.
Desecration Strikes: Passively increases attack damage during the night. Whenever the Moonguard Sentinel attacks an enemy with her courage-crushing blade, she steals damage resistance from it. When damage resistance gets bellow 50%, every attack or spell against that target deals double damage. Every unit has it's damage resistance counter, which resets to normal value after 3 seconds of taking no damage from Chreana.
Shooting Stars: Chreana calls upon the twilight energy, causing an eclipse that blocks the sun for 10 seconds, and unleashes a wave of falling stars to damage enemies in front of her. Each star implodes on impact, dealing AoE damage and stackably reducing damage resistance of affected enemies.

Unit Icon Soon!
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Some opinions..
@PeeKay, I think the "Breaking smash" icon's color scheme doesn't fit too much to the other 3 icons (not including the portrait),since it's scheme is warm colored rather than cold IMHO, other than that,all of them seem epic.

@JollyD, the shadings are a bit too dark,but good job in keeping the gnoll feel to it
That's way too bright. Lower the brightness, create a new layer and add highlights. You'll get a much better result this way.

The hand in your first icon looks like rubber, way too flexible. If I was you, I'd take the ingame Summoning icon of Acolytes as a reference, since it features almost the same gesture.
And I agree with M0rbid about the thick outlining. Make it thinner, that should do the trick.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008




Drink Ale
The Dwarf Monk drinks a cup of fresh dwarven ale, restoring an amount of health + mana and giving increased attack speed for an amount of time.

I like em! but i would make the cup a little bit back from his mouth, it looks too close at the moment, make it not touching his mouth and the 'Beer' or whatever is in it too poor towards his mouth . Maybe some splash effects around his mouth also. indicating that he is drunk in some from
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
@Marcos DAB

portrait is awesome,it feels like you've captured the best possible angle for the head
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
Amazing guys, good job! :)

Looks great all of you! Damn u guys got skillz! ;)
I'll try to come with some constructive critisism though so you could all get that much closer to perfect :p

Your WIP's looks rly cool and original :) The unit icon looks fucking perfect, the teeth and everything, rly nice! ;)
In ur 2nd icon u've brilliantly managed to capture the creature's intensity when shouting out a mortifying yell, gj ;)
It might be a little pixelated, but hey it's just going to be a small icon anyways, noone's gonna take great notice of that.
Ur 3rd icon looks fitting to the model and could easily be a passive skill, there is something about it that looks a bit off though.
Idk, i feel u might've been able to show more of the creature in it because it's kinda hard to see where on it's body those spines are,
but hey dude, srsly, good job overall! :)
It's a shame that u haven't updated ur WIP's in a while though, hope u will continue making the last icons needed, u got a good chance in winnning this i think ;)

You picked a rly cool model to make icons for, and not an easy one either, but it seemed like u didn't have much trouble coming up with icons for it, they came pretty damn quick!^^
I do however have some stuff i'm able to point out here though :p
The unit icon, to me, doesn't look anywhere similar to the model.
I can see that they both are gryphons, but to me, it looks like the model got some kind of mask or something while there is no such thing on the icon :p
And the beak looks less birdlike and more "dinosaurlike" on the model than the icon. So IMHO you should probably redo the unit
icon, atleast to some degree.
Ur 2nd icon, the wing protection thing looks perfect though ;) Fits very well with the model and the icon looks so clean and nice, rly gj there! ;)
The 3rd icon, Freedom, makes sense and all, but the image doesn't rly look anything like the model, i feel you could've done smth different atleast with the wings, now it looks more like an angel than a badass Gryphon Hero :p
But the coherency between it's function and the model obviously being able to fly is great :)
Also there being wings and seemingly some sort of "take-off" on the icon fits perfectly with what the skill does.
Ur 4th icon, the Breaking Smash, fits with the hero, just not with the other icons, the colour scheme is so extremely different that they just wouldn't look natural being on the same hero :p
I can see that on the icon it is a sword like one of the Gryphon Hero's that is breaking the shield, but i feel that since the model got some blue sparkling stuff around his swords that it should have something to do with one of his skills.
And blue fitting perfectly to the rest of the colour scheme why not make the red into blue instead? ;)
Ofc it probably isn't just that easy, but ur a pro modeller, icon maker etc. so u'll probably come up with smth good ;)
So, ur 5th and last icon, Eagle Spirit, it looks like some sort of aura, and it does have a bird motive and the model being half bird makes sense.
I do however feel it might be a little too dark in the background of it, also i feel the lower part of it looks weird somehow, idk how to explain it.
Could maybe try to change it somehow in the lower left courner, it looks a bit off and it makes the whole icon look a bit off.
Anyways, ur the first to have all icons, gj! ;) And u made some rly nice looking ones aswell!
I hope my critisism is recieved with an open mind, i'm just being completely honest :p

