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You're free to do whatever you like with the resources once I am done. I have already stated I was planning on releasing the models once my project was done. However, it's the completion of my project that is the issue. I need an experienced terrainer to finish the last bit of the terrain.
So, if I am to ever make something so simple as an altered melee, then at the very least I want this done. Thus, help me get a good terrainer. I don't have time to look for one, so I'm basically relying on those with interests to help me push the last tiny little bit of terrain that I need to be able to start beta-testing the map.
While I'm overjoyed to hear new ideas, I would suggest you to edit your post instead of double-posting.
is this ai i would really like this map to have ai and pls add at least make it 2 races goblin slayers and goblins and I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE BETA TESTING PM ME WHEN BETA TESTING HAS STARTED GOOD LUCK AND WE HAVE THE SAME LIKES I LOVEEEEEE GOBLINS!
Dude stop double posting. And if you write in such a weird way nobody is going to take you serious, for me you look like a crazy maniac. Wait with the others, you are not the center of the world. Until the beggining of the academic year in october i have some free time and im practicing modeling with maya so if you have any particular unit/ heroes requests mini i can help. The only model i am working on is currently that one which i started for the modeling competition and i am a bit stuck with the finishing so starting a new project until i get a creative idea would be nice
Dude stop double posting. And if you write in such a weird way nobody is going to take you serious, for me you look like a crazy maniac. Wait with the others, you are not the center of the world. Until the beggining of the academic year in october i have some free time and im practicing modeling with maya so if you have any particular unit/ heroes requests mini i can help. The only model i am working on is currently that one which i started for the modeling competition and i am a bit stuck with the finishing so starting a new project until i get a creative idea would be nice
Sure, I don't mind. Well, if you're in the mood. My goblin heroes could use some diversity. Specifically, lower the amount of heroes by one. Then adding female versions to the male versions.
The reason for this is rather self explanitory. I don't think a female version of the Goblin Alchemist would look particularly good. A tradeprince-ish mech walker seat with the lady would've looked cool though, but I would assume this would take a lot of space.
As this model appears to be primarily a user of bombs and fire. It would thus fit as an interesting alternative to the the Fireworker model. Skill-wise, the skills will be the same as the fireworker. I have yet to ask Norinrad if I can use it though. Female versions of the Goblin Bruiser(Wielder of a "sword", the bruiser wields the Wrenchblade, half sword, half wrench), Goblin Rifleman and Goblin Worker would've been an interesting idea as well.
Building wise, If you're in the mood for that. Currently the buildings that I don't have models for yet. That's the Tank Factory, the Aerial Factory, the Tannery Workshop (A place where you refine pelts into leather.), The Smithy (I have experimented with ideas, but nothing concrete for that yet.). The Warlabs and the Crushinator. (Basically a structure that crushes stuff into powder form, for the production of any useful powder, like wheat into flour or components into gunpowder.
Buildings that I have experimented with a lot lately has been Goblin Barracks Although I haven't gotten anywhere with it.
It seems that creating huts is a lot easier than constructing larger buildings.
I'm planning on using the Goblin Laboratory for the Mech Units.
That's basically what I got left, model wise and the female versions doesn't have to be that many, I just found the idea interesting.
Oh and there's a new cool concept that I might have as a spawnable unit for the Goblin Profiteer, I would suggest basing it on one of Handclaws newer concepts, the Spidermine.
I'm not sure, but he may have been inspired by red alert. If you take on this request however, please note that it needs to be textured using the Tinker Texture to fit with the other summons.
Does this map have AI? I would like to see two races, Goblin Slayers and Normal Goblins.
I would also want to participate as a BETA tester. I also love goblins! [Translated by MiniMage]
Currently, it does not have AI. I do not plan on having two races. However, I plan on having rogue goblins as creeps guarding stockpiles of weaponry or loot.
For example, chests of gold coins, items (Not gold as in resource) that are planned on being used on the latter part of the game when commerce starts between either allies or you and NPCs.
