[Miscellanous / Other] Goblin Dominator Squad 2.0

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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Goblin Dominator Squad
100% Complete of the Terrain, currently preparing beta test

1. Introduction
1.1 Game concept
This presentation shows an highly altered and innovative hybrid between a lot of different Warcraft 3 modification types. It has base building components, component gathering reminding you of Minecraft or Terraria. The gameplay is rather straight forward and initially rather simple.

In the beginning of each game, you select a hero from a range of six male and six female heroes. You'll begin in an area by yourself or get randomly teleported to fixed locations around the map (To ensure you don't start in a place where you're bound to encounter certain doom.)

You'll be collecting resources like food and set up shelter, utilizing an unique building system. You initially play the role of hunter gatherer as you gather resources to survive until you can start the business of cultivating the earth. Soon enough, you'll pave roads and with food growing locally, you're free to start the next step of civilization. Here you can establish a base. From which you can hire workers which you can promote to various troops to bolster your defenses.

As you place more buildings, you get access to more technology. To upgrade these, you also need resources. Once upgraded it unlocks the enrichment and transformation of resources. Wood can be burnt to Charcoal and Sand can burnt together with charcoal to make glass. Charcoal together with iron ore makes iron bars. Glass in turn can be turned into optics and so on and so forth. Before you know it, you'll be controlling heavy armadas, tanks and flying machinery.

You're not necessarily required to work together with other people, although that is greatly recommended as the game was designed to be a highly social game. Resource deposits exist across the map and can be obtained by the help of a Goblin Emissary. This guy can only be acquired after extensive research and obtaining this unit is the stepping stone into the age of economy.

This can drive the game into two directions, into a struggle for the resources and thus an ignition source of a melee game, aka. the simple RTS, or it could become a topic for RPG elements to come into play, alliances and trade routes between a fixed group of allies. While minor conflicts can come into play. There are also a few bosses around the map to motivate this route. I've pondered about enabling players to toggle the bosses on and off. But we'll see how that goes.

1.2 Game Story
The story is fairly basic. You have 6 female and 6 male heroes to choose from, each with its personal attribute that can contibute to their survival. The stronger the hero that the player gets, the smaller will the backpack of that hero be in order to compensate for the strength. A person who are using a worker based hero will thus be a greatly appreciated addition in a game. A common style is having a duo style, people group together in small groups with one hunter and one builder. Others only select workers and build massive armies in no time, compensating for their lacking power rather quickly. The methods are many and I don't know them all. The goal depends on the players, it may be a battle over territories or a RP session, whichever works best.

Standard Information
Type: Goblin Exploration, RPG, Strategy, Melee
Category: Miscellanous/Other
Map Size: 256x256
Playable Map Size: 239x240
Suggested Players: Up to 12 Players

2. Gameplay Components
2.1 Mineshaft Deposits
These deposits need to be claimed by a Goblin Emissary. The way the user take over this is much alike to Battle Tanks, as in the Emissary get close to the structure, a loading bar pops up and once it hits 100 it gets captured by the team that owned the Emissary. The Emissary then enters the building and disappears, his purpose has been filled. For the player to take over another building, you need to yet again train yourself a Goblin Emissary.


2.2 Fishing
To get your hands on fish you need to get your hand on A Goblin Fishingboat and stockpile it with TNT sticks, the fishing rod of the goblins.


2.3 Ore Deposits
Destroying rock chunks results in stones, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, silver ore or mithril being dropped. It always drops 2 of the same kind at once. Ore can be smelted into bars using coal and a forge.


2.4 Wood
Wood, like rock chunks always drops in twos. You get two logs which can be processed into all manner of things. It can be cooked for the item "Bark", it can be compressed into paper and made into the item "Contract". It can also be burned into the item "Coal" which can be mixed with an ore in a forge to get for example, Iron Bars, which in turn can be used for more complicated constructions.