I know u just barely started and probably haven't worked much on this contest yet, but i hope you will soon! :)
The unit icon u made looks fucking awesome, but it makes the model look "not so good" compared to it :p
On ur icon it almost looks like you got some sort of transformer or smth, with lots of gold/yellow on it, while the model doesn't :p
It's actually kinda hard to tell if they look similar or not, it would probably help if u had a picture of the model just standing still looking straight forward.
Anyways gj i hope you will keep working on it ;)

Fucking awesome dude, ur the most complete one IMO ;) All ur ability icons got the same colour scheme and theme which ofc fits perfectly to the model, amazing dude, rly GJ! :)
If there was anything u should change at all it could be to remove the green stuff in the eyes on ur unit icon, the model doesn't seem to have green eyes, neither should it's icon :p
Other than that, perfect dude, i think u got a rly good chance of winning this thing :p
For extra credit, and if u just feel like working some more on this project i'd suggest to try and make it's ultimate skill look even more ultimate :p
Also if ur able to make the wood on the Silver Arrow into bone which it looks like the arrows ur model is using are made of it'd be fully complete ;)

Hi Jolly!^^ I think u've picked a pretty cool model to make icons for and ur first 2 there looks like a good start ;)
If i were you i'd do like 13lackDeath said and reduce the brightness on ur mech aura icon and rather add a layer mask and add the different highlights on the wrench and cogwheel, right now it all looks a bit too bright.
On ur unit icon i'd try to increase the brightness a little, maybe remove some shading effect or w/e u've added there and try to make his fur look a bit more grey and fluffy :p
Anyways ur off to a very good start and i'm looking forward to see ur next WIPs ;)

Interesting choice u've made, infinite possibilities for ability icons, smart move! ;)
The two icons u've made so far looks just perfect dude, i especially love the colour scheme, fits a Treant perfectly ;)
I got no critisism to come with for you dude, so far ur perfect! hehe
I hope ur able to free some time to make the rest, i know I am looking forward to seeing more from you :)

Hehe funny direction u descided to go with ur dwarf, fits perfectly ;)
Not that easy to come up with abilities for dwarves, i'm guessing thats why u've added only one ability so far, but the one u added looks rly good.
It's obviously beer foaming around his mouth which makes it obvious that he is drinking from a big cup.
But i suppose you could maybe show his thumb on the side of the cup or something that makes it even more clear how he's holding it so noone thinks it is a hammer or smth ;)
Anyways, gj and keep up the good work, looking forward to seeing more :)
PS: Ur unit icon...perfect ;)

U've done an awesome job dude :) All ur icons fit the model and their abilities perfectly.
The twilight blast looks pretty much done to me, i don't see how it looks rubbery, but i think maybe you should do smth with her thumb, it looks a bit small and maybe pointing a little bit too much to the left.
You could maybe tilt it a bit further up, else it looks perfect ;)
Spectral sight looks very fitting for it's ability and the model as all of them, but i must agree, the ears there look a little weird :p
I'd suggest tilting them a little bit up and maybe show atleast a hint of the "crack" where it kinda bends down.
Desecration Strikes...oh man...so clean and nice, thats a 10/10 dude! ;)
And here comes ur only flaw :p The Shooting Stars icon.
I like the background and everything about it, but chreana herself got way too thick outlines.
Makes it look like u placed a sticker on an image of a meteorfall or smth :p
Her position and pose looks good though, it's just the outlines that are like 5 times too thick^^
All in all amazing job dude! Still missing that unit icon and i'm looking forward to seeing it ;) So far u've done great! :)