Besides rogue goblins, I plan on having lost gnome armies, common wildlife (Bears, Wolves, Wild Boars, Deer and Sharks) to be something you can encounter.
I did think about having bosses. But that's about it, concept wise. I did ponder having undead bosses, but I figure a gnome or rogue goblin to fit better as a boss.
I may potentially have a Moose Boss, because morbent have been pestering me for forever to make a Moose model.
Regarding the issue of Beta testers. I would probably select people from as they stated they were willing to record a playthrough whenever I was done.
So I figured I'd choose a couple from there and a select few from here. The ones I choose would be chosen not by their level of fandom to goblins, but their ability to help.
I can make a thread about it later, as not a single person has been selected officially. There's not really any point to creating it until the terrain is done though.
I'm not that into coding, maybe something that can be tweaked shortly before release, after extensive testings with the beta version.
Also, take a deep breath and try and write a more professional message.
I encourage enthusiastic behavior, however, to properly convey your message, please think about grammar and whatnot.
With geting models from norin you will have a problem, he lost his data base a long time ago and didn't manage to find em back, but if you want i could ask.
With geting models from norin you will have a problem, he lost his data base a long time ago and didn't manage to find em back, but if you want i could ask.
Bummer, I asked handclaw a while back, but he lost a lot of his models too and some of them was a little special to him I guess.
The ironic part was that he was dissatisfied with the female goblin, but couldn't find the model, or that could've been an excuse to make me stop pestering him.
I did ask him if I could use a couple, which he replied with a "no" and some of them he pointed out I should ask Norinrad instead, so yeah.
He did hand me a couple concepts he'd done though. Although, it couldn't hurt, ask away first.
If he says he can't find it or don't want me to use it, you could do your own take on it. The design is right there, after all.
I thought JokeMaster was talking to that "matt" guy when he offered to make models... Then I thought he was talking to everyone and I got all excited. I now realize he was talking to you, which would make sense, it being your thread. xD
Anyway, this really makes me anxious to finish drawing & upload some of that Goblin concept art I've been sitting on for ever... Criminy. So little time.
I for one, have been in contact with Handclaw, and indeed, he is very attached to what few models he still has. Norinrad... Didn't know about the "lost drive" (WHHHHHYYYYYY!!!! WHY DO AMAZING MODELERS HAVE SUCH FAULTY HARD DRIVES!?). I'd love to hear from him again, JokeMaster (thought he was long gone); do you talk with him?
And finally, if none of the above works... Then yes, re-create. Handclaw had/has such a way with concept art, it's like half the work is done for you. So perfectly Wc3-esque.
So what now and who said im crazy i just like goblins and the drillergoblins should have a drill ability and this is another boss suggestion Goblin Traitor he is a goblin riding a robot and he is in an enemy camp (not ai but is hostile)he has an army and has building that does nothing and when you kill him the buildings become yours and infernal goblin he is a flaming goblin giant
No, no, no, dude, you understood something wrong noone says you are crazy, but the way you wrote those 2 posts showed some maniacal behaviour, i'm glad you like minimages project becouse it is quite awsome, but let me tell you this , try to make your posts more understandable , for example use ,quotes ,hidden messages ( thoxe with the buttons) show us where are your personal feelings and where the ideas, so everybody can see what you exactly ment and there will be no missunderstandings.
@ mini hmm i see a future for the goblin mine , i also thought about making that guy a model. He looks interesting
Even "Goblin Hunter" is still to vague. I mean, I have the goblin rifleman, he functions kinda like a hunter.
I'm not really sure what type of hunter that you are referring to.
Also, matt. Edit your original post, paste in the message that you wrote in the double post into the original post.
Then remove the double post. Do this for all your double posts, please.
If you choose not to, I will contact a moderator who will do it for you, which also prob. rewards you with neg rep to go with it.
I'm thrilled to have someone so eager to post in my thread that they even forget common sense. I stated I would possibly,
if and when I get the time, in the far distant future, by that I mean a couple weeks after I'm done with my project.
That's just silly. A goblin with a monster machine would kill a human with a puny rifle easily. Also, you haven't defined your suggestion, you've just given me a vague concept, if that, it's just a name.
