[Miscellanous / Other] Goblin Dominator Squad 2.0

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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I've once again agreed with a trade with a guy.
This guy however, is trustyworthy and does nice work, way faster than any other guy who helped me with terraining before. ;P

don_svetlio is his name btw.

I would've supplied a screenshot of his work, because it is awesome, but his terrain has gone through numerous iterations and showing any would ultimely be a WIP stage.
Nevertheless, my tradeoff will be a knight, a model I made which is probably one of the few models I am actually proud of. Will be sharing the model to the hive when I am done with it. ;P

I like sharing WIP's with people though, so here's a WIP of the request. Oh and DSgamer said he'd possibly make a skin for the knight also. ;P
I'm using two pictures as inspiration. One primary reference; http://tnluhw.blu.livefilestore.com...sSx-j/HOMM5_Haven_Creature_Paladin.jpg?psid=1
And one secondary picture that has been etched into my mind forever as a typical knight; http://ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/Cavalier

This model has been a very good practice for animation. After geries gave me a couple pointers, I think I can begin making more complicated animation in the future. ;D
Takakenji is also working to make either the Goblin Barracks or the Goblin Blacksmith. I haven't heard much about his progress though.
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Heyo ladies and gentlemen. Some more progress. Takakenji decided to work with the Goblin Blacksmith. Donno how much he has done with it, but I did hear that he had started with it. ;P

The terrain trade has been rather successful in my opinion. I'm going so show some terrain WIP screenshots to you guys. Even though it's WIPs, it's still flipping good imo, don_svetlio does good work.





Here's the knight WIP that I've been working with myself, I think it's pretty good so far. It has a few flaws needed to be fixed though, but I donno, I like it.

The animating has been rather difficult though, that knight attack animation, damn it is is annoying. Started tinkering a little with the Goblin Hammerhead Sub. I was looking for inspiration a while back and found this;

Figured I could make something goblinish with it. So I started somewhat, here's a WIP of that.
This is just a rough planning tinkering WIP though. It doesn't steal time from the knight, I just kinda needed to work on something else a little now and then to get some energy back. ;D
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Hey guys, been a while since I posted here. I was annoyed by the fact that Ikillforeyou's zeppelin didn't really fit all that well with the ingame zeppelin, so I made my own zeppelin. I call it the Zeppelin Bomber.


Terrain wise, I'm having progress. Since the trade with don_svetlio ended, I made a new trade with bhusta and if I'm lucky enough, he might even complete the terrain map and allow me to start beta testing. His request though is a runic stone heart relic and I've been tweaking multiple concepts. Anyhow, the Hammerhead Submarine has had some progress as well.

Here's a WIP of that.

Takakenji is apparently still not done with his model, I think? He said a long while ago that he would be done with it in a couple days and then time passed. I wonder if he forgot about it. ;/
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Hey guys, been a while since I posted here. I was annoyed by the fact that Ikillforeyou's zeppelin didn't really fit all that well with the ingame zeppelin, so I made my own zeppelin. I call it the Zeppelin Bomber.

Woah, pretty neat. I have to say, nifty idea (just stretching out the existing Zeppelin, add some propellers & a bombing-thing)... But it seems a bit weird, too. Like, the original Zeppelin (the stuff that makes it up) just seems too flimsy and ramshackle to be the same material that makes a giant "Kirov Airship"-style unit. Have you seen Phoenix-IV's "armored zeppelin" unit?

//EDIT - Aw man, thanks for pointing out ikillforyou's stuff; I've still missed out on a lot of the resources that came out while I was on my mission, and so I totally missed that cool Zeppelin, the fighter plane, and that awexome Rally Point! Noice.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
The concepts are not really that different. the Difference is a metallic grid on the inside that enables the more typical zeppelin design. After a couple of rows, a couple of metallic rings with TC on it keeps the thing stable and enables it to retain the same shape. The same goes for the in-game zeppelin, although that one is more of a balloon to be quite honest.

At the back of the zeppelin bomber boat that hangs under it, there's a power source that has a tube connected to the rear propeller. I could probably tweak that and make that bigger, but it's not really that necessary.

I did check out the armored zeppelin, but that one feels more like a zeppelin upgrade than an alternate unit. Then again, so does this one. Maybe I should include that one and allow you to upgrade your zeppelins to the slow and powerful zeppelin bombers or speedier, somewhat more armored ones that you suggested. That'd be neat.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen. I've forgotten to update this thread for quite a while.
The terrain is going forward rather smoothly, as bhusta is working on it.

