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How To Create A Hero Tavern

"How to Create a Hero Tavern"

[broke="Remember to post comments and give me reputation points =)"]IMPORTANT !![/broke]

This tutorial was created to help people who never used Warcraft World Editor before, to people who have problems using it or to people who just want to create a Tavern with a hero. This Tutorial includes everything you have to do, every steps and it has lots of images (i think an image speaks for 100 words). It explains the basics of trigger editor, object editor and terrain editor. Please comment this tutorial and don't post it in the graveyard section.
It is a very long but complete tutorial with everything you will ever need to know about how to create a tavern with some heroes.

If you can't see the images, just click in them. The image will grow up to help you.

“Tavern Tutorial by Flame Phoenix”

This tutorial will teach you how to create taverns and heroes. It will also show the basic triggers of a tavern.

To create a tavern we will use 3 tools of the world editor:
-Object Editor
-Map Editor
-Trigger Editor

This tutorial is Divided into sections:
1- Creating a place for your tavern, using terrain editor;
2- Creating the Tavern, The Hero, and the Hero Chooser using the Object Editor;
3- Creating the regions for the Hero and the Hero Chooser;
4- Managing the triggers;
5- Placing Map Starting Location, end of the tutorial;
6- Optional Section. It will teach you about how to use Ptah Blockers and it will tell you what they are.

"Section 1 - Creating a place for your tavern, using terrain editor"

To start open world editor and create a new map (press Ctlr+N), I want a small map so; I will use grass and 64 for both Width and Height of the Map Size.
This is very easy to do. Now, where shall I place my tavern??? Well, Taverns normally are in isolated areas of the map. I will choose the left down corner to create my tavern, but before I create it, I will create a nice area for it. Go to Layer – Terrain. Now you have the Terrain Palette opened, it is time to use your imagination and create a nice area. I created a cliff so than ground units can’t reach the tavern by cutting tress. You can add trees by going to Layer – Doodads. To help you with the terrain you can also use the View Menu and change the Grid options, turn on the Pathing – Ground or other things.

This is how my scenario looks:


This is the View Menu and the Layers:


"Section 2 - Creating the Tavern, The Hero, and the Hero Chooser using the Object Editor"

Good, now that we have the place for our tavern, I will create a Tavern, a Hero Chooser and a Hero.
To create a Tavern Press F6 (Object Editor) and select the Unit - section. Now we are going to create our Tavern, to do this press Ctrl+Shift+N (New Custom Unit), select Neutral and create a tavern. I gave an original name to my tavern as you can see :emote_grin: .


Before placing our tavern in the map, it is important that we change it. Now it is time to delete all heroes this tavern sells.


Now is time to create a new hero. Heroes are special units that can be only created by using other heroes. I will use the human Paladin to create my hero.


I want my hero to have other spells, a different model and voice.To do so I will change all these settings. Just take a look at the pictures. This part is very easy to do.

I will start by changing the abilities. This hero of mine will be very good at stunning enemies and killing them. I start by deleting all previous powers and I will add the ones I want. Always add three Lv3 spells and one Lv6 spell (when considering a hero with lv10 max).


Now I will change the Hero's model, icon and voice.


In good maps the sound of the unit matches the model.


Now all the other settings that need to be changed:





Now that our hero is done, we have to add him to the Gameplay Constants in order to make the computer accept this new created unit as a Hero one.
To do this quit the object editor and enter the Map editor. In there select Advanced – Gameplay Constants. This step is very important.


Now it is time to make our tavern sell our hero. Go into the object editor and select the Tavern. Select the field that says Techtree – Units Sold and place your hero there.

Now that we have our tavern and our hero done, it is time to create our Hero chooser.
To do this, enter the Object Editor and press Ctrl+Shift+N. I will create a circle; most players use it in their maps so I think it is a good idea to use one as well.