How is your vision, describe it to me, with great detail (or at the very least, some detail). I can't peek into your mind and see what you think would be cool. Present it to me. Use your vocabulary for what it is intended for.
I recommend that you add a Human Army as an AI enemy, they will have base to destroy. their use? well, they will act as additional attacker to disrupt player's progress. Hope it's not too vague, if so, I'll be glad to explain in a very detailed post.
In other hand, what modes can player choose in the map?
MiniMage said:
I'm not that into coding, maybe something that can be tweaked shortly before release, after extensive testings with the beta version.
How bout make a thread at Project Recruitment? Some people might get interested.
Your suggestion is still vague.
Also, do what MiniMage says :
MiniMage said:
Also, matt. Edit your original post, paste in the message that you wrote in the double post into the original post.
Then remove the double post. Do this for all your double posts, please.
If you choose not to, I will contact a moderator who will do it for you, which also prob. rewards you with neg rep to go with it.
Not much news. Naze is doing his thing, at his pace, because he got a pesky thing called life. Will probably send him a note by the end of the week if he has found himself some time by some chance.
In other news. Well, I started to finalize the heroes. If you got any ideas, critiques and similar stuff, like new names or something, please do share your thoughts. I'm sure it would help.
Please note that the Bombardier's Mortar Turret (Lower Right corner) and the Tinker's Tinker Turret (The one above the bombardier) is still in development, as they are intended to be alternate animations to the turret. The Potion Emissary was renamed to the "Goblin Concoctioner". Decided to go with Proxy's minigun goblin instead of my tommygun goblin, because his version was created as a hero, mine wasn't. Trying to use mine as a hero ended up resulting in a lot of work and the model just didn't want to cooperate so I had to switch. I was originally thinking about having another female goblin hero, but it turned out being so annoying.
Hm, very interesting. I rather like that little line-up you got there; especially that cool SFX at their feet. Is that a super-Hero-glow or something?
I love the various summons you have as well; that one in the dead-center is most intriguing (what is it?). It's a shame, though; really wish someone would invent some Wc3-fitting texture for people to use on robotics so everyone wasn't stuck with either Robo-Goblin or Tinker-Backpack textures. :<
Seeing this hero line-up raises a certain point that I think is (unfortunately) quite pertinent for your models, and for all Goblin models in general (don't worry, your not the only one. ). I actually just detailed it in a post to someone else earlier today...
Kyrbi0 said:
For Goblins & Gnomes, you have to find ways to make them "show-up" in-game; the modeler is always at a disadvantage if they want to make a Goblin or Gnome correctly proportional (since they will melt away in-game; just too tiny). As a result, pretty much every single Goblin (or Gnome, though they are less "around" in Wc3) model has something to increase it's silhouette/profile/size.
Shredder -> giant mech suit
Zeppelin -> giant balloon
Sappers -> 3 Goblins (2 buddies to the 'original' Goblin as a team to stand out)
Tinker -> giant claw-arm steam back-pack, platform shoes, cowboy hat
Alchemist -> massive Ogre companion, nozzles & potions, & wooden seat.
As such, you really have to find a way to make your guy stand out. Aside from the belt, I think something on his back is a sure-fire success... A techno-electric backpack wouldn't be amiss... Perhaps unfoldable wings, or techno-arms for fixing stuff, or a rack of tools that slides out... Etc.
He was making a Gnome; you, on the other hand, are making lots of Goblins.
Now, as you can see right there, compared to the Goblin Tinker, almost no other model comes close to having that kind of "in-game presence". Nearly all of them stand in need of some kind of "silhouette boost". Phoenix-IV's "Profiteer" comes close (could stand out a tiny bit more, but he had the right idea), but (really sadly, as I love that model & don't know how to improve it) Norinrad's Bombardier Girl is a tad on the "tiny and un-noticeable" side.