3. Basic Rules
  • Player 1 chooses the game modes, unless he specifies that he wants the others to vote.
  • After all players picked their heroes, they start in a default spawning area unless specified otherwise.
  • Don't die, that'll suck. I haven't come up with a reasonable method of reviving you yet.
4. Player Units
4.1 Heroes
As a player one chooses an original hero at the beginning. Every hero has full custom made abilities,
which let you experience the game play in a different way.


- Goblin Tinker, has the spells "Tinker Wolves, Engineering Upgrade and Tinker Turret"


- Goblin Arsonist, has the spells "Firebolt, Incinerate and Spray of Hellfire"


- Goblin Bruiser, has the spells "Sweeping Strikes, Critical Hit and Bladestorm Turret"


- Goblin Rifleman, has the spells "Rifleman Drone, Lock and Load and Bear Trap."


- Goblin Bombardier, has the spells "Mortar Turret, Explosive Crafting and Drone Mines"


- Goblin Profiteer, has the spells "Rocket Jump, Best Deals Everywhere and Time Is Money"


- Goblin Rogue, has the spells "Clone Block, Envenonmed Weapons and Cut to the Chase"


- Goblin Concoctioner, has the spells "Craft Potion, Volatile Concoctions and Acid Bomb"


- Goblin Gatlinger, has the spells "Unknown, Unknown and Unknown"

4.2 Units

4.3 Buildings

5 Features
  • Custom original heroes
  • Custom units
  • Models made by the awesome MiniMage
  • A Tech Tree, in which each upgrade requires items, such as wood or stones for example. I've spent long hours on wikipedia trying to make the tech tree fairly accurate while still having the whole goblin feel to it.
  • A fully working terrain buffing system, which is used for spells as well as tactical purposes. Let's say it rains when your enemies comes to bombard you with mortars? This system was made by Maker.
  • A Tier System, each tier enables more upgrades and more importantly, more units.
  • A fully functioning ally system, if you wish to attack your ally however, you need to unally your opponent. This will signal everyone of your broken alliance and enable him to attack you as well. However, if you don't unally your opponent, you will be unable to attack him.
  • Corpse system, killing an animal causes an identical unit to be spawned instantly, so quickly in fact that it's hard to detect the switch. You can then use the harvest skill on the animal to harvest meat, skin, bone and an item that will randomize. The same system applies if you kill an enemy player, a corpse will drop and you can harvest that corpse to get goblin skulls among other things, which are then used for bonus quests and bonus tech.
  • A perfected building system of the one used in Goblin Exploration Squad.
  • Road building now has an actual purpose. Let's say you want your structures to have more life, you want to make them more sturdy? Then my good sir, build a proper foundation then. You want to make transportation more quickly? Oh well then, build yourself some fancy road, because being on that very road will grant your units extra movement speed. Which could be crucial while under attack or trading with your ally.
  • If you've chosen a weaker unit and you don't want to hunt, you could always farm, with my farming system. Fucntions exactly like the system in Werewolf Transylvania.

6. Current Team
Head Project Leader and ModelerMiniMage
2D Artist (Icons ect.)Open spot for anyone who wishes to join
2D Artist (Icons ect.)Sin'dorei300 made tons of awesome icons.
Off and On coderrulerofiron99
Off and On coderx_Dardas

7. Screenshots of the current terrain
Based on one of oGre's terrain template that he allowed others to use given credit. I handed this over to a couple guys, waited for results, got none because they had buggered out. Damn. Then I handed it over to Sonofjay who did some more work and even he buggered out, although he gave me a final version before doing so. Then Ndhwar took over, did the tiny corner you can see there, then he also buggered out. Double damn.

Then I got two terrainers, Marko9 and Sorceress, who also buggered out. Then I got me yet another one, Stryderzero. It looked good for a long time there, as if the terrain would be completed by him. Alas, it was too good and he buggered out as well, but terrained a total extra 11% of the map. Boosting the possibility of this being completed by a lot.

