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How did you come up with your username?

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Since Sara Lane left, I stopped watching Attack of the Show, because though that new chick is undoubtably good looking, she has no brains in her head whatsoever. Xplay has just.... lost its groove, the hilarious skits are gone (Xplay the Musical was the last of the good ones, and they made some crappy ones way before. Remember Johnny's Xtreme Adventure? Naurotown mothafucka? X-Play Saw? Grabnar the Wanderer?

Ah, the memories. And don't even get me started on all of the kickass AOTS skits. It's a shame that G4 only has 2 original shows anymore (reduced to playing replays of the Man Show, for shame), and both of them are suffering.

Rakdos: Do not ever post in all caps again (vB thankfully autocorrects this [that's why the first letter of ever word is capitalized]) and cut back on the spam. Your lucky I don't give you a fistful of red jewels for that.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
K but remember your the mod whos off-topic also. ;D

i wanna know how that "pokeruto" dude got his username.
If i get a new user name it will either be Kratos, or Drazul, both old names of mine, one is custom and one is obviously from a game.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Originally my name was planned on being buster(thank god it wasn't), and I used to play SW: KotOR with a character named Komodor. The game I was currently attempting to make an account for had a character limit(character as in letters, numbers, and symbols) and buster komodor was too short, so I compressed it into buster komo.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Lol I'm a huge fan of GoW and i'm not a nerd who tries to prove it by making huge walkthroughs lol. ATM i'm beating GoW2 on titan mode and last challenge of the Titans XD So this is inspiring me to become Kratos on THW. Also I have lots and lots of kratos and GoW pics on a cd because i used to rp with him, so have pics most ppl can't find anymore.

LIke Graphic novel GoW lol. dunno if i can show it though, think it shows the oracles boob.

Maybe name should be Kratos-Fish, and my avvy and sig will always have the secret fish costume on Kratos XD
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
There is a character named "Kratos Aurion" in Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube. IIRC, ToS was out first, too.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
I laughed at Hakeems last post, and one laugh sounded like "Rakdos" and another laugh sounded like "Defiler" so I went back in time and registered my name as Rakdos,Defiler instead of TheReignofdingleberries, but you guys wouldn't remember that username since I stoped myself from ever creating it.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
I was playing as my friend's guest in Halo 2. I miraculously managed to win. There was a huge blood splatter somewhere that spelt out "Teh_Ephy." Making first place was miraculous, and so was the blood actually spelling something. I took it as a sign from a greater power that I should use "Teh_Ephy."
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
It seems that many of you came up with your user names many different times and in many different ways.

Anyway, by this point everyone that desires to has had a chance to tell their story.

mv thread something-else/
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
While playing Morrowind on a dark... silent night, my head began to nod and I fell off my chair. When I woke up I found myself in a----

*This rambling tale has been interupted for an important news broadcast! Tarantula-Toast Monsters are taking over the West Hemisphere and Southern Africa! I repaeat, T- Oh no! NO! AAAAAGHH---*

--- and then I ate the Daedra and woke up with a slight bruise on my forehead.

Level 16
Apr 2, 2008
I was studying wow religions when i came across the darkiron dwarf i started studying there history i thought they were cool so i decided to become DarkIron Dwarf
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
kkots! I remember the first time I used my nick - when I created my mail 6 years ago. Then I used my nick at battle.net and then on the Hive.

The thing is that my nick represents my name: kkots means Konstantin Kots (k kots).

Some men from Poland say that the word "kots" means "vomit" in their language, so I always had to explain them that my actyual second name comes from Russian - not from English - and will sound like "Koc", but not "Kots"! ::[
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
Whoa.How'd i miss this topic?

Well,since its alive,i can as well say it.

In WC3 when you click on an Ice Troll,he says something like "Ja-pu-teeeh".So in trying to make up a username,i remembered that.

Ice troll rocks.

I cant make attachments in SE or id add the wav.
Level 9
Aug 28, 2005
How did you get your name?

There are probably many such threads but the search can't find even itself so I'm adding another one:

How did you get your user name?

Mine (Martin Barbov) is just my real name. I use it because when I first started visiting some sites my nickname was already taken everywhere I tried. It's Martix. Mix of my real name Martin and the movie The Matrix. So now I'm MartinBarbov, Martin_Barbov or anything like that. I signature my artworks(if they can be called so) with Martix-Design.

Your turn.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
My name... well.... it's just my name! =D
This is the way friends call me, everybody that calls me with my birthname I wont consider friends... xD

First par is Airan second part is Dius

Airan stand for light, Dius stands for dark mix them and u get Airandius! That would be me. ^^ (I just made up the whole light and dark thing btw. xD)
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