I'd love to sit and brainstorm ideas. But what it boils down to is "how can I make this guy noticeable in-game?" Many of those models seem to have been made for Units, and it shows. Some of them could stand to be re-sized (either in-game or in a model editor), just a tad.
However, I don't mean to downplay it. Things are looking really good so far, and it can only get better. Thoughts?
It's two auras. One is the runic thingy. The other an attachable hero aura, the weird thing is that it keeps being red, it does not change its TC. So yeah, I got something to fix.
I love the various summons you have as well; that one in the dead-center is most intriguing (what is it?). It's a shame, though; really wish someone would invent some Wc3-fitting texture for people to use on robotics so everyone wasn't stuck with either Robo-Goblin or Tinker-Backpack textures. :<
The one in the middle is the so called "Bladestorm Turret". The Goblin Brusier is the goblins equivalent to the blademaster. However, he's a tiny little goblin and his physical makeup wouldn't handle an actual bladestorm. As such, the goblin can spawn a turret to do the bladestorm for him. I actually intentionally choose the tinker texture. I think it's a good color for summons. I have also been thinking about utilizing the duck texture that my rubber duck goblin uses and create stand water animations. Basically, making the entire turrets float. That way, you could bladestorm yourself a defense, even on the narrow sea around your base. If you want to.
Now, as you can see right there, compared to the Goblin Tinker, almost no other model comes close to having that kind of "in-game presence". Nearly all of them stand in need of some kind of "silhouette boost".
Well, my general idea was to have them as unnoticable, before the profiteer and all that, I actually had planned to have unit versions of all the heroes. So the fact that most of these was made to be units, it's intended to be seen. The fact that I'm using a model that stands out, like the Tinker, it's basically just to save space, the summons and turrets take up a lot of space.
Well, who knows, hopefully it will. I got Naze as a terrainer atm and I got an offer from another terrainer who wanted to join. As I'm not really that good at figuring out how most of you terrainers work, I left the decision up to Naze.
You're more than welcome. Do you intend to make units, or have you had a crack at making buildings? Because I sure could use a few of those as well. Anyhow, I'll add you to the project. ;D
- Goblin Garage. Done
- Goblin Tank Factory. Done
- Goblin Air Tower. Done
- Goblin Blacksmith (It has gone through a couple iterations, but nothing I really like atm)
- Goblin Barracks (Concept;
-----------------(Concept 2;
-----------------(Concept 3;
- Goblin Brewery Hut (Currently in progress by me)
- Goblin Crushinator Factory. (Can create contracts if you add Processed Wood and Burning Coal, Can also create coins.)
- Rogue Cartel Building (Main base for rogues, hostile goblins, guarding stockpiles or loot)
- Gnome Obeservatory - Wild Turtle Breeding Ground (Bonus mission to acquire the Giant War Turtle unit). Done
- The Goblin Forge. (Needs animations, but eh, I've never been good at it. You're free to take a crack at it, if you want. It's about done in every other aspect)
- A goblin hero selection building. (Got a concept, or well, an idea, of this.)
- Goblin Soda Can Dispenser - A Campfire Tannery - Basically like my cooking pot, for an easy creation of leather. Minor machinery could be added. Done
- Goblin Vertigo Bomber
- Goblin Venom
- Sharks (I made a couple versions using wow animations, but they are a little buggy. They just need a little tweak and they'll be good to go, however. You could give them a quick fix if you're in the mood.)
- Female versions of the goblin troops. This is just bonus though.
- Gnome Scavangers (Like Rogue Goblin Factions, this is another kind of creep we will encounter. Which general purpose is to guard stockpiles or loot, concept
- Gnome Rocket Troopers.
- Gnome Zone Troopers. - Goblin Hammerhead Submarine - DONE
- Hobgoblin (Just a little smaller than a Orc. Concept I was intending to follow, when I got the time.
- Gnome Zone Trooper's turrets.
- A portable chemistry set turret platform, for the Goblin Concoctioner.
- Adding of alternate upgrade to the tinker turret, adding a Mortar alternate. Done
- Adding of alternate upgrade to the tinker turret, adding a Cannon alternate. Done
- Pelt for a Wolf
- Pelt for a Bear
- Raw Hide from a Deer
- A raw shark body. (In three pieces, each part with a barbecue stick stuck to it.)