Because our Hero costs 5 units of food, we can do 2 things now:
-Reduce the hero’s food cost to 0
-Make the circle produce food
Both options are available in the section Stats of each unit when opening the object editor.

The Object Editor it’s not as difficult to use as you may think. If you have any problems using it, or any question put them in the forum or talk to the creator of this tutorial.

"Section 3 - Creating the regions for the Hero and the Hero Chooser"

Now that we have our Tavern, Hero and Hero Chooser done it is time to move to the next stage! Quit the Object Editor (or close it, we won’t need it anymore!!!!). Move the Map to the corner you made before and place there your Tavern there.


Your map now looks like this.

Before we can move on to the final stage we need to create two regions. The first region will be the place of our Hero Chooser and the second the place where our bought Hero goes. This is very important; we don’t want our hero to be stuck between the trees and the cliffs we made before. To do this use the Region Palette ( Layers – Region Palettle )
In the Regions Palette select the Add Region command and draw a square in the place you want your Hero Chooser to be when the game starts. When you create a region the Tool Palette shows the region and you can edit it by Right-Clicking on it. I edited the name of my region to Hero Chooser.


Now create another Region to where you want your Hero to go, after you buy him.
I just want my hero to cross the cliff so I will draw a region close to it.


"Section 4 - Managing the triggers"

Now It is time to advance to the most difficult part – the trigger Editor.
To open the Trigger Editor press F4. There you will find a trigger called Melee initialization, because our map is not a melee map, we will need to delete some of those triggers:
-Melee Game - Limit Heroes to 1 per Hero-type (for all players)
-Melee Game - Give trained Heroes a Scroll of Town Portal (for all players)
-Melee Game - Remove creeps and critters from used start locations (for all players)
-Melee Game - Create starting units (for all players)
-Melee Game - Run melee AI scripts (for computer players)
-Melee Game - Enforce victory/defeat conditions (for all players)
These triggers must be deleted.

Now we will create a folder for our new triggers. Create a new folder by pressing Ctrl+G and name it Tavern. Select the folder and create a new trigger (Ctrl+T). Name the new trigger with the name “Start Game”.

You have something like this now.


Now we will make our new trigger create the circle, for player 1 (red) in the “Hero Chooser Region”. To do this, we need an event and an action. Conditions are not always necessary.
To create an Event, select the new trigger and press Ctlr+E. Units cannot be create at map initialization, so we will create our Circle when the game time is 0.01 seconds.


We have our event so now, we will create the action. The action is the main part of any trigger. Our action is to create a Circle for Player 1 Red when the Event happens in the proper region.


Now we have our first trigger made. Your screen will look like these.

  • Start game
  • Events
    • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds
  • Conditions
  • Actions
    • Unit - Create 1 Hero Chooser for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Hero Chooser <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Now it is time to move to the next trigger.
In this trigger the objective will be once the tavern sold the hero, the computer will remove the Hero Chooser from the Game and make the hero move to the second region. This trigger will also move the Camera to the hero region.

To do this create a new trigger Named “Hero Sell”.
The event will be a generic one, “Unit - A unit Sells a unit”. However there is a small problem: this event includes all units in the game, and we don’t want that. We want to make this trigger work only with the tavern we created. To solve this problem we have to create a condition “(Unit-type of (Selling unit)) Equal to My Tavern".

To create the event:


And now the condition:



With the Event and the Conditions made it is now time to make the Actions.
The main purpose of this action is to “Unit - Remove (Buying unit) from the game” and after that do “Unit - Move (Sold unit) instantly to (Center of Place of hero <gen>)” and “Camera - Pan camera for (Owner of (Buying unit)) to (Center of Place of hero <gen>) over 2.00 seconds”. This means that when you buy a hero, The Hero chooser will be removed and both camera and unit sold will be moved to the second area.