Naze briefly tried to be the terrainer, but alas, got a job and only managed to peek at the map before giving over the position to SeekAndDestroy. He worked with the terrain for a week or two, before giving me a short update and then running for the hills. The next one to take over with terraining was don_svetlio, he terrained the beautiful crystal caverns, did some tweaking with a few islands until he too, was done.

Bhusta took over, revamped the map, made it bigger, expanded on it, for a while there I thought he would complete it for me, but alas that was not the case. Velm attempted to terrain a little while, but stopped working on it after a week or so. Now; I'm still looking for terrainers. It kinda feels like my map was cursed. Because out of the shadows came Heinvers. With magical levels of terraining when poked enough times to do it.







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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
MiniMage, do you love goblins?^^

Yes, goblins are awesome.

I wish to join as terrainer. This reminds me of WoW a bit. Is this like FOTN? We need goblin maps.

Fascinating, PM me some screenies of previous work so I have some kind of way to measure your skill.

What does FOTN stand for btw?
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Founders of the North.

Ah yes, in many ways it is similar. Also, screenies? PM me already. ;O
On the plus side, I dislike many thinks in that game. It's similar in the sense that you construct a city and you hunt animals. Also, you can kill each other. Besides that, it doesn't share that much besides those key points. ;P
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Are the tanks heroes? Why not add Alchemist and Tinker as heroes?
Goblin shredders are goblin too, they could be included.

I gave the tanks hero glow because removing the hero glow of the tinker hero would mean I would have to import a model that takes up 670kb of space. So I instead added auras to the other two tanks, adding 12kb of space. Just to clarify, they are not heroes.

The Shredders need to be refined first, if I intend to add them, enough for them to fit with the walkers. Essentially remaking the whole thing. I also plan on giving it legs similar to the NOD Purifier, just made in copper, so that it fits with the rest. ;P

Also, didn't you say you wanted to be a terrainer? There's one spot left, I recommend you sending me a PM with screenies before it gets filled by someone else other than you. ;P
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Nice to know you (maybe) have two terrainers in your team, but if you still want another one, my advice was to create a thread at the Terrain Board, so terrainers could better know about the existence of your map :p

Oh, and nice map btw, when you first explained me I thought it would be something like an AoS and melee map crossover... but there are some survival mechanics aswell - really cool!
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Looks smexy. Subscribing on this.

Also, the terrain looks like the template oGre_ made, or someone else.

Part of it was made by him yes. He did specify that it was okay as long as you credit him which I will, of course. Should I point that out in the first post? A couple of people tried terraining way back but for some reason just gave up. The list of credits would take up quite a chunk of space.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Part of it was made by him yes. He did specify that it was okay as long as you credit him which I will, of course. Should I point that out in the first post? A couple of people tried terraining way back but for some reason just gave up. The list of credits would take up quite a chunk of space.

I think just placing the name of the one who originally developed that template would suffice under that Screenshots section.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I recommend some resources like Pearls , Golden Accesories like G-Pot , G-Coins , G-Necklace or Treasure Chests , Rare Fishes or maybe some weird things.

Gold coins already exist. Donno what you'd do with a gold necklace or Golden Pot though... Then again, it could be lootables that you could melt down into gold bars or something? Pearls would require some deep sea fishing, since the goblins fish with TNT sticks, I assume it would be pretty hard to get. Besides, this is a rather cold climate. Swamps, mountains. European climate, more or less.

Rare fishes could work though, any ideas of what kinds of rare fishes?
What would "weird things" include?

Also, you have terraining skills, wanna join the team? We have one spot left.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Actually it will not include AI, I think? Not as in AI enemy team anyhow, by that I mean there will no be enemy goblins building bases.
Not only would that disrupt the flow of the game, that level of AI needed to make that work would seriously be complex.