He said something about potentially completing it this weekened. Which is pretty damn cool imo. Because this means I can rather quickly start beta testing. ;P

Takakenji made an attempt at the Goblin Smithy, but as the final result came out as rather low quality, I'm afraid I can't use it, as it clashed with the other models.

In other news, the Goblin creeps are basically done, rounded off by a WIP Tradeprince Mech. Which was intentionally made to look a little like a Mafia Boss.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen. I've forgotten to update this thread for quite a while.
In other news, the Goblin creeps are basically done, rounded off by a WIP Tradeprince Mech. Which was intentionally made to look a little like a Mafia Boss.

Finally, someone finally pops out the model that's been needed for so long & beautifully illustrated for WoW... A Steamthrone/mech-riding Tradeprince. I'm a big fan. Please consider submitting this to the Resource section; I have a hard time seeing it not be accepted.

More to the point, I'm a big fan. I'll admit, it looks really... "busy" (lots of meshes put together, lots of colors, a little confusing). Probably makes more sense in-game. Also, I'm surprised you went for simply having gun-arms; after seeing Handclaw's variety of weaponry/tools for his Steamthrones, I can't help but think there could be some interesting variations of arms (or perhaps, like the Tinker, multi-use arms).

Personally, I've always been really torn between having a more "business-man" Tradeprince (as here or here), to the more "mob-boss" Tradeprince (like yours), to the more "princely" Tradeprince (like so). Palanquin, Steam Throne, Crowd of Adoring Fans... So many choices.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008

Finally, someone finally pops out the model that's been needed for so long & beautifully illustrated for WoW... A Steamthrone/mech-riding Tradeprince. I'm a big fan. Please consider submitting this to the Resource section; I have a hard time seeing it not be accepted.

More to the point, I'm a big fan. I'll admit, it looks really... "busy" (lots of meshes put together, lots of colors, a little confusing). Probably makes more sense in-game. Also, I'm surprised you went for simply having gun-arms; after seeing Handclaw's variety of weaponry/tools for his Steamthrones, I can't help but think there could be some interesting variations of arms (or perhaps, like the Tinker, multi-use arms).

Personally, I've always been really torn between having a more "business-man" Tradeprince (as here or here), to the more "mob-boss" Tradeprince (like yours), to the more "princely" Tradeprince (like so). Palanquin, Steam Throne, Crowd of Adoring Fans... So many choices.

The decision to go with mob boss was easy to me. The scrooge McGoblin is too greedy and lack charisma and general leadership qualities. The fat leprechaun wow goblin lack intelligence and while retaining some charisma, still only comes off as a fat leprechaun. The ultra prince-y goblins lacks both charisma, intelligence and real leadership qualities. There's not really anything complex about them. They are black or white. They are evil, look evil and do evil things. That's boring.

The Mob Boss goblin however, is overflowing with charisma. A man who is not against going others, doing backhanded deals, hiring criminals to wack someone who gets out of line. A man who rules with a sense of dread, while still looking composed and rightful to anyone else looking into his domain. A twofaced criminal prince of trades and goods. A mastermind of his minions, knowing just what strings to pull to keep his minions working for him. Those loyal to him are rewarded, while those who betray him get wacked. As such, with his followers being rewarded for their deeds, he becomes loved by his people, when he gains more power, he is able to reward others more, to ensure he gets more profits. While he will be the one who in the end gains the most profit, the reward will be so plenty full for his minions that they don't really care.

It makes for a much more interesting character in my opinion.. There's also other reasons that make this more interesting. Not all goblins will be minions for profits. Some may just be bound due to blackmail from the tradeprince and thus having the mob boss goblin wacked to replace him will never work, as the threads he held on the others will unravel and throw the goblin society he once ruled into pure chaos.

As for the Mech. It's a little messy in the closeup, I guess.
Here's an ingame screeny with the model as a Neutral Hostile

It's actually much smaller ingame. I just made it bigger to showcase it. Just assume that the goblins on the mech should be about the same size as the one on the trike.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
The decision to go with mob boss was easy to me. The scrooge McGoblin is too greedy and lack charisma and general leadership qualities. The fat leprechaun wow goblin lack intelligence and while retaining some charisma, still only comes off as a fat leprechaun. The ultra prince-y goblins lacks both charisma, intelligence and real leadership qualities. There's not really anything complex about them. They are black or white. They are evil, look evil and do evil things. That's boring.