Remove buying unit:



Move the sold unit to the “Hero region”:




Move Camera to region over 2 seconds:




Ok now that you made all these, your screen will be something like this:

  • Hero sell
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Sells a unit
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Selling unit)) Equal to My Tavern
    • Actions
      • Unit - Remove (Buying unit) from the game
      • Unit - Move (Sold unit) instantly to (Center of Place of hero <gen>)
      • Camera - Pan camera for (Owner of (Buying unit)) to (Center of Place of hero <gen>) over 2.00 seconds

"Section 5 - Placing Map Starting Location, end of the tutorial"

Now before the Job is 100% complete we must put the starting locations in the Taverns Area. You can do this by using the Units Palette.


Tavern and hero DONE !!! I hope this tutorial helped you, if you experience any difficulty, find any bugs, or have any suggestions, please post them in our forum.

"Section 6 - Path Blockers - Optional"

Your map is now done, but sometimes adding path blockers is not a bad idea. Path Blockers are invisible units that don’t allow normal game units to cross certain areas, regions, or that take away the vision of a certain area for the players.
This section of the tutorial is optional, it is not 100% needed but it will help you to reach perfection, increase your WE (World Editor) knowledge and make better maps.
To use path blocker go to Layer – Doodads.

image 35.jpg

Good, now go to the Doodads Palette and change the third field to Pathing Blockers:

Image 36.jpg

Now will use the Pathing Blocker (Both) (Large) to block both air and ground units that try to cross this cliff. The process is very easy to do. You may want to turn on the Pathing – Ground and the Grid ( and select Medium) options in the View Menu. As I already explained, these options are very helpful in ground pathing. Now I will put as much blocker as I can in the cliff. I am using the “Both” Blocker because it will work in ground and air units.

Image 37.jpg

Well done, however, if you prefer you can use instead of these blockers, the Line of Sight Blocker (Large). The Line of sight blocker prevents players from seeing what is next to the cliff we created. However there is a small problem – we can’t have 2 types of blockers in the same square so you will have to choose which one you want to use in your map.

Image 38.jpg

Personally I think the Unit blockers (have a look in image 37) are better, so I decided to use them in the cliff instead of the line of sight blockers. However this blockers can have other applications in your map, it is only a question of utility.

Tip: I added a gryphon to the map so than you can see how the Path Blockers Work. Have fun =)
This tutorial comes with a free Demo Map; you can download it to learn better.

Please comment this tutorial and rate it. I know it is big but the images take a lot of space. I think this is a good tutorial; it has lots of images and has a Free Map. Making a Tavern is not difficult but if you use this tutorial, please post something in the forum. I am happy I can share my experience with everyone.



  • Tarvern's Tutorial.w3x
    16.2 KB · Views: 2,571
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Tutorial Submissions

  1. Please review:
    [self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/announcement.php?f=283"]General Tutorial Submitting Rules and Guidelines - Read Before Posting![/self]
    This submission must be updated to meet those requirements.

  2. [self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=360"]Flame_Phoenix: introduce yourself to The Hive![/self]

Hi, i have already read the rules about posting tutorials. I didn't find any tutorial as good as mine about how to create Taverns, Heroes, and Hero Choosers. If the problem was the icon, i have already removed it too. The title doesn't have CAPITAL letters and i did it alone. I don't see any more problems about my tutorial. Please explain me what is wrong with my tutorial. It is my first time in such a community, please try to understand me and explain what i am doing wrong.
Another thing, i think my tutorial does not have grammar mistakes and i made it as clear as possible.

Thank for your attention and time. Flame_Phoenix
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It is done. I numbered all images and created an annex file that has all 34 images. I really think this can help people out. Well i think I've everything you asked me to do. The tutorial is probably ready now. If you have any suggestions, please tell me, as i said before, i don't want my tutorial to be in the graveyard.
By the way, the server that is hosting my images is the biggest server in united kingdom,millions of people are using it, it is one of the most trusted of all. i will probably never crash.