There is no limitation on how many players you need to play.
You can play the game in singleplayer if you wish. It'll be a lot less fun, but it's possible.

Since you wont have any actual opponents to face, it would essentially be base building only,
because all the forces you get will not be able to fight an opponent of equal strength.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, just wanted to notify you all that the goblin race now is complete.
All unit models has been completed and the object data for them has been added.

(with the exception of heroes, which may just be normal units with auras, we'll see, anyhow. Maybe or maybe not)

I'll be going to start with buildings now. Also, Terrain is crawling forward slowly, but hey, at least there's some progress.
Marko9 is highly inactive it seems, so if there's more terrainers that wish to help with the project..

Then, please give me a reply and don't forget screenies so that I'll know just how good you are. ;D

That's about it.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
looks awesome. i really liked goblin exploration squad but now its too outdated and boring. there also isnt much stuff to do besides building, like bosses or rare items

Rare items will be added, I think. For example, if you kill an enemy hero, if you unally one of you players. Killing and looting his/her corpse will result in you getting a goblin skull, which you can use in a few directions. Either you become a devil worshiping cult, or you use it for anatomical knowledge, furthering the tech on alechemy and genetical engineering, eventually getting yourself a hobgoblin unit available for purchase. Quite possibly lootable chests will be here and there and will thus offer something unique.

As for bosses, that is rather loose as of now, feel free to suggest some bosses that might fit in a forest/swamp/mountain area. I have a few ideas, like some gnome with machinery, but that's about it.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Just pointing out that the thread is still active and I still appreciate any help you can give me.

Started working on heroes a couple days ago. Here's the Goblin Tinker, together with two of its three abilities, Tinker Wolves and Tinker Turrets.


The tinker wolf model was downloaded from xgm.ru
The turret however, was made by me and will be uploaded on my site as soon as my site is done.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Just read the first post, everything you've asked me is already written down there.

Also, this isn't just one person who have made all this, I've had many who did a little part, then buggered out, then a new person came and then that guy did a little more and then buggered out.
That's generally how it has gone with this map though. The top right corner with all the eyecandy however, was based on one of oGre's maps. Which he had specified was alright to use as long as he was credited.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
While my terrainer is slightly preoccupied with some exams for a few days, I will now distract you with a screenshot I took ingame. The rifleman with his two abilites.


It's nothing special though, just imported the models into the terrain map and took me a screeny. Anyone wanna pitch in with ideas? Maybe designs. I had an idea a while back about giving the Goblin Bruiser a Bladestorm Bot.


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Been experimenting with my naval forces and a new goblin transport is in the works. You can see it in the screeny below.
I'm not sure how much progress Stryderzero has done. But I would assume that the exams has consumed a considerable amount of his time. But then again, this is just guess work.


This is just the current state. I was thinking about adding the Hammerhead Submarine, but that model has yet to be made. Come to think of it, I will probably also edit my hovership with new cannons.
Emulating franksters style in any shape or form seems like poking a beehive. So that'll be that I think, for now. I am still tinkering with another UI, but that's a topic for another thread.


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Good news people! Stryderzero has got back on track and is doing his magic.
Also, the transport boat is pretty much done. ;P


Been pondering if I should add a lookout or if this is good enough.
Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

Aaand I am back to modeling buildings. I keep modeling something else,
Even if I begin trying to work on the buildings. XD
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Well, I finally got into the mood of making goblin buildings. I figured a lot of the more basic structures would require the goblin hut and thus be upgrades of the goblin hut.
I don't have the unupgraded version in this picture but whatever.

I'll summarize what the huts do. The Sheep Processor is fairly simple, it processes sheep into meat and wool. The Goblin Herbalist Hut will be to gain access to herbs which you can mix into potions and whatnot. Early concept sketches was going to add a goblin and give him a hammock, a joint and two pillars that the hammock should be hung from. But Idonno, it's all very conceptual.