- A cooked shark body.( In three pieces, each part with a barbecue stick stuck to it.)
- Piece of Leather.
- Generic Goblin Uniform (Used for the creation of soldiers, of any kind, mechanic of otherwise.)
- Barrel of Gunpowder
- Barrel of Apples
- Barrel of Cogwheels (I already made a couple cool looking cogwheels, this is like 90% done.)
- Barrel of Screws
- Barrel of Carrots
- Barrel of Springs
- Barrel of TNT
- Barrel of Gold Bolts
- Barrel of Copper Bolts
- Barrel of Gold Nuts
- Barrel of Gold Coins
- Barrel of Gold Wire
- Barrel of Silver Coins
- Barrel of Copper Coins
- Barrel of Raw Fish
- Gas Canister with Steam
- Gas Canister with Volatile Green Gas
- Gas Canister with Volatile Red Gas
- Gas Canister with Sulfur in a gaseous state
- Sulfur
- Glue (Yeah, I have no idea how that should look like either.)
- Bark
- Processed Wood. (Cooked, for the production of documents, One Bar of lumber results in two processed wood items and one bark)
- Goblin Skull (If you harvest a dead Goblin Hero, you get a goblin skull. If you acquire one, you can start the mad scientist branch of tech. Which can create hobgoblins and all kinds of awesome goodies.)
- Wolf Skull
- Bear Skull
- Deer Skull
- Shark Tooth
- Various generic herbs, I don't really have any names of them as of now.
- Goblin Burger (Basically done. 95% there)
- Goblin Fish Burger (Basically done. 95% there)
- Steel Frame (Basically three copperbars welded together, to form a U.)
- Copper Frame (Basically three copperbars welded together, to form a U.)
The black smith could be renamed the scrap heap, the smelters, or something crafty/make shift unless your looking more towards refined alternative technology type of sounding name
The blacksmith could be renamed the scrap heap, the smelters, or something crafty/make shift unless your looking more towards refined alternative technology type of sounding name
Well, I already have the Goblin Forge done for the most part. Scrap heap would require scrap. The Goblin Blacksmith is one of the few buildings you build first, the first tier.
The minimalistic technology. I still think blacksmith fits. ;P
Well, ladies and gentlemen. Although this isn't technically a double post since it's been a couple days since I last posted, it kinda feels like it. Anyhow, some more news for you all.
A while back, SeekAndDestroy asked if he could help me with terrain. Since I had Naze as a terrainer at that point, I suggested SeekAndDestroy to discuss it with Naze. I figured I could use both of their skills, with them working together. We never got a conclusion to that though.
It was cut abruptly when Naze pointed out that he just got a job he assumed he wouldn't get. As such it left me with one clear and obvious choice. SeekAndDestroy is now the terrainer. Naze didn't even get himself the time to start on it. He pointed out that he liked it though.
Anyhow, on to my to-do list of models for the project. Instead of dual gun for the tinker, it's now a cannon. Design is ready and implemented. All left is to add animations and that alternate animation will be done.
Started sketching on the mortar upgrade though. Nothing concrete yet. I figured I could just slap a mortar from the mortar team. I was mistaken. Experience gained from making the cannon turret alternate has made me understand that large portions need to be redesigned completely in order for a larger or longer barrel to fit.
Gas Canisters has turned out somewhat good. I just need polishing and that'll be done. That's the good thing about heavier items. Needs no animations besides a death animation and stand animation. Since they are heavy, they wont spin. ;P
Wolf skull is about 30% done.
Goblin Burgers are done.
Goblin Fish Burgers are done.
Started tinkering with concept ideas for the Goblin Hammerhead Submarine.
Started sketching on concepts for the Goblin Venom and the Goblin Vertigo Bomber.