The Mob Boss goblin however, is overflowing with charisma. A man who is not against going others, doing backhanded deals, hiring criminals to wack someone who gets out of line. A man who rules with a sense of dread, while still looking composed and rightful to anyone else looking into his domain. A twofaced criminal prince of trades and goods. A mastermind of his minions, knowing just what strings to pull to keep his minions working for him. Those loyal to him are rewarded, while those who betray him get wacked. As such, with his followers being rewarded for their deeds, he becomes loved by his people, when he gains more power, he is able to reward others more, to ensure he gets more profits. While he will be the one who in the end gains the most profit, the reward will be so plenty full for his minions that they don't really care.

It makes for a much more interesting character in my opinion.. There's also other reasons that make this more interesting. Not all goblins will be minions for profits. Some may just be bound due to blackmail from the tradeprince and thus having the mob boss goblin wacked to replace him will never work, as the threads he held on the others will unravel and throw the goblin society he once ruled into pure chaos.
Well, while I could definitely argue with the same level of verbosity and feeling for any one of the three, I'll avoid picking a fight; I'm just glad someone other than me puts that kind & level of thought into such a decision. :p Many people are just like "duh, mob-boss is kewl and wears black i guess.."

MiniMage said:
As for the Mech. It's a little messy in the closeup, I guess.
Here's an ingame screeny with the model as a Neutral Hostile

It's actually much smaller ingame. I just made it bigger to showcase it. Just assume that the goblins on the mech should be about the same size as the one on the trike.
Interesting. I suppose that'll work, made slightly smaller... He's just awfully huge. Can't imagine what his hit-box is like. What kind of animations does he use? Maaaaan.

Also, you probably are aware of this, but those Goblins off to the side are almost unnoticeable due to their size. You may want to consider increasing that a bit (in spite of realism).

Oh, and... DL? :p
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Because the boneset I made was unique, no wc3 animations would be transfered. Atm I got a rickety walk animation and a death animation.
The rest of the animations is basically just it being static. There's no attack or spell animations. I asked Tarrasque yesterday but he wasn't interested in requests anymore apparently.

Once I finish animating it by the best of my ability, I'll upload it. But then again, I did say I would upload the majority of my models once my map is complete and we're pretty close to that date.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Because the boneset I made was unique, no wc3 animations would be transfered. Atm I got a rickety walk animation and a death animation.
The rest of the animations is basically just it being static. There's no attack or spell animations.
Huh. I imagine that's a bit of a challenge... Could you use certain parts of animations from existing units? I don't know if you've tried Retera's "MatrixEater" program, but it can (apparently) do fine-tuned stuff like ex/importing parts of animations around. Maybe Shredder legs & arms with Robo-Tinker top? Eh.

MiniMage said:
I asked Tarrasque yesterday but he wasn't interested in requests anymore apparently.
Aww... That's too bad. :< *crosses out To-Do list for the week

MiniMage said:
Once I finish animating it by the best of my ability, I'll upload it. But then again, I did say I would upload the majority of my models once my map is complete and we're pretty close to that date.
Very cool; looking forward to both. :p
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
There's tools that allow partial transfering of animations? Gimme a link to that tool. I want it.
Yeah you do. :p It's still a WIP, but Retera has been doing tons to make it work (coded from the ground up); he's even put out Youtube video tutorials. Can't remember where it is, but search the "Tools" section or just hunt down Retera's profile; it's pretty easy to find from there. Yeah, it's pretty much perfect for custom mounted units; he has examples of Grunts riding Dragons & stuff (grunt upper-body anims, dragon flying anims).

MiniMage said:
Also, shredder legs are immovable in all but death and walk animations. It's the upper body where the action happens in that model.
Really? I thought they did the "running" motion. Huh.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Yeah you do. :p It's still a WIP, but Retera has been doing tons to make it work (coded from the ground up); he's even put out Youtube video tutorials. Can't remember where it is, but search the "Tools" section or just hunt down Retera's profile; it's pretty easy to find from there. Yeah, it's pretty much perfect for custom mounted units; he has examples of Grunts riding Dragons & stuff (grunt upper-body anims, dragon flying anims).
Hmm, I'm gonna try that tool when I find it.