The Goblin Radar Hut was intended mainly as invisible and troop detection, much like radar works like today, kinda, anyhow.

The Goblin Tannery is simple, it stretches and heats animal hides to produce leather.

As suggested by Frankster in the hivechat, I added the additional hut upgrade "Goblin Mechanics Hut" to my to-do list. The purpose of that hut will be Vehicle Repair, because why not?

If anyone of you have any further upgrade ideas I could add them to my list or quite possibly you got a couple minutes and want to scribble me a concept, feel free to, if you want. ;P


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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Sorry guys, life has taken up a lot of time so I haven't had the time to tell you. Stryderzero resigned as a terrainer a while ago. However, he was nice enough to give me a final push before he retreated to his own project. I pushed it further by enhancing a few points I never did do before. As such the terrain progression is about 63% complete after stryderzero's work.

Give him a round of applause. Because adding 11% is still awesome. This puts me in a difficult position however, because that means that I yet again require the services of a dedicated terrainer. Here's a picture of the minimap.


I also completed a couple more hut upgrades.



I may rework some aspects of the Goblin Demo Hut though, when I get the time.

I still welcome concept arts with open arms. Please note, some people expect concept arts to be extremely complicated. That does not have to be the case, concepts inspire and a MSPaint doodle can actually help.
If anyone would wish to contribute models, icons ect. I'll accept them all. Although I might not be able to use them all. If the contributions are many, I mean. Although that would be rare now that school has started up.

Anyhow, also Sin'dorei300 has contributed with a lot of icons from a request I did a long time ago. Since I'm sure I'm going to use all of those he made for me, I might as well say
"Whoop. You make awesome shit, Sin'dorei300. I understand why you've been busy as of late. Because I've been equally, if not more busy."

Anyhow, just letting you guys know how it's going with the project.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
I really like that Demolition Hut; "bursting with explosives" just screams "Goblin".

Also, while I generally only find things useful to me to be "cool", I have to make an exception for that BBQ Hut... That's just hilarious. You actually have miniature hamburgers & a phlogiston-powered grill. So fun. Where did the texture for that come from?
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Well sure, I can list what textures I used for the grill. Also, the demolition hut is liked? wonderful.
Kellym0 suggested I give the death animation one hell of a huge explosion. I might go with that.

The effect that looks like coal under the barbecue grilling grid was the graveyard texture.
It's the bars that exists there, just stretched. The actual metalic grid, that's from the doodad0 texture.

It's the texture for the cage. The rest is a combination of the DarkPortal03 texture, the tinker texture and the tinker tank texture.
The glow effect is the Zap1 texture stretched out and colored orange.

Oh and that texture thingy around the power source is also the Zap1 texture, but combined with the PortalEnergy texture.
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
I would like to suggewst to make this an altered melee map wiith 4 races orcs are goblins humans are high elves,night elves are naga and undead are forsaken
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
For bosses i would like to suggest adding ogre lord(a larger form of ogre lord) and goblin slayer looks like admiral proudmoore but his shoulder has a goblin skull in it and he has a goblin blade
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I would like to suggewst to make this an altered melee map wiith 4 races orcs are goblins humans are high elves,night elves are naga and undead are forsaken

You're free to do whatever you like with the resources once I am done. I have already stated I was planning on releasing the models once my project was done. However, it's the completion of my project that is the issue. I need an experienced terrainer to finish the last bit of the terrain.

So, if I am to ever make something so simple as an altered melee, then at the very least I want this done. Thus, help me get a good terrainer. I don't have time to look for one, so I'm basically relying on those with interests to help me push the last tiny little bit of terrain that I need to be able to start beta-testing the map.

For bosses i would like to suggest adding ogre lord(a larger form of ogre lord) and goblin slayer looks like admiral proudmoore but his shoulder has a goblin skull in it and he has a goblin blade

While I'm overjoyed to hear new ideas, I would suggest you to edit your post instead of double-posting.
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