Please answer to the reply as fast as possible. Flame_Phoenix
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Trigegr Tags

I don't agree with trigger tags... They are just not useful... It is just like having all triggers we need in a piece of parer, but we don't know how to create them, therefore making us waste our time. When I was learning, every time I saw a trigger tag, I thought: "Jesus.. they tell me all triggers I need, but how the hell can i create them !!!! this tutorial helps me in nothing .. i wished there was something explaining how to do it... This is impossible to do... !!!!"
I may not agree about trigger tags, but, if my tutorial needs them to be accepted, I will create them.
The other images are screenshots, which according will the rules of the forum, are allowed.

By the way, the trigger tags are now in the tutorial

I think I fixed everything. Flame_Phoenix
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I have edited the tutorial to demonstrate how the image attachments should be used.

The first two images are now physically attached to the post itself, note the image properties:
  1. http://forums.hiveworkshop.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6120&thumb=1&d=1179003209
  2. http://forums.hiveworkshop.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=6121&thumb=1&d=1179003314
The remainder of the images are still hosted elsewhere:Image #14 has already begun to fail on an intermittent basis.

After you get all the images attached I'll try to make some time to thoroughly test your techniques and triggers. I think that this is a fine tutorial and hope to soon see to its approval.

You may as well remove the .rar file that contains the images: it's unnecessary. I have also attached a backup copy of the tutorial to this post.


  • tavern.txt
    12.1 KB · Views: 723
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Thanks Flame_Phoenix!

Creating a Tavern, Hero and Hero Chooser looks excellent and I think that it will be approved.

Let's allow it to remain in the Tutorial Submission forum for another week or so: other users or moderators might have some further recommendations or suggestions to add.

I would suggest deleting all of the image references: (image 1) etc. They are really not necessary and add 34 extra lines of text to the document.
It is I that should be thanking you. It good to see that hard work is rewarded.
However i think the image references are useful because my tutorial has many images, one next to the other, and players can get confused when reading the tutorial, they can get lost. This way i think those 34 lines are ok. Anyway i guess it doesn't matter. I think the most important thing is the quality of my tutorial.
About the waiting a week period i agree. I will also try to answer to any questions other players may have.

Thank for your time and patience. Flame_Phoenix
Hi !! It is done, I have divided my tutorial into sections. However I always seek perfection, and I feel my tutorial is not perfect. I have something in mind. Can someone please tell how to create hyper links to the different sections of my tutorial ?

the condition of men it's his constant fight to reach perfection. I am just another man. Please help me reach it. Flame_Phoenix
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Well I think that this is a very professional and complete tut. WHERE WERE YOU A YEAR AGO WHEN I NEEDED THIS? lol jk. But really, where were you? Back on topic now.... for making hyper links to inside your tut, you dont have to. Just make it so each section has it's own little thing (I, II, ect.) so then people can just CTRL-F and search for I or II or whatever. that works well.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
For the jump-things, you can do


will create a goto to (id). (id) can be any string, eg. Test

then, add a [point], such as


Then the [goto=Test] would lead to Test. However, I'm pretty sure the tags aren't working for the moment (however, I can't say, since this is in unparsed VB mode)
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I think you recently took some steps BACKWARD, Flame_Phoenix.

(image 1)


"Section 2"

etc. etc. etc.

In my opinion the above are examples of (what I personally would consider to be) "vertical spam."

Those portions of the tutorial
  1. Distract the reader's attention.
  2. Add unnecessary vertical lines to the document, making it more difficult to read.
  3. Do not DESCRIBE anything: they simply exist.

If you wish to leave them, I would recommend providing DETAIL for those items:
  • (image1) >===> (detailed description of image1.)
  • "Section 2" >===> accurate description/title for Section 2.