That's about it. Too lazy to share pictures today. ;P
Hmmkay. Well, I sent my current terrainer a message hoping to hear that some progress have been made. However, no response has been given. If he has done nothing, I may very well be forced to look for another terrainer to finish the work. I'm more eager to have the terrain finished than you are. So I ask you to have patience.
Personally, I don't really care that much if eager people express their frustration of not being able play something that they so eagerly want to play.
Personally, I don't really care that much if eager people express their frustration of not being able play something that they so eagerly want to play.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I've come to the conclusion that it's just easier to update the to-do list post instead of trying to check everything off and making the thread a little messy.
I however will still announce when more important things are done. For example, the Goblin Mech Factory, now dubbed the Goblin Garage, is done.
Should I make the Goblin Garage the place to hire tanks as well? I'm not sure, give me some input.
In other news, the terrainer that I had before, never did anything, at all. So I wont even honor him with credits of any sort, because he didn't even respond to comments, so fuck that.
However, I am once again, in need of a terrainer. Which is annoying as hell. I'll still continue making models, because being a hobby, it's what I do.
The project itself will generally be put on ice in the sense that I can't do much more than model for the project and completion left to do is the terrain.
That's all that is left. So if anyone of you know someone that might be able to do the job, ask them to send me a PM/VM, whichever works best for them.
Hmmhmmhmm.. Anyhow. I'm sharing some more pictures with you guys.
You guys like pictures.
The new buildings shown here are the refined version of the Goblin Forge and the new building for the mech walkers; The Goblin Garage. I think I may make the production of Goblin Trikes later on possible as well. (My trikes, not the ones on wc3c. ;P
I can add two variations more to this model. I've been thinking about anti air and.. minigun? possibly, I'm not sure though.
Those turrets are neat, if a bit monotone (some kinda texture-al variation?). The Forge... 'tis super cool.
Oh, so erwtenpeller's Trike not good enough for ya, eh?
So, like, Terraining, eh? What exactly are you looking for, in a Terrain (& in a Terrainer)? I mean, surely we can find someone to at least do a decent job, even if only as a "stand-in" for your dream-terrain. : )
Check em out. If anyone out there reading this is inspired by these, why not make me a building for me? ;D
The Turtle Breeding grounds has been completed. It's basically just an edited dragon roost. I may redo it, but idonno. We'll see. I also made the campfire tannery. My answer to my problem with getting a good looking tannery. So I figured, a tannery isn't very complex nor should it be very big. So, I used the campfire as a base. ;P
Because I'm in such a good mood because of the progress being made, here's a picture of the turtle breeding ground as well.
Whenever I make an alternate animation, I use the tinker texture. It's my unwritten rule for goblin summons, they always use the tinker texture. Whenever an animation is done, I create the TC'd version using the tinker tank texture. kellym0 is having a crack at helping me with animating when he can. He said it would take him roughly a week.
So, like, Terraining, eh? What exactly are you looking for, in a Terrain (& in a Terrainer)? I mean, surely we can find someone to at least do a decent job, even if only as a "stand-in" for your dream-terrain. : )
I've made a wonderful trade with the group developing the map known as OaD (Oasis and Deserts, I think it stands for). I make them models, they make me terrain. ;D
I've known for a while that their terrainer is badass. So it's a win win situation for me.
That's about it, so far. Oh wait, I also started pondering if I should have a mechanical scarecrow for speeding up farming. Because farming is usually very slow. ;P
Not much to add. Finished the Goblin Air Production building. Was going to go with the concept that I had before, but ended up deciding on making something that looks like NOD again. The Air Tower, ladies and gentlemen;
There's still some room for tweaking, but the basic shape is done. The next two buildings left are the Footsoldier production building (Or should I just use the current default goblin building?) and the smithy. The rest are not as important. ;P
The size of that model is already 271kb though. Also, would you really be able to see that from there? I kinda doubt it. I figured using the Radar hut as a detection of enemies and connecting to the air towers would be a nice fix.
The size of that model is already 271kb though. Also, would you really be able to see that from there? I kinda doubt it. I figured using the Radar hut as a detection of enemies and connecting to the air towers would be a nice fix.
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