Really? I thought they did the "running" motion. Huh.
Well, yeah. But I already have walk and death animations. Open the model in mdlvis, it's the machinery above that bounces up and down and rotates. ;P
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
you should upload the map, specially because that is a rule of this sub forum.

Incorrect. There is no such rule. I know you guys are impatient, but do not lie to get it your way. It's unprofessional and rude.
Bhusta is taking a surprisingly long time, but I hope I don't have to find a new terrainer to do the final push. I've been unable to contact him for quite a while now. ;I

Oh and in other news. I got a voice actor added to the project. DivineArms has been making some soundsets for me.
He completed the soundset for the Tradeprince Mech and started working on the Flametank soundset, that in his words "Raped his voice". XD

I've sketched down lines for the Assault Tank and the Hammerhead as well, so when he's done with the flame tank,
if he is still in the mood, I got more stuff for him to add. I think it'll add a lot to the project. ;P
you should upload the map, specially because that is a rule of this sub forum.
WUT? What are you talking about? Where did you hear that?
Oh and in other news. I got a voice actor added to the project. DivineArms has been making some soundsets for me.
He completed the soundset for the Tradeprince Mech and started working on the Flametank soundset, that in his words "Raped his voice". XD
That sounds great MM. Good team you have :3
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
the top of the page say that people need to attach the map to the post unless it is complete enough to be placed in the map section.

Oh dear. Please re-read that statement. It says that you CAN post the map file, when you want to. When one is ready one can upload the map officially to the gallery, however if the map is not completely done, you can instead upload the map to your map thread. The reason it is phrased this way is to ensure that when you officially upload your map. You're a hundred percent sure that the map is done, complete.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Well, I am currently in the process of redesigning that turret with the goblin on that ship. I figured I'd just take my cannon turret design and adapt it a little. It would look much better and fit much better too. ;P

Oh and in other news. The profiteer finally has a summon. The Piggybank!

Its actual use ingame will either be an extra inventory or like a shop, in the sense that you can sell items. Other ideas was that the selling of stuff to the piggybank will spawn gold coin items, which you can smelt into gold bars instead and then make other stuff out of that.. or use it to fund projects or hire mercenaries. As money will be items as much as resources will be items.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
From a goblin-esque hero I created:

-Greed Vault
Summons an immobile vault that deals splash damage. Units killed return 20% of their point value in gold.

-Derivative Wealth
Gains 1 gold per 600 enemy gold every second. No gains when enemy market value is under 600 gold. Gains capped at 10 gold per second.
Call the first "Turret of Taxation" and the second "Tariffs" and we got a deal. :p

(lol, "turret of taxation" is the worst name ever...)
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
If you would like the triggers let me know.

Eh, sure. I don't mind, send it to me with a PM. Anyhow, some more progress with the tradeprince model. One of its two types of attack are done. The venomous spewing of volatile liquids, akin to a flamethrower. Only the cannon attack animation, the spell animations and a few stand animations to go.


As for my terrain? Well, It's frozen again. So I need to find me another terrainer to help me complete it. 91% is done. So it really isn't all that much to complete. Bhusta said he'd be able to complete it if he had two days-ish to do it, but then mentioned that work was taking up too much time and it was unfair to expect me to wait, because he didn't even have time to work on his own project.

Velm did an attempt to tweak it, but gave up after a week or two due to exams and life taking the priority, leaving little time to terrain.

So yeah, I don't want to put the project on ice, I'll still make models, scribble down ideas and stockpile interesting triggers, vjass or jass spells and systems. But I still wont be able to beta test. ;/
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008

I may have some time this summer. Are we talking standard melee terrain?

Well, there's screenshots in this thread. Do you remember kinda how Exploration Squads terrain was like? A lot like that, although slightly upped. No WC3 cliffs.

I can show you using skype if you want.
I could show both the mechanics, models and the terrain.
Well, there's screenshots in this thread. Do you remember kinda how Exploration Squads terrain was like? A lot like that, although slightly upped. No WC3 cliffs.

I can show you using skype if you want.
I could show both the mechanics, models and the terrain.

I would be able to help but it won't be until midsummer. I'll be abroad for a month.
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