The [goto] and [point] tags are temporarily disabled. They will be restored as Ralle exterminates the bugs related to the recent vBulletin upgrade.
WolveRabid the ---------------------------------------- are not there just to spam or to distract readers attention. They have a reason of being there, which is to separate the different sections of my tutorial. The simple------------ informs me and other people about when a section ends and about when a sections starts. Their main reason is not to simply exist, it is to separate and i believe they make the reading of the tutorial easier for everyone.
I don't want this to be considered as spam, because it is not meant to be it. In other websites there is a command that creates an horizontal line in the document, separating it in two different sections. Because I couldn't find that command available here, I decided to create the line myself.
I can give more detail to the separating lines, so than people don't think it's just another line in the tutorial. I don't know what else i can do.
Level 8
Jan 18, 2007
ook, i think you can make this one clearer and i think you´w messed a thing up in the tot, but elles a really good toto =)) btw, use the path of sight blockers and the both path blockers (includes both air and foot,) (\(-.,,.-)/) (the wierd fish man in pirates of the carabein)
Level 1
Jun 2, 2007
Great Tut!

Well what can i say this tutorial made may day.Thanks a lot...Ive tryed to do it my self to solve this particular problem by looking other ppl's maps but i always got stuck in those "programing" stuff.Thnx once again...
It is I that should be thanking you xXShogunXx for telling me that. It is really very encouraging. But why do only this ? Keep your eyes in my tutorial, i will soon add path blockers sonkan1 suggested, path blockers are not really 100% necessary but they help a map to reach perfection. Soon, my next tutorials will be about making Hero reviver systems or auras (all kinds of auras day/night triggered, non triggered, etc.) or dueling systems for heroes and teams. Hope you enjoy it too when the time comes. Another thing i was not able to read your message, can you send it again please ?

You can also, and you should also, have a look on my tutorial map, i think it can help you out =). Flame_Phoenix
No problem Xuji. It i s always a pleasure to help good people.
Well Guys I've finished my last section - the Path Blockers. Please feel free to comment it, I want to make my tutorial as best as possible.
With this last section finished i think i have finally ended my tutorial. However, there is one remaining question: are the jump tags (go to) already working ??? I would like to use them in my tutorial.
By the way, how can i create a movie for my tutorial ?

Feel free to post more comments. Flame_Phoenix
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Level 7
Apr 13, 2007
Please have a look in my tutorial as well Creating a Tavern, Hero and Hero Chooser by Flame_Phoenix in the submitting tutorial section, i know it is not an Aesthetics tutorial but it would be nice to have your opinion.

Well then, I've read tutorials of creating a hero tavern before reading yours, but I can say that yours are more user friendly than the others. 4.9/5

... and +rep for usefulness.
Thx for your opinion Katu =)
Btw, i just clicked in the tutorial reputation points and i was like impressed to see the reputation "Excellent". It is really good to see that hard work is rewarded. I am surprised ... it feels really good.... Anyway, that reputation stuff, just gave me the strength i needed to start my next tutorial, which will be about icons. Thx everyone.

Keep posting plz :grin:
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Level 1
Dec 6, 2007
Hey mate Thanks heaps, i had the general idea of how to do this, just wasn't 100% on the triggers, neway thanks was really helpful and well done :) sure it will help nebody new starting out
It's good to know that my work helped =).
Well, Variables complicate things a lot for new people, that's why I decided to exclude them from my tutorial.
To create this tutorial I evaluated many maps, including dota, and I know that most of the stuff they do can be created with no variables(like repick option per example).

However the level of memory increases with the level of simplicity (it shouldn't be this way but it is lol). If I make a very simple trigger for player 1 with no variables, I will have to repeat that same trigger 8, 9 10 times to make all players able to use it.

Variables can be useful for such a purpose (saving memory).
However, my point here is not the memory, is that everyone (even those who never opened the world editor) can create a Hero Tavern in the most simple and easy way.

My tutorial is perfect for a start, but if you want to learn more about JASS and GUI variables I recommend you read some tutorials or download an opened version of dota.

Oh and btw, Merry Christmas and happy new year.
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