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How to: Attach weapons to units that allready have weapons (without modelling)

Level 4
Sep 30, 2009
can u make me a grunt with no weapon plz cos i cant remove it my self iv got the units picking up items and they geting Equiped but i cand edit skins
when i try to attatch armour it appears on his head when i type attachment string chest and when i do orgin it doesnt show up at all can someone please help me??
attatchment was Captain Armor
or is it just the attachment ment for bigger models and if so please help me to fix it ??
i tried that modle and it did the same so i left it its made for a blade master
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Level 2
Mar 10, 2010
Instead of making a trigger for when the unit picks up the item then add ability whatever you can just give the ability to the item as well as any bonuses it has and it will show up when the unit picks it up and disappear when it drops the item.
Level 1
May 20, 2007
Instead of making a trigger for when the unit picks up the item then add ability whatever you can just give the ability to the item as well as any bonuses it has and it will show up when the unit picks it up and disappear when it drops the item.

I have tried it, and it appears that simply making an ability with "attachment" models works fine, gaining models when you pick up and losing them when you drop.
Level 6
May 20, 2010
hey i have a question......
when i try to import file then checked custom path i click ok then after that i tried to modify the file properties again and the custom path is UNCHECKED again!
i tried that many times and still it keeps happening :cry:
can someone pls tell me why :cry:
Level 2
Jun 11, 2010
fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuck,fuck,fuck!!!!!!! my warcraft got screwd because of stupid extractor now i have to download again and search for serials and shits FUCKKK!!!!!!
Level 1
Apr 16, 2011
emm hello...im kinda new to this

what if i want to attach a ride to a unit??
like a footman ride a horse for example...
or is it just impossible to that?
Level 13
Mar 24, 2010

this is nice to show, but what if you want to attach something to the left and right shoulders of a unit, i'm pretty sure this is possible but cant remember the point names
Level 2
Oct 6, 2011
Can I take the cape off?

Hi, guys. I'm from Brazil and new at the forum...

Ok, it was a very good tutorial, I did the whole thing with Illidan, right?

But then I wanted to try on Jain (I'm creatig a Hero based on her). I wanted to take her cape off. But I could'nt. It just stays with the player's color. So I'm asking, is there any way to do this very same thing to the cape?:vw_wtf:

Please answer... I'm trying for days...
Hi, guys. I'm from Brazil and new at the forum...

Ok, it was a very good tutorial, I did the whole thing with Illidan, right?

But then I wanted to try on Jain (I'm creatig a Hero based on her). I wanted to take her cape off. But I could'nt. It just stays with the player's color. So I'm asking, is there any way to do this very same thing to the cape?:vw_wtf:

Please answer... I'm trying for days...

Cosmas said:
i did my archer's cape black with paint and it appear black lol.

Sorry for the late response. The problem is that certain parts of a model are unalphable.

Instead, you have to use model editing. (it is actually pretty easy though) You can just download either Oinkerwinkle's Vertex Editor (check the link in the 3d modeling tutorials forum) or MDLVis (use google to find an english version) to delete the vertices you need to. In fact, in some cases, model editing can save you some kb if the model size is less than its texture size.
i have something to ask,
if i upgrade something,
does the other ally players get the attachment ?

The trigger he showed in the main post needs to be reworked a bit to fit the map's needs. It just gives a general idea of how it would be implemented.

His trigger currently will add the sword for all of the units on the map of the type "Villager", whether they are an ally, enemy, npc, or whatever. To limit it to just the player, you would have to add another condition in the "Pick every..." so that it would be something like "Matching unit belongs to (Owner of (Triggering unit))" or something similar. If you want it to apply to allies, you have to change the condition accordingly.

I recommend you make a thread in Triggers&Scripts, someone will give you a proper trigger for it. The one in the main post leaks and does not apply to units who enter the map afterward, which isn't how it should behave. It just gives you an idea of how you would implement it.
Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
link to w3 extractor ples?

figured it out, my prob now is that neither gimp 2, paint or my photoshop cs6 can open .blp

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link to w3 extractor ples?

figured it out, my prob now is that neither gimp 2, paint or my photoshop cs6 can open .blp


That's because .blp is an image-type used only within Blizzard games. You'll have to convert it to a traditional image file, such as a .png or .tga. You can use BLP Lab to do the conversions:

After you make the edits in photoshop or gimp, save it as a .png or .tga and use BLP Lab to convert it back to blp.