Okay...hehe i think i got u all now, i'm no professional at anything here, but it's just an honest regular guy's opinion, if u don't care about it just don't read it ;P
PS: i placed links to the posts which got the icons i reviewed above the reviews ;P
drink ale - good idea but not realy good execution; choosen angle don't shows clearly what happen on the icon, so, at least, try define more the beards and cup. I thought it was a hammer or maul, untill i readed a name. :>

I disagree. I clearly see a cup. (...Makes me want to go to a tavern. =)...)
Good execution aswell pretty good as idea, I think.
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@Marcos DAB
Nice work!

Btw, current state:





Drink Ale
The Dwarf Monk drinks a cup of fresh dwarven ale, restoring an amount of health + mana and giving increased attack speed for an amount of time.

I agree with Peekay here, the angle is weird. I'm also not seeing any kindof liquid even though the mug is practically horizontal
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
Nice Jolly :) Ur fix to the mech icon there was perfect imo, GJ!

Marcos, another finnished icon hehe nice! :) You don't give WIPs it seems, just finnished works ;P GJ man, keep up the good work

chr2, rly nice unit icon u made!! Both funny, evil and rly clean hehe gj! Looking forward to seeing the rest of ur icons :)
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
Nice Marcos! Serious skillz ;)
I'd suggest maybe making some sort of Thorns aura as passive skill, could probably be done by making some small changes to the second passive icon u made there :)
The first one with the staff looks rly good too, but if ur model got a staff, that could be used as a weapon to conjure something or yeah, do some sort of magical/biological stuff with and should be granted a skill imo, so an icon/ability to fit would be cool ;)
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Nice Marcos! Serious skillz ;)
I'd suggest maybe making some sort of Thorns aura as passive skill, could probably be done by making some small changes to the second passive icon u made there :)
The first one with the staff looks rly good too, but if ur model got a staff, that could be used as a weapon to conjure something or yeah, do some sort of magical/biological stuff with and should be granted a skill imo, so an icon/ability to fit would be cool ;)

I'm not quite sure you understand what the theme of the contest is.

Also, another early WIP. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. I was thinking of adding a bone shattering or something, but I might also scrap the idea entirely.
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
@chr2 Huh?^^ The theme is to make 1 unit icon and 4 ability icons for a chosen model isn't it?: :p

Btw nice WIP :) What did u plan the ability to be?
If i were to suggest a skill for ur model it'd be some sort of groundslam where he uses both his maces and create an earthquake or smth like that ;P
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
@chr2 Huh?^^ The theme is to make 1 unit icon and 4 ability icons for a chosen model isn't it?: :p

Btw nice WIP :) What did u plan the ability to be?
If i were to suggest a skill for ur model it'd be some sort of groundslam where he uses both his maces and create an earthquake or smth like that ;P

The abilities don't necessarily have to come from WC3 (which Thorns Aura does). Also, I may have just misunderstood what you said. I thought you asked him to make the staff icon an item. But yeah, that's the theme.

I planned it to be some sort of attack ability. I had a couple of names in mind such as Crushing Blow or Bone Break.
And I dunno, a ground slam may be too boring, though it could be a decent AoE ability I suppose.
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
Hehe i know it doesn't have to be from WC3^^ But since it's a treant mage i thought it could fit, need some sort of protection out in the woods u know, don't want to be eaten up by all the gnarly beasts that live in Fantasy Forest ;P

Yeah i see how u could misunderstand that, it's just that i didn't see a staff on the display image of the model he's making icons for, and i thought that if it had a staff it would fit that it could cast some spells of some sort with it instead of a passive skill

Bone Breaker sounds good, Crushing blow is used alot and lost it's umph, and i bet you could break some bones with that amazing mace he's got ;)
Yeah i'd imagine he'd be able to create some sort of AoE effect by smashing both his maces in the ground!

Another ability that would fit him would be some sort of warcry that increases both his own and nearby allies' strength or smth, imagine ur commander in war lifting up two maces like that and screaming "Slay them all!!!"(or in ogre language "Graaarhh") hehe would atleast boost my spirits